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Mafia Bride

Page 7

by Bella King

  My eyes are drawn to his pelvic region, where a hefty cock sits slumped over two hanging balls. His package is huge, truly a gift to him and me both. I’m impressed by his body, but I’m also afraid of it. It seems too good to touch, like a fine piece of art in a museum.

  “Like what you see?” Viktor asks in a low voice. It rolls through the heat of the sauna like cool vapor.

  I snap out of the seductive daze that I’m in, turning my head away from him and blinking my eyes rapidly to erase the image of his nudity from my mind.

  Too late. Viktor’s cock is permanently burned into the gray matter of my brain.

  I don’t know how to respond to Viktor’s question, so I stay silent.

  “You know, you don’t have to be shy anymore. We are practically a married couple already,” Viktor explains, sitting down beside me. He’s so close that his thigh touches mine.

  “I’m not shy,” I say, a blatant lie.

  He chuckles. “Of course not. That’s why you’re terrified to look at me. Am I that ugly?”

  “No,” I blurt, quick to correct him. “You’re not ugly at all.”

  “But Dimitri is,” Viktor says, placing his hand on my sweaty thigh and laughing.

  “He’s not that bad,” I say, but that’s also a lie. Dimitri looks like he fell face-first into a blender.

  “You can be honest with me, Cora. Dimitri has been through a lot for me, which is why his face looks like it does. He’s loyal like nobody else is, even in the face of certain death,” Viktor says, keeping his hand firmly on my thigh.

  “What happened?” I ask. What could a politician’s driver possibly get himself into?

  “It happened about eight years ago. Dimitri was captured during an assassination attempt on me. They tortured him, cutting his face up with glass dipped in snack venom. He almost died,” Viktor explains, leaning in and speaking with an even thicker Russian accent, as though the memory takes him back to an earlier time.

  “Why would they do that?” I ask, mortified.

  “Because they wanted him to talk. Politicians have enemies, Cora. You must never trust anyone but me around here, no matter what.”

  I look at him, sweat dripping down my nose and splashing onto my bare lap. The heat, coupled with the intensity of Viktor’s story, makes me feel weak. It’s about time to leave the sauna. “I don’t want to be in danger.”

  Viktor straightens up, rolling his broad shoulder back. “I will keep you safe, Cora. That is my vow to you.”

  “Well,” I say, placing my hands on my knees and pushing myself up from the bench. “You can start by letting me out of this sauna. I’m going to be cooked alive pretty soon.”

  Viktor smiles. “Very well. We can rinse off in the shower, then enjoy a nice lunch together.”

  “Perfect,” I say, already heading for the exit.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Maybe I shouldn’t have told Cora the story about Dimitri, but I want her to feel like I’m being truthful with her. Revealing some truths won’t hurt in the long run. It should help her trust me more.

  I run my fingers through my hair, sitting in front of the vanity in the master bedroom as I wait for Cora to get out of the shower. She was brave going into the sauna with me, but I let her take a shower first so she wouldn’t get too worked up. I want her to be comfortable.

  Seeing Cora naked was wonderful. Her body is even more perfect than I had imagined, something that genuinely surprised me. There wasn’t a single freckle out of place, and her butt curved dramatically on her backside. She’s the perfect woman. I’m sure of that.

  The more I do with her, the more she’ll forget about her previous life. She will get used to me and stop being afraid of what her future holds. I wish to instill confidence in her, but Mrs. Johnson managed to put a speedbump on that happening.

  When I went into her office, I quickly went through her search history. Other than the amusing amount of pornography on there, she had a lot of search results for my name, as well as reverse image searches of security camera stills from videos that had been recorded while I was at the Lauder Estate.

  She was a curious woman, but one who I would want on my side if I could have her. However, I seriously doubt she would want to join forces with the mafia after having worked in a legitimate role for her entire life.

  Mrs. Johnson was very close to finding out who I really am. She would have told Cora if she had still been at the estate when Cora returned home, but thankfully, I acted with urgency. My men managed to lure her out of the estate and snatch her up in an unmarked vehicle, taking her far away from here so that I wouldn’t be exposed.

  I shake my head at the thought of someone getting that close to figuring me out. It would be too easy, but there’s not a lot I can do about it with today’s technology. I’ll have to keep Cora off the internet until she trusts me completely, which might be a long time. It may even be forever.

  Jonathan Lauder hadn’t cared who I was, only that I had money. I believe that’s how everyone should think of me. I don’t exist. I’m simply a stack of hundred-dollar bills, available to anyone who has the things that I want.

  Money isn’t everything, but it got me to Cora, and it will get me into the US government, so I’ll appreciate it for what it’s worth. The rest of my battle has to be fought by cunning, discipline, and a hefty seasoning of charm. I’m not so bad at that, as it turns out. Cora already seems to like me.

  “Viktor,” a small voice says from behind me.

  I turn around to see Cora in a small towel, barely able to cover her body with it. She must have picked the smallest one I have, and that had to have been on purpose. She is quite the coquette when she wants to be.

  “The shower is free now. Thank you for giving me my privacy,” she says, giving me those big eyes and a sweet smile.

  “Don’t get used to it,” I reply, standing up and quickly walking past her to the bathroom. It’s all I can do not to grab her and sink my cock into her precious body when she looks at me like that. I don’t think she knows how much I want her.

  I feel my erection growing as I walk the path she just came from, smelling the freshness of her warm body as I pass. There’s something primal about the way that her scent turns me on like her body was made just for me. I want to breathe her in completely and be consumed by her softness.

  I told myself that I wouldn’t initiate sex on the first night, but that’s quickly becoming a null point. I’ll go crazy with her around me all the time, teasing me to the point where my cock leaks precum constantly. It’ll drive me insane to wait any longer.

  When I get to the shower, I turn the water to as cold as it can go. There might as well be ice pouring down on my shoulders as I get into the large shower to rinse the sinful thoughts out of my head. I inhale sharply, my breath remaining shallow as my body reacts to the ungodly cold. For all the freezing Russian winters I’ve been through in my life, the cold still affects me greatly.

  I rinse the sweat off my body quickly, then turn the water off. I’ve managed to calm my mind with a cold shower, a classic technique for keeping yourself from getting too worked up. The heat can really put you in a sensual mood.

  I towel myself off, then walk out into the master bedroom naked to get my clothes. Cora is already clothed in a small yellow dress, sitting on the bed with her feet dangling off the side. She gawks at me as I walk by her toward the dresser to retrieve my clothes.

  She’s a funny girl. That’s for sure. I’m going to miss her expressions once she gets used to me being naked. It’s good fun while it lasts, though. Everything she does is so animated and dramatic.

  I fish out a white t-shirt and a p[air of black jeans from the dresser. I don’t usually dress so casually, but now that I’m settling in at home, I want to change a few things about my life. It will be nice to relax with someone who I don’t have to fear an assassination attempt from. I used to never let a woman sleep in the same room as me.

  “Are you hung
ry?” I ask as I pull the cotton t-shirt over my head.

  “Yes, I’m starved,” she says eagerly.

  “Do you like seafood?” I ask.

  “Seafood? I love it,” she replies.

  I already knew that. I’ve done plenty of research on her. I’m not the type of man who comes in unprepared. That wouldn’t be very mafia of me.

  I hear Cora spring off the bed, her light body landing with a graceful thud on the handwoven wool carpet that sits by the bed. I had the carpet flown in from Russia. They don’t make them the same here, and it’s nice to have little pieces of home with me.

  “I have a chef that will make us lunch,” I say to Cora as she comes up beside me. I can tell that she’s eager to eat.

  “Great,” she says cheerfully, smiling at me.

  I look at her warm face, examining her beautiful once again. Her cheeks are like peaches, and her eyes are like blueberries. She has the face of springtime, and the warmth in her soul to match. How the hell did a sinful man like me get to be so lucky?

  “Come,” I say as I buckle a thin leather belt around my waist. “Let’s eat.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  I must admit, the first night I spent with Viktor was terrifying. I kept thinking that I was going to wake up to him, trying to kiss me or squeeze me in his large hands, but he remained respectful. Well, he did at first. By the third night, we were sleeping like spoons stacked together with my butt pressed firmly against his bare cock.

  It comes as no surprise to me that Viktor wants to fuck me. He’s been making more and more sexual innuendos around the house as we eat and play together. I’m having fun with it, but I know where this will lead. Now that he’s comfortable touching me at night, he’s going to go for gold, probably tonight as we snuggle up in the bed together.

  I’m mentally preparing myself for it, but that won’t take away the novelty of having sex with him. It will be my first time with anyone, and I can’t stop myself from being nervous about it. I’ll just have to suck it up and enjoy the ride. I’m sure that Viktor will go easy on me the first time.

  He’s a charming man, and he has surprised me so far with how understanding and gentle he can be at times. Sure, if I start asking questions about his past, he’ll bark orders to silence me, but as long as I stay off the subject of his work or his past life, he’s the perfect gentleman.

  Considering how nice these past few days have been, I’ve almost given up on figuring out the truth about Viktor. It’s tempting to slip into a convenient version of reality that makes me more comfortable, but it's not real. Ultimately, I don’t feel comfortable living a pretty lie. I must seek the truth.

  At this time, though, the truth will have to wait. I have no leads, and Viktor hasn’t let me out of his sight to start snooping. I believe he knows that I will and doesn’t want me to be alone until he thinks he can trust me. That might be a very long time, and I believe he’ll break before I do. After all, he’s the one with work obligations. He can’t hang out with me all day for the rest of his life.

  Currently, he’s on the couch, watching some strange TV show in Russian while I slather myself with aloe gel to soothe my sunburned skin. It’s not a serious burn, but I don’t like to leave any sunburn untreated.

  I was out all day in the sun with Viktor, but apparently, he doesn’t burn. A can see a slight pinkness on his straight nose, but nothing more than that. I’m envious, since I love to lay in the tiny yellow flowers outside, soaking up as much sun as I can. I’m convinced I might be solar powered.

  “How’s your skin?” Viktor asks as I squirt another generous dollop of aloe gel into my palm.

  “Just a little warm,” I answer, rubbing my hands together.

  “Maybe we should get you some sunscreen,” he says.

  “No,” I blurt. “I don’t like it.”

  “Cora,” he replies, his eyes meeting mine. “You’re silly. Do you want to damage your skin?”

  “No, but I could just spend less time in the sun.”

  Viktor laughs. “I can’t imagine you spending any less time in the sun than you do now. If anything, you’ll probably spend more time out once I leave.”

  “Leave?” I ask, perking up.

  Viktor nods. “I have to take care of some business. It’s political stuff.”

  I don’t question the work that he’s doing. I’m more focused on the fact that he’ll be away for some time, and I can finally search the house for clues about what kind of man Viktor really is. It will be a shame to ruin a budding romance between us, but this will be my final chance to expose him before the wedding. After that, there’s not a lot that I can do.

  I slap my hands down a bit too hard on my left shin, causing it to sting as the cold aloe soaks into my salmon-tinted skin. My eyes water as I rub the aloe in.

  “When do you have to leave?” I ask, trying to frame the question in a way that makes him feel like I don’t want him to go. Honestly, I have mixed feelings about it. I do enjoy his company.

  “Tomorrow,” he answers, much to my surprise.

  “Really? Is it that important?” I ask, looking up at him.

  Viktor rubs his chin, nodding. “It’s pressing enough to take me away from you, regretfully.”

  “When are you going to be back?” I ask, picking up the bottle of aloe again.

  “Thursday,” he answers.

  That’s three days from now. I’m surprised that he’s going to be gone for that long. It must really be important for him to leave me alone for this long when he doesn’t fully trust me. It’s too bad that he won’t get into the specifics of it, though. I just wonder if this is going to be a regular thing.

  “Could I go with you?” I ask, more to test him than to express any real desire to join him. I’d rather stay home unless he plans to fly out to somewhere exotic.

  “No,” Viktor replies. “I’d like you to make yourself comfortable at home until I return. Dimitri can take you to the park or something if you ask him nicely.”

  That’s way more freedom than I assumed I would get here. I’m pleasantly surprised by the way Viktor is treating me. My father was sorely paranoid that someone would kidnap me the second I stepped foot off the estate. He didn’t even like me walking around in the lawn without a bodyguard hovering over me with every step I took.

  “Aren’t you worried about me getting snatched up by someone?” I ask, rolling a lock of blonde hair around my finger and tilting my head to the side.

  “I have guards everywhere, darling. No harm will ever come to you,” he says confidently.

  His words make me feel comfortable. It’s not just the things that he says, but also the way that he says them that gives me a sense of peace and safety. I’m quite fond of the power and strength that Viktor imposes against any threats to my wellbeing.

  “I’ll miss you,” I say, standing up with the half-used bottle of aloe gel. I mean the words that I say. They’re not just to lure him into a false sense of security. I really will miss him. He’s just about the only friend I’ve ever had.

  Viktor stands up with me, coming toward me with an elegant stride, his lips pushed out slightly, and his eyes narrowed. There is a subtle smile on his face, but just barely, like the Mona Lisa. Viktor is a work of art, after all.

  “I’ll miss you too, Cora,” he says once he stops in front of me.

  Our eyes meet, and the hairs on my arms stand up at what I see in his gaze. It freezes me in place as he raises a hand to my flushed cheek. Viktor’s hand hovers just above my skin for a moment before pressing lightly against it. His hands feel cool to the touch, but that’s only because of how warm I am.

  “Why don’t we go to the bedroom,” he says, his voice silky with intent.

  I bite my lip, unable to look away from the seductive swirl of lust in his eyes. I didn’t see this coming, but now that it’s here, it’s all I can see. I’m blind to the rest of the world. Viktor has a way of captivating me in such an all-encompassing way.

/>   “What are we going to do in the bedroom?” I ask as though the answer isn’t obvious.

  Viktor raises one of his dark eyebrows. “I think it’s about time we consummate this marriage.”

  “But we’re not married,” I say as Viktor’s hand moves down from my face to my shoulder, then to my waist.

  “Quite frankly, Cora, I don’t think I can wait that long,” he says, his voice a throaty and urgent whisper.

  Every cell in my body is on high alert as he pulls me close to him by my waist, pressing his body against mine like he did last night. His body radiates heat into mine, feeding me with his sexual energy. I find myself growing horny as he holds me in this position, as though he’s transferring his vitality to me through close contact.

  “You wanted to see the world, Cora,” Viktor says, tilting his head down to mine. “I’m going to show it to you.”

  His mouth is barely an inch from mine now, open and tempting me to make the connection. I don’t know what to do, other than to stay perfectly still. Any movement will initiate contact, and I’m not sure if I’m ready for it. I’m just a shy young woman trying to figure out how to navigate new waters.

  Viktor won’t accept my shyness this time, however. The shower privacy was enough for him. He moves forward, lips opening more as they come down on mine. He leans into my soul with this kiss, drinking from the fountain of love.

  I feel a shockwave roll through my body as our lips make contact. It starts from the front of my lips, tingling through the rest of my lips, and spreads through my face. Once there, the awesome feeling rushes through my head and flows like liquid through the rest of my body, dripping into my toes and making them curl.

  I sink deeper into the kiss, tasting Viktor’s mouth as his hands begin to move over me. He’s gentle with his touch, which I appreciate since I have a light sunburn, but not so gentle that he seems passive. The urgency is still very much there.


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