Classic Home Video Games (1985-1988)

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Classic Home Video Games (1985-1988) Page 15

by Brett Weiss

  thanks to financial and distribution problems

  from behind and a little above the bowler, lets

  suffered by Active Enterprises. However, 1500

  players select ball weight (7, 9, 11, 13, or 15

  copies of the game were originally produced

  pounds), position the bowler left and right, and

  prior to the downfall of Active, and, in 1996,

  set the power (via a fast-moving meter) and

  these cartridges made their way into the hands

  curve of the ball. A strip along the right side of

  of collectors and dealers via a liquidation sale.

  the screen gives an overhead view of the lane

  In the game, players guide an anthropomor-

  and pins. The music is decidedly hyper, infus-

  phic cheetah as he walks, jumps on platforms

  ing dramatic punch into an already fun game.

  (including gray squares suspended in the air),

  Curiously, a four-player adapter is required for and leaps across gaps and over simpleminded

  three- and four-player games, despite the al-

  dogs, birds, and snakes. Armed with a cross-

  ternating nature of the gameplay. Not to be

  bow, the cheetah also shoots swordsmen

  confused with the Genesis game of the same

  (whose bodies are invisible), tornadoes, and


  other enemies amongst such simplistic imagery

  as grass, posts, and skulls. The cheetah cannot

  Championship Pool

  duck, so lower enemies can’t be shot. The pro-

  PUBLISHER: Mindscape. DEVELOPER: Bitmas-

  gramming is obviously unfinished as it gives

  ters. Sports/Billiards, 1–8 players (alternating,

  players just four of a proposed six levels (the

  2-player simultaneous). 1993.

  game crashes at the end of level four). Unli-


  Endorsed by the Billiard Congress of

  America, Championship Pool is viewed from

  overhead, with players using a cursor to aim

  The Chessmaster

  shots and a power meter (which appears along

  PUBLISHER: Hi Tech Expressions. DEVELOPER:

  The Software Toolworks. Board Game, 1 or 2

  with the cue in a pop-up window) to facilitate

  players (simultaneous). 1990.

  how hard to hit the ball. Prior to taking a shot,

  players can get a preview (via a phantom ball)

  A nicely programmed port of the popular

  of approximately where the hit ball will land if

  computer chess series (which began in 1986

  the player proceeds to take that shot. Players

  with The Chessmaster 2000), The Chessmaster for



  the NES lets gamers challenge a friend or play

  to find Mandy’s lost kitten. This entails run-

  against the Chessmaster himself. Or, gamers

  ning, jumping, and throwing boxes and other

  can simply watch the Chessmaster play both

  items at such enemies as Racquet Roo, Rhino

  sides of the board. At any time during a match,

  Runner, Hawk Bomber, mechanical bulldogs,

  players can switch sides with the Chessmaster

  and robotic rats. Thankfully, friends are also

  and assume control of his pieces (and vice

  onboard: Gadget leaves clues and inventions;

  versa). Other options and features include forc-

  Monterey Jack helps in finding secret doors and

  ing the Chessmaster to move, taking back and

  pathways; and Zipper makes the titular squir-

  replaying pieces, setting up the board as de-

  rel duo invincible. Rescue Rangers is a tad easy, sired, making the Chessmaster solve for a

  but the visuals and theme mimic the cartoon

  forced mate, and more. There are 16 difficulty


  levels, giving gamers of most any skill level a

  good mental workout. The jazz classic “Take

  Chip ’n Dale Rescue Rangers 2

  Five” plays during the title screen. Produced


  for numerous systems, The Chessmaster

  Side-Scrolling Platform, 1 or 2 players (simul-

  spawned such follow-ups as The Chessmaster

  taneous). 1994.

  3-D (PlayStation) and Chessmaster: The Art of Rescue Rangers 2 features the same type of

  Learning (PSP, Nintendo DS).

  cute, entertaining platforming action as its pro-

  genitor, but with a number of improvements,


  including better graphics, more of a storyline,

  PUBLISHER: American Game Cartridges. DE-

  and the ability to throw boxes diagonally. As

  VELOPER: Exidy. Light Gun Shooter, 1 or 2

  in the first game, boxes are also used for hiding.

  players (simultaneous). 1990.

  Chip and Dale can pick up stunned enemies

  Based on the 1986 Exidy arcade semi-clas-

  this time around, and Gadget, Monterey Jack,

  sic, which was outfitted with a mounted gun

  and Zipper make return appearances, though

  controller, Chiller was not licensed by Nin-

  in altered roles (Monterey gives out donuts, for

  tendo, probably due to its extreme (for the sys-

  example). Environments to run and jump

  tem) levels of gore and sadistic violence (there

  through include a kitchen, a sewer, a ship, a

  were a few changes made, however, such as the

  haunted warehouse, a clock tower, and more.

  removal of the graveyard nudity and the ab-

  sence of the plethora of body parts lying about

  Chubby Cherub

  the torture chamber floor). Players use the Zap-

  PUBLISHER: Bandai. DEVELOPER: Bandai. Side-

  per light gun or the control pad to shoot zom-

  Scrolling Platform, 1 or 2 players (alternat-

  bies and talismans, the latter of which cause

  ing). 1986.

  the dead to come back to life. Set in the Middle

  In Chubby Cherub, players guide a naked

  Ages, the game is chock full of horror imagery,

  little angel as he walks (on roofs of houses,

  including a graveyard, a haunted house, and a

  walls, and the ground), jumps, and flies (his

  rack room. Unfortunately, thanks to inaccu-

  primary method of transport) through cute,

  rate, unresponsive controls, gameplay comes

  colorful, nicely drawn worlds, each containing

  up lacking, ruining the guilty pleasures such a

  biting dogs, egg-throwing crows, and puffs of

  game might provide.

  smoke. There’s even a burglar who throws fire-

  crackers at our hapless hero. To scare the dogs

  Chip ’n Dale Rescue Rangers

  and make them run away, Chubby Cherub can


  emit heart symbols with his “gau-gau” cannon.

  Side-Scrolling Platform, 1 or 2 players (simul-

  To maintain his strength throughout each

  taneous). 1990.

  level, Chubby must continually consume ap-

  Like DuckTales, Rescue Rangers is a qual-ples, grapes, shish kabobs, hamburgers, and

  ity Capcom game based on a Disney cartoon.

  cakes. Eating a P symbol makes Chubby tem-

  Players guide either Chip or Dale on a mission

  porarily invisible and invincible. Mission obj



  tives include delivering a microcomputer, giv-

  background as the Statue of Liberty and the

  ing a flower to the Mad Man, and discovering

  Eiffel Tower.

  a clue that will help Chubby find his friend.

  Chubby Cherub is charming (or cavity-caus-

  Clash at Demonhead

  ing, depending on your perspective), but a bit

  PUBLISHER: Vic Tokai. DEVELOPER: Vic Tokai.

  lacking in the action department.

  Platform Shooter, 1 player. 1989.

  Although not as well known or as widely

  Circus Caper

  heralded as such mega-hits as Metroid and


  Super Mario Bros. 3, Clash at Demonhead is one Scrolling Platform, 1 player. 1990.

  fine game. The protagonist, a guy named Bang,

  Mr. Magic has kidnapped Tim’s sister and

  is extremely versatile as he can walk, jump,

  taken her deep inside a circus tent. In order to

  squat, climb, swim, shoot, fly (via jet pack),

  protect her, players, as Tim, must run and

  don a super suit, and strap on hyper boots (for

  jump through six levels, punching and kicking

  increased speed and power). Anime-style

  monkeys, clowns, vultures, snakes, ghosts, ele-

  graphics, selectable routes (via a map screen),

  phants, tight-rope walkers, flying acrobats, and

  strange bosses, quirky humor, and a shop where

  other enemies along the way. To help in defeat-

  Bang can purchase items add to the depth and

  ing the various circus performers and their an-

  enjoyment of the game. Bang’s mission is to ex-

  imals, gamers can pick up hammers, soccer

  plore Demonhead Mountain, rescue Professor

  balls, yoyos, and bombs. In addition, there are

  Plum, and deactivate a doomsday bomb.

  blocks for use in reaching high areas, and snap-

  ping alligator heads to hop on in order to cross

  Classic Concentration

  water. Bonus points are earned via a fire-jump-


  ing mini-game. Despite oddly sinister circus

  Game Show, 1 or 2 players (simultaneous).

  music and unusually high jumps (by the pro-


  tagonist and by certain enemies), Circus Caper

  Based on the TV game show, which aired

  is a largely typical side-scroller.

  on NBC from 1987 through 1991 (earlier incar-

  nations of the program were simply titled

  City Connection

  “Concentration”), Classic Concentration has PUBLISHER: Jaleco. DEVELOPER: Jaleco. Side-players opening doors on a numbered, 25-door

  Scrolling Platform, 1 or 2 players (alternat-

  game board. Each door hides the name of a

  ing). 1988.

  prize, such as a trip or a mink coat. During

  City Connection is similar conceptually to

  each turn, players open two doors in hopes of

  the console and computer classic Miner 2049er, getting a match, which will grant the player that

  but instead of guiding Bounty Bob, players take

  prize and make that pair of doors disappear.

  the wheel of a Honda City hatchback. The ob-

  Each door that disappears reveals part of a

  jective in each of the game’s seven side-scroll-

  rebus puzzle. After any match, the player can

  ing, multi-platform, wraparound levels is to

  guess the rebus puzzle. Wild cards, eight selec-

  drive over every section of highway, painting

  table contestants, and timed final rounds add to

  it in the process. Police cars frequently get in the

  the fun. As with most video games based on

  way, as do buses, cats, and spikes (which ap-

  game shows, puzzles do begin repeating them-

  pear when players spend too much time on any

  selves sooner than most players would prefer.

  one level), but they can be jumped over or oth-

  Similar to (but more sophisticated than): Hunt

  erwise avoided. In addition, the car can shoot

  & Score (Atari 2600).

  oil cans at the enemy vehicles. Grabbing three

  red balloons transports players one or two lev-


  els ahead. Like its better looking coin-op

  PUBLISHER: Sony Imagesoft. DEVELOPER: Sony

  cousin (Jaleco, 1985), City Connection for the Imagesoft. Side-Scrolling Platform, 1 player.

  NES features such familiar landmarks in the




  Based on the 1993 feature film, Cliff hanger

  This pedestrian port of the 1988 Data East

  for the NES puts players in the role of Rocky

  arcade game has poor controls and replaces the

  Mountain rescue ace Gabe Walker, who

  sharp, textured graphics of the original with

  Sylvester Stallone played in the movie. Walker

  sheer mediocrity (including blurry back-

  must run, jump, crouch, climb (on ladders and

  grounds). Gameplay is similar to Choplifter,

  ropes), and make flying leaps through seven

  but not as good. Players guide a helicopter back

  poorly drawn, washed-out looking levels of

  and forth across scrolling skies, firing away at

  mountain-based action, collecting money and

  enemy choppers, tanks, soldiers, cannons, and

  dodging such obstacles as falling icicles, run-

  warships, frequently swooping down to lower

  away boulders, and bottomless pits. Walker can

  a rope or a ladder to rescue hostages. The

  punch and kick venomous bats, rabid wolves,

  copter can be upgraded with various types of

  evil henchmen, and other enemies he will meet,

  guns, missiles, and armor. Not to be confused

  but he can also pick up and use a gun, a knife,

  with Cobra Command for the Sega CD.

  dynamite, and rocks. Other pick-ups include

  spiked boots (for running in snow) and climb-

  Cobra Triangle

  ing gloves (for ascending a frozen waterfall).

  PUBLISHER: Nintendo. DEVELOPER: Rare. Wa-

  Near the end of the game, Walker must battle

  tercraft Racing/Vertical Scrolling Shooter, 1

  Eric Qualen’s helicopter and then Qualen him-

  player. 1989.

  self (in the movie, Qualen was played by John

  This game puts players behind the wheel

  Lithgow). Much different than the Genesis,

  of a Cobra Class Speed Boat, racing against

  SNES, and Sega CD versions of the game.

  other boats, jumping over waterfalls, shooting

  targets and sea monsters, protecting swimmers,

  Clu Clu Land

  dodging whirlpools, disposing of mines, and

  PUBLISHER: Nintendo. DEVELOPER: Nintendo.

  Maze, 1 or 2 players (simultaneous). 1985.

  more. Pods can be collecting for upgrading the

  boat’s guns, missiles, and speed. There are 25

  A fun, challenging, highly original take on

  levels to cruise through, each of which features

  the maze genre, Clu Clu Land has players guid-an angled, R.C. Pro-Am-like perspective. An

  ing a cute, round, fish-like creature named

  early game by Rare,
the company that would

  Bubbles around a series of mazes marked with

  go on to develop such favorites as Perfect Dark

  turn posts. The only way to make turns in each

  (Nintendo 64) and Donkey Kong Country

  maze is by bouncing off walls or by hooking a

  (Super NES), Cobra Triangle is a fun, finely hand around said turn posts. Each maze con-programmed game that is a challenge to the

  tains a pattern of hidden gold bars. When Bub-


  bles passes above a hidden bar, it will appear

  onscreen. The objective is to uncover all the

  Code Name: Viper

  hidden gold bars (forming an outline of a pic-


  ture, such as a face or a house) in order to

  Platform Shooter, 1 player. 1990.

  progress to the next maze. While Clu Clu

  works at uncovering gold bars, deadly sea

  A dramatic, non-nonsense, War on Drugs-

  urchins prowl the maze, but they can be

  influenced game, Code Name: Viper puts play-

  warded off with electric shocks. Other things

  ers in the role of an agent working his way

  appearing in the maze include black holes, rub-

  through the jungles of South America and a

  ber traps, timers (for freezing the clock, the sea

  drug lord’s fortresses, opening doors to find

  urchin, and the opposing player), and money

  hostages, health, and ammo. Agent Viper is

  sacks and fruit (for extra points). A system

  equipped with a handgun and a machine gun

  launch title.

  for killing snipers, napalm soldiers, maniacs,

  frogmen, and hidden warriors. Obstacles to

  Cobra Command

  jump over (Viper can shoot and maneuver dur-

  PUBLISHER: Data East. DEVELOPER: Data East.

  ing jumps) or otherwise avoid include acid

  Side-Scrolling Shooter, 1 player. 1988.

  drops, bombs, and statue-traps. Based on Cap-



  com’s 1989 arcade game, which did include a

  coin-op classic. Also, the ground in the NES

  two-player alternating mode. Similar to:

  game is orange instead of tan, and Super Joe is

  Rolling Thunder (arcade, NES).

  shown eating instead of smoking as he rests at

  the end of the first level. Also released for the

  Color a Dinosaur

  Atari 2600, Atari 7800, and Intellivision. Fol-

  PUBLISHER: Virgin. DEVELOPER: FarSight Tech-

  lowed by: Bionic Commando (arcade, NES,

  nologies. Art, 1 player. 1993.

  Game Boy).

  Recommended for children ages three to



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