by Brett Weiss
1991 Data East arcade classic. Rather, it’s an
first part of each of the game’s five levels (the
original (if repetitious) creation in which play-
“outside” sections), players pilot a geo-cruiser,
ers, as either Captain America or Hawkeye (de-
an eco-copter, or an eco-sub, using the afore-
pending on the stage and on the character se-
mentioned ring powers to shoot enemy ships,
lected), must battle bad guys (including
drop rocks to plug up oil refinery smokestacks,
Wizard, Mandarin, Ultron, and Crossbones),
and more. During the second part of each level
jump on platforms and over obstacles, activate
(the “inside” sections), Captain Planet flies
switches to turn off hazards, find the exit to
around dodging pollution and punching ro-
each level, and rescue Iron Man and Vision
bots. Freeing animals from traps also plays a
from the Red Skull. Captain America throws
role. Throughout the game, Captain Planet can
his mighty shield while Hawkeye fires arrows.
grab a number of power-ups, including shields,
Both can punch, but Hawkeye is more fun to
faster shots, triple shots, and larger fire, rocks,
control since he can shoot while jumping. A
and water, but the levels are tough to get
special non-scrolling Battle Mode lets player
through nevertheless.
one fight as Captain America or Hawkeye
against player two, who can select from Cross-
Captain Skyhawk
bones, Ultron, and Wizard. The best, most
PUBLISHER: Milton Bradley. DEVELOPER: Rare.
evenly matched competition is Hawkeye vs. Ul-
Vertical Scrolling Shooter, 1 player. 1989.
Captain Skyhawk is a solidly entertaining
shooter that puts players in the cockpit of an
Captain Comic: The Adventure
F14VTS fighter, using a cannon, intercept mis-
siles, air-to-ground missiles, and hawk bombs
Dreams. Platform Shooter, 1 player. 1989.
to fend off an alien invasion. Mission objec-
Adapted from the 1988 shareware PC
tives include docking with space stations, drop-
game The Adventures of Captain Comic, Captain ping off supplies, picking up a scientist, de-Comic: The Adventure is the best cartridge in stroying an alien space station, and, of course,
Color Dreams’ admittedly weak library of NES
destroying enemy planes. The viewpoint is
titles. On a quest to recover stolen treasure,
from above the action (thanks to a spy satellite
Captain Comic must walk and jump through
viewer), and the jet fighter, which flies over an-
eight non-linear levels of planet Tambia (in-
gular mountains and geometric landscapes, can
cluding Lake Siri and Haunted Castle), blasting
climb up, dive down, and bank and barrel roll
left and right. Effective quasi-3D graphics and
Patterned after a late 1980s computer
a nice variety of objectives make Captain Sky-
game called Nebulus, Castelian is an oddly hawk a strong entry in the NES library.
compelling (at least until frustration sets in)
adventure with an impressive rotational effect.
Casino Kid
Players guide a frog-like creature named Julius
PUBLISHER: Sofel. DEVELOPER: Sofel. Gambling,
up eight different towers by entering doorways,
1 player. 1989.
jumping on platforms (some of which vanish),
and going up stairs and elevators. When Julius
In Casino Kid, players walk around the Las
(called Pogo in the computer version) moves
Vegas-style “Golden Crumbs” casino (viewed
right and left, he stays in the center of the
from overhead), hitting up other gamblers to
screen, with the tower itself rotating to simu-
play Blackjack or five-card draw Poker. Both
late movement. Making things difficult are
games play pretty well (Blackjack includes dou-
lamely illustrated (if formidable) spheres and
bling down, surrendering, and splitting the
other enemies, some of which don’t die when
hand), but exploring the casino is tedious,
shot. The game was released as Tower Toppler
thanks to many gamblers turning the player
for the Atari 7800, but with a different storyline
down (gamers must play the casino denizens
and different bonus rounds ( Tower Toppler
in a set order). Also, the computer tends to dis-
bonus rounds offer side-scrolling shooter ac-
play an unrealistic percentage of really good
tion while Castelian has players hopping on
poker hands, and the player and the computer
clouds and gathering gems). Also released for
oftentimes have similar hands. After beating
the Game Boy.
all the casino players, the Casino Kid is trans-
ported to a mansion — with dramatic music to
match — where he must play Poker against
Castle of Deceit
King, a high stakes gambler who is hard to beat.
Dreams. Side-Scrolling Platform, 1 player.
Casino Kid II
PUBLISHER: Sofel. DEVELOPER: Sofel. Gambling,
1 player. 1993.
Hampered by sluggish controls, mediocre
graphics, redundant music, and poorly pro-
Instead of wandering around a single
grammed enemy A.I., Castle of Deceit has play-casino as in the original game, Casino Kid II
ers guiding a running, jumping magician
lets players travel to 10 different locations to
through themed, maze-like castles (Moons,
take on the best gamblers in the world. The ac-
Winds, Flame, and Poseidon), firing spheres of
tion is less tedious since players can take on any
magical energy at dragons, wraiths, skulls,
of the ethnically diverse gamblers in virtually
frogs, and other creatures. Players must also
any order. Poker and Blackjack return as
collect runes and find keys to enter doorways,
playable games, but now there’s Roulette as well
and there is some backtracking within each of
(interestingly, players are given hints where the
the game’s 10 levels. After making it through
ball will land, adding some strategy to the
each castle, a behind-the-magician perspective
game). In addition, Poker hands seem more
boss battle ensues. Unlicensed.
random, giving the game a more realistic feel.
As in Casino Kid, the cards are shown in close-up, with contestants’ and dealers’ faces and re-
Castle of Dragon
marks appearing in windows, but Casino Kid
II has better graphics and sounds.
Scrolling Combat, 1 player. 1990.
The evil Darklarza’s Dragon Cub has kid-
PUBLISHER: Triffix Entertainment. DEVELOPER:
napped the princess, and it is up to a brave
BITS Development. Climbing, 1 or 2 players
rior named Geraden to rescue her. As Geraden,
(alternating). 1991.
players must walk through nicely rendered cas-
tles, forests, and caverns, mindlessly hacking
and slashing ghost knights, blooodbats,
sphinxes, zombies, cyclopean beasts, and other
Scrolling Platform/Adventure, 1 player. 1989.
enemies. Geraden begins with a basic sword
In Castlequest, Prince Rafael must search
and an ordinary shield (when he ducks, his
100 simplistic looking rooms (comprised largely
shield automatically rises), but he can acquire
of columns and brick walls and floors) to locate
a throwing knife, a mace, a sonic sword, a
and rescue Princess Margarita, who has been
lightning sword, armor, a crystal ball (prevents
captured by Mizer, the Dark Lord of Groken
Darklarza’s resurrection), a dragon scale shield,
Castle. Each room as several color-coded
and a dragon slayer. There’s not much plat-
doors. To open a door, Rafael must use a key of
forming, but Geraden must jump across the
the same color. Keys are limited in number
occasional hazardous gap, which can be frus-
(there are no extras), so discretion is advised. In
trating since players are only given one life.
addition to opening doors, Rafael will pick up
Based on the 1989 Seta arcade game, which of-
treasures, ride elevators, jump on flying blocks,
fered a two-player simultaneous mode.
avoid needles, use items (barrels, bricks, jars,
candles, and lockers), battle enemies
(knights, wizards, attack cats, fire spir-
its, bishops, and phantom flowers)
with a short-range sword, and more.
A map enables Rafael to track his loca-
tion and avoid searching the same
room twice, but tricky puzzles and
awkward controls make the game a
challenge. Similar to Milon’s Secret
Castle (NES), Montezuma’s Revenge
(Master System), and The Heist (Cole-
ami. Side-Scrolling Platform, 1 or 2
players (alternating). 1987.
One of the best games of the 8-
bit era, Castlevania has players, as
Simon Belmont, going up against none
other than Count Dracula himself.
Prior to that fateful encounter, Bel-
mont must climb stairs, jump over ob-
stacles and onto platforms, and face
hoards of other monster movie-like
creatures, including vampire bats,
phantom bats, zombies, floating Me-
dusa heads, skeletons, hunchbacks,
knights, Frankenstein and Igor, and
The Grim Reaper. Belmont is equipped
with a fun-to-use magic whip and
Six high profile NES games: Contra, Ghosts ’n Goblins, can grab the following weapons (car-
Castlevania II, Castlevania III, Double Dragon, and Dou-
ble Dragon II, all of which are shown in their original ried one at a time) found in candles
and bricks throughout the creepy,
seven-story castle: daggers, axes, fire bombs,
than previous entries (check out the gorgeous
boomerangs, crosses (for destroying every
stained glass windows and ivy growing up the
enemy onscreen), invisibility potions, and
castle walls in level one), and Trevor can trans-
morning stars (for increasing the power of the
form into three different partner spirits: Alu-
whip). Hearts act as special weapons ammo
card (Dracula’s son, who can turn into a bat
while pork chops can be eaten to revive lost
and fire a ball of destruction); Grant DaNasty
health. Atmospheric graphics and sounds
(a pirate who can stick to walls and ceilings and
match the game’s awesome gameplay and in-
wield an axe and a dagger); and Sypha Belnades
ventive level design. Also released for the Game
(a mystic warlord who attacks with flames,
Boy Advance. Followed by numerous sequels,
frozen crystals, lightning bolts, and a staff ).
including Castlevania: Bloodlines (Genesis) and Trevor wields a whip and can find battle axes,
Castlevania: Dracula X (SNES).
boomerangs, daggers, and sacred water. The ac-
tion evokes the original Castlevania, but with al-Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest
ternate pathways leading to four different end-
ings. Levels include Haunted Ship of Fools,
Side-Scrolling Platform/Adventure, 1 player.
Sunken City of Poltergeists, Clock Tower of
Untimely Death, and Curse Castle, among 13
others. Includes password feature. Followed by:
A radical departure from the original
Super Castlevania IV (SNES).
Castlevania, this sequel once again finds the whip-wielding Simon Belmont battling classic
monsters (two-headed creatures, man-eating
Caveman Games
plants, spiders, skulls, The Wolf Man, The
Sports/Olympics, 1–4 players (alternating, 2-
Mummy, and the like), but this time the game-
player simultaneous). 1990.
play has been infused with a number of adven-
ture/RPG elements. These include: talking to
Caveman Games is basically the Olympics
villagers to garner clues; purchasing magic
set in prehistoric times, giving players six nicely
weapons (daggers, silver knives, oak stakes,
(and at times amusingly) illustrated events in
chain whips, flame whips, and the like); and
which to compete: Clubbing, Mate Toss, Saber
searching for (and destroying) Dracula’s miss-
Race, Fire Start, Dino Race, and Dino Vault,
ing pieces (nail, eyeball, rib bone, ring, and
each of which was included in the original
heart). The non-linear action takes Belmont
computer game (1988), which was called Cave-
through six hauntingly beautiful levels: The
man Ugh-Lympics. Activities range from one-
Mansions, The Church, The Ferryman, The
on-one fighting (using clubs) to throwing a girl
Forest Primevil, Bridge Over the River Die, and
by the hair to Track & Field-style racing. Tim-The Graveyard. Though the series would re-
ing and rapid button pushing are a must, but
turn to pure action with Castlevania III (a move clunky gameplay and poor controls ruin what
most fans appreciated), Castlevania II was a could have been a fun little collection.
precursor of sorts to the excellent Castlevania:
Symphony of the Night (PlayStation). Includes Challenge of the Dragon
password feature.
Dreams. Side-Scrolling Combat, 1 player.
Castlevania III: Dracu
la’s Curse
In Challenge of the Dragon, Sir Burkelot
Side-Scrolling Platform, 1 player. 1990.
must battle his way through 10 worlds: Village,
One of the two or three best games in the
Grasslands, Big Wall, Master Ninja, Rocky
entire series, Castlevania III takes place 100
Haven, Forest, Wizard’s Village, Outer Castle,
years prior to Castlevania, putting players in Graveyard, and Inner Castle. A master of kung
the role of Trevor Belmont, a forefather of
fu, Burkelot can run, superrun, jump, flip, and
Simon. The game looks and sounds even better
pull off five different attacks: sword, knee to the
chest, side kick, flying dragon kick, and shoul-
can also set spin on the ball, move the camera
der butt. He can also pick up and throw magic
around the table, zoom the camera in and out,
at the various knights, dragons, lizardmen,
view replays, and select from four different
valkyries, ninjas, giants, and other enemies he
modes: Tournament (8-ball and 9-ball World
will encounter. His goal is to rescue his girl-
Championship); Challenge (practice); Party
friend, Lady Ninita, who was captured by the
(up to eight players); and Freestyle (trick shots,
evil Demiwind. Weak weaponry, sub par
make up new rules). Game types include 14.1
graphics, and limp gameplay make this game
Continuous, Rotation, Fifteen Ball, Straight
an easy one to skip. Unlicensed.
Pool, Equal Offense, and Speed Pool. Champi-
onship Pool for the NES is a fine game, but the Championship Bowling
Genesis and SNES versions offer angled close-
ups and richer graphics and sounds. Also re-
Sports/Bowling, 1–4 players (alternating).
leased for the Game Boy.
A nice port of Romstar’s 1989 arcade
The Cheetahmen II
game, Championship Bowling for the NES offers PUBLISHER: Active Enterprises. DEVELOPER: Active Enterprises. Side-Scrolling Platform, 1
a selection of four characters of seemingly sim-
player. 1996.
ilar abilities, each of whom the player must
name: a blonde Caucasian male (the only left-
The sequel to Cheetahmen, which only ap-
hander in the bunch); an African-American
peared on the multi-game cartridge Action 52, male; an Asian male; and a red-headed Cau-Cheetahmen II was never released officially, casian female. The action, which is viewed