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Classic Home Video Games (1985-1988)

Page 16

by Brett Weiss

six, Color a Dinosaur lets players do just that: P

  color a dinosaur. Actually, there are 16 different

  UBLISHER: Mindscape. DEVELOPER: System 3

  Software. Side-Scrolling Combat, 1 player.

  dinosaur outlines (including a Tyrannosaurus


  Rex, a Triceratops, a Brontosaurus, and a

  Pterodactyl), and there’s not really any coloring

  Adapted from the PC game Myth: History

  involved since clicking on a section of a di-

  in the Making, the dreadful, poorly pro-

  nosaur simply prompts the computer to auto-

  grammed Conan for the NES puts players in

  matically box in that section with color. There

  the role of the titular barbarian (who was cre-

  are 4 palettes, 11 colors, and 9 patterns from

  ated by writer Robert E. Howard in 1932 via a

  which to choose. The manual, which includes

  series of stories published in Weird Tales maga brief history of dinosaurs, recommends that

  azine). Conan must journey through the Cat-

  kids record their creations on VHS tape, which

  acombs of Belveras, the Ruins of Ry-leeh, the

  is no big deal since any TV-based video game

  Forests of Asgard, and other exotic (or at least

  can be recorded in this fashion. The award-

  exotic sounding) worlds, jumping on platforms

  winning Tommy Tallarico ( Tony Hawk’s Pro

  and using pitiful, sluggish attacks (including

  Skater, Maximo: Ghosts to Glory) did the music short-range punches, limp swordsmanship, and

  and sound, but a lack of animations, celebra-

  hard-to-execute jump-kicks) to battle imps,

  tions, or any other such flourishes makes Color

  Satan, skeletons, Medusa, giants, dragons, and

  a Dinosaur extremely limited in nature.

  other enemies. Beating the game (which is vir-

  tually impossible without cheat codes) “re-


  wards” players with an ending that is as lame


  and as hastily put together as the game itself.

  Vertical Scrolling Shooter, 1 or 2 players. 1986.

  Based on the 1985 Data East arcade game,



  Commando is a typically fine NES port, featur-UBLISHER: Vic Tokai. DEVELOPER: Vic Tokai.

  Turn-Based Strategy, 1 or 2 players (simulta-

  ing rock solid gameplay, but less detailed

  neous). 1990.

  graphics and lots of flickering (especially

  among the vehicles that drive across the

  Conflict is a turn-based strategy game pit-

  screen). Armed with a rifle and a limited num-

  ting NATO forces (the good guys) against

  ber of grenades (which can be replenished),

  members of the Warsaw Pact (the bad guys).

  players, as Super Joe, must venture into a

  Players maneuver air and ground forces across

  “deep, unexplored jungle region,” shooting and

  16 different top-down view hexagonal maps (all

  bombing members of the Evil Empire Army,

  featuring fictional scenarios), the ultimate goal

  some of whom hide behind barricades, perch on

  being to destroy the opponent’s Flag tank (an

  bridges, and duck into holes. Enemies are

  M1A1 for the blue team and a T-80 for the guys

  equipped with knives, guns, and grenade

  in red). This is achieved by giving tactical or-

  launchers, and they swarm like crazy all over

  ders to offensive and defensive units, captur-

  the screen, providing a fairly intense gaming

  ing cities and airbases, and defeating enemy

  experience. To accommodate the dimensions

  units. Successful operations net players “fame”

  of a typical television screen, the playfield is

  points, which can be used by factories to pro-

  much wider than that of the more rectangular

  duce weaponry. Followed by: Super Conflict



  (SNES), which features a fictional, Gulf War-

  B, A at the title screen lets players begin with 30

  like setting.

  lives, a maneuver that popularized the so-called

  Konami Code. Followed by: Super C (NES).

  Conquest of the Crystal Palace

  PUBLISHER: Asmik. DEVELOPER: Quest. Side-

  Contra Force

  Scrolling Combat/Side-Scrolling Platform, 1


  player. 1990.

  Platform Shooter, 1 or 2 players (simultane-

  ous). 1992.

  An engaging, action-packed game, Con-

  quest of the Crystal Palace sends a 15-year-old Contra Force is the third and final game in

  boy (Prince Farron) and his dog (Zap) through

  the NES Contra series, and it’s somewhat of a five stages: Mount Crystal, Realm of the

  departure from Contra and Super C (it’s slower Guardian, Lair of the Hungry Ghosts, Gateway

  and less intense, for example). Set in the

  of Flame, and Realm of Zaras. Players begin

  fictional metropolis of Neo City, the game lets

  the game armed with a sword and one of three

  players select from four different characters

  power crystals (spirit, life, or flight), but can

  (before and during gameplay), each with vary-

  visit shops to purchase a variety of useful items

  ing skills (including speed and jumping abil-

  and weapons, including herbs, the nuker (pro-

  ity). A short-range pistol is the default weapon,

  jectile that travels in a spiral), jumping shoes,

  but, depending on the character, players can

  a boomerang annihilator, a spherical weapon,

  upgrade to: hand grenades and machine guns

  and a dog whistle, the latter of which makes

  (Burn); a flamethrower and a bazooka (Iron);

  Zap attack more aggressively (Zap helps in bat-

  a rifle and homing missiles (Smith); and time

  tling the birds, skeletons, spiders, and other en-

  bombs and time mines (Beans). Simultaneous

  emies). Jumping on moving ledges, avoiding

  action returns, but solo players can now call

  spikes, and other such platforming staples sup-

  upon an AI-controlled partner for assistance.

  plement the combat nicely.

  Levels include Dewerdye Warehouse, U.S.S.

  Unkmy Battleship, Sheeshee Towers Construc-


  tion Site, Thunder Wolf Helicopter, and C-


  Force Headquarters. Two of the five levels are

  Platform Shooter, 1 or 2 players (simultane-

  viewed from overhead and scroll vertically.

  ous). 1988.

  Contra Force was released the same year as Contra III: The Alien Wars (SNES), which was fol-Contra is a tour de force of manly gam-

  lowed by Contra: Hard Corps (Genesis), Contra ing, putting players in control of a muscle

  4 (Nintendo DS), and other sequels.

  bound soldier from the Special Forces elite

  commando squad. Armed with the ability to

  run, jump, duck, and fire a gun (at aliens and

  Cool World


  their evil henchmen), the guerilla warrior must

  UBLISHER: Ocean. DEVELOPER: Ocean Soft-

  ware. Side-Scrolling Platform, 1 player. 199

  blast his way through eight stages of brutal ac-

  tion: Jungle, Base 1, Waterfall, Base 2, Snow

  Based on Ralph Bakshi’s live action/ani-

  Field, Energy Zone, Hangar Zone, and Alien’s

  mated film (1992), Cool World puts gamers in Lair. Bases 1 and 2 sport a behind-the-soldier

  the role of Detective Frank Harris (played by

  perspective while Waterfall features vertical

  Brad Pitt in the movie), who must thwart the

  scrolling. Capturing flying power-ups enables

  beautiful Holli Would’s plan of getting a flesh-

  players to upgrade their firepower to machine

  and-blood body and existing in the real world.

  gun, laser, fireball, rapid fire, and, most fa-

  This requires running and jumping through

  mously, the awesome spread gun. Like its more

  four areas (Cool World, The Highway, Sweet

  graphically detailed (yet less well known) coin-

  Place, and Countryside), dodging obstacles

  op counterpart (Konami, 1987), a second

  (collapsing platforms, acid rivers, manholes,

  gamer can join in for cooperative action. Press-

  and the like), collecting pieces of a map, and

  ing up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right,

  using cartoonish weapons to defeat goons, street



  urchins, a giant rabbit, dragons, and other en-

  Viewed from in front of the swimmers, Swim-

  emies. Weapons include stink bombs, carrots,

  ming is a swim race, but with players pulling

  balloons, an eraser, a pen, and more. Once

  and kicking to try and drown one another.

  Frank makes it to the Ocean Hotel in Las Vegas,

  Roof Top Jumping has players pole-vaulting

  he must climb to the top of the building using

  and riding unicycles (across tightropes) to go

  window ledges and fire escape ladders, ulti-

  from roof to roof. Finally, Fighting Scene

  mately confronting Holli herself. The SNES

  (a.k.a. Judo) is a simple, one-on-one fighting

  version includes driving sections and the abil-

  game in which players punch, kick, jump-kick,

  ity for Harris to stretch his arms. Also released

  charge, shoulder-tackle, and pull off special

  for the Game Boy.

  moves. A shopping mall lets players purchase

  health and performance-enhancing equipment.

  Cowboy Kid

  PUBLISHER: Romstar. DEVELOPER: Seta. Third-

  Crystal Mines

  Person Action Role-Playing Game, 1 or 2 play-

  PUBLISHER: Color Dreams. DEVELOPER: Color

  ers (simultaneous). 1992.

  Dreams. Maze/Maze Shooter, 1 or 2 players

  (alternating). 1989.

  In Cowboy Kid, players control a young

  gunslinger named Sam as he embarks on a mis-

  Boulder Dash fans should enjoy Crystal

  sion to exact vengeance on the Scorpion gang

  Mines, which has players guiding a mining

  for killing his father, who was the sheriff of Vil-

  robot deep beneath the surface of a planet,

  latown at the time of his death. After selecting

  using energy balls to dig through dirt and rock

  a bandit to go after (from a list of such charac-

  while grabbing crystals. The objective is to

  ters as Coyote Jim and Wild Wolf Chief ), Sam

  gather enough crystals to meet the quota

  will open treasure chests, enter shops, acquire

  within the time limit given in each of the

  guns and knives, use keys to unlock doors, eat

  game’s 100 levels. Various enemies (including

  food to increase hit points, and battle a bevy

  rock, mud, lava, and gas creatures) make this

  of bad guys. Sam can even play a little blackjack.

  a challenge, but robot gunfire, falling objects,

  The music fits the Old West setting (which is

  and explosions can kill them. Prizes and

  disappointingly cartoonish), and the fighting

  weapons to find include rapid fire, bombs, pro-

  scenes play a lot like a side-scrolling combat

  tection, bags of gold, freeze timers, and more.

  game (unlike the overhead view action of The

  Includes password feature. Unlicensed. Fol-

  Legend of Zelda and other such similar games).

  lowed by: Crystal Mines II (Atari Lynx). See

  In two-player mode, a sympathetic Indian war-

  also: Exodus: Journey to the Promised Land

  rior named Little Chief joins in to help.

  (NES) and Joshua and the Battle of Jericho


  Crash ’n’ the Boys: Street Challenge

  PUBLISHER: Technos. DEVELOPER: Technos.


  Sports/Miscellaneous, 1–4 players (alternating,


  two-player simultaneous). 1992.

  son Action Role-Playing Game, 1 player. 1990.

  This game has super deformed, River City

  Taking place 100 years after the Great

  Ransom-style characters competing in five dif-War, when sorcery and magic had supplanted

  ferent events. 400 Meter Hurdles is indeed a

  science and technology, Crystalis stars a young hurdles race, but players can kick the other

  magician searching the land (Death Desert,

  runners and throw pieces of broken hurdles at

  Tower in the Sky, Wind Valley, Angry Sea, Mt.

  them. Hammer Throw has players pressing a

  Sabre, and five other areas) for four elemental

  button rapidly to get their character to spin

  swords (wind, fire, water, and thunder), the

  faster in order to throw the hammer further

  combining of which will form a weapon capa-

  down a golf-like course. The lack of an over-

  ble of defeating the evil Draygon. Each sword

  head view course indicator ruins this game

  can be powered up in various ways. Gameplay

  since players cannot preview trap locations.

  consists of killing enemies to gain experience



  and strength, communicating with townsfolk,

  1989 ( Cyberball 2072), but it was only ported visiting shops, solving puzzles, and acquiring

  to the Atari Lynx (as Tournament Cyberball).

  shields, armor, rabbit boots (for jumping), fruit

  of Reeun (for removing a curse that turns the

  Cybernoid: The Fighting Machine

  magician into a monster), thunder, x-ray gog-

  PUBLISHER: Acclaim. DEVELOPER: Gremlin

  gles, keys, magic spells, and other tools,

  Graphics. Side-Scrolling Shooter, 1 player.

  weapons, and power-ups. Includes battery


  back-up. Also released for the Game Boy Color.

  In the notoriously difficult Cybernoid,

  players must pilot a spacefighter through three

  Cyber Stadium Series — Base Wars

  asteroid storage facilities, collecting cargo, re-

  PUBLISHER: Ultra Games. DEVELOPER: Konami.

  sisting gravity, dodging obstacles, and blowing

  Sports/Baseball/Futuristic, 1 or 2 players (si-

  away giant green blobs, caterpillar death

  multaneous). 1991.

  squads, and other enemies. Each of the more

  The two primary elements of Base

  than 150 rooms contains a time bomb, mean-

  that set it apart from the average NES baseball

  ing timely exits are crucial. The spacefighter,

  game are robot players and battles for bases on

  which can fly in all directions and shoot left

  force out plays and close calls. The robots can

  and right, is equipped with a laser blaster,

  be upgraded with various guns, swords, special

  bombs, and genocide missiles, but players can

  catches, and other useful items, but the battles

  also acquire shields, bouncers (which bounce

  are basic one-on-one button-mashers (featur-

  off walls and destroy everything in their path),

  ing a close-up view of the action). In terms of

  seekers (which hone in on ground installa-

  actual baseball, the screen oftentimes scrolls

  tions), and a cybermace (which circles the

  slower than the ball moves, making for prob-

  ship). Adapted from the Commodore 64 game

  lematic fielding, but pitching is fun since the

  of the same name.

  player has full control of the ball after release.

  Includes Team Edit mode and battery backup.

  Dance Aerobics

  PUBLISHER: Nintendo. DEVELOPER: Bandai.


  Sports/Exercise, 1 player. 1989.


  Designed for Nintendo’s Power Pad con-

  Sports/Futuristic, 1 or 2 players (simultane-

  trol mat, Dance Aerobics helps gamers keep

  ous). 1992.

  physically fit by providing 12 stages of aerobic

  Like its Genesis counterpart, Cyberball for

  conditioning and 64 separate aerobic routines.

  the NES gives players more than 100 offensive

  The format is that of a dance studio class, with

  plays to choose from (along with 12 defensive

  eight levels of play — two apiece for each skill

  formations), which is significantly more than

  level: introductory, beginner, intermediate, and

  found in Atari’s 1988 arcade game (which was

  advanced. An onscreen instructor (complete

  a huge machine boasting four-player capabil-

  with leg warmers and headband) leads gamers

  ities and two monitors). Unfortunately, the

  as they hop, stretch, bend, dance, and other-

  robot players are less detailed, and the field has

  wise move to the music.

  a flatter look. The game is overhead-view, ver-

  tically scrolling, seven-on-seven football of the

  Danny Sullivan’s Indy Heat

  future (2022, to be exact), with rules that would

  PUBLISHER: Tradewest. DEVELOPER: Rare. For-

  make George Carlin proud. There are no


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