Classic Home Video Games (1985-1988)

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Classic Home Video Games (1985-1988) Page 24

by Brett Weiss

  Goonies, including Annie the Mermaid. There’s

  a small dot darts from place to place on a large

  lots of platforming action, plus some first-per-

  golf ball), skilled gamers can hit the ball into

  son, pseudo-3D areas where players talk to

  play with a good degree of accuracy. Wind

  characters and search for clues, keys, a water-

  speed and direction also play a factor. There are

  proof coat, a helmet, a hammer, a magic loca-

  two Training modes and a Tournament mode,

  tor device, and other helpful items. Includes a

  the latter pitting players against 30 other

  nice rendition of the movie theme song.


  Gotcha! The Sport!

  Golgo 13: Top Secret Episode


  PUBLISHER: Vic Tokai. DEVELOPER: Vic Tokai.

  Shooter, 1 player. 1987.

  Multi-Genre Game/Adventure, 1 player. 1988.

  Loosely based on the 1985 feature film,

  Based on the long-running manga series,

  Gotcha! is a surprisingly fun, highly original Golgo 13 puts players in the role of assassin paintball game that is played like capture the

  Duke Togo (a.k.a. Golgo 13), a secret agent

  flag. The control pad scrolls the action (a rar-

  who must uncover the mystery surrounding a

  ity for a gun game) right and left while the light

  missing bacteriological weapon, clearing his

  gun is used for picking off opponents and

  name in the process. The surprisingly adult (it’s

  shooting the opponents’ flag. After snagging

  implied that the titular hero gets laid) game is

  the flag, the player must return it to home base,

  comprised of 13 action scenarios (each named

  shooting enemies and avoiding their fire along

  after a classic film), including: first-person

  the way. Shooting smaller enemies nets more

  shootouts in a pseudo-3D maze; side-scrolling

  points than larger ones, and a map across the

  battles in the city (in which sharpshooter Duke

  top of the screen shows the position of the flags.

  is armed with a gun); side-scrolling shootouts

  Three difficulty levels are available: beginner,

  in the skies (in which ace pilot Duke comman-

  intermediate, and advanced. There are only

  deers a helicopter); and side-scrolling shootouts

  three stages (Forest, Bronx, and Winter), but

  under water (in which a scuba gear-wearing

  they look terrific.

  Duke shoots and dodges sharks, octopi, frog-

  men corps, and marine plants). Duke jumps


  ridiculously high and is rather stiffly animated,


  and none of the scenes taken separately would

  Side-Scrolling Shooter, 1 or 2 players (alter-

  make a particularly great game, but the sum is

  nating). 1986.



  A nice port of Konami’s 1985 coin-op

  Greg Norman’s Golf Power

  classic, Gradius is a must-own shooter for NES

  PUBLISHER: Virgin Games. DEVELOPER: Grem-

  fans. Players pilot a sleek Warp Rattler ship

  lin Graphics. Sports/Golf, 1–4 players (alter-

  through seven intense stages (including Vol-

  nating). 1992.

  canic and Stonehenge), firing lasers, double

  beams, and air-to-surface missiles at a variety

  In Greg Norman’s Golf Power, gamers can

  of alien ships, robots, and amoeboid creatures.

  play on a pre-set course in England, Scotland,

  A nifty power-up system lets players grab cap-

  Japan, or the USA, or they can design and save

  sules and select which powers to boost, includ-

  their own 18-hole dream course. After an inex-

  ing speed, missile, double, and laser. A force

  plicable load screen (a rarity for a cartridge

  field barrier and doppelganger ship help keep

  game), in which a blinking “creating course

  the Warp Rattler safe, but Gradius remains a please wait” message appears, players will view

  challenge. Pressing up, up, down, down, left,

  the action from behind the golfer. This perspec-

  right, left, right, B, A at the title screen lets

  tive is supplemented by an overhead view of

  players begin with a full set of power-ups, in-

  the hole, which appears via a vertical strip

  troducing the famous Konami Code (which

  along the right side of the screen. When the ball

  was popularized in Contra). Followed by: Life gets close to the hole, a large overhead view of

  Force (NES), Gradius II (arcade), Gradius III the green appears, supplemented by a small

  (SNES), Gradius III and IV (PS2), Gradius V

  view of the golfer in the upper right corner.

  (PS2), Gradius Galaxies (Game Boy Advance),

  Hitting the ball involves aiming, adjusting top-

  and Gradius Collection (PSP).

  spin or backspin, and activating a shot meter,

  the latter of which determines power, hook-

  The Great Waldo Search

  ing, and slicing. Features include: putting and


  driving ranges, club selection, three difficulty


  ware. Action Puzzle/Educational/General, 1 or

  levels, changing wind and weather conditions,

  2 players (simultaneous). 1992.

  and Practice, Matchplay, and Strokeplay. In-

  cludes battery backup.

  The Great Waldo Search has players guid-

  ing a magnifying glass around five busily illus-

  trated (if mostly static), side-scrolling worlds,

  searching for magic scrolls, clocks (for extra

  Gremlins 2: The New Batch

  time), point markers, and, of course, Waldo

  PUBLISHER: Sunsoft. DEVELOPER: Sunsoft.

  himself, who appears in a different place ever

  Overhead View Action, 1 player. 1990.

  time the game is played. Also hidden is Waldo’s

  dog Woof, who, when found, instigates a flying

  Loosely based on Joe Dante’s 1990 feature

  carpet bonus round in which he flies over a

  film, Gremlins 2: The New Batch is a nice look-cityscape, collecting points. Searchable worlds

  ing game that gives Gizmo a surprisingly large

  include: Land of the Gargantuas, Kingdom of

  role. Players guide the furry Mogwai around

  the Carpet Flyers, Water Monks vs. Fire Druids,

  rooms in the Clamp Centre building, jumping

  Enchanted Underground, and Land of the Wal-

  over gaps and onto platforms, and throwing

  dos. Expert mode adds bonus challenges while

  tomatoes, lit matches, and paperclips at Grem-

  a special Parent Feature lets mom or dad turn

  lins and other creatures. Gizmo can also use

  off the clock and/or force the screen to go to

  flashbulbs (for destroying all onscreen ene-

  the hidden objects. A funky, digitized musical

  mies), crystal balls (for purchasing items in Mr.

  intro (by Jeff Barry) belies the mundane nature

  Wing’s shop), balloons (to float over holes),

  of the game. Based on the series of search-and-

  and other
items. The platforming action is un-

  find picture books. Also released for the Gen-

  usual for an overhead-view game, and it makes

  esis and SNES (sans the cool musical intro, but

  certain jumps hard to judge. Includes password

  with more animation). See also: Where’s Waldo?

  feature. Much different than the side-scrolling


  Game Boy version.



  The Guardian Legend

  and other hindrances in his path. It is up to the

  PUBLISHER: Broderbund Software. DEVELOPER:

  player to shoot and destroy the enemies and

  Compile. Vertical Scrolling Shooter/Adven-

  obstacles, and players can even shoot Mr.

  ture, 1 player. 1989.

  Stevenson himself, which makes him jump

  The Guardian Legend alternates between

  over various obstructions. The objective is to

  Zanac-style shooter action and Legend of Zelda-

  collect five Black Panther diamonds in order to

  type exploration, the latter of which has an in-

  free Emerson’s kidnapped daughter. There are

  trepid female walking around labyrinthine cor-

  four levels of play: City, Sky, Sea, and Jungle.

  ridors and dungeons, shooting aliens (with

  names like Eyegore and Clawbot), using keys


  to enter rooms, and finding weapons. A grid

  PUBLISHER: ASCII Entertainment Software.

  map helps gamers track their movement. In the

  DEVELOPER: Compile. Vertical Scrolling

  Shooter, 1 player. 1991.

  rapid-fire spaceship levels, which are harder,

  faster paced, and more enjoyable than the ad-

  Gun-Nac is an obscure, yet fast, fun, and

  venture areas, players fly up the screen, blast-

  furious shooter with an amusing premise. In a

  ing away at onslaught after onslaught of alien

  distant solar system comprised of eight planets,

  ships, space rocks, and other enemies. Weapons

  animals, plants, and factory products have

  include multi-bullets, back fire, area blaster,

  begun attacking people, and it is up to Com-

  repeller (spinning bullets), wave attack, bullet

  mander Gun-Nac to save the day. The ship the

  shield, enemy eraser, grenades, fireballs, and

  commander pilots uses five types of weapons

  lasers (hyper, cutter, and saber). Includes pass-

  (blaster, screen buster, search driver, dragon

  word feature.

  napalm, and wide beam) and five types of

  bombs (fire, blizzard, thunder, water, and let-

  Guerilla War

  ter) to destroy enemy vessels and bosses. A


  supply shop is available for purchasing fire

  Scrolling Shooter, 1 or 2 players (simultane-

  power increases and the aforementioned

  ous). 1989.


  Predictably, Guerilla War for the NES has

  less detailed graphics than the 1987 SNK arcade


  semi-classic, but the gameplay is faster, making


  for a more intense experience. In fact, it moves

  Vertical Scrolling Shooter, 1 player. 1988.

  at a quicker pace than all the other games of its

  Although it has less detailed graphics,

  type, including Front Line, Ikari Warriors, and Gun.Smoke for the NES is a distinct improve-Rambo. Players guide a soldier through heav-

  ment over its already enjoyable coin-op coun-

  ily guarded villages, beaches, and other loca-

  terpart (1985, Capcom). The game takes advan-

  tions, firing machine guns, rockets, grenades

  tage of the console format by allowing players

  (which remove barriers and tanks), and

  to purchase weapons (shotgun, machinegun,

  flamethrowers at enemy troops. The arcade

  magnum, bombs) and wanted posters, the lat-

  game boasts rotary controls, but the NES pad

  ter of which must be acquired in each stage to

  works just fine.

  reach that level’s boss. The ingenious three-way

  fire has been left intact, but the game is not as


  brutally difficult. Gameplay involves guiding

  PUBLISHER: Nintendo. DEVELOPER: Nintendo.

  cowboy Billy Bob up the screen, shooting at

  Light Gun Shooter/Side-Scrolling Platform, 1

  punks, Indians, riflemen, snipers, and other

  player. 1986.

  bad guys. Destroying barrels reveals treasure,

  In this inventive and enjoyable light gun

  rifles, horses, and other useful items. Levels of

  shooter, a detective named Mr. Stevenson

  play include: Town of Hicksville, The Boul-

  moves automatically to the right, oblivious to

  ders, Comanche Village, Death Mountain,

  the rocks, cars, planes, bombs, alligators, skulls,

  Cheyenne River, and Fort Wingate.




  Harlem Globetrotters

  PUBLISHER: Nintendo. DEVELOPER: Nintendo.


  Side-Scrolling Platform, 1 or 2 players (alter-

  Sports/Basketball, 1–4 players (simultaneous).

  nating). 1985.


  Gyromite is a platformer containing ele-

  Play as or against the “Clown Princes of

  ments of Super Mario Bros. and Donkey Kong Jr. , Basketball” in Harlem Globetrotters for the

  but with an interesting (if convoluted) twist.

  NES. When playing as the titular team, gamers

  Packaged with R.O.B., the game uses the

  can execute the following trick maneuvers: be-

  painfully slow Robotic Operating Buddy to

  hind-the-back pass, slam dunk, piggy back

  push buttons on the second controller, which

  slam, pull down the referee’s pants, trip the ref-

  moves gates blocking the player’s progress. The

  eree, and ball on elastic. Despite these funky

  objective is to guide Professor Hector up and

  flourishes, the game plays a fairly mundane

  down and across the platforms of 40 phases,

  rendition of five-on-five hoops, and the Glo-

  defusing dynamite while avoiding holes and

  betrotters aren’t even wearing their patented

  Smick creatures, the latter of which can be dis-

  red, white, and blue uniforms. The elevated

  tracted with turnips. Game B finds Hector

  view is from the side, and the screen scrolls

  walking in his sleep, with R.O.B. operating the

  horizontally (as in most basketball video games

  gates to keep him safe. A system launch title.

  of the era). Fouls are seldom called, but most of

  See also: Stack-Up.

  the bare essentials are here, including jump

  balls, jump shots, steals, passes, rebounds, free


  throws, and cheerleaders. The shot clock is 45

  PUBLISHER: Ultra Games. DEVELOPER: Konami.

  seconds, and players can adjust quarter length

  Non-Scrolling Shooter, 1 or 2 players (alter-

  and select from two difficulty levels. Multi-tap

  nating). 1989.

p; adapter compatible. The far-famed hoopsters

  also appear in Harlem Globetrotters World Tour

  Gyruss for the NES is easier than Konami’s

  (Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS).

  1983 arcade classic and includes the following

  upgrades: an introduction by Genghis Khan;


  bosses; remixed music (including some new

  PUBLISHER: Bullet-Proof Software. DEVELOPER:

  tunes); 39 stages (as opposed to 23); larger,

  Paragraph. Action Puzzle, 1 player. 1991.

  more detailed graphics; and a

  special Ultra-Lazonic Phaser

  weapon, which cuts a swath

  through all the enemies in its

  path. Gameplay consists of

  guiding a Neo-Tutonic Cannon

  in a circular motion around the

  screen, shooting inward at alien

  attackers. Destroying bonus

  spheres equips the cannon with

  dual fire. In the NES game, the

  enemies look more like me-

  chanized space bugs, less like

  conventional aircraft. Gyruss

  has often been described as a

  cross between Tempest and

  Galaga, which is a fitting com-

  parison. Also released for the

  Atari 2600, Atari 5200, and

  Two terrific arcade ports for the NES: Gun.Smoke, a vertical ColecoVision.

  scrolling shooter, and SkyKid, a side-scrolling shooter.



  Programmed by Alexey Pajitnov (along

  trucks, and other skiers. Events include: Down-

  with Vladimir Pokhilko), the Russian designer

  hill, Slalom, Half-pipe, Moguls, and Back-

  of the groundbreaking Tetris, Hatris replaces woods. Viewed from the side, the action moves

  the blocks in Tetris with hats, putting a new from left to right. Wiley Asher, senior editor

  (yet hardly original) twist on the falling object

  of International Snowboard Magazine, had this subgenre. Hats fall in pairs, and the object is to

  to say about the cartridge : “The realism of

  stack them in vertical rows of five in order to

  Heavy Shreddin’ is uncanny.... Nintendo and

  make them disappear. There are six different

  snowboarding freaks everywhere will be ad-

  types of hats: ball cap, cowboy hat, crown,

  dicted to this game.”

  derby, top hat, and wizard hat. As a pair of hats

  falls down the screen, players can switch the

  High Speed

  positions of those hats. The NES version is a

  PUBLISHER: Tradewest. DEVELOPER: Rare. Pin-

  port of Video System’s 1990 arcade game, which

  ball, 1–4 players (alternating). 1991.

  has a two-player split-screen mode, a more so-


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