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Classic Home Video Games (1985-1988)

Page 26

by Brett Weiss

  viewed from overhead).

  cade game (which was simply called Victory



  Road), the NES port has less detailed graphics gun, drilling lasers, rippling lasers, a v-cannon,

  and horribly inferior voice effects. The coin-

  seeking missiles, and a side shooter.

  op game also benefited from rotary controls.

  The Immortal

  Ikari Warriors III: The Rescue

  PUBLISHER: Electronic Arts. DEVELOPER: Sand-


  castle. Isometric Action Role-Playing Game, 1


  View Action, 1 or 2 players (simultaneous).

  player. 1991.


  The Immortal for the NES is based on Will

  Harvey’s notoriously difficult computer classic

  A port of Tradewest’s Ikari III: The Rescue

  (1990). Armed with fireballs and a pack for car-

  (arcade, 1989), this game unwisely removes

  rying amulets, shrinking potions, and other

  most of the shooting action of the first two en-

  items, a wizard must brave a dark, dreary dun-

  tries in the series and replaces it with mere

  geon filled with spiders, bats, pit traps, and

  punching and kicking (roundhouse kicks and

  other obstacles. Gameplay is largely trial-and-

  jump kicks). Grenades and machine guns can

  error, with players trying (again and again, in-

  be found, but ammo is severely limited. Other

  evitably) to use the right items at the right

  weapons to pick up include oil drums (which

  times and in the right places. Monster battles,

  kill all onscreen enemies) and rocks. Once

  which are comprised of jabbing, slashing, and

  again, there are a variety of soldiers to kill,

  ducking right and left, switch the action to an

  but, thanks to an underwater level, this game

  up-close perspective. Includes password fea-

  adds scuba divers to the mix. Other enemies

  ture. An impressive port, but less so than the

  include ninjas, tanks, knife men, an armored

  graphically superior Genesis version.

  train, and more. Ikari Warriors III has better animation, more detailed jungle scenery, and

  more realistic characters than the previous

  Impossible Mission II

  games in the series. All three feature an over-

  PUBLISHER: American Video Entertainment.


  head viewpoint and unlimited continues (via

  EVELOPER: Novotrade. Non-Scrolling Plat-

  form/Adventure, 1 player. 1991.

  codes Up, Right, A in this game and A, B, B, A

  in the first two).

  A faithful port of the Epyx computer

  game, Impossible Mission II puts players in the Image Fight

  role of a 25th century sleuth, who must infiltrate


  the stronghold of mad genius Elvin Atomben-

  UBLISHER: Irem. DEVELOPER: Irem. Vertical

  Scrolling Shooter, 1 or 2 players (simultane-

  der (located within the six-story StarCom In-

  ous). 1990.

  ternational Building) and shutdown his main-

  frame computer, which has spread a nasty virus

  Despite scaled back graphics (in terms of

  that could unleash nuclear Armageddon upon

  detail, depth, and richness of coloring), Image

  the world. Armed with a pocket computer,

  Fight is a solid port of Irem’s 1988 arcade game.

  players must run, jump, duck, climb stairs, ride

  The action, though enjoyable, is standard for

  elevators, and search for various items, includ-

  the genre, with players piloting an OF-1 Fighter

  ing: time extender icons; security codes (for en-

  ship up the screen, firing away at robots, can-

  tering other rooms); safes (which contain mu-

  nons, alien ships, and other enemies (including

  sical key data sequences that must be recorded);

  Medusa) while avoiding their fire and various

  and terminal commands (for turning on lights,

  types of terrain (including walls). Whether

  setting bombs and mines, disengaging enemy

  flying over land, sea, or the enemy base, or

  droids, and resetting moving platforms). Like

  through an elevator shaft or an abandoned

  its predecessor ( Impossible Mission, which

  mine, the view is from overhead. At any time,

  didn’t make it to the NES), the action is a nice

  players can toggle between four different flying

  mix of platforming and puzzle solving. Impos-

  speeds. Special weapons to pick up include

  sible Mission II was also released by SEI. Both shields, reflecting balls, seeking lasers, a five-way versions are unlicensed, and they play the same.



  The Incredible Crash Dummies

  Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade


  (UBI Soft)

  ations. Side-Scrolling Platform, 1 or 2 players

  PUBLISHER: UBI Soft Entertainment. DEVEL-

  (alternating). 1992.

  OPER: NMS Software. Side-Scrolling Plat-

  form/Side-Scrolling Combat, 1 player. 1993.

  Based on the Tyco toy line, which was pat-

  terned after the government-sponsored crash

  The second of two NES cartridges based

  dummies used to test car safety, The Incredible

  on Steven Spielberg’s Indiana Jones and the Last

  Crash Dummies puts players, as Slick or Spin Crusade (1989), this game puts players in the (depending on the stage), through eight levels

  title role of the popular adventurer, who must

  of action: Crash Test Center, Sewer, Big Top,

  rescue his father and find the Holy Grail.

  Fun House, Warehouse, Pier, Wrecking Yard,

  Armed with his fists and the ability to run,

  and Junkman’s Lair. Each dummy rolls along

  jump, and climb, Indy must battle his way

  on a unicycle-like wheel, meaning control is a

  through six levels: Exploring the Caves, Escap-

  bit tricky. The dummies use an air gun for

  ing on the Train, Entering the Catacombs, As-

  stunning tanks, rats, flying fish, and other en-

  sault on Brunwald Castle, Escape from the Air-

  emies, and an oil gun for killing them. Plat-

  ship, and The Three Trials. To add to his

  forming activities include collecting traffic

  arsenal, Indy can grab a whip (beginning in

  cones, jumping over gaps, rolling on moving

  level two) and a gun (beginning in level four).

  sidewalks, flipping switches, bouncing on tires,

  Enemies and obstacles include rats, giraffes,

  avoiding beach balls, and more. Also released

  armed men, Indians, knives, bullets, circular

  (in varying forms) for the Game Boy, Game

  saws, fireballs, and more. Neither NES Last

  Gear, Genesis, and SNES.

  Crusade title was a classic, but this version is particularly bad, thanks to short-range punch-Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

  ing, poor controls, and Game Boy-like graph-


  ics. A port of the 1989 computer game. Similar

  PUBLISHER: Taito. DEVELOPER: Taito. Multi-

  to the Genesis v
ersion, but with more levels and

  Genre Game, 1 player. 1991.

  less color.

  The first of two NES games based on the

  Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

  third film in the Indiana Jones series, the Taito P

  version of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

  UBLISHER: Tengen. DEVELOPER: Tengen. Side-

  Scrolling Platform/Adventure, 1 player. 1988.

  is divided into several distinctive genres, each

  partitioned by a cut scene that lets players de-

  With Indiana Jones and the Temple of

  cide what to do next (such as get cross, rescue

  Doom, fans of the 1985 film get to play the role Dad, or find Marcus). In The Cross of Coron-of their favorite whip-wielding adventurer.

  ado and Castle Brunwald, Indy runs, jumps,

  Indy’s mission is to free enslaved children

  ducks, climbs ladders or stairs, and punches,

  working in mines, which involves exploring

  kicks, and whips bad guys. In the jigsaw puzzle-

  caves, climbing ladders, sliding down chutes,

  like Catacombs of Venice, players must re-

  walking on conveyor belts, riding mine carts,

  assemble scattered pieces of the Grail. In The

  swinging across gaps, and more. Freed slaves

  Desert of Iskenderun, Indy battles enemy sol-

  award players with keys, jewels, map pieces,

  diers atop a tank while trying not to fall off.

  hats (extra lives), arrows pointing to secret

  Viewed from overhead, The Road to Berlin has

  doors, and weapons (swords, guns, and TNT).

  Indy driving a motorcycle up the screen, whip-

  There are 12 levels, each filled with rats, snakes,

  ping, bumping, or jumping on enemies while

  spikes, spiders, lava monsters, guards, boul-

  avoiding minefields, washed-out bridges, and

  ders, and other enemies and obstacles. Temple

  machine gun nests. Also viewed from over-

  of Doom is based on Atari’s 1985 arcade game, head, The Lost Temple finds Indy walking

  which had digitized voice effects and superior

  around a path of letters, spelling out “Jehovah”

  graphics (conversely, the NES version added

  as he goes.

  jumping and more items to the formula). The



  original Tengen release is unlicensed, but

  eight directions. Some may find the action to be

  Mindscape published an official (though iden-

  a tad on the sluggish side, but the slow, steady

  tical) rendition later the same year.

  pace is typical (and, at least in this case, desir-

  able) for a tank shooter. Multiple pathways and


  substantial challenges ensure solid replay value.

  PUBLISHER: Mindscape. DEVELOPER: Chris Gray

  Similar to Vindicators (NES), but with no keys Enterprises. Flight Combat Simulator/Stealth,

  or fuel to worry about.

  1 player. 1990.

  Infiltrator puts players in the role of

  IronSword: Wizards & Warriors II


  Jimbo-Baby McGibbits, who must infiltrate the

  UBLISHER: Acclaim. DEVELOPER: Rare. Side-

  Scrolling Platform/Adventure, 1 player. 1989.

  headquarters of the Mad Leader. Jimbo starts off

  in his DHX-3 Attack Chopper, which he must

  This sequel to Wizards & Warriors adds a fly to a secret enemy base. The action is viewed

  few new elements to the enemy-stabbing, plat-

  from inside the cockpit, with players firing 20

  form-jumping action, including a gambling

  mm cannons and heat-seeking missiles at

  mini-game and shops where players can pur-

  enemy fighters. The chopper sections are com-

  chase keys, food, armor, and magic spells, the

  plex as numerous factors must be considered,

  latter of which enable players to gain speed, be-

  including speed, engine damage, battery heat,

  come invisible, turn enemies into food or

  fuel, altitude, RPMs, chaff (metal strips that are

  coins, and more. Spells are especially useful

  dropped to fool radar-guided missiles), flares,

  against Elementals, which are also new to the

  radio, turbo engines, whisper mode (fly and

  series. The box for IronSword: Wizards & War-

  land silently), messages, altimeter, defenses,

  riors II sports a painting of muscle-bound

  and more. Once a base is reached, players must

  model Fabio, making the game a potential col-

  undertake timed ground missions, which in-

  lector’s item for romance novel enthusiasts. In-

  volve searching buildings, wearing disguises,

  cludes password feature. Followed by: Wizards

  avoiding capture by enemy guards, using var-

  & Warriors III, Kuros: Visions of Power (NES).

  ious inventory items (sleeping gas, gas

  grenades, identification papers, a mine detector,

  Isolated Warrior

  and explosives), unlocking doors, and more.


  Based on Infiltrator and Infiltrator II for the Scrolling Shooter, 1 player. 1991.

  Commodore 64.

  In this testosterone-infused shooter, play-

  ers walk, motorbike, and even ride a hovercraft

  Iron Tank: The Invasion of Normandy

  through seven lengthy levels of explosive ac-


  tion, using beams (including a spread gun) and

  Scrolling Tank Shooter, 1 player. 1988.

  bombs to thwart an alien invasion. Weapon

  Set during World War II (circa 1944), Iron

  power-ups are plentiful, as are enemies, so

  Tank finds the United Forces looking to gain there’s no shortage of shooting action. Barrian advantage in their mission to establish a

  ers, such as gaps (which can be jumped over),

  beachhead, break through the front lines, and

  pools of acid, gun emplacements, rocks, and

  infiltrate and destroy enemy headquarters.

  destroyed buildings, are commonplace as well,

  Enter Paul, a special forces veteran who must

  helping make for a harrowing trek. In terms of

  pilot the titular tank up 19 top-down areas,

  audio/visuals, Isolated Warrior is nothing less firing away at foot soldiers, grenadiers, tanks,

  than spectacular, boasting rich coloring, a nice

  trains, gunboats, fighter planes, fortified bases,

  assortment of highly detailed aliens, and a ro-

  and other enemies. The Iron Tank is upgrade-

  bust musical score. The game, which would

  able with armor piercing bullets, long range

  look (and sound) at home on the more power-

  fire, rapid fire, full screen bombs, and increased

  ful Sega Genesis, is viewed from an isometric

  explosive power (selectable via a sub screen), and

  perspective, meaning the action progresses at

  players can point the sturdy vehicle’s turret in

  an angle. Includes password feature.



  Ivan “Ironman” Stewart’s Super Off

  number of other video games, including Jack


  Nicklaus’ Power Challenge Golf (Genesis), Jack PUBLISHER: Tradewest. DEVELOPER: Rare.

>   Nicklaus’ Turbo Golf (TurboGrafx-16), and Jack Rally/Off-Road Racing, 1–4 players (simulta-Nicklaus Golf (Game Boy, SNES).

  neous). 1990.

  A marvelous port of Leland’s 1989 arcade


  game, Ivan “Ironman” Stewart’s Super Off Road


  Overhead View Free-Roaming Shooter, 1 or 2

  for the NES one-ups the coin-op classic by al-

  players (simultaneous). 1988.

  lowing four-player action (compared to three).

  The arcade game benefits from steering wheel

  Dozens of American prisoners of war re-

  control and somewhat sharper graphics, but

  main on enemy soil, and it is up the player —

  Nintendo fans should be pleased with this fine

  a Green Beret at the wheel an all-terrain, super-

  off-road racer. Viewed from an overhead/an-

  mobile attack jeep — to rescue them. After

  gled perspective, the game has players racing

  parachuting down to the Cambodian border,

  their truck around eight different non-scrolling

  players must drive around six hostile territories,

  dirt tracks, turning sharp corners, driving over

  shooting tanks, cannons, light infantry, mobile

  bumps and hills, dodging puddles and mud

  missile launchers, troop transports, sniper rafts,

  holes, and avoiding barriers and other trucks.

  shark attack submarines, and other enemies.

  Winning races grants players money for up-

  To rescue POWs, players must destroy the bar-

  grading their trucks with nitro speed boosts

  racks where they are being held, pick up said

  and better tires, shocks, acceleration, and top

  prisoners, and drive them to the heliport. The

  speed. Nitros and money can also be picked up

  jeep, which can drive in all directions, is armed

  along the tracks. After races, beautiful, big-

  with a machine gun that can only fire straight

  breasted women congratulate the winners. Ob-

  up the screen. Players can also throw hand

  viously influenced by Super Sprint (arcade,

  grenades and fire bazookas, the latter of which

  1986), this game was released as Super Off Road

  are obtained by rescuing POWs and powering

  for the Game Boy, Atari Lynx, Game Gear,

  up. Like most Konami cartridges, Jackal exudes Genesis, and SNES. Followed by: Super Off

  quality and playability. Predictably, the original

  Road: The Baja (SNES).

  arcade game (Konami, 1986) has sharper

  graphics and more explosive sound effects.

  Jack Nicklaus’ Greatest 18 Holes of


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