Classic Home Video Games (1985-1988)

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Classic Home Video Games (1985-1988) Page 27

by Brett Weiss

  Major Championship Golf

  Jackie Chan’s Action Kung Fu


  PUBLISHER: Hudson Soft. DEVELOPER: Hudson

  Sports/Golf, 1–4 players (alternating). 1990.

  Soft. Side-Scrolling Combat, 1 player. 1991.

  Jack Nicklaus’ Greatest 18 Holes features

  Jackie Chan’s Action Kung Fu finds a car-

  the Golden Bear’s dream golf course, which in-

  toonish, big headed version of the titular mar-

  cludes such hot spots as #8 at Pebble Beach, #13

  tial arts expert walking, jumping, punching,

  at Augusta, and #12 at Royal Lythum. Nicklaus

  and kicking his way through ninjas, swords-

  himself is a playable character, along with seven

  men, birds, and other enemies and obstacles.

  fictional golfers of varying skills. Unlike cer-

  Pummeling frogs grants Jackie such power-ups

  tain computer versions of the game, Castle

  as life points, a tornado attack, a sky attack, and

  Pines Golf Club and the Golf Club at Desert

  a spin kick. The basic action is rather generic in

  Mountain are not included. However, the NES

  nature, and the TurboGrafx version has richer

  cart does offer plenty of golfing goodness, in-

  visuals, but Action Kung Fu for the NES is nev-cluding club selection, multiple viewpoints,

  ertheless an entertaining, nice looking game.

  hazards (trees, water, roughs, wind, and sand),

  Especially cool are the bosses, such as the Com-

  hooking, slicing, a three-tap swing system, a

  bat Spider and the Shaolin Giant. Chan also

  driving range, practice modes, and more. A

  appeared in Jackie Chan Stuntmaster (PlaySta-

  golfing legend, the Golden Bear appears in a

  tion), Jackie Chan Adventures (PS2), and Jackie



  Chan Adventures: Legend of the Dark Hand


  (Game Boy Advance).


  Show, 1–3 players (simultaneous). 1988.

  James Bond Jr.

  Based on the popular TV game show, Jeop-


  ardy! for the NES is missing host Alex Trebek, opments. Platform Shooter, 1 player. 1992.

  but the theme song is recognizable, and there

  more than 2,000 trivia questions in over 400

  Based on the cartoon series (1991–1992),

  categories, meaning repeats are relatively few

  James Bond Jr. puts players in the role of James and far between. As play begins, three contest-Bond’s nephew, who must rescue a weapons

  ants are shown standing behind podiums (the

  scientist being held hostage by the evil

  computer fills in if only one or two humans are

  S.C.U.M. Lord. During his mission, the young

  playing), and then the view switches to a board

  super spy will jump on platforms, leap over

  showing six different categories. Each category

  long gaps, climb ladders, and use a gun, bombs,

  is at the top of a column, with each column

  and flares to battle bad guys. In addition, Bond

  containing a series of progressively higher dol-

  must open safes, disable missiles (similar to

  lar amounts. After a category and dollar

  solving Rubik’s Cube-like puzzles), don scuba

  amount has been selected, a trivia question is

  gear and a bubble gun, go airborne with a jet

  posed, and within a set time limit players must

  pack, and attack enemies as a werewolf. Help-

  answer the question by guiding a cursor along

  ful items to collect include extra ammo, shields,

  an alphabet to spell out the word or words. The

  werewolf potion, clocks (extra time), and ham-

  controller functions may seem tedious to ca-

  burgers (health). The characters and levels are

  sual gamers, but they get the job done, and the

  very nicely drawn and detailed, making the

  contestants react animatedly to various situa-

  game more sophisticated in appearance than

  tions. Daily Double, Double Jeopardy!, and

  most 8-bit titles. James Bond Jr. for the NES is Final Jeopardy! are included. Also released for

  much different than its Super NES counterpart,

  the Genesis, SNES, and numerous other sys-

  which is a side-scrolling platformer with


  brighter coloring and a more lighthearted look

  and feel. Includes password feature.

  Jeopardy! Junior Edition



  Show, 1–3 players (simultaneous). 1989.


  Jeopardy! Junior Edition plays just like the ture/Non-Scrolling Shooter, 1 player. 1987.

  regular version of Jeopardy! , but the trivia questions are kid-friendly (the game is recom-

  Loosely based on Jaws: The Revenge (1987),

  mended for children ages seven and up), and

  which was the fourth and final film in the fa-

  the contestants themselves are kids. There are

  mous franchise, Jaws for the NES features four nearly 2,000 questions divided into such cate-types of gameplay: a pointless overhead se-

  gories as Weapons, Veggies, Numbers, Paul

  quence where players pilot a sailboat until it

  Bunyan, and Muppet Movies (there are more

  inadvertently hits an unseen Jaws; a dull un-

  than 400 categories in all). As in real Jeopardy! , derwater scenario in which players use a boat,

  the action is timed, and players who think they

  a diver, or a mini-sub to gather conch shells

  know the answer to a question should try to be

  and shoot sea creatures; a fairly decent bonus

  the first to buzz in so they can answer it (actu-

  scene involving the bombing of jellyfish with

  ally, as Jeopardy! fans know, the questions are an airplane; and an anti-climactic first-person

  posed as answers and the answers take the form

  finale in which players must ram Jaws with a

  of questions).

  boat. Jaws has a much more prominent role

  in the bloody Jaws Unleashed (PS2, Xbox),

  Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition

  which puts players in the role of the hungry



  Show, 1–3 players (simultaneous). 1990.



  Produced to celebrate the popular TV

  in his ship while avoiding and shooting satel-

  game show’s silver anniversary, Jeopardy! 25th

  lites, space dogs, and asteroids. In Amazing Ice

  Anniversary Edition plays just like the first Jeop-Cream Maze, Fozzie walks around a series of

  ardy! game for the NES, but offers almost 2,000

  mazes, throwing bones, banana peels, and

  new trivia questions. Categories include Histor-

  hearts at carnival barkers. Viewed from over-

  ical Events, Sports Facts, Animals, The Bible,

  head, Crash Car Course scrolls to the right,

  Human Body, Birds, Aussie English, and many

  with Animal riding through an obstacle course,

  more. As in previous editions of the game, cer-

  running ov
er flags while avoiding booby traps,

  tain misspellings are accepted while others are

  oil slicks, and rubber band bumpers. A poor

  considered to be the wrong answer. Unfortu-

  man’s Toobin’, The Raging River Ride has Kernately, despite the celebratory nature of the

  mit propelling his boat down a river, catching

  game, host Alex Trebek, who wouldn’t show

  buoys and periscopes while avoiding rocks,

  up in a console video game until the Genesis

  logs, and dead ends. Beating all four rides takes

  and SNES versions of Jeopardy! , remains miss-players to a side-scrolling platform stage where

  ing in action. Followed by: Super Jeopardy!

  Kermit must tickle Grumpasaurus with a


  feather in order to rescue Piggy.

  The Jetsons: Cogswell’s Caper

  Jimmy Connors Tennis

  PUBLISHER: Taito. DEVELOPER: Taito. Side-


  Scrolling Platform, 1 player. 1992.

  tainment. Sports/Tennis, 1 or 2 players (si-

  multaneous). 1993.

  Based on the classic sci-fi cartoon, The Jet-

  sons is a mediocre platformer that puts players Endorsed by one of the greatest tennis

  in the role of family patriarch George, who

  players of all time, Jimmy Connors Tennis is a must run, jump, and fly (via jet pack) through

  typical video game version of the popular

  12 levels of play, including a Packing Factory, a

  sport, giving gamers a viewpoint behind the

  Botanical Garden, and a Mining Factory. To

  court and slightly above the player on that end.

  thwart robots, archers, UFOs, and other ene-

  Shots include lob, drop, normal, strong, fore-

  mies, George can pick up and throw blocks.

  hand, and backhand, and players can use the

  Throughout the levels, George must pull

  D-pad to influence the direction and depth of

  switches to operate elevators, turn on lights,

  hits. Modes of play include Practice (beginner,

  activate teleporters, and more. Fellow cast

  intermediate, advance, or smash play) and

  mates Rosie, Astro, Elroy, Jane, and Judy are

  Tournament (beginner, intermediate, or ad-

  on hand to dish out advice, magnetic boots,

  vanced), the latter of which features 16 differ-

  power packs, a jet board, and a remote control.

  ent countries and three types of courts: grass,

  The futuristic family also appeared in The Jet-

  hard, and clay. The tennis players are nicely an-

  sons’ Way With Words (Intellivision), The Jet-imated (if similar in design), and the computer

  sons: Robot Panic (Game Boy), and The Jetsons: poses a substantial challenge, even in the eas-Invasion of the Planet Pirates (SNES).

  ier modes of play. Followed by: Jimmy Connors

  Pro Tennis Tour (SNES).

  Jim Henson’s Muppet Adventure: Chaos

  at the Carnival

  Joe & Mac

  PUBLISHER: Hi Tech Expressions. DEVELOPER:

  PUBLISHER: Data East. DEVELOPER: Elite Sys-

  Mind’s Eye Technology. Multi-Genre Game, 1

  tems. Side-Scrolling Platform, 1 or 2 players

  player. 1990.

  (alternating). 1992.

  The evil Dr. Grump has kidnapped Miss

  Based on the arcade game Caveman Ninja

  Piggy, forcing the Muppets to conquer four di-

  (Data East, 1991), Joe & Mac for the NES is abolical carnival rides. Lost in Space Ride has

  missing the two-player simultaneous mode,

  Asteroids-like controls (rotate, thrust, fire), but which is something the Genesis and SNES verthe action scrolls to the right, with Gonzo flying

  sions kept intact. And, despite the name “Mac”



  in the title, he is not a playable character. The

  down three-pointers. Players are penalized for

  prehistoric action finds Joe running, jumping

  traveling, shot clock violations, charging,

  on platforms, and throwing stone axes, flints,

  blocking, and failing to clear the ball, and there

  boomerangs, fireballs, and stone wheels at baby

  are four selectable difficulty levels and period

  pteranodons, archaeopteryx, zephyrosaurus,

  lengths. Gameplay is slow, but fairly entertain-

  electric flying fish, tyrant triffids, and helirock

  ing, and the graphics are clear and nicely ani-

  bombs, the latter dropped by Caveman

  mated and detailed. The cartridge includes a

  Crowswing from his “helirockter.” Jumping

  3-Point Contest and a Slam Dunk Contest, the

  and throwing a weapon at the same time is a

  latter of which employs a hard-to-perfect ma-

  common tactic, and Joe can eat food to restore

  neuver where Jordan must take off from a spe-

  his energy and score points. The game takes

  cific location on the court for each particular

  place in 10 stone-age areas spread across five

  dunk. The game, which has its roots in the

  levels: Volcanic Valley of Valor, Ocean of Sil-

  groundbreaking Julius Erving and Larry Bird

  urian, Rapids of Ramapithecus, Bonseville

  Go One-On-One (1984, PC), was followed by

  Basin, and Petrified Forest of Fossileons. Also

  EA’s Jordan vs Bird: Super One on One (Genesis).

  released for the Game Boy. Followed by: Joe & Mac Returns (arcade) and Joe & Mac 2: Lost in Joshua and the Battle of Jericho

  the Tropics (SNES).

  PUBLISHER: Wisdom Tree. DEVELOPER: Color

  Dreams. Maze/Maze Shooter, 1 or 2 players

  John Elway’s Quarterback

  (alternating). 1992.

  PUBLISHER: Tradewest. DEVELOPER: Rare.

  Joshua and the Battle of Jericho uses the

  Sports/Football, 1 or 2 players (simultaneous).

  same game engine as Crystal Mines, but is


  retrofitted with a biblical theme. Players guide

  Endorsed by the famous Denver Bronco,

  Joshua through a series of 100 timed levels,

  John Elway’s Quarterback scrolls vertically and tooting his trumpet (i.e. shooting his weapon)

  is viewed from a top-down perspective, setting

  to clear away enemies and obstacles, including

  it apart from the pack. Also unusual is that

  Hittite citizens, Israelite discontent (textured

  players use an arrow to aim passes and kicks.

  squares), pieces of the Jericho wall (circles),

  Gamers can call six defensive and nine offensive

  and temporary boundaries (gray squares).

  plays, the latter of which can be changed on the

  Joshua can also drop items on enemies and

  fly. Diving tackles are an important part of the

  grab numerous prizes, including: the Lord’s di-

  game, and players can jump to intercept passes.

  rection (for extended trumpet gunfire); ram’s

  There are 14 different fictional teams, but it’s

  horns (for eliminating stubborn enemies);

  always red vs. blue, giving the game limited vi-

  shovels (for shoveling through virtually all ob-

  sual appeal (poor animation doesn’t help). John

  jects); and the Lord’s favor (temporary invin-

  Elway’s Quarterback is based on the four-player c
ibility). The objective in each level is to collect

  John Elway’s Team Quarterback, which Leland

  five questions (the game includes 250 trivia

  released to the arcades in 1988.

  questions based on the book of Joshua), gather all the iron, brass, silver, and gold, and find the

  Jordan vs Bird: One on One

  exit. Includes digitized speech and a password

  PUBLISHER: Milton Bradley. DEVELOPER: Rare.

  feature. Unlicensed. Also released for the Gen-

  Sports/Basketball, 1–4 players (alternating, 2-

  esis (with more color, but no speech). See also:

  player simultaneous). 1989.

  Exodos: Journey to the Promised Land (NES).

  Adapted from the 1988 computer game,

  Jordan vs Bird: One on One lets players control Journey to Silius


  NBA greats Michael Jordan and Larry Bird as

  UBLISHER: Sunsoft. DEVELOPER: Sunsoft. Plat-

  form Shooter, 1 player. 1990.

  they face off against one another. Approximat-

  ing reality to some degree, Jordan’s specialty is

  Produced under the working title of “The

  dunking while Bird’s expertise is knocking

  Terminator,” but changed when Sunsoft lost



  the Terminator movie license, Journey to Silius stories), The Jungle Book for the NES puts play-isn’t as well known as Mega Man or Contra, but ers in the role of man-cub Mowgli as he works

  it deserves a place on the shelf next to those

  his way through the jungle and to the village,

  great shooters. Gamers guide a vengeful boy

  throwing bananas at monkeys, jumping fish,

  through five futuristic stages, using six differ-

  crocodiles, snakes, scorpions, and other ene-

  ent weapons (hand gun, shot gun, machine

  mies along the way. Weapon power-ups include

  gun, homing missiles, laser rifle, and grenade

  double-power bananas, boomerang bananas, a

  launcher) to destroy such enemies as flying

  pea shooter, and a mask of invulnerability. In

  warbots, humanoid laser cannons, and gigan-

  addition to battling baddies, Mowgli swings on

  tic bosses (including a helicopter, a spaceship,

  vines, jumps on platforms, collects gems and

  and an android). Stages include: A Deserted

  berries, bounces on see-saws (to reach high

  Space Colony in Space Age 0373, Underground

  areas), dodges spikes and falling rocks, and

  Concourse, Terrorist Headquarters, Inside the

  more. Levels are timed, and the fun, nicely il-

  Terrorist’s Spaceship, and Inside the Terrorist’s

  lustrated, side-scrolling action exhibits plenty


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