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Classic Home Video Games (1985-1988)

Page 31

by Brett Weiss

  Brain. Third-Person Action Role-Playing

  Game, 1 or 2 players (simultaneous). 1991.

  The Little Mermaid for the NES takes place

  after Disney’s 1989 feature film. The evil octo-

  The sequel to Kung-Fu Heroes, Little Ninja pus/witch Ursula has taken over the ocean,

  Brothers is an oddly humorous cartridge that



  separates itself from the average RPG by giv-

  Galactic Commando up and down ladders,

  ing its two playable characters (Jack and Ryu)

  over brick platforms, and across ropes while

  the ability to punch and kick, making for an

  collecting gold and dodging enemy robots.

  action-heavy game. The overhead view, real-

  After collecting all the gold, players should

  time battles are against pigs, ghosts, gargoyles,

  climb a ladder to the top of the screen to exit to

  frogs, bosses, and other enemies. Throughout

  the next level. The Galactic Commando is

  Chinaland, the world our heroes must explore,

  equipped with a laser drill pistol for drilling

  there are a number of upgradeable items to

  holes in the brick, which lets players trap ene-

  grab, including swords, shields, talismans (for

  mies or send them falling through the brick

  slowing down enemies), and throwing stars.

  floors. Most versions of Lode Runner feature Other helpful items include a skateboard, a

  100 or more levels, but the NES rendition con-

  whirlybird, and a dragster. In addition to the

  tains just 50. Also, players can’t save the game

  standard game, there’s a Field Meeting Mode

  boards they have edited. Unlike the original

  featuring six different events: 50 Meter Dash,

  computer game, the NES rendition scrolls to

  Balloon Popping Race, Athletic Race, Treasure

  the left and right, meaning it’s easy to walk into

  Hunt, Eating Race, and Shooting Race. In-

  a trap or get blindsided by an enemy. Despite

  cludes password feature. Followed by: Super

  these weaknesses, smooth controls and classic

  Ninja Boy (SNES).

  challenges make the game loads of fun. Fol-

  lowed by: Hyper Lode Runner (Game Boy),

  Little Samson

  Lode Runner (PlayStation), and Lode Runner 3-P

  D (Nintendo 64).

  UBLISHER: Taito. DEVELOPER: Taito. Side-

  Scrolling Platform, 1 player. 1992.

  In Little Samson, players must guide four

  The Lone Ranger

  fearless adventurers through castles, ruins,


  forests, jungles, mountains, and other nicely il-

  Multi-Genre Game, 1 player. 1991.

  lustrated, monster-ridden areas. Each running,

  jumping, battling character — Little Samson,

  A very nice looking and playing take on

  Kikira the Dragon Lord, Gamm the Rock Lord,

  the classic television series (1949–1957), The

  and K.O. the Enchanted Beast (The Lord of the

  Lone Ranger puts players in the role of a for-Mice)— has his or her own special skills, such

  mer Texas Ranger out to avenge his brother’s

  as climbing walls, throwing bells, dropping

  death and rescue the president, who has been

  bombs, flying, breathing fire, walking across

  kidnapped by the evil Butch Cavendish. The

  spikes, walking through small areas, and/or

  game employs a staggering array of genres and

  punching. Levels are designed in such a way

  viewpoints, from top-down action to light gun

  that players must determine when and where to

  shooter to side-scrolling combat/platform to

  switch between characters, making for a good,

  role-playing adventure. Aided by scouting re-

  strategic challenge. As in Mega Man, there’s lots ports from Tonto, “Kemosabe” must: search

  of horizontal scrolling. A relative obscurity, Lit-buildings, caves, and mountain hideouts; ride

  tle Samson is a quality game that deserves a his faithful horse, Silver; play poker; make

  larger audience.

  friends with Indians; talk to townsfolk; shoot

  or punch bad guys to release money, extra bul-

  Lode Runner

  lets, and health hearts; and much more. The


  masked hero begins the game armed with his

  UBLISHER: Broderbund Software. DEVELOPER:

  Hudson Soft. Climbing, 1 or 2 players (alter-

  fists, a short range pistol, and a supply of bul-

  nating). 1987.

  lets, but he can purchase extra bullets, silver

  bullets, TNT, and medium and long range

  Based on Irem’s 1984 arcade game (which,

  guns. Compatible with Nintendo’s Zapper gun

  itself, was based on the 1983 computer classic),

  and Konami’s LaserScope Voice Command

  Lode Runner for the NES has players guiding a Optical Targeting Headset.




  Viewed from overhead, each of the 60 ta-


  bles in Lunar Pool is displayed horizontally.

  Action Puzzle, 1 or 2 players (simultaneous).

  Unlike regular billiards, there are tables of vary-


  ing layouts, such as an arrow, an L-shape, and

  In Loopz, random puzzle pieces appear

  a V-shape. In addition, table friction can be al-

  one at a time over a grid-like board (there are

  tered, determining (at least in part) how far a

  50 boards in all), and it is up to the player to

  ball will roll when hit. The objective is simple:

  place them on said board. Each piece is either

  set up the electronic cue stick, take aim, select

  a straight line or a shape containing perpendi-

  shot power, and shoot the cue ball into vari-

  cular lines (L-shapes, T-shapes, U-shapes, and

  ous numbered balls in hopes of knocking them

  the like), and each piece can be rotated. The

  into side pockets. Some of the pockets, depend-

  objective is to connect pieces in order to create

  ing on the table, are obscured by bumpers,

  loops (enclosed sections), thus making the

  adding to the futuristic nature of the game.

  pieces disappear. Bigger loops net more points,

  and pieces that are not in the loop (so to speak)

  Mach Rider

  stay onscreen. Unlike the similar Pipe Dream, PUBLISHER: Nintendo. DEVELOPER: Nintendo.

  pieces cannot overlap, and there are no clues

  Demolition/Combat Racing, 1 player. 1985.

  given for the pieces that will appear next. A sep-

  Viewed from behind (and a little above)

  arate mode of play begins with the computer

  the titular motorcycle, Mach Rider has players removing pieces of an already formed loop.

  careening down winding highways in the year

  Once the pieces have been taken off the board,

  2112, firing a machine gun at enemy vehicles

  the player must put them back into place. Also

  while avoiding rocks, oil spots, oil drums,

  released for the Game Boy.

  water, tacks, and bomber balls. The enemies all

  have the same
design (post apocalyptic three-

  Low G Man: The Low Gravity Man

  wheelers), but they do come in six different col-


  ors and strengths. Using 37 different course

  Platform Shooter, 1 player. 1990.

  parts, players can design (but not save) their

  own tracks (ala Excitebike). Despite spotty col-Hostile aliens have programmed robots for

  lision detection and choppy graphics, the game

  war against humankind, prompting the Low-G-

  is fast and fun. A system launch title.

  Man to take action. The high-jumping hero bat-

  tles through 15 sectors (including mines, the

  ocean, mountains, a tower, a submarine, and in-

  Mad Max

  dustrial areas), using a freeze gun to halt enemies

  PUBLISHER: Mindscape. DEVELOPER: Gray Mat-

  ter. Demolition/Combat Racing, 1 player.

  in their tracks and an armor-piercing spear to


  kill them. Low-G can also acquire a boomerang,

  bombs, fireballs, and a wave. Other helpful items

  Mad Max for the NES takes place in a

  include invincibility, double shot, healing po-

  post-apocalyptic, war-torn future. Players,

  tion, and low gravity (for even higher jumps).

  viewing the action from an angled/overhead

  By killing the drivers of certain vehicles, Low-

  view perspective, take on the titular role, a

  G can commandeer a robot suit, a hover craft,

  leather-clad nomad driving around wastelands,

  and a spider, the latter of which can crawl on

  dodging oil slicks, barricades, gangs, and pits

  walls. A game action fans should enjoy, Low G

  while lobbing dynamite and shooting bullets

  Man has huge bosses, detailed backgrounds,

  at various enemies and obstacles. The overall

  and fast music. Includes password feature.

  objective in the roadway segments is to reach

  the demolition arena, where cars knock each

  Lunar Pool

  other into pits. Such helpful items as ammo,


  fuel, and dynamite can be found in mine shafts

  Compile. Sports/Billiards/Futuristic/1 or 2

  or purchased in service stations. Based on the

  players (simultaneous). 1987.

  films The Road Warrior (1981) and Beyond Thun-



  derdome (1985), both of which were sequels to Magic Johnson’s Fast Break

  1979’s Mad Max (starring Mel Gibson).

  PUBLISHER: Tradewest. DEVELOPER: Software

  Creations. Sports/Basketball, 1, 2, or 4 players

  (simultaneous). 1990.

  The Mafat Conspiracy

  PUBLISHER: Vic Tokai. DEVELOPER: Vic Tokai.

  The first basketball cartridge compatible

  Multi-Genre Game/Adventure, 1 player. 1990.

  with the NES Satellite, Magic Johnson’s Fast

  Break lets one, two, or four armchair athletes The sequel to Golgo 13, The Mafat Con-engage in a simple, yet fast and fairly enjoyable

  spiracy once again puts players in the role of game of two-on-two action (seen from an ele-Duke Togo (a.k.a. Golgo 13), a sharp-shooting

  vated side-view perspective). There’s no tour-

  secret agent. Duke has been assigned by the

  nament or season mode, but gamers can select

  CIA to eliminate the leader of the Mafat Rev-

  from five different difficulty levels. Other ele-

  olutionary Group, which is threatening to

  ments include three-minute quarters, an ani-

  bring down all American and Soviet satellites.

  mated crowd, fouls, free throws, dunks (but no

  The action is divided into five different types of

  Double Dribble-like cut scenes), steals, stats, gameplay scenarios: side-scrolling (shoot and

  salaries, and a 24-second clock. After players

  kick scorpions, dogs, and armed men); station-

  make a three-pointer (a fairly easy thing to do),

  ary (punch and kick enemies); sniper (aim and

  a close-up of Magic Johnson will appear. Un-

  fire, taking wind speed and direction into ac-

  fortunately, the NBA legend is not a playable

  count); Ferrari (drive, shift gears, throw grenades

  character. Based on Arcadia’s 1988 arcade game.

  at other cars); and first-person maze (walk

  down hallways, shoot bad guys, use infrared

  The Magic of Scheherazade

  scope to see). The maze sequences are redun-

  PUBLISHER: Culture Brain. DEVELOPER: Culture

  dant in terms of gameplay and visuals (the

  Brain. Third-Person Action Role-Playing

  walls are a consistent gray), but the rest of the

  Game, 1 player. 1990.

  game is nicely illustrated and more fully real-

  The Magic of Scheherazade is an unusual

  ized. As in Golgo 13, cinematic cut scenes tell the (not to mention high quality) RPG, offering

  involved storyline.

  turn-based fights (strategically select two char-

  acters to engage in battle) as well as Zelda-style Magic Darts

  action (battle enemies to gain experience and

  PUBLISHER: Romstar. DEVELOPER: Romstar.

  cash). There are three character classes— Saint,

  Sports/Darts, 1–4 players (simultaneous). 1991.

  Fighter, and Magician, each of varying abili-

  ties and weaponry — and five Arabian worlds

  Boasting 10 playable characters (includ-

  to conquer: Water, Desert, Winter, Flower, and

  ing a monkey, an alien, a ninja, and a robot)

  a mystery level, the latter of which finds play-

  and three different dart weights, Magic Darts

  ers battling the evil wizard Sabaron, who sum-

  lets gamers compete in six different versions of

  moned demons to Arabia in the first place. As

  the popular bar room sport: 301, 501, 701,

  in most RPGs, visiting shops and casting spells

  Count Up, Round the Clock, and Half It. The

  (killer winds, thunder, fire, and star attacks,

  bottom 1/4 of the screen shows the player, who

  turning enemies into fireworks, etc.) play

  is positioned on the right, throwing darts at a

  prominent roles, as does using such items as

  side-view board, which is positioned on the

  swords, magic rods, and magic carpet. Players

  left. The top 3/4 of the screen depicts a large,

  can even go to casinos and attend Magic Uni-

  traditional, black and red dart board, viewed

  versity. Includes password feature.

  from the front. To set the position, curve,

  angle, and power of a dart throw, golf-like me-


  ters are used. Magic Darts joins the computer PUBLISHER: Taxan. DEVELOPER: Eurocom.

  title 180 (circa 1986) as one of very few video or Third-Person Action Role-Playing Game, 1

  computer games based on darts.

  player. 1991.



  In Magician, players, as a wizard named

  The first NES game backed by the big

  Paul, must journey through the kingdom of

  leagues, Major League Baseball includes all 26

  Merlwood (which consists of towns, wilder-

  teams from the 1987 season. The game lacks an

ness, lakes, forests, caverns, dungeons, castles,

  MLPBA license, but real players are repre-

  and towers), engaging in real-time battles with

  sented by their jersey number, abilities, throw-

  creatures (rats, skeletons, dragons, and the like)

  ing arm, and batting order placement. All the

  beset upon the land by Abadon, an evil magi-

  staples of the genre are included, such as pitch-

  cian. The action scrolls vertically, horizontally,

  ing, catching, hitting, bunting, pitch outs, base

  and diagonally, and Paul can run, jump (over

  stealing, fielding, and errors, and players can

  gaps and onto moving platforms), and even fly.

  make such managerial moves as bringing in re-

  As with most RPGs, there are plenty of puzzles

  lief pitchers, changing the batting lineup, and

  to solve, including overhead view areas where

  using pinch hitters. Modes of play include Reg-

  Paul must use holes to make stones shift. Other

  ular Game, All Star Game, and World Series.

  activities include talking to townsfolk to garner

  clues, casting spells, and finding or purchasing

  Maniac Mansion

  keys, shields, staffs, lightning, food, and other

  PUBLISHER: Jaleco. DEVELOPER: LucasArts.

  items. A fairly obscure title, Magician is easily Third-Person Graphic Adventure, 1 player.

  one of the most complex games in the NES li-


  brary. Includes battery backup.

  Sporting a side-view perspective, Maniac

  Mansion has players guiding three (of seven) MagMax

  teenagers of varying abilities through a large


  haunted house in order to rescue a girl. This

  Side-Scrolling Shooter, 1 or 2 players (alter-

  nating). 1988.

  requires using an arrow cursor to select verbs

  (get, open, close, use, push, pull, turn on, turn

  Despite missing certain graphical flour-

  off, and the like) that appear in a list on the

  ishes (the robot enemies near the beginning of

  lower portion of the screen, and then applying

  the game don’t bob up and down, for exam-

  said verbs to various household objects within

  ple) and the inclusion of a reworked sound-

  the mansion. Puzzle-laden activities include

  track, MagMax for the NES is a solid port of fixing a phone and a shortwave radio, drain-Nichibutsu’s enjoyable (if unspectacular) ar-

  ing a swimming pool, opening mail, escaping

  cade game (1985). The action begins on the sur-

  from a dungeon, and much more. Certain ele-

  face of a planet, with gamers guiding a small,


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