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Satan’s Fury MC - Memphis

Page 33

by Wilder, L.

  I didn’t have time to tell her that she was wrong. There was nothing she could say that would change the fact that she’d turned my entire world upside down, and just to have her near made me feel things I didn’t even know I could. She made me want more, and nothing would change that. Hoping it was enough for now, I told her, “Not a chance.”

  I kissed her once more, and then left to find Riggs. When I got down to his room, he was sitting at his desk with his eyes glued to one of his monitors. While it often gave me an uneasy feeling, I’d always marveled at what he could do with a simple laptop. As soon as he noticed me standing in the doorway, he motioned me over. “Come have a seat.”

  As I sat down next to him, I asked, “What’s going on?”

  “We got a name.” He handed me one of the stacks of paper as he continued, “Rodrigo Navarro.”

  “So, Jasper talked?”

  “Hell, he did more than that. He told Gus everything about this guy and more. I’ve just spent the past hour confirming what he’s already told us.”

  “You gonna fill me in?”

  “Navarro approached Jasper about a year and a half ago. At the time, he had no idea who Navarro was, but he was intrigued by the big wad of cash he flashed in front of his face. When he found out that the guy was just looking for information, he took the cash and told him everything he wanted to know.”

  “What kind of information was he looking for?”

  “He wanted the names of anyone who was selling drugs in the area. It didn’t matter if they were big or small, he wanted to know everything there was about them from who their suppliers were to which street corner they used. He took note of everything, and once he had what he wanted, he left, and Jasper didn’t hear from him again … until a few months ago.”

  “That’s when he hired him to start taking out our boys?”

  “No, not yet. This time he wanted Jasper to find him a place to set up a meth lab, the kind that could generate a shit ton of product in a short amount of time. Sound familiar?”

  “The Culebras?”

  “The one and only.” He crossed his arms as he leaned back in his chair. “Apparently, he was their distributor out in California, and he sent them here to get his new lab set up. He provided them with the location, supplies, and all the startup money they could possibly need, and all they had to do was deal with the competition. They thought it was a sweet deal until they crossed paths with us.”

  “Damn straight.” As I thought back to the night that we blew up that meth lab, I remembered how the flames engulfed every member of the Culebra gang and left no trace of them behind. It was a well-deserved demise for the motherfuckers who’d killed two of our brothers. “You would think that alone would be enough for Navarro to steer clear of Memphis.”

  “Not a chance,” Riggs scoffed. “This guy is used to getting his way, and he’s not gonna stop until he gets it. That’s why he’s back. Jasper admitted that he paid him to kill off our boys, but none of that makes any fucking sense to me.”

  “Yeah, but Boone and Hoss told the same fucking story.”

  “Yeah. I’m not saying it isn’t true. I’m just saying it doesn’t make any fucking sense. I mean, come on. Think about it. This guy has the money and power to bring on one hell of a war, especially after we fucked up his plans for setting up production here, but all this guy does is pay Jasper to wipe out a few of our guys. Doesn’t that seem odd to you?”

  “So, you’re thinking that he’s got another plan in play, and he’s just using Jasper as a distraction?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know what this guy is thinking, but something tells me that killing our boys was just the beginning.”

  “Then, let’s take this guy out before he can cause any more damage.” I looked around at all the stacks of papers that were scattered around his desk as I asked, “You got something here that might help us get to him?”

  “I might, but I have to ask you something first.” He paused for a moment, then grimaced as he asked “How well do you know Alex?”

  I didn’t like the tone of his voice, especially when asking about someone who’d quickly become important to me, and I found myself getting defensive as I answered, “I know her well enough. Why? What does she have to do with any of this?”

  “Do you know anything about her past? Where she grew up? What she did before she started working at the bookstore?”

  “What the fuck, Riggs? If you’ve got something on your mind, just say it.”

  Sensing my frustration, he held up his hands and said, “Hold on. I’ve got my reasons for asking.”

  “Then, get on with it.”

  “Jasper told Gus that Navarro had a daughter, and after doing a little digging, I came across this.” As he handed me a piece of paper, he said, “This is her … Alejandra Navarro.”

  I was horrified when I realized it was an old photograph of Alex. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Her hair was different and she was much younger, but there was no doubt that it was her. For the past year I’d only known her as Alex, the bookstore owner. I wasn’t stupid. I knew she was hiding from something, that she had her secrets, but I never dreamed those secrets would include Navarro—the very man who was trying to take down Satan’s Fury. “Damn. I can’t fuckin’ believe it’s her.”

  “Yeah. This girl has gone to an awful lot of trouble to wash her hands of Navarro. She cut all ties with her past, moved clear across the country, changed her name, and from what I can tell, she hasn’t been in contact with her father in almost eight years. That’s some pretty heavy shit for a teenager to handle on their own.”

  “You gotta wonder what drove her to leave?”

  “There’s a reason why Navarro has been so successful.” Riggs handed me another stack of photographs mostly filled with some pretty gruesome images. “The guy’s a cold-blooded killer who doesn’t let anyone stand in his way. It couldn’t have been easy living with a man like that. There’s no telling what kind of hell she went through. She was lucky that she got away from him when she did.”

  “Well, I think her luck just ran out.”

  After I told him about everything that had happened at the bookstore with Alex and how adamant she was about leaving town, he said, “Fuck. So, what Jasper said was true. He has been looking for her.”

  “Yep, and apparently, he’s found her … unless there was another reason that asshole attacked her today.”

  “Is she still in your room?”

  “That’s where I left her.” My mind drifted back to Alex lying in my bed, and when I thought about how she’d felt in my arms, I wanted nothing more than to keep her close and protect her. Without me even realizing it, I’d fallen for her, and there was nothing I wouldn’t do to keep her out of harm’s way, even if that meant killing her father with my bare hands. I ran my fingers through my hair and let out a deep breath before saying, “Riggs … this girl …”

  “You don’t have to say anything,” he interrupted me. “I already knew this girl meant something to you, brother. Hell, I’m pretty sure I knew even before you did.”

  “Then, you know I’m not going to let anything happen to her.”

  “Yeah, I know that, too.”

  “So, now what?”

  “We talk to Gus.”

  He stood up and I followed him down the hall to Gus’s office. When we walked in, he was sitting at his desk talking to Moose, but the conversation quickly ceased when they noticed us standing in the doorway. They both watched silently as Riggs and I took a seat next to Moose and remained silent as Riggs told him everything that he’d uncovered about Navarro. I could feel the tension radiating off of each of them as they listened to the news about Alex, making their silence that much more palpable. Once Riggs had informed them of everything we knew, including the fact Alex was actually on the premises, Gus was done listening. He leaned forward, placing his elbows on his desk, as he turned to me and asked, “You had no idea this girl was in trouble?”

  “No. Not until that moth
erfucker showed up at her bookstore.”

  “What has she told you about her situation?”

  “Nothing,” I admitted shamefully. “She’s kept this entire thing hidden from everyone. Hell, I don’t even think Hallie knew who she really was.”

  “Then, it’s time we hear what she has to say.”

  I nodded, then said, “I’ll go get her, but Prez … we need to be careful with her. She’s been through a lot, and trust isn’t going to come easy.”

  “Don’t worry, Shadow.” With his eyebrow perched high, he assured me, “I can handle your girl.”



  I’d always known there was a chance my father would find me, and I knew if that day ever came, he’d expect me to come back home. He would want me to go back to the way things were and forget about the new life I’d created for myself. I couldn’t let that happen, so I tried my best to formulate a plan. At first, I thought I’d try to reason with him, explain how truly happy I was, and show him how successful I’d become, then maybe he would simply let me stay. But there was just one problem—my father wasn’t a man who could be reasoned with—ever, so I had let go of that fantasy. I had to focus on the reality of my situation—my father was a cold, ruthless killer who would use any means necessary to bring me home. Having no other choice, I tried to prepare myself for the worst, thinking of all the different ways he’d make his appearance, and after going through scenario after scenario, I’d devised several plans for my grand escape, none of which included me ending up at the Satan’s Fury clubhouse. And yet, there I was, lying in Shadow’s bed trying to decide my next move.

  As much as I wanted to believe that he might be able to help me, I couldn’t expect him to take on my problems as his own. Dealing with my father would be dangerous, a life-on-the-line kind of dangerous, and it wasn’t fair to get him, nor his brothers, involved in my screwed-up situation. While I hated the thought of leaving him, especially after the moment we’d just shared, I knew I had no other choice but to go. With great reluctance, I pulled myself out of his bed and put on my clothes. Once I was done, I collected my things and stepped out into the hall. I was relieved to find that there was no one around. Trying my best not to be noticed, I hurried towards the exit. Just as I was about to reach the door, I heard Shadow call out my name.


  Surprised by his sharp tone, I stopped dead in my tracks. Without turning to face him, I replied, “Just let me go, Shadow.”

  “Can’t do that.”

  “Why not? It’s the best thing for everyone concerned.”

  “You’re wrong about that, Alejandra. In fact, you couldn’t be more wrong.”

  I felt the air rush from my lungs at the sound of my name. There was only one way he’d know that name, the name that connected me to my father and all the lies I’d told. As I slowly turned to look at him, I tried to brace myself for the anger I expected to see on his face. Only I didn’t see anger, nor anything like it. Instead, there was that same look of longing I’d seen in his eyes just a few hours earlier. Thinking I must’ve misheard him, I asked, “What did you say?”

  As he continued walking towards me, he replied, “I know everything, Alejandra.”

  “You do?” I asked with my voice trembling with surprise. “Then, why are you trying to stop me from leaving? Aren’t you furious with me for lying to you?”

  “Not exactly happy about it.”

  “Then, why wouldn’t you want me to just walk out that door and never come back?”

  He was just inches away from me when he answered, “Because I don’t want you to go.”

  “But why?” I couldn’t believe my ears. After discovering the truth about my past, I thought he’d hate me, but there he was telling me to stay. I simply didn’t understand. I knew I was pushing him to say things he might not be ready for, but at that moment, I needed him to tell me exactly what was on his mind. “This is something I need to know, so you’re going to have to explain what’s going through your head, or I’m walking out that door.”

  He inhaled a huge breath and slowly released it with a deep-seated growl. After several long, torturous moments, he answered, “I never thought I’d find someone who could make me feel the way you do, and now that I’ve found you, I’m not just going to let you walk out that fucking door. Is that enough of an explanation, or do you need more?”

  “Um … that will do for now.”

  “Good.” He slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me close as he leaned down and pressed his mouth against mine, kissing me so deeply, so passionately, that my knees started to buckle. Nearly losing my balance, I let my duffle bag drop to the floor before wrapping my arms around him and melting into his arms. I relished the feeling of security when I was close to him, and even though I was terrified by it, I wanted it more than anything else in the world. Just as I was getting lost in the moment, he took a step back, releasing me from our embrace, and as he reached down and picked up my bag, he said, “Gus wants a word with you.”


  “He’s the president of the club.”

  “Wait … the president of Satan’s Fury wants to talk to me? About what?”

  I felt like the rug had been pulled out from under my feet when he answered, “Your father.”

  “He knows about my father, too?”

  “He knows everything that I do, Alex, but there are some things that you don’t know … things that only he can explain.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You will.”

  He motioned for me to follow as he headed back to his room. After dropping my bag off in his room, he led me down another long hallway and my stomach twisted into a knot when we entered a large office. I was only expecting to meet Gus, the notorious leader of the Satan’s Fury, but when we stepped inside the room, three, big, burly bikers were sitting there waiting for us. They turned and looked at us, and the way they looked at me made me feel like a tiny rabbit surrounded by three hungry wolves. I wanted to get the hell out of there, run and never look back, but then, I felt Shadow’s hand drift to the small of my back and suddenly my racing heart started to calm. The older man sitting behind the large, wooden desk with his thick, salt-and-pepper goatee and dark, brooding eyes eased back in his chair and smiled as he said, “Her pictures don’t do her justice, Shadow. I can see why she caught your eye.”

  Before Shadow had a chance to respond, the large man sitting directly in front of the desk, stood up and motioned me over to his seat. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Alejandra. I’m Moose, the VP of the club. The fella behind the desk is our president. You can call him Gus, and I think you’ve already met Riggs.”

  “It’s nice to meet you as well … all of you,” I replied as I walked over and sat down. I was too nervous to even think about small talk, so I said, “Shadow mentioned that you wanted to talk to me about my father.”

  “Hmph … Straight down to business. I like a girl with spunk.” Gus chuckled. “But yes … I would like to hear more about your story, including your father. We know ya left California eight years ago. Cut all ties with your family. Changed your name. Met up with Hallie and ended up at the book store. What I don’t know is … why?”

  “Is this sudden interest in my father because of me or something else?” I asked boldly.

  “Both, but we will get to that later. Right now, I want to know how you ended up here in Memphis.”

  “I’ve got plenty to say where he is concerned. I’m guessing you want to know more than just the fact that he’s a horrible human being, so I’ll tell you what I know, and we can go from there.”

  I spent the next twenty minutes telling him everything I knew about my father, and I was amazed by his reaction or better yet, his lack of reaction. He didn’t seem surprised by anything I told him. Hell, he didn’t even bat an eye when I told him about my mother. It was like he expected something like that from him. I wish I had been so intuitive to know what a monster he could be, b
ut I couldn’t fathom something so horrific coming from my own flesh and blood. Once I was done, he said, “I can’t imagine how difficult that must have been for you. It had to be hard, even harder to get away from him. How did you pull it off for all these years?”

  “You’re right. It was hard. It took months of planning.” I sighed as I thought back over those months of anguish. “It was just a few days after Christmas when I heard him talking about my mother. After that, I knew I had to get away from him. I pretended like everything was normal right up until the day I left for college, but nothing was normal. I was filled with hate and anger, and that’s what kept me going. I managed to get a new social security card, a fake id, and everything else I’d need to disappear. Since I’d paid my tuition to USC in advance, I was able to get a refund when I withdrew. I used that money to get out of town. I traded my car and left for Memphis. That’s when I met Hallie. You know the rest.”

  “Hmmm. Smart girl.”

  “I was desperate.” I shrugged. “I would’ve done anything to get away from that man.”

  “Can’t say I blame you there,” Moose scoffed.

  “So, now you understand why I can’t go back there.” I looked up at him as I said, “But please know … I never intended to bring my problems to your doorstep, and if you want me to leave, I’ll go right now. I would certainly understand.”

  “Your father has been looking for you for years, right?”


  “How did he find you?”

  “A photograph was taken of me during a concert at one of the local bars. He used that to track me down. I’m guessing he sent Berny to bring me back home.”

  “Is that the guy you tangled with at your book store?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “I gotta say, it was pretty impressive the way you handled him.”

  I smiled as I replied, “Marcus trained me well.”


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