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Satan’s Fury MC - Memphis

Page 91

by Wilder, L.

  August walked over to my bed, and after she sat down, she told me her mother’s reason for walking away from Gus. It was hard for me to hear. I could only imagine how hard it was for August, and it had to be utter torture for Gus. Finding out that she’d given up her own happiness to protect him and his brothers must’ve been tough, but at least now he knew the reasons behind her leaving all those years ago. I could hear the anguish in August’s voice as she said, “I can’t believe she sent me to see him without even telling me.”

  “Maybe she was hoping you would figure it out on your own.”

  “Yeah. She mentioned something like that when she was talking to Gus, but honestly … who does that? She sent me here without any clue who Gus was. She didn’t even tell me that they were involved, just that they were old friends and she knew he’d help me. The whole thing is crazy.”

  “You know what they say, ‘you can’t judge someone until you’ve walked in their shoes.’” I sat down next to her. “It’s clear your mother loves you, August. It couldn’t have been easy for her to send you here. She had to know there was a chance the truth would come out. Maybe that’s what she wanted. Maybe she just wasn’t strong enough to say the actual words. If it was me, I would’ve built it up much bigger in my head than it really was. I would’ve assumed the very worst, and for her, that would mean not only losing Gus, but losing you too.”

  Wiping the tears from her cheeks, she whispered, “She wouldn’t have lost me.”

  “No, but she didn’t know that … at least, not for sure.”

  “So, what am I supposed to do now?” She sighed. “Do I just forgive her and try to move on?”

  “Only you can answer that, August.” I took her hand in mine as I said, “You’ve been through so much. You’re still going through it. Just give yourself some time to figure it all out. Samantha will still be here when you do.”

  “How did you get to be so smart?”

  “Hmm, I don’t know.” I chuckled. “I guess I have my moments.”

  “What about earlier in the bar with Hawk? Was that one of your moments?” she teased.

  “Yes and no,” I scoffed.

  “O-kay.” Her brows furrowed. “I’m not sure I know what you mean by that.”

  “Let me see if I can explain it to ya.” I looked into those gorgeous dark eyes and let out a deep breath as I tried to find the right words to say. “Do you remember the day I came up to you at that gas station?”

  She nodded.

  “There was something about you that drew me to you, and I knew right then that I wanted you, August. Damn, I couldn’t imagine wanting anything more. You were the most beautiful woman I’d ever laid my eyes on. I had to at least try to get close to you, but of course, you shot me down. Didn’t even care that you broke my heart,” I teased.

  “Cade! I didn’t shoot you down, and I certainly didn’t break your heart. I was freaking out about trying to find the club and—”

  “You shot me down,” I interrupted. “But that’s okay. I’m not a man who gives up easily.”

  “Well, that’s good to know.”

  “Anyway … later that day, you showed up at the clubhouse and I thought I was going to get my second chance… But then I found out why you’d come and there was a possibility that you were Gus’s daughter.”

  “So, you knew that Gus was my father?” she asked, then stood up and walked across the room, putting some distance between us.

  “I knew there was a chance he was your father, but nothing had been confirmed.” I wanted to be as honest as I could be, so I told her, “Regardless, I couldn’t pursue you knowing that was a possibility.”

  “I don’t get it. What difference would it make if Gus was my father?”

  “Partly because Gus is the president of the club, and partly because I’ve always thought of him as a father. I look up to him … respect him in ways I never could my own.”

  I could see the wheels turning in her head as she asked, “You didn’t want to cause a problem between the two of you?”

  “No. For many reasons.”

  “I get the part about him being like a father to you, but what’s the issue with him being the president of the club?”

  “You’re the president’s daughter, August. I know that doesn’t mean much to you, but in our world, that’s a big deal. You’re like royalty in our eyes.”

  “What?” She crossed her arms and looked at me like I’d lost my mind as she asked, “You do realize how crazy that sounds, right?”

  “It is what it is.” I shrugged. “Crazy or not, there’s nothing the brothers won’t do for you, even if that means laying down their lives for you.”

  “I would never expect anyone to die for me, Cade … not because I’m Gus’s daughter.”

  “I get that, but we’re here for you nonetheless.”

  “Okay, so I’m the president’s daughter. It wasn’t like I was pushing you away. Clearly, I was interested, too.”

  “The president’s daughter is off limits unless he gives his consent, but even if he does, it’s not always the end of it. If something goes awry, there will be hell to pay,” I explained. “But I wasn’t worried about that when I spoke to him. I just wanted his blessing. The rest won’t be an issue.”

  “You don’t think so?”


  “Why’s that?” she pushed.

  “I have every intention of doing whatever it takes to make you happy,” I answered with determination. “Because … in the end—if you’re happy, I’m happy. Simple as that.”

  “You make that sound easy. I know firsthand, relationships are never easy. Even the best ones have their issues.” Her eyes glassed over as her mind drifted for a moment. I was afraid she was going to send me walking until she asked, “So, did you get it?”

  “Get what?”

  “Gus’s consent.”

  “I did … right around the time Hawk started making his play on you.” I smiled as I told her, “I might’ve gotten a little carried away, but I had to set things straight with him.”

  “You had nothing to worry about … at least not where another man is concerned. You’re the only one I’m interested in.” Her eyes filled with concern as she continued, “But are you sure you want to take this chance with me? My life is pretty much a mess right now. I have the mafia trying to kill me because my ex-husband is an egomaniac with no conscience. And not only that, I also just found out that the man I thought was my father my entire life isn’t, in fact, my father, and my mother has been lying to me for the past twenty-four years.”

  She looked out the window as she wrapped her arms around herself and stared out, searching for answers that I wished I could give. Her soft, deep sigh made me ache to touch her. I knew time was the only thing that would help her process the pain and confusion that she had to be feeling. I knew it was a lot to take in and that I should give her space to sort things out in her head, but I’d be damned if I let her go through it alone. I wasn’t leaving her side. She was mine, and I would do anything to protect her and give her peace.

  I walked over and stood behind her. When she didn’t turn around to look at me, I slid my arms around her waist and pressed my chest to her back. “I can tell you this … you definitely make life interesting.”

  “Cade!” she fussed.

  I wanted to be the one to take away her pain and show her how much she meant to me. I lowered my mouth to her ear as I whispered, “I think you’re an amazing woman. You’re a wonderful mother. You’re not only smart, you’re easy to talk to. You’re a knockout and an unbelievable kisser. Who could ask for more than that?”

  “You’re crazy. You know that, right?”

  “Where you’re concerned? Yeah, I’m absolutely crazy, but I know a good thing when I see it.”

  Her tone softened as she replied, “See … I knew you were sweet. I’ve known it all along.”

  “Damn, woman. You’re going to kill my reputation talking like that,” I teased.

p; “Well, it’s true.”

  As I held her close, I was relieved when I felt her body begin to relax in my arms. In that moment, it felt like my entire world was centered right there with her in my arms. I was completely lost in her—the scent of her hair, the feel of her heart beating against her chest, the taste of her skin. She hung her head to the side as she leaned back, letting her weight settle against me. Her hair fell from her bare neck, and I thought again that I would never see anything as beautiful as her. I lowered my lips to the soft skin on her neck and kissed her gently.

  This time I heard a lighter sigh as her breath quickened. Slowly, painstakingly, I trailed my kisses from the nape of her neck up to the bottom of her ear. I could hear her breathing louder now, almost panting. I smiled against her warm skin as I continued to nip at her. My hands slid from her waist to her flat stomach, reaching underneath her shirt to caress her bare flesh.

  She laid her hands on top of mine as I began to move them higher to cup her breasts. The soft lace of her bra made my cock stir and press hard against my jeans. I kneaded her perfect tits with my palms, plumping them and teasing her taut nipples. I could feel her heart hammering in her chest excitedly as I moved my hands lower to the waistband of her jeans. I quickly undid her zipper before slipping my hand inside the front of her black thong. Her breath caught in her chest as I gently parted her folds and ran my fingertips along the length of her center, spreading the wetness to her clit. She raised her arms above her head as she wound her hands in my hair, holding on while I teased her.

  My lips went to her ear as I whispered, “Let go, August. Let me give you what you need.”

  Her moan filled the room as she writhed against my hand. Her hips rocking in rhythm as her ass ground into my crotch. My cock was struggling against the fabric of my jeans. I throbbed with need for her, but I had to be patient. She was so close, and I needed to send her over the edge.

  As she began to tremble, I tightened an arm around her waist to support her and continued to drive her towards the brink. I could feel her body tense and her hands grip my hair harder as she began chanting, “Yes. Yes. Yes!”

  August moaned and shuddered, “Oh, god.”

  Her legs wobbled slightly as I released my hold on her and she turned to face me. “Better?” I asked with a smirk.

  A devilish darkness filled her eyes as her gaze fell to the growing bulge in my jeans. “Getting there …”

  I raised my eyebrows and grinned. “See what you do to me, gorgeous?”

  Her voracious sexual appetite was one of the things I loved about her. I knew that if she’d have me, I would fulfill her every desire until my last breath. I reached behind her, grabbing her ass and lifting her up. Her legs automatically wrapped around my waist as I carried her to the bed. When I dropped her down onto the comforter, August grabbed her jeans and began to shimmy them down over her hips. I finally eased them off and tossed them on the floor, growing more impatient to be inside her with every passing minute. She watched eagerly as I pulled my shirt over my head and dropped it. I made quick work of my jeans, kicking them onto the floor beside hers. As I reached for my boxer briefs, I saw her wet her lips before biting down hard on her full, pink bottom lip. Grinning mischievously, I slowly worked off my boxers, enjoying her eyes fixed on my cock. Once I was standing naked before her, I took it in my hand and pumped it suggestively. “Now. Let’s see if we can make you feel even better…”

  A soft smile crossed August’s face as I approached the bed, but when I yanked her panties to the side and spread her thighs wide on the mattress, her face instantly went serious. Her eyes darkened with desire as her mouth opened with a small gasp. I knelt between her thighs and reached into the nightstand for a condom. It took only a moment for me to roll it on and position myself at her entrance. I paused, looking deep into her dark eyes.

  “If you let me, I’ll make you happy, August. I won’t let you down … I won’t hurt you. I’d die before I let that happen.”

  “Cade,” she gasped as she pulled me to her and pressed her lips against mine. As soon as they touched mine, I knew that was true. She was everything I’d ever wanted, and I’d lay down my life for her. Polito and his men weren’t getting anywhere near her. My brothers and I would make sure of that.

  I poured every ounce of passion I had for August into a slow, tantalizing thrust. I watched as her back arched off the bed and her mouth stretched into an exaggerated O. Again and again, I thrust into her, picking up a punishing rhythm. Our bodies fused into one tangle of pleasure. Her body clenched around my cock, squeezing me with every contraction of her muscles. I made love to her over and over for the next hour. Every orgasm brought her closer and closer to total blissful relaxation. We might not be able to solve all our problems tonight, but the least I could do is help her forget about them for a while.

  August’s body jerked underneath me, and she cried out one last time in ecstasy. As I came with her, she wrapped her arms around me and clung to me tightly, like she was afraid I might pull away. Her voice was filled with emotion as she whispered, “Cade.”

  “Right here, baby. I’m right here,” I assured her.

  With a relieved sigh, her eyes closed and she curled up next to me. It wasn’t long before her breath slowed and her entire body relaxed next to mine. There were so many things I wanted to tell her, but I didn’t say a word. Instead, I just held her close, relishing in the feeling of her body next to mine as she drifted off to sleep.



  As much as I hated to leave Cade and his warm bed, I didn’t have a choice. I had to get back to Harper. When I got back to my room, Jae was lying on the bed next to her, half-asleep and watching a movie. After I thanked her for staying with Harper, she slipped out of the room and closed the door. As I looked down at Harper sleeping, I was worried that I might wake her when I crawled in the bed next to her, but she didn’t even budge when I laid my head on the pillow. I was too exhausted mentally and physically to even think, and thankfully, I was able to fall right to sleep.

  The next morning, I woke up with Harper hovering over me, her eyebrows furrowed and her bottom lip pursed into a pout. “I wanna go home.”

  “Why? What’s wrong?”

  She shrugged. “I no wike it here. I miss Fwoppsie.”

  “I’m sorry, sweetie, but we can’t go home right now.” Harper was a smart child. I knew I had to choose my words wisely, or she would keep pushing. “But we will get to go home soon, and then you can get Floppsie back.”

  “Why we can’t go now?”

  “We just can’t.” I eased up on the bed as I told her, “It isn’t safe for us to be there right now, but Cade and his friends are going to fix that. As soon as they do, we’ll go home.”


  I looked down at my watch and was surprised to see that it was almost eleven. Figuring that she was hungry, I asked, “How about we go get something to eat, and then go to the playroom? We can see if your new friends are there.”

  “I wan some ce-weal.”

  “You got it.” I sat up on the bed and threw the covers back. “Let’s get dressed, and then we can go.”

  Smiling, she hopped off the bed and rushed over to the bag of clothes Cade had brought, quickly picking out an outfit. After I’d done the same, we both got dressed, brushed our teeth, and started out of the room. When we stepped out into the hall, I stopped and found myself staring at my mother’s door. I hadn’t spoken to her since I’d learned the truth about Gus, and while I wasn’t ready to have that discussion with her, I knew I couldn’t go eat without asking her to join us. I walked over and tapped on her door. When she answered, her eyes were puffy from the night before, but she was dressed and feigned a smile. “Good morning, girls. Did you two sleep well?”

  “We slept fine,” I answered flatly. “We were about to go grab something to eat if you want to join us.”

  “Sure.” She stepped out into the hall, and after she closed the door, she picked
up Harper. “How’s my sweet girl this morning?”

  They bantered back and forth all the way to the kitchen. When we walked in, I was surprised to see that none of the guys were around, only Jae and a couple of the other Sinners’ girls. They greeted us as we each made ourselves a bowl of cereal, but left soon after, leaving us completely alone in the kitchen. My mind was racing as I sat across the table from my mother. I had so many questions I wanted to ask her, but I didn’t want to bring it up with Harper sitting there. As soon as we were done eating, we took Harper down to the family room, and I was relieved to see that several of the kids were there. Without skipping a beat, Harper rushed over and started playing while Mom and I sat down on the sofa.

  We were watching Harper play when Mom turned to me and asked, “Is something wrong?”

  “I heard you and Gus talking last night.”

  “You did?” she asked as the color drained from her face. “What exactly did you hear?”

  “Everything.” I could feel all the hurt and anger building in the pit of my stomach as I whispered, “I know Gus is my father.”

  “I’m sorry, August. I didn’t want you to find out this way.”

  “How did you want me to find out? Were you planning on telling me, or were you hoping that you could keep it a secret forever?” I could tell from her expression that she wasn’t sure how to reply. “I had every right to know the truth, Mom. You shouldn’t have kept this from me.”

  “I know. I made a mistake … a big, terrible mistake, and I would change it if I could.”

  “I just don’t get it. Did everyone know, but me?” When she didn’t respond, I knew her answer. “So, grandmother knew Denis wasn’t my father?”

  “Yes, sweetheart. She knew everything. The minute she found out I was pregnant with you, she started pushing me to marry him. I never expected for Denis to actually go along with it, but he was working with your grandfather and hoped that marrying me would help further his career.” She turned and looked down at the floor with embarrassment as she told me, “I don’t think that’s the only reason why he went along with it. I’m pretty sure he was in love with your grandmother.”


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