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Satan’s Fury MC - Memphis

Page 113

by Wilder, L.



  As much as I wanted to be with Gus and share a life with him, deciding to come to Memphis wasn’t an easy decision. It wasn’t that I wasn’t certain that I wanted to be with him. I did. More than anything, but so much had changed. We weren’t the same people we were back then, especially me. I was no longer the strong-willed, confident woman I used to be. Life had sucked her right out of me, and I wasn’t sure I had it in me to bring her back—not anymore. The thought terrified me. I knew I would need her if I was going to claim my place in Gus’s world. I realized that the second I walked into the clubhouse bar and found him with one of the club girls sitting in his lap. She was a beautiful, young woman with her arms wrapped around his neck like she was ready to devour him, and the sight of them together made my stomach turn. While he was quick to set things straight with me, assuring me that I was the only woman for him, I needed to have the fortitude and determination to handle situations like that. He was the president of Satan’s Fury, one of the most notorious MCs in the South, and if he was going to be mine, I’d have to become reacquainted with the woman I used to be.

  At first, I thought it just wasn’t possible, but then Gus told me he had something he wanted to show me. Having no idea what he was talking about, I followed him out to the parking lot. When I got on the back of Gus’s bike, I was afraid I wouldn’t remember what to do, but I kept my fears to myself and held on. Thankfully, it wasn’t long before it all came back to me, and I started to relax and enjoy the ride. I knew I was feeling that way because of Gus. He’d always had a way of bringing out that spark of adventure in me. As I sat there relishing in the feeling of his body so close to mine, I found myself wondering if there were more parts of me that Gus could help bring back to life.

  I was lost in my thoughts when Gus pulled up to the most beautiful, little cottage I’d ever seen. There was a cobblestone fireplace outlining the front of the house with a large front porch with the same cobblestone columns. Gorgeous rose bushes were planted on either side of the entry steps with a rustic lamp post positioned at the corner’s edge. He turned off the engine, and started to stand before I realized that we’d arrived at our destination. “Where are we?”

  As Gus removed his helmet, he said, “You’ll see.”

  He waited as I got off and removed my helmet, then took my hand and led me towards the front of the house. I was completely spellbound as we started up the steps. When he went to unlock the door, I asked, “What are we doing here, Gus?”

  “Well, I guess that’s up to you.” He opened the door and turned on the lights as he stepped inside. “Come on in and have a look around.”

  As he walked into the living room, he glanced back over to me, watching my reaction as I followed behind him. I could only imagine my expression as I looked around the room. It was incredible, like the place was made for me. There were hardwood floors with sand-colored walls, and an oversized sofa and chair made for sprawling out on those long Sunday afternoons. The furniture looked like it had been picked right out of a Southern Living magazine advertisement, and that was just the living room. Each and every room was equally as gorgeous. I’d just stepped into the kitchen when it hit me. This was the exact house I’d described to him on our last day together. The revelation caused me to stop dead in my tracks. “Gus?”

  When I turned to face him, he was leaning against the doorframe with a smirk on his face. “Yeah?”

  “Is this your house?”

  “No.” His eyes met mine as he said, “It’s yours.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I found it a few months after you left.”

  “So, you just bought it?” I pushed.

  “Yeah. I remembered you saying you wanted a place like this.” As he started towards me, he said, “So, I bought it.”

  I was completely floored as I asked, “You bought it just because I wanted a house like this?”

  “Yeah.” He placed his hands on my hips and said, “I stay here now and then, but always alone. This place has always been yours.”

  “Gus, I can’t believe you did this.”

  “Well, I did, and now you can stay here instead of some apartment.”

  It was at that moment that I realized just how much Gus truly cared about me, how he’d always cared for me, and that realization alone sent a rush of warmth through my heart. “I don’t deserve you.”

  “No.” He pulled me close as he said, “You deserve a whole lot more than me, but me is what you’ve got.”

  I wound my arms around his neck and whispered, “You are all I need … you’re all I’ve ever needed.”

  The words had barely left my mouth before Gus was on me, kissing me with a passion like I’d never known. My entire body tingled with desire as he delved into my mouth, and it was clear he felt that same desire when his fingers dug into the sides of my waist, pulling me closer to him. His scent enveloped me, an intoxicating mixture of cologne and leather, and I couldn’t hold back a moment longer. I slipped my hands under his cut and carefully lowered it down his thick, muscular arms. After laying it down on the counter, I started for his t-shirt, and he bent down as I pulled it over his head. Once it was gone, our hands became frantic, quickly removing the remaining clothes that separated us. In just a few seconds, I was wearing only my lace bra and panties.

  My eyes roamed over his body, traveling along the lines and curves of the muscles in his chest, then back to his handsome face. When I saw the way he was staring at me, like a wild animal about to devour its prey, I nearly lost my breath. Without saying a word, he knelt down and lifted me into his arms, then he carried me down the hall to the bedroom. His eyes never left mine as he lowered my feet to the floor.

  “Mine,” slipped through his lips just before he pulled me in for another heated kiss. His hands slowly eased behind my back to release the clasp of my bra. As the fabric slipped away from my body, I felt his lips glide across my skin to my breast. “Every fucking inch of you, and you’ll stay mine until I take my last fucking breath. You got that?”

  “Yeah. I got it.”

  He guided me back onto the mattress as he settled in between my legs. I lifted my hips towards him as I tried desperately to find relief for the burning need that was building up inside me. His eyes locked on mine as his hand slowly slid between us. My breath caught as he traced his fingers across my panties, teasing me with his light caresses before pushing the fabric to the side. He casually slid his fingers inside me, tormenting me with his touch. It had started with just a spark, but it wasn’t long before I was consumed with need. That feeling only intensified when his thumb began circling my swollen clit, drawing out my pleasure. It wasn’t long before my orgasm took hold, and the muscles in my body started quivering uncontrollably. I was still trying to catch my breath when I felt my panties being slipped down over my hips.

  Now completely bare, Gus looked down at me with fire in his eyes as he growled, “So fucking beautiful.”

  That fire remained in his eyes the entire night as he made love to me, over and over again. It was nearly dawn when we both finally drifted off to sleep. When I woke up the next morning, I was both surprised and disappointed to see that I was in the bed alone. I laid there a few moments, trying to listen for any sign of Gus, but heard nothing. Assuming that he’d already gone to the clubhouse, I got up and went over to his dresser to find something to wear. There wasn’t much, but I managed to find an old t-shirt. Once I slipped it on, I made my way into the kitchen. When I walked in, I saw that Gus had left me a note on the counter.

  Morning Beautiful,

  I had to make a run to the clubhouse, but I shouldn’t be long. I had the boys bring your car over. I didn’t want to wake you, so I put your things in the living room. If you need anything, just give me a call. See you soon.


  Coffee is ready and bagels are in the fridge.

  With a smile on my face, I returned the note to the counter and made myself a cup of c
offee. I carried it into the living room, and just as he’d said, my things were waiting for me by the door. I stopped and just took a moment to look around. I was in complete awe. It was my dream house. While I absolutely loved it, being there saddened me. I couldn’t help but think how different my life could’ve been. If my mother hadn’t forced me to walk away from Gus, we could’ve raised our daughter in this house. We could’ve lived the life we wanted, and I had no doubt in my mind that we would’ve been happy—truly happy. I would never be able to forgive my mother for what she’d taken from us, but I found comfort in knowing she hadn’t completely succeeded. She wasn’t able to keep us apart forever. And she wasn’t able to destroy the love we had for each other. We had both carried it with us for all these year, and now, we’d found our way back to each other. From where I stood, our future was looking brighter than ever. I finally had a chance to have the life I wanted with Gus, and I was going to savor every minute of it.

  Over the next few weeks, I started to feel more at home in my new surroundings. I had my things put away and started learning my way around town again. I’d even tackled the grocery store, which was no small feat considering that there was nothing in the house to eat and no house supplies. It wasn’t surprising. He’d spent most of his time at the clubhouse, so there wasn’t a need. That had changed since I’d moved in. He’d go to the clubhouse first thing in the morning, well before the sunrise, and as soon as he was done with his work there, he would come back home to me. We’d spend the night together, talking and sharing our day. Some of those talks had gotten pretty intense. Gus was still working through some things, especially where August was concerned. There were no magic words that I could say to take his hurt away, only time and understanding could do that, but over time, those old wounds started to heal—not just for him, but for me, as well. I was finding my way back to the old Samantha, and I owed it all to Gus. He knew exactly how to fuel the flame that once burned deep inside of me, and with each moment I shared with him, that fire only grew stronger.

  I thought it couldn’t be possible for things to get any better, but then August called to let us know that she was moving in with Cade. We were both thrilled about the news, and I was tickled that she’d asked us to watch Harper for a couple of days while they packed. August dropped her off first thing in the morning, and Harper was raring to go. She had us running from the second she stepped through the door, and by the end of the day, Gus and I were both exhausted. Hoping to settle her down, we brought her into the living room and put on her favorite movie. As soon as Gus sat down in his recliner, Harper rushed over and climbed in his lap. Gus was wearing one of his white, sleeveless undershirts, and Harper quickly became enthralled with all of his tattoos.

  Her brows furrowed as she pointed to one and asked, “Wat ’dis one?”

  “That’s a motorcycle engine with flames coming out of it,” he answered. “I got that one a long time ago.”

  “And ’dis one?” she asked as she pointed to another.

  “That’s a skull.”

  “I no ’ike dat one.” Her nose crinkled as she told him, “It skeer me.”

  “It’s nothing to be scared of, sweetheart. It’s just a tattoo.” He pulled down the collar of his t-shirt, revealing a deep red heart with the word Forever scrolled across it. “I got this one after I met your grandmother.”


  “Cause I knew she would have my heart forever.”

  A smile spread across her face as she told him, “I ’ike dat one.”

  Gus looked over to me and said, “I like that one, too.”

  “I ’ant one.”

  “You’re too young and pretty for a real tattoo, but maybe a temporary one will do the trick.” He reached over and grabbed a pen off of the side table, then drew a tiny heart on the inside of Harper’s wrist. “How’s that?”

  She nodded with a smile. “Pwiddy.”


  The movie had been playing for several minutes, but Harper’s attention was solely focused on Gus. She reached up and started toying with his beard, taking little sections and twirling them into curls. Gus never complained. Instead, he just leaned back in his chair and let her have her fun. It wasn’t long before she had her fill and turned to face the TV, nestling herself in the crook of Gus’s arm. A few minutes later, her eyelids started to get heavy, and even though she tried to fight it, she drifted off to sleep. Instead of getting up and putting her in the bed, Gus just sat there, staring at her as she slept in his arms. Seeing the way he looked at her with such love and adoration in his eyes only made me love him more. Gus might’ve been a tough MC president, who ruled with an iron fist, but there was another side to him. He was loyal and true, he loved without limitations or conditions, and there was nothing in this world he wouldn’t do for those he called family.



  Things couldn’t have been better. I had my woman back in my arms, my daughter and granddaughter were living just minutes away, and the club was thriving. There was a time when I might’ve been concerned that things were going too well. I knew there was a chance that something bad was waiting just over the horizon, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me from enjoying the here and now. I was going to relish every moment, especially those moments I got to spend with my girls. After spending several days packing up her place in Nashville, Gunner and August had come by the house to pick up Harper. It was clear from their expression they were exhausted but excited about starting their lives together. August and Samantha were helping Harper gather her things while Gunner and I went into the kitchen to grab a drink.

  I went over to the fridge and grabbed a couple of beers, and as I offered him one, I asked, “Did you get it all done?”

  “We finished boxing everything up late last night.” He opened the bottle and took a drink before he said, “I don’t think she realized how much stuff they had.”

  “I don’t think anybody really knows until they have to pack it all up.” I sat down on one of the kitchen stools as I asked, “Were the prospects any help?”

  “Yeah. They’re over at the house unloading everything now.”

  Before I could respond, August walked over to Gunner and took the beer out of his hand. After taking a quick sip, she gave it back to him and said, “Thank you for watching Harper for us.”

  “No need to thank me. We enjoyed it.”

  “She did too. She was just telling me what a great time she had with you two.” August sat down next to me as she continued, “I don’t think she’s happy about leaving.”

  “I can’t say I’m all that happy about it either.” I shrugged.

  “Well, something tells me she’ll be around plenty.”

  “You won’t hear any complaints from me.” I smiled as I told her, “I kinda like having her around. That goes for her mother, too.”

  “Seeing that we’ll be living just a few miles away, I’d say that’s a good thing,” August chuckled. “We’ll try our best not to wear out our welcome.”

  “Not possible.” I took another drink of my beer before asking, “What do you think of Gunner’s place?”

  “It’s wonderful. Such a beautiful place, and the location couldn’t be better. Harper loves it too. She already has her room picked out.”

  “We’ve got some work to do. Painting and new flooring, but it shouldn’t take long to get things sorted,” Gunner added.

  “Good. Glad to hear that.”

  When Harper started fussing in the next room, August let out a small sigh, then said, “I guess I better go and try to wrangle her up.”

  “You take a break,” Gunner told her as he started out of the room. “I’ll get her.”

  “Thank you.” Once he’d walked out of the room, August turned her attention back to me. “Mom looks really happy. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her this happy.”

  “I have every intention of making sure she stays that way. And the same goes for you. I want you and Harper
to have the life you’ve always wanted, and if there’s ever anything I can do to make sure that happens, you just let me know.”

  “You’ve already done plenty. Besides, I’m really good.” A smile crossed her face as she said, “Cade truly makes me happy, and he makes Harper happy, too. I couldn’t ask for more than that.”

  “Gunner is a good man. He’ll do his best to do right by you and Harper.”

  “I know he will.” She reached over and placed her hand on mine as she said, “I’m really glad that we are going to be living closer.”

  “Me too. More than you know.”

  We were still sitting there talking when Gunner walked back into the kitchen and said, “Hey, Blaze and Kenadee just pulled up.”

  “I didn’t know they were planning to come by.” I stood up and started for the door. “You know if something’s up?”

  “I haven’t heard anything, but Blaze didn’t look happy,” Gunner replied as he followed me out to the front porch.

  Blaze and Kenadee had never been out to the house, so I had a feeling something was wrong. The second I saw Blaze, I knew I was right. It was written all over his face. The man looked like he’d seen a fucking ghost, and Kenadee didn’t look much better. I watched with concern as they got off his Harley and started towards Gunner and me. After they’d greeted us both, Blaze looked over to me and announced, “We’ve got a problem.”

  “What’s going on?”


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