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Satan’s Fury MC - Memphis

Page 154

by Wilder, L.

  “Yeah, it’s good money, and I enjoy the work.” His expression softened as he said, “I don’t know how to explain it … There’s just something about taking something that’s endured years of neglect and bringing it back to life.”

  My mother smiled as she replied, “I’d say you explained it quite well, actually. It’s always nice to see someone genuinely enjoy the work they do, and from the sounds of it, you certainly do.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I do.”

  “And what about your family? Are you close?”

  “Mom,” I fussed. “Enough of the twenty questions.”

  “I’m just trying to get to know your friend better, Landry.”

  “It’s fine. She can ask anything she likes.” Clay placed his hand on mine as he said, “To answer your question … My father died a while back, but I’m still close with my mother and sister. Since I moved to Memphis, I haven’t gotten to see them as much as I’d like to, but I plan on changing that in the near future.”

  “I’m sorry to hear about your father. I’m sure that was very difficult for all of you.”

  “It was, but time has helped.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.” A warm smile crossed her face as Mom replied, “You seem like a really special man, Clay.”

  “He is,” I replied. “He really is.”

  By the time we finished dinner and cleared the table, it was getting late, so Mom and Dad decided it was time for them to head back home. I gave them a moment to say their goodbyes to Clay, then I followed them outside. Once we’d gotten out to their car, I asked, “Sooo … what did you think of him?”

  “It’s hard to say for sure, Landry. We’ve only had a few minutes with him,” Mom scoffed.

  “Personally, I thought he seemed like a fine young man.” My father gave me a wink. “He certainly seems to be crazy about you. I’d say that makes him a pretty smart guy in my book.”

  “Thanks, Daddy.” I gave him a quick hug before turning my attention back to Mom. I didn’t want to push, so I simply told her, “Well, you’ll get a better feel for him next time.”

  When I reached over to give her a hug, she clung to me, squeezing me tight as she whispered, “I love you, sweetheart, and if you love this boy, we will love him too.”

  “And that’s why I love you like I do.”

  I gave them both another hug, and moments later, they were in their car and headed home. I went back to my apartment feeling even better than I had before, and over the next few weeks, Clay and I started making plans to move my things into his new house. It seemed crazy that so much had changed in such a short amount of time. People would probably think I was crazy for believing that things between us could ever work, especially when our lives were so vastly different, but there was so much good in Clay. I’d seen it with my own eyes when he helped me with Duchess, and again when my apartment was broken into. He was loving and protective, and there was a tenderness in his touch that I’d never felt with any man. We might’ve been from two completely different worlds, but somehow it just seemed to work, and I had no intention of walking away.

  I pointed over to the flat-screen TV as I suggested, “We could always put it in the guest room, and hang the bigger one in the living room.”

  “Um-hmm,” he mumbled as he placed a stack of books into one of the many boxes scattered in the room. “Sounds good.”

  “My sofa is okay, but I’m not sure if it’s big enough. Maybe we should get another one, and put this one in the office.”

  “Okay,” he replied, steadily packing away. “Whatever you think.”

  “And what about the bed? Do you think it’s big enough?” I glanced over at him, watching as he continued to fill the box with odds and ends. I stood there waiting for his response, but it never came, so I pushed, “Clay?”

  “Yeah, sounds good.”

  “You aren’t listening to a word I’m saying, are you?”

  He immediately stopped what he was doing and looked over to me. When he saw my expression, he walked over to me, slipped his hand around my waist, and tugged me towards him, and said, “Let me make this clear. I don’t care what sofa we sit on or which TV we watch as long as you’re there with me. So, you don’t have to ask. Do whatever makes you happy.”

  “But I want you to be happy with it too.”

  “I’ve got you … That’s all I’ll ever need to be happy.”

  I knew he was about to kiss me. I could see it in his eyes. Just as I’d hoped, he pressed his lips against mine. As soon as our mouths touched, I instantly became putty in his hands. It was always like that with him. He got to me like no man ever had. His tongue drifted over my bottom lip, and with a slight whimper, I opened my mouth, giving him access to delve deeper. Instinctively, I leaned towards him, and in a matter of seconds, we were both consumed in the moment. My hands drifted up to his chest, and I could feel his heart pounding as fast as mine underneath his hard muscles. He trailed kisses along my neck, sending chills throughout my entire body as he led me over to the bed. His eyes locked on mine as he whispered, “You’re mine, Landry Dawson. All mine.”

  He was absolutely right. I was his—heart and soul. Without another word, he tilted my chin up and touched his lips to mine. That one gentle kiss was enough to make my entire body hum with anticipation. The kiss quickly became more passionate, his tongue skillfully mingling with mine, seducing all my senses. I could feel the haze of desire overtaking me, and I craved more. I eagerly removed my tank top, tossing it behind me, and his eyes followed my hands as they lowered my pants down my legs. I felt the heat of his stare as his eyes slowly roamed over me, and a longing ache burned inside of me as he growled, “I’ve never seen a woman as beautiful as you.”

  “When you say it like that, I almost believe it.”

  I smiled as he pulled me in for another kiss. I didn’t know how he did it, but when I was in his arms, he made me feel beautiful and wanted, erasing any and all doubts that might have been lingering in the back of my mind. His hands slid up my back, unhooking and gently removing my satin bra. As he took my breasts in his hands, gently caressing each with the pad of this thumb, I became completely consumed with need. My head fell back as he lowered his mouth to my nipple and began nipping and sucking the sensitive flesh, sending jolts of pleasure down my spine. The warmth of his breath caressed my skin as he whispered, “Can’t wait, Landry. Gonna need you now.”

  I nodded as his thumbs hooked in my red satin thong, sliding it down my legs as he trailed kisses down my navel. I stood naked before him, brazenly letting his eyes wander before stepping toward him to help remove his clothes. He slipped off his t-shirt and dropped it to the floor. As I stared at his tan, taut muscles, I couldn’t help pressing my palms against the hot skin of his torso. My fingers roamed, caressing his chest before trailing down his abdomen. I could feel the muscles tremble ever so slightly beneath my touch, and I smiled inwardly, hoping I was making him feel as intoxicated as I was. I made quick work of his jeans and boxers, becoming more aroused with each passing second. With all his clothes on the floor alongside mine, I took a step back. My eyes drifted down his perfectly chiseled chest to his long, hard shaft. Damn. The man was beautiful from head to toe. As I stood there staring at him, I found myself wanting to taste him and give him pleasure like he’d given me many times before. I raked my teeth over my bottom lip as he took a step forward. When he reached for me, I placed the palms of my hands on his chest, stopping him as I whispered, “Wait.”

  A brief look of confusion crossed his face as I gently pushed him back, guiding him to sit down on the edge of the bed. I took his face in my hands and kissed him deep and hard before kneeling between his legs. He froze with anticipation as he watched me reach for him. He sucked in a deep breath, holding it in his chest as I wrapped my fingers around him. I leaned forward, and the second I brushed my tongue across the tip of his cock, he let out a deep-seated groan.

  Spurred on by his response, I slowly licked from base to tip, glancing up at hi
m for his reaction. His eyes were locked on me, brows furrowed and jaw clenched. I took him in my mouth, sliding down as I continued to watch him. His head tilted back and his eyes squeezed shut when I began to gently suck and swirl my tongue around him. Seeing his pleasure stoked my confidence and made me feel powerful. I wanted to watch him lose himself in waves of ecstasy as I took him over the edge. I wrapped my hand around him as I began to stroke, slowly at first, but gradually picking up my pace. I sucked and licked him, rocking my head up and down in rhythm with my strokes. As I gently twisted my hand, he let out a deep, gravely moan and gripped the sheets. I picked up my pace, tightening my lips around his shaft and taking him deeper into my mouth. I could feel his muscles starting to tense and his hands wound in my hair and he groaned, “Fuck!”

  Suddenly, he grabbed me from underneath my arms and threw me onto the bed. His body quickly covered mine, pinning my hands over my head. As he grazed my soaking wet center with his hard cock, he growled, “See what you do to me?”

  Without giving me a chance to respond, he showed me exactly what I had done to him. In fact, he spent the entire night showing me, over and over again.


  Six Months Later

  It had been a year since I’d started prospecting for Satan’s Fury, and during that time I’d learned a great deal—not only about myself, but also what it meant to be a brother. This wasn’t something that had come to me in a moment’s revelation. It took time and a great deal of work. I had to admit, there were times when I thought I didn’t have it in me to see it through, especially when the long hours started to catch up with me. Thankfully I never gave up, and after so many months of busting my ass, I was now about to be faced with my last task as a prospect.

  I’d actually had a quiet morning, and Landry and I had used it to our advantage, spending the early hours tangled up in bed. I’d just gotten up to get us both a cup of coffee when I received a text from Rider. The message was cryptic at best, but it was enough to have me rushing to the garage.

  When I opened the door, I was surprised to find that my entire bike had been disassembled, and the parts had been dispersed throughout the garage. Having no clue what to think, I stepped inside for a better look. That’s when I noticed a note hanging from the handlebars.

  The clock starts now-

  You have ten hours to reassemble your bike, get to J&T’s Diner in Little Rock on the corner of East and Main. There will be a package waiting for you there. Get it and bring it back to the clubhouse by six o’clock sharp.

  I took a moment to try to figure out how much time I had on my hands. It’d take me at least two and half hours to get to Little Rock and find J&T’s, so that only left me with a few hours to get my bike put back together or I’d never make it on time. Determined not to fail, I sprang into action, quickly gathering all the different parts of my bike and placing them in the center of the room. I was rushing around like a mad person when Landry walked in. She was still in her robe and looking absolutely beautiful with her hair pulled up into a messy bun. Duchess was at her side, and she had her cup of coffee in hand as she looked around the garage and gasped, “Whoa! What is all this?”

  “Umm … my bike.”

  “Yeah, I can see that. Who took it apart?”

  “The brothers.”

  “The brothers? Why did they do that?” There was no missing the surprise in her voice when she asked, “And how did they get in here without us hearing anything?”

  “Babe … it’s Fury.” I grabbed a few tools out of my toolbox as I continued, “Nothing they can’t do.”

  Finally piecing together that something was up, Landry’s eyes widened as she whispered, “Wait … Do you think—?”

  “I won’t know until I get it done.”

  “Okay, I’ll leave you to it.” As she headed back inside, she shouted, “I love you! Good luck!”

  Once she was gone, I started searching for my bike’s owner’s manual. While I knew how to put the basic components back together, I wanted to make sure I didn’t waste time by rushing it. After I found it, I skimmed through the pages, making sure I had everything sorted in my head. Thankfully, I wasn’t starting from scratch. They’d removed the gas tank, brakes, wheels, and various other parts, but they’d left the engine intact. As I started remounting the front wheel, I started chuckling to myself just thinking about what kind of crazy motherfucker would’ve come up with the idea of taking apart someone’s bike. If I had to guess, I’d say it was T-bone, but it was impossible to know for sure. In all honesty, it could’ve been any one of the brothers.

  Over the past few months, I’d learned to expect the unexpected where they were concerned. Each of their backgrounds, senses of humor, and interests were so totally different. It was those differences that made each of them unique, but at the end of the day, they all shared the same core values and ambitions which made the club even stronger. I glanced over at the clock, checking my time as I finished putting on the back tire and moved to the gas tank. I’d been at it for at least an hour when Landry came out of the house carrying a cup of coffee in one hand and a pair of jeans and a t-shirt in the other. As she laid them down on the counter, she smiled and said, “I thought you could use these.”

  I looked down, and for the first time since I came out to the garage, I realized I was still in my fucking boxers. “Thanks, babe.”

  “No problem.” I grabbed my clothes and started to get dressed when Landry asked, “How’s it going?”

  “It’s going.” I pulled my t-shirt over my head, then leaned towards her and gave her a quick kiss. “Gotta get back at it.”

  “Okay.” She turned and started back towards the house. Then she stepped through the door and shouted, “Let me know if you need anything!”

  As I glanced down at my bare feet, I hollered back, “I could use some socks and my boots when you get a chance.”

  “You got it!”

  I turned my focus back to my bike, only stopping long enough to put on my boots, and after four hours in, I’d finally managed to get my bike back together. I hopped on, turned the key, and was beyond relieved when she started up without a hitch. I revved the engine a few times, just enough to draw Landry’s attention. She stuck her head out the door with a proud smile. “You got it!

  “That I did.” I reached for my helmet and prospect cut, and as I put them both on, I told her, “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  “Be careful.”

  I nodded, then coasted out of the driveway and rolled towards Arkansas. I couldn’t deny that I was feeling pretty pumped that I’d managed to get my bike back together so quickly. When I first came to Memphis, I didn’t know shit about cars or motorcycle engines. Hell, I could barely change my own oil, but I learned. The brothers gave me no choice. That’s how they were with everything. They continuously challenged me to not be just another prospect, but to make a name for myself, take risks, and rise to each and every occasion—all while remaining true to the man I was when I first walked through their clubhouse doors. As I continued towards Little Rock, I thought about all the things these men had taught me, how they’d changed my life in ways I could’ve never imagined, and I knew, patch or not, these men would always mean a great deal to me.

  When I got to Little Rock, it took me a bit to find J&T’s diner. It was small and rundown, but the place was packed. Even though I had plenty of time, I was beyond curious about the package I was supposed to pick up, so I quickly parked and rushed inside. The entire place smelled like greasy burgers and fries with a hint of baked apple pie. I was already hungry and beyond tempted with all the delicious smells that it was almost more than I could take as I made my way through the crowd. As soon as I reached the counter, an older lady came up to greet me. “Afternoon. What can I get ya today?”

  It was at that moment—it hit me. I had no idea what I was supposed to say to this chick, so I just stood there looking like a complete idiot. I was trying to think of what the hell I should say to her when a
soft smile crossed her face. “You one of Gus’s boys?”

  “Yes, ma’am, I am.”

  “Thought so. I have something for you.” She reached behind the counter and pulled out a small box, then offered it to me. “Here ya go. You be careful heading back home, ya hear?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I took it in my hand and said, “Thanks.”

  I waved goodbye and rushed back outside to the parking lot. After I’d put the box in one of my saddlebags, I jumped on my bike, and a rush of adrenaline surged through me as I started up my engine. I honestly didn’t know if this was my final task as a prospect. It could’ve just been another chance to prove myself, but either way, I was eager to get back home to find out. I was wound up tighter than a two-dollar watch as I headed back onto the Interstate. I kept expecting for something to go wrong—a flat tire, traffic, or even a fucking natural disaster—but it was easy-sailing all the way back to the clubhouse. When I pulled through the gate, it was just a few minutes before six and the entire lot was packed full of bikes and cars—some familiar, others not so much. I quickly parked, and my stomach was knotted up in a nervous, tangled mess as I grabbed the box out of my saddlebag and headed into the bar.

  When I opened the door, the entire club was there, along with Landry, Viper and his brothers, my mother, and my little sister. I stood in the doorway, looking at all the people who meant so much to me, and I felt my throat tighten. The last thing I wanted to do was get all choked up, but I knew there was only one reason they’d all be there and the thought had me biting back my emotions. I was still standing there in awe when Gus and Moose walked up to me. A smile crossed Gus’s face as he asked, “What about it, Hyde? You got something for me?”

  I couldn’t muster the words, so I simply nodded as I reached into my pocket and pulled out the small box. A proud smile crept across Gus’s face as he glanced over to Rider and gave him a quick nod. Rider was all business as he reached behind him and took a new Satan’s Fury cut from the counter and brought it over to us. Gus took it from his hand, and as he offered it to me, he said, “Well done, brother. Welcome to the Fury family.”


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