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Twisted Hearts (The Camorra Chronicles Book 5)

Page 29

by Cora Reilly

  I kept my hand on Gemma’s waist to dissuade a guy from looking at her. We took seats at the bar, not my usual spot, but I could tell that Gemma wanted to be close to her friend. Diego joined us shortly after, grimacing when he saw where we were sitting.

  He and Toni were in the off part of their on-and-off affair once more. Gemma hugged her brother briefly. Toni gave him a look that suggested she hoped his balls would fall off.

  “What’s with them?” she whispered.

  “After the quickie at our wedding, things cooled off again,” I said.

  Gemma sighed, giving Toni a worried look. I clapped Diego’s shoulder. The first fight was over within two minutes, a fucking bore, but the one after reached a level of bloodshed that would have made Remo proud.

  I chanced glances at Gemma who looked shocked but unable to look away. I loved that I could take her to fights with me without having to worry that she’d pass out. Fuck, I could even discuss moves with her afterward.

  She gave me a distracted smile when she noticed my gaze before she returned her focus to the cage, completely mesmerized. “Can I have a quick word with you?” Diego asked after the second fight.

  I nodded and followed him into the back. “What’s the matter?”

  “I’d like to deal with the Arena instead of Fabiano in the future.”

  I shook my head. “Diego, that’s a fucking bad idea and you know it. Toni’s going to take over from her dad at some point. She already handles part of the business.”

  “I can handle it. We’re only fuck buddies. Let me deal with it.”

  “Remo’s not going to like it, neither do I. Do you really want to bring yourself into a position where you risk sitting between chairs?”

  “I can handle it,” he said again.

  “Not if you keep fucking her. That’s not going to work.”

  When we returned to the bar, Gemma was serving drinks because Toni had to deal with a customer at a table. The looks the guys at the bar gave her made my blood boil.

  I strode over to the bar and sat down, causing them to back off. Gemma gave me a hesitant smile. “Toni asked me to take over for just a moment.”

  I nodded. The moment Toni returned, and Gemma came back to my side, I pulled her between my legs and kissed her hard. She squirmed. “Savio, everyone’s watching.”

  That was exactly why I was kissing her like that. I ran my tongue along her mouth then sucked her lower lip gently. “That fucking mouth is mine.” I nibbled at the sensitive skin. “And I want every fucker in the room to know it.”

  She leaned back, raising her hand with the engagement ring. “I think this thing is getting the message across.”

  “Maybe, but better safe than sorry,” I said. “Don’t tell me you don’t like my ring? It’s a symbol of…”

  “Your ownership?” she finished with an angry gleam in her eyes.

  “Of my feelings,” I said with a wink.

  “And what are they?”

  I looked away from her hopeful eyes. What did she want me to say? “Right now, I feel sexually deprived.”

  She pulled out of my hold and sat down on the stool beside me. “Well, that won’t change until you can find a better answer to that question.”

  Savio and I enjoyed the same things, we laughed together. Everything could be good if he didn’t keep that invisible wall up. Whenever I tried to have a serious conversation, the smirk, or a joke was his reply. I could tell he was trying in his own idiotic way by making me feel at home, taking me to fights and working out together.

  It wasn’t a bad foundation for an arranged marriage, but it wasn’t something I wanted to settle for.

  I could tell that he was getting increasingly irate because of our lack of intimacy, and if I was being honest, it became more difficult to resist him every day. My body, unlike my mind, wasn’t in favor of making him pay. I was definitely punishing myself too, how Toni kept pointing out.

  Her advice to take matters, and him, into my own hands to improve my position sounded like something that could work in general, only I wasn’t sure if I could pull it off.

  One night, almost two weeks after our wedding, I decided to try and rattle Savio. He’d showed more restraint than I’d expected from him, and I wanted to see if I could change that.

  It was a bad plan, of course.

  Savio had just finished brushing his teeth when I entered the bathroom in my robe, ignoring the nervous flutter in my belly. His eyes followed me as I headed toward the shower and shrugged out of the bathrobe.

  It was the first time I was naked in front of him and my cheeks throbbed with embarrassment as I stepped into the shower and turned the water on.

  The triumphant smile working its way onto my face at the look on Savio’s face lasted exactly until he reached for his boxers and shoved them down. Naked, every muscle rippling, and with that insufferable smirk, he came closer, opened the stall and stepped inside.

  I stared. He was already growing hard, and I had to resist the urge to feel him, to find out if he was as silky as he looked.

  “I’m a big boy, Kitty.” He braced himself to both sides of me and the tip of him almost touched my belly. “You think you can rattle me by showering in front of me?”

  I swallowed thickly, torn between desire and nerves. I had definitely rattled him, only not in the way I’d anticipated.

  Savio reached for me and I froze. His eyes rested on my face as he touched his palm to my waist. Despite the hot water, goose bumps flashed across my skin.

  Savio tilted his head with an intense look as he very slowly slid his fingers higher, stroking my ribs lightly.

  My tongue felt heavy, like a useless lump in my mouth. I wanted to keep the upper hand in this, but I could feel my composure slipping. Why had I ever thought it was a good idea being naked around Savio?

  “Won’t you push me away and tell me to stop, Kitty?”

  “Don’t,” I choked out, and his fingers at the underside of my breast halted and then I ruined everything. “Don’t call me Kitty. It makes me feel like a stupid little kid.”

  “Oh Gem, you aren’t a fucking kid,” he growled as his dark eyes roamed the length of me and then he bowed his head and snatched my nipple between his lips. I gasped, my hand flying up to grip the back of his head. Squeezing my eyes shut, I leaned back against the shower. What was happening?

  Every tug of his lips sent a spike of pleasure through my center. Soon arousal pooled between my legs as they grew heavier and heavier. A hard suck made my eyes fly open. Savio cast his gaze up, watching my face while he sucked my nipple. Even in my dirtiest fantasies about him, and even knowing the rumors about his skills, I couldn’t have imagined how amazing his mouth would feel on my breast. Dragging his mouth away with a lazy smirk, he licked a trail to my other nipple before that, too, disappeared between his lips. His hand came up and he began rubbing my breast.

  I was panting, could do nothing but focus on breathing and standing upright. Savio pulled away, and I almost whimpered. His expression said he knew of the effect he had on me.

  “Have you ever touched your tits?”

  I nodded.

  He kissed my nipple, then smiled darkly. “And?”

  Why was he talking? I wanted his mouth back around my nipple. My core was throbbing like crazy.

  “It didn’t do anything for me,” I pressed out.

  “What a shame,” he drawled then suckled my nipple softly again, keeping his eyes on me. He let my nipple slide out of his mouth. “I suppose then this isn’t doing anything for you either and I should stop?”

  One day I was going to murder him, but not today, certainly not before this tension in my core was gone.

  I shook my head.

  “I’m afraid I need you to say it.”

  “Don’t stop.”

  “Stop doing what?” His lips were so close to my nipple, it was driving me completely insane.

  “What you did before?”

  He shook his head. “Not going to cut
it. Say what you want.”

  “Keep sucking my nipple,” I gritted out as heat shot into my face.

  “Your wish is my command.” He started sucking leisurely again and I closed my eyes, drowning in the sensation. I lost all sense of time until his fingers ghosted down my belly and they brushed the sensitive skin right above my pubic bone. My eyes shot open.

  “Do you feel my sucking down here?” he rasped close to my nipple.

  His thumb lightly grazed the triangle of trimmed hair and I shuddered. I felt it there and everywhere. He set me aflame in a way I hadn’t considered a possibility.

  His fingers moved lower, and finally I snapped out of my trance.

  “No,” I said, sounding less sure than I wanted as I gripped his wrist. I’d let this go way too far already. When it came to Savio, I had such a hard time resisting.

  “Why do you keep this up, Gem? I could make you feel good, better than you’ve ever felt. What do you want from me?”

  I wasn’t sure, not right now. Not with his naked body so close, with his hungry gaze branding my skin, with his fingers so close to where I was aching. “I don’t want this to be a game for you. I want you to take this marriage as serious as I do. I…” I wanted him to trust me enough to share his darkest thoughts and fears with me, wanted him to love me like I’d loved him for so long, I could hardly remember how it was before.

  His eyes softened. “I married you, Gem. That’s not a game, I fucking know that, okay? You make me laugh. You are the only girl who ever made me slack-jawed in the gym. You are the only girl I can watch cage fights with. You don’t screech or puke when you see blood. You are tough and soft, heaven and hell. You’re the full package. That’s why I wanted you.”

  My lips parted in surprise.

  “Only because I like to joke and play around doesn’t mean I don’t know what kind of responsibility I have now. I do know and it’s new for me. As new as all of this is for you. I’ve never had a relationship. I’m fucking winging it, and I’ll mess up over and over again, probably until we’re old and wrinkly, or Botoxed and face-lifted in our case.”

  I allowed him that joke because his words before had been more than I had expected from him at this point. Standing on my tiptoes, I kissed him.

  Maybe it was to get into my panties, probably, but his words were honest, I could see it in his eyes.

  For a long time, we only kissed under the spray of water, then I pulled back and whispered shyly. “Can we get into bed?” Savio didn’t need to be told twice. He pushed open the door and grabbed towels for us, helping me dry off.

  His eagerness was almost amusing, if I hadn’t been so nervous. He linked our fingers and led me into the bedroom. I lay down on the bed, feeling my heart slam against my ribcage. Savio stretched out beside me.

  His eyes dilated with a hunger that sent a thrill through me as he cupped my cheek. His musky scent flooded my nose and sent another wave of moisture down my center. “This is your show, Gem. Whenever you say stop, I’ll stop. I’m a big boy, I can deal if you stop at any point.”

  Why did he have to say things like this in moments like this and make me want to kiss him senseless? I curled my fingers around his neck and kissed him with so much enthusiasm that our teeth clanged. I cringed, embarrassed at my lack of skill.

  Savio wouldn’t have it. He grinned. “Playing rough already?”

  I laughed. Then I tried again, and this time our mouths molded perfectly. Savio propped himself up, leaning over me, never stopping the kiss.

  His fingers stroked their way up from my ribcage to my breast again and soon I was a boneless heap, bucking my hips almost desperately. I couldn’t control myself. Savio pulled out of the kiss as his fingers traced down my abs to my triangle once more.

  I sucked in a breath and gripped Savio’s bicep, tensing so much I was sure tomorrow I’d be sore as if I’d done a workout.

  “Is that a stop?”

  I shook my head jerkily.

  Savio brushed lower, still not where I ached. His eyes held mine and then he dipped down, parting me, feeling how desperately my body longed for his touch.

  He groaned deep in his throat. “You’re so fucking wet, Gem. I knew you’d feel perfect…” His fingertip slid lower, brushed the sensitive insides of my folds. “And damn, you are. What are you doing to me?” He stroked over my heated flesh, gentle but practiced movements that halted my breath in my chest. My hand on his arm became slack as I let Savio take control over my body, forgotten my resolve not to give him this—not yet. But I couldn’t push him away, couldn’t deprive myself of the magic the pad of his thumb was wielding between my legs with gentle touches and swipes.

  His lips found mine for a languid kiss that stole the remainder of my senses. I was rendered a panting, trembling mess beneath his capable hands as he stroked me. He wasn’t even touching my clit, a place I’d always focused all my attention on whenever I’d tried to give myself pleasure. It hadn’t been like this, not even close.

  Savio’s gaze was consuming me, his scent and heat embracing me into a blissful cocoon I never wanted to escape from.

  “How is it, Gem?” he growled as his thumb parted my folds once more, but this time, he flicked it over my little nub, his nail grazing me in a way that made my hips buck. For a moment, I was sure my eyes were going to roll back and I was going to pass out from the current of pleasure radiating through me.

  Did he really need an answer to that question? He knew exactly what he was doing to me.

  The sly curl of his mouth made that clear.

  I narrowed my eyes, but his thumb flicked my clit again and I sucked in a sharp breath. His lips closed around my nipple. Sounds fell from my lips I’d never heard before. Gasps and choked moans as I was trying to rein myself in. What if someone overheard us?

  “Don’t hold back,” Savio demanded. “Nobody can hear us.”

  Was he a mind reader now too? I wasn’t sure if I believed him. I was gone too far to care, though. Savio resumed his assault of my nipple while his finger swiped faster and faster, spreading my moisture everywhere. One of his fingers slid lower, brushing my opening. My hand shot out, grasping his forearm to stop him because my mouth wasn’t functioning to actually say the words.

  Savio peered up and for a moment, I was sure he’d ignore my silent command or pretend not to understand it, but he didn’t.

  Soon I couldn’t hold back anymore, too overwhelmed by his touch between my legs and the suction of his mouth on my nipple. I arched off the bed and cried out my release. “Savio, God.”

  I didn’t even care that he watched me like I was the newest blockbuster. His fingers guided me expertly through my release until they stilled and so did I. I stared up at the ceiling, stunned by the force of my orgasm.

  “I told you you’d scream my name one day. And as an added bonus, you even called me God,” he said with a chuckle as he kissed my lips before hovering over me. His fingers were still between my legs and the look on his face was a mix between insufferable smugness and breathtaking ownership.

  The heat in my cheeks intensified. “I did not call you God.” But I was mortified that I’d uttered the word while in the throes of passion. That was an abuse of the word if there ever was one.

  “You uttered my name and God without pause, that’s as close as it can get if you ask me.” There was a subtle growl to his voice, an undercurrent of possessiveness, that was almost enough to make me ask for another round. I didn’t know this wanton thing could be inside of me.

  His hand slid out from between my legs, making me shiver. Then he took my hand and pushed it between my legs. I tensed, unsure of his motive and acutely aware of the fact that I was dripping. I’d never been this wet. Savio guided my fingers along my folds, and I was sure I’d pass out from embarrassment any moment, but still I couldn’t avert my eyes from his. He lifted my hand from between my legs and to his face. My skin was coated with my juices. I tried to pull away, not able to believe what he was going to do, that he wanted t
o taste me.

  “Relax, Gem,” he murmured.

  I forced myself to do as he said. He was a big boy, he’d know if he wanted to do this.

  Then he proceeded to grip each of my fingers and licked them clean, not once taking his eyes off me and letting out a low hum. My core throbbed with every stroke of his tongue, completely mesmerized, mortified and aroused. Just imagining how that tongue and mouth would feel between my legs almost sent me over the edge again. He pushed my hand between my legs again.

  “Gather your juices,” he ordered.

  My eyes widened at the command in his voice, but I allowed him to guide my fingers. Then he brought my hand up again. This time he held it before my face. I gave him a questioning look. “Taste yourself, believe me, you’re fucking delicious.”

  I parted my lips and let Savio push my index finger into my mouth. It was the first time I tasted myself. It was a heady, slightly sweet flavor.

  Savio’s eyes seemed to darken as he watched me. My skin burnt fiercely. This wasn’t something I’d ever considered doing, definitely nothing my strict catholic upbringing would condone.

  “We’re going to hell for this,” I whispered thickly when Savio had pulled out my finger again.

  “Trust me, if this already gets you a ticket to hell, heaven isn’t a place you want to spend eternity in.”

  I laughed. Trust Savio to say something sacrilegious and make me feel good with it.

  His mouth pulled into a smile, for once neither arrogant nor teasing before he pressed a kiss to my mouth, moving even closer until his front was molded to my side and I could feel the very apparent proof of his desire for me against my hipbone. His tip slid over my skin, spreading the hint of moisture there that stunned me.

  My brows snapped together. Had he come watching me?

  “What?” he asked in a low voice.

  I darted my eyes down, despite my shyness, and indeed his tip was glistening. “Did you…?”

  His own brows pulled together, obviously not following my train of thoughts.

  A subtle pulse throbbed in my temple as the words tumbled out of me. “You are wet. Did you…” I lowered my voice. “…come?”


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