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Lexi Monarch

Page 35

by T. K. Perry

  “Fine. Call an assembly. Let's end this.”

  Lexi took her anger out on her clothes, tossing them about the room and shoving them roughly into her bag. Except for Tiger's old shirt, which was lovingly packed as she ran a finger down Cercy's careful stitches. It was odd going on a mission to rescue one mother from the other; Lexi took out the Queen's angry note and ripped it in half. She was about to tear it again when she heard Clodi greeting the guards outside her door. Releasing a sigh, Lexi folded the torn pieces together and put them back in her pocket just as Clodi walked in.

  “Morph's okay,” she announced. “He just left the infirmary, and he's not even dizzy anymore. But boy, is Phemus ornery! He kept ranting about in-seasons and their violent ways until Morph reminded him that he'd been just as violent when he was in season. Then they argued about which of them had been more violent until the medic made them stop on account of Morph not sitting still enough for his stitches. The medic said unless he wanted a zigzag scar on his face he'd better stop. So Morph stopped and Phemus went back to bellyaching.” Clodi finally took a breath and noticed the packed bag that Lexi was just closing.

  “That's a lot of clothes to take to the laundry,” she commented.

  Lexi stifled a grimace and turned to face her. “I'm leaving, Clodi.”

  “Right now? Are you getting married?” Clodi's cornflower-blue eyes lit up with joy as she clasped her hands together.

  “No, not just yet.”

  “Then why are you leaving? Are your parents making you go back to the palace?”

  “I suppose you could say that,” Lexi conceded.

  “Oh no! Does that mean you have to marry that horrible Talan? I don't think you should. He just isn't nice.”

  “I don't think I should either. I don't plan to.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  Clodi looked so terribly concerned that Lexi patted her arm. “Tiger has a plan,” she confided.

  “Oh! Then you're going to marry Tiger?!” Clodi did a little jumping dance and gave her a fierce hug.

  “Hopefully,” Lexi mumbled into her shoulder, trying to gently extract herself.

  Clodi immediately let go with an embarrassed laugh. “Sorry! I'm a hugger; can't help myself.” Her tanned cheeks glowed a healthy red and she bobbed an awkward curtsy. “I know you don't want me to do that, either.” She waved her hands in front of her tearing eyes. “Sorry, I'm a crier, too.”

  Lexi hefted her bag, then patted Clodi's arm again and smiled. “It was lovely having you as a roommate, Clodi. Good luck with Tull; I hope his wings heal quickly.”

  Clodi nodded as tears ran down her cheeks. “Bye,” she managed, her voice breaking.

  Lexi closed the door feeling guilty and sad, but she pushed it away and hefted her bag. Charis and two flying guardsmen looked at her expectantly. Giving them a nod, she marched down the hallway, the guards falling into her wake. At the stairwell she hesitated before a mischievous smile lifted one corner of her mouth. Instead of continuing on to the kitchens and then to Erynnis, she flew to Tiger's room. Heck's bored presence outside the door told her all she needed to know.

  “I need to confer with the prisoner,” she announced, opening the door.

  Heck merely shrugged, then nodded at the flying guardsman who trailed her, and Charis, who jogged behind them. The door was closed again before they caught up.

  Lexi stood just inside the room and inhaled deeply. Tiger's soft snores coupled with his soothing scent calmed all her senses and melted away her agitation. A silly grin flitted across her face at the thought of enjoying this every day for the rest of her life. She dropped her bag with a soft whump, and his big yellow wings that had been vibrating with every snore suddenly stilled. Lexi tiptoed across the room, edged around the top of his wings with her own tightly closed, and leaned in to kiss his stubbled cheek.

  “Are we leaving now?” he asked sleepily.

  “Soon,” she whispered, carefully avoiding his blackened eye by kissing his ear.

  He let out a single note of his musical laugh and covered his ear. “Tickles.”

  She kissed his hand, then stood back as he pulled himself up, stretching with cheerful groans. His sleep-mussed hair stood out at odd angles, and when she reached up to smooth it down, he caught her hands and placed them behind his neck.

  “There,” he murmured, kissing her gently.

  Lexi sighed audibly and snuggled into his chest as he pressed a kiss into her hair.

  The sharp rap at the door, followed by a loud and repeated throat clearing, broke them apart. When she opened the door, Charis looked apologetic and the flying guardsmen looked shocked.

  Lexi gave them her coldest smile. “What is it?” The unscented air of the hallway brought back all her cares, tightening her muscles into a stately rigidity.

  “The assembly,” Charis reminded her.

  Giving him a queenly nod, she turned to wait for Tiger.

  “I'm not going,” Tiger said, yanking on his boot. “I have something else I need to take care of.”

  Lexi frowned, worried he meant saying goodbye to his ex-girlfriend.

  Seeing her expression, Tiger laughed. “It's not what you think.”

  Having her face turned back into the room was already having its effect. Relenting, she gave him a small smile. “Meet you in the throne room, then.”

  “Yep,” he agreed.

  Lexi took one last deep inhale, then closed the door behind her.

  “Charis, do I have enough time before the assembly to get food and water for the journey?”

  Charis shook his head and held out his hand. “I can do it for you, Your Highness.”

  “Thank you, Charis,” she smiled, handing him her bag.

  As he walked away, her two remaining guards drew closer. The crowds were all funneling towards the main entrance of the auditorium, but Lexi led them down to the stage door that Limen used. Outside the door, her remaining two flying guardsmen were waiting: the irritating leader and the guard who had brought her father's note. She smiled at the latter as he opened the door and preceded her onto the stage. Though the dark curtain walled off the sight of the audience, it did little to quell their sound. Their loud conversations bled through like the irritated buzz of a bee caught in clothing. When the two guards returned from sweeping the stage, they led her around the curtain to the wings. Curious, she peeked out at the audience. No one was sitting. Rumors were flying and twitching wings betrayed the general agitation. For a moment, she wished Limen were there to once again introduce her, but the thought dissolved into disgust as she remembered his behavior. At least he wouldn't be well enough to seduce anyone else before his season ended.

  Beck and Pol sauntered up and down the aisles, quelling aggression by their mere presence. Beck caught her eye and grinned. He mounted the stage's side steps with a jaunty jog and joined her. “Want me to go warm them up with a few jokes?”

  Lexi's mouth twitched in what Beck took to be a smile.

  “See? I'm hilarious. Send me back out there.”

  Lexi allowed Beck a small smile, then walked out on the narrow lip of stage in front of the curtain. It had to be done. No sense delaying. She would have liked to have Tiger with her, but he was off on his mysterious errand, which had better not be Coli. A hush fell over the crowd, and most sat down as she stood serenely in the center of the stage.

  “Hello again. I know it has only been one day since our last assembly, but circumstances have changed. Limen Viceroy has injured his wings, and is no longer able to travel down the mountain. Thus, I am restoring him to his position as governor. While he is recovering, his officiants will handle marriages and any other issues. Thank you.” With the exception of a few harsh guffaws after Lexi mentioned Limen's broken wings, the audience had remained silent until the end. Now the uproar of sound felt like a wave crashing into her. With a pleasant smile frozen on her face, she walked off the stage in a slow, stately pace that sped up the moment she was behind the curtain.
r />   Beck clapped loudly. “Nicely done! Always leave them wanting more, I say.”

  The four guardsmen's eyes widened at his brash enthusiasm, but they remained silent, dutifully falling into position as Lexi exited the auditorium.

  Lexi allowed herself a small sigh. “Fetch Talan,” she commanded Beck.

  “Must I? You could just leave him here to keep the Governor company.”

  “That would only be doing Limen an unkindness.”

  “True. Pretty unkind to me as well. Never mind, I'll happily fetch him if you promise to take him away.”

  “Quickly, please.”

  “Right! Keep forgetting you're leaving now...” Beck sprinted off towards the dungeon, letting his words trail behind him until his monologue was no longer discernable.

  Lexi smiled after him, then hurried to the throne room with the guardsmen fore and aft. As before, they intersected the crowds before reaching the throne room, but the prevailing mood seemed curiosity rather than violence.

  “Is it true somebody beat the Governor up?”

  “Is he going to die?”

  “Are you staying?”

  Rather than address their questions, Lexi increased her pace, feeling the guards draw closer as the crowd pressed in. It was a relief to escape into the throne room and lock the doors behind them. A few people knocked, but the Old Castle guards only advised them to make an appointment at the officiants' office. Lexi shoved the curtain aside that hid the door; someone must have drawn it again in anticipation of Limen's reinstatement. Lexi looked around for Tiger and stopped dead at the vivid red wings that occupied the center of the room. Lexi gasped, her hand reflexively touching the pocket that held her mother's torn note. The owner of the wings executed a slow turn, and Lexi began breathing again.

  “Mr. Leafwing, why are you here?”

  “He's coming with us,” Tiger announced, stepping out from behind the officiants' curtain.


  “Your cousin is in season. Naturally he's going to the palace to find a mate befitting his station.”

  Lexi's eyes widened in pleading horror as she looked from Tiger to Ryp, then took in all the listening guards. Swallowing, she forced her face back into a neutral expression and drew herself up. “Of course. I welcome the company, cousin.”

  Ryp smirked at her. “Yes, my little dalliance here is over. It's time to be serious.”

  Lexi could feel her eyes widening again. She had never had so much difficulty remaining outwardly calm. Her father would be so hurt that she had betrayed her mother's secret.

  The officiants' curtain trembled, then seemed to cough.

  “Erynnis?” Lexi guessed, managing a strangled smile for the elderly man when he stepped out and gave her a deep bow.

  “Your Highness had belongings in the safe,” he said, skittering forward to hand her a small cloth bag, then backing away with his head bowed.

  Lexi glanced into the bag, finding her father's ripped signature atop the wad of cash he had given her. “Thank you, Erynnis. I need to return my keys to you, but Charis has them.”

  Erynnis looked scandalized for a moment, then recovered himself with another deep bow. “Very good, Your Highness.”

  There was an awkward moment of silence where Lexi could hear the slight wheeze in Erynnis' breathing, and Heck cracking his knuckles behind the partial cover of the open curtain. Lexi's eyes drifted to Ryp's wings, then Tiger's face as he tightened the straps of his bag around his shrinking waistline. Lexi remembered the in-seasons' food issue with a guilty sigh. She glanced at Erynnis and considered bringing it up again, but it was Limen that must be swayed. She gave her head a barely perceptible shake and determined to address the issue with her father...when he finally forgave her for betraying her mother's secret. Lexi glanced furtively at her cousin's unperturbed expression, then Tiger's false bravado. That was the expression he wore when breaking a new horse to the saddle: all determination and suppressed fear. She swallowed on a suddenly dry throat and fisted her hands around the top of the cloth bag.

  When an odd knock sounded, she released the breath she hadn't realized she had been holding. Charis entered and wordlessly returned her pack that was now much heavier. She tucked the cloth bag inside, then removed the keys and handed them to Erynnis with a forced smile.

  “Thank you, Your Highness.” He looked at her with sharp, watery eyes—unsaid words filling out his hollow cheeks. His lips twitched, but he bowed a third time rather than speak.

  There was yet another odd knock at the door and Talan irritably pushed through the guards when it opened.

  “Now you can leave,” Beck quipped, trailing Talan with his arms spread wide.

  Talan whirled around to menace the smaller man with his height. “You know, if you were one of my servants, you would quickly learn to keep your mouth shut.”

  “Doubtful,” Beck laughed merrily, allowing flecks of saliva to spatter Talan's face.

  Threats and curses mingled together and erupted from Talan's mouth as he shoved Beck backwards, bringing Charis and Heck surging forward.

  “Talan,” Lexi warned. “I could always leave you behind.”

  “That could be fun,” Beck joked.

  Talan looked momentarily startled before regaining his equanimity. He backed away from the guards, then held out his bag to one of the flying guardsmen. “Carry this for me.”

  Tiger and Beck snorted their disgust and Lexi took a deep breath. The guardsman who had brought her father's note took the bag and began puzzling how to strap it over his own. Lexi gently took it from his hands and gave it back to Talan.

  “You will carry your own bag,” Lexi announced, nodding at Charis to open the balcony doors.

  “Princess,” Talan protested. “These are servants and should be treated as such.”

  “They are here to protect me, Talan, not to be pack mules,” she chided, wondering for the first time if Talan had carried his own belongings before they reached Lady West's estate.

  Rather than strap on his bag, Talan glanced around the room and caught Tiger's deep scowl. “You're bringing the stable boy?”

  “Talan...” Lexi cautioned.

  Rather than heed her warning tone, Talan smugly held out his bag to Ryp.

  “That's the Queen's nephew,” Tiger said, knocking Talan's bag away. “He's not your servant.”

  Talan dropped his bag, his mouth opening and closing as he eyed Ryp, then looked to Lexi for confirmation. Knowing she couldn't erase her emotional turmoil from her expression, Lexi avoided Talan's gaze by fiddling with her strap.

  Beck chortled, sensing a joke. When no punch line followed, his amusement faltered. “Wait. What?”

  Talan cleared his throat awkwardly, then stooped to recover his bag. “I didn't even know the Queen had a nephew and suddenly he's here? That's odd.”

  “Unlike Van, I felt it best to keep my identity a secret,” Ryp explained as he sauntered towards the balcony, giving Talan a good look at his wings.

  Whatever Talan had been about to say died on his lips, and he abruptly pressed them together.

  “You're a noble?!” Beck blurted.

  Before Beck could say anything else, Lexi interrupted him with a brief hug. “Thank you, Beck. I'm going to miss you.”

  “Your cousin was here the whole time? Was he secretly protecting you?” Beck continued, nonplussed.

  “You did such an excellent job, Beck, that there really wasn't anything for him to do,” Lexi assured him.

  Two of the flying guardsmen and Ryp had already flown from the balcony and Lexi joined them, Tiger beside her. Talan sulkily strapped on his bag, demanding that the last two guardsmen not leave before him.

  Lexi allowed herself a little groan. “It's going to be a long trip,” she whispered to Tiger.

  He frowned back at Talan and merely nodded.

  “And we need to talk,” she added in an undertone, looking at Ryp's scarlet wings waving like warning flags in the twilight.
/>   “We need him,” Tiger assured her, “or this won't work.”

  “But you told,” Lexi protested, her face betraying her hurt and anxiety.

  “Yes, that he's a noble.”

  Lexi schooled her face as she mulled that, then Talan flew into her personal space and interrupted all thought with a cloud of his hickory and clove scent.

  “Despite the presence of the stable boy, I assume our return means you're going to acknowledge our marriage?” Talan took her hand and attempted to kiss it before she yanked it away.

  “You lied to me again, Talan,” Lexi hissed. “And you've been reporting everything I do to my mother.”

  Talan paled, then swallowed. “But the Queen demanded regular reports. I couldn't help that.”

  “You might have told me. And you lied after you swore you would be honest from now on.”

  “What...” Talan began, swallowing again.

  Tiger snorted. “He doesn't even know which lie you're talking about.”

  Talan glared at Tiger, but didn't speak.

  “Get away from me, Talan,” Lexi ordered quietly.

  “I haven't lied,” he attempted.

  “You didn't fly halfway down the mountain with Limen,” she accused.

  “That wasn't my secret to tell. A gentleman covers for another gentleman's indiscretions.”

  Lexi spoke through clenched teeth. “Neither of you are gentlemen.”

  “I doubt we share the same definition of the word.” Talan glanced at Tiger as his face lit up with spite. “You know she'll never let you marry this filthy servant. She'll lock him up in the dungeon the moment you get back, and you'll still have to marry me.”

  Talan's wrath had attracted the group's attention, and everyone's flight slowed as they watched him.

  Lexi gave the group a pleasant smile and addressed the flying guardsmen in the same tone she might use to offer dessert. “Mr. Admiral has expressed the desire to fly separately. Would one of you please volunteer to escort him?”

  “You can't make me leave this group,” he hissed. “I'm essentially your husband. Where you go, I go.”


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