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Past Will Be Future

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by Valentin Cundric

  D E U S L O C U T U S

  Word as criterion of thoughts has double meaning: it depends on whether it is spoken by God or by man. It is true that the language of man was created in God’s image and likeness, however, the magnificence of the divine is often disfigured, blurred and far from any connection to God’s message when infiltrated into human life and language. I find this more a natural disaster than a natural phenomenon.

  God’s words are supposed not to contain spacers (i.e.: you don’t have to read between the lines; no secret meanings). God's words are put down in the Bible and his statements, although divine, can be implemented and have already been implemented by men, by humanity. Despite this fact, there are more and more people nowadays who do not believe in holy texts and in the Word of God. I take this as an open front that will produce a victim. The victim will be the holy texts that will get lost and with them man’s knowledge which drinks from them.

  It is commonly believed that God’s word shouldn’t be doubted, for it is supposed to always be true and reliable. But, are His words always such? True and reliable? There is one remark in the Bible that strikes my eye. In Genesis God promises Adam another son Seth and with him Seth’s tribe. But where are they? Why are Set and his tribe not mentioned in the Old Testament? Was He lying, changed his mind or did he just forget His promise? Can God forget his promise?

  Does God ever speak to a man?

  Of course he does. He has spoken to many biblical men.








  He has spoken to them human-way, using the language of men so that they can understand and obey him. All men are the Chosen ones, meaning, they are special to Him. For, God reveals himself only to people who deserve him. But what strikes me odd is the way he speaks to them. In the reason. He mostly speaks to them when he has to scold them for being sinners or when he puts forward a demand. He never praises those men. It seems as if he has forgotten that he created them as men not as gods. And men are liable to sin. He should know that and thus be less hateful, even revengeful.

  He asks Adam: Adam, where are you? Who told you, you were naked? Did you eat from the Forbidden Tree?

  Why does God play ignorant when he knows everything? He first creates Adam as a human being but with God’s spark to make him equal. Then he curses him and banishes him from the Garden of Eden with the words: Dust you are and to dust you shall return.

  I wonder if Adam’s fall back into dust prevents man to exceed the biological inadequacy into which he is returned with these words!

  The only time He speaks to Cain is when he curses him because of the murder. Cain killed his brother Abel: Where is your brother? Be cursed and marked to the Judgment day! Whoever finds you¸ will not ease your suffering by killing you.

  Sometimes God shows inclination to the man he is speaking to, but cannot avoid threatening the whole humanity with destruction.

  He says to Noah: I will exterminate the human race!

  Then he tells him that he is going to send flood on the earth to destroy the world that has become evil. However, he wants to save Noah and his family and some animals, so he orders him to build a big ark.

  God can be very cruel when testing man's faithfulness to him.

  He demands from Abraham: “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.” (Geneses 22)

  And he says: I will destroy Sodom and Gomorrah!

  From Moses he demands: Lead the people of Israel out of Egypt. And he says: Here you have my Decalogue. (Decalogue is Ten Commandments. I must say that I would expect fourteen commandments, due to the fact that there are fourteen tribes of Israel and not ten. In the Decalogue he again shows that he doesn't treat men and women equally by tolerating women adultery and forbidding men flirting with women).

  God continues his conversation with Moses angrily, insulted: How long will your people despise me? I curse my chosen people!

  He first chooses Moses as a leader, then he does not let him reach the Promised land because he blames him for the disobedience of his people.

  God's name? Do we know it?

  God reveals his name to Moses by saying: I am who am. (egipt. Nuk pu nuk.) This is a kind of a puzzle, a secret on a verbal level that would probably when solved, give his name. It's not a name yet. Then there is another name of his, the letters JHVH. However, they are also a secret. Both secrets are connected with the duel on a mental and spiritual Harmagedon (the temple hill where the last battle between Jesus and Mahdi will be fought).

  JHVH is God's name. Yet, it is lifeless without its correct pronunciation, without the correct vibration of the four letters. The vibration was known only to a Rabbi, who once a year had a permission or even demand to whisper it, hidden behind the Soreg, so that the crowd on the other side would not hear it. (Soreg is a curtain in the Temple that separated the Rabbi from the crowd. When Jesus died, this curtain tore and fell down). The word is supposed to be charged with such strong energy that pronounced by ordinary men could be dangerous. Could even kill. That's why they were not allowed to know how to pronounce and vibrate it. That's why the Rabbi is hidden behind the Soreg.

  Even Alexander the Great bows to the inscription JHVH, knowing its strength, but isn't told the right vibration either.

  God's words to David: You are not to build a house for my Name, because you are an adulterer (The Old Testament). I am God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob …, give me to think too. They seem illogical. If he cursed David, from where then the sanctity of the House of David? We know that one of David's descendants was Jesus.

  God speaks to Samuel as well. He calls him three times: Samuel! Samuel! Samuel!( Samuel is the reincarnation of Nahshon, the giant in Moses’ parade. ‘He is, according to a Jewish Midrash, the person who initiates the Hebrews' passage through the Red Sea, by walking in head-deep until the sea parted’. (Wikipedia))

  But at the time the God calls him, Samuel is still a boy. He thinks that Eli has called him. Then Eli instructs him: The next time the Lord calls you, say: ‘Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.’

  And here we get a lesson how to address God. A lesson that man should be taciturn and unobtrusive especially if he is neither called nor chosen.

  One would expect that at least Jesus would say God's name. But he doesn't. When talking of him or with him, he always uses only the word father. Besides, he never speaks with him in the presence of his apostles.

  Should we understand this as a warning and hint not to insist on being too curious, nosy?

  In conclusion I'd like to say that although God may sometimes sound illogical, cruel, revengeful etc. he used to be regarded by the majority of population as their leader, as a Father who knows best and should be obeyed. He teaches and demands honesty and right doing. Yet, the times have changed and now, instead by God’s words and Malachi’s and Nostradamus’s messages and prophecies, we are guided by political prophets telling us fiction and even lies.

  One of them is, for example, the Sarajevo formula, according to which the word Lenin is the soul of the Earth, which makes us and keeps us alive.

  And this is not the only example.

  Sorry to say, the world seems to descend even lower. The prophets of God are being replaced by the voice of the streets.

  Is our present really just dead sleeves of Humanism and the Renaissance?


  Garuda is a mythological eagle, transferring newborn children to a safer place. Man has wished to fly since the beginning of the world but he can do that only in dreams. Maybe Garuda dwells in man's sub-consciousness, fulfilling our wish to fly through our dreams.

  We learned to swim but not to fly. The Annunakis, God’s sons, angels in general, mastered flying. And somebody else could fly too, without wishing it, wit
hout needing to visualize flying like the esoteric do – dinosaurs. Dinosaurs swam, walked and flew. The man can’t, no matter how hard he tries. That’s why I do not believe in evolution giving to man whatever he needs or wants.

  There are some examples similar to flying. Levitation of human saints, for example or Jacob reaching the sky. However, levitation of human saints is not flying, of course and Jacob needs a ladder to reach the sky; he does not fly.

  Some gods, goddesses have winged sandals. Known are holy birds: Celtic horned eagle, Hofnir (Odin’s raven), Inti, turtledove as Holy spirit, Fenix/Boenu etc.

  I hear the word Garuda in the Slovenian word vigred, meaning spring (one of the seasons). And I find the word garuda also in other words:

  - Gorazd (St. Methodius’ successor)

  - car (meaning a vehicle also in celtic and latin version). Slovenian language preserved less respectable meanings: koreta, karjola, gare (vehicles usually pulled by poor people or animals)

  - Mangrt: a mountain that can be put on an equal footing with another mountain Mount Matajur. The word Matajur is not a negligible word. It proves, together with the mountain Nanos (near Postojna in Slovenia) that we are living amidst ruins of myths not being aware of the sacredness of the language we speak.

  Garuda is not a part of the flock. He is a solitary bird and as such a graceful bearer of a tarot card (in the word card I see the word Garuda. The

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