Past Will Be Future
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translated into the Old Church Slavonic. Therefore, the Old Church Slavonic remained the ritual language of the eastern church to the present day.
I don’t believe the Glagolitic alphabet to ever step out of the dusty documents into public use. It is also certain that Aquileia alias Aquilis (pre-Roman name of the river Nadiža) will never repeat, however it left us the mountain Nanos alias Anunak, Anedot. (all the names mean the same)
What I want to discuss here is whether the artificial intelligence (computer) can outdo the human intelligence or not.
Well, let’s take our thinking and how it works. In my opinion it is more a linear, or local (meaning limited) process than a timeline one (meaning free).
Man is analogon (a unit, not a binary subject) while the computer is based on the binary system. The human intelligence is exposed to constant corrections, while the artificial intelligence is not, unless it is changed by the man. That is the reason for my belief that the latter cannot compete with the first even though the human intelligence is slower.
I find binarity (duplication) or plan B even in God’s plan. God says: I’m going to create everything anew, a new Earth, a new Sky, I see a New Jerusalem coming to the Earth.
However, I have to ask, for whom. For whom does He intend to create everything anew if the chosen ones are going to be taken to Heaven after the end of the World? And the millennium of Jesus – into which or whose context does it belong? (Jesus’ return and his thousand year dwelling on the Earth has been predicted and I wonder when this is going to happen - before Ichor or after it.)
The best example of the binary perception of the world can be found in the message of The Old Testament. It is the message about the Week that runs linearly and then it is broken by the free thinking of man. Thus it becomes binary and captured into time. (Adam is expelled from heaven and then has to make his way through the earth time on his own).
A duplicator is the apocalyptic water beast, Trijon (shortened from the Greek word therion. Therion in English derives from the word deer, deer personifies devil), or 666 as well, for it makes its own copy from earth.
And there is another phenomenon: human thinking has been subordinated to the arithmetic progression, yet what burns the eye is the fact that what is foretold without thinking, spontaneously, without corrections often proves to be true. (I can tell that from my own experience). However, the overwhelming opinion states, that the higher (prophetic, clairvoyant) dimension dwells in the human being independently of the universe and its dimensions. But if arithmetic progression were a hundred per cent correct, there would be no prophecies possible and we know they are possible.
However, I believe that artificial intelligence is not what humanity needs most.
The first generation of stars were born out of primordial material from the Big Bang. There are speculations among modern physicists that the primordial material might be the Word. I call it Pre-word. As each star has its cause, aim and role and can even be present in an illusionary constellation with other stars that can be far away from each other, the same is true for words as well. Words, regardless of the language they belong to have their cause, aim and role either in a string of words or in the constellation with other words.
Words can be grouped into strings of words that gravitate toward each other in the attempt to find their common primordial, I call it aborigine, word. Strings can contain words that are, regarding the space, far away from each other but are related to each other through their content or the words that are located at a short distance from each other, yet have totally different meanings.
I am interested in Jacob as a word and as a person, so I am going to research a string of four words, Jacob among them and how they are related to each other. I am going to find Jacob’s etymological and functional company in accordance with the resonance of space.
Resonance of space?
Resonance theory says that each thing, whatever exists, appears in four parts of the world (that’s why I am looking for three additional words to Jacob, altogether four). The theory is based on the fact that exactly the same melodies of folk songs have been found in four different parts of the world.
So let’s have a closer look at a virtual string, respectively a constellation of these four words: Svajambhuva, Jatobe, blind Jakhos and Jacob as well as their gravitation toward their aborigine word.
Among all four Jacob is most human, the others are in a way divinities. Yet, pronouncing their names aloud, they all sound similar, i.e. there is a common sound in each of them that combines them. That was the first reason why I chose them.
What about the content or in other words, are there any similarities in their lives?
There are.
Jatobe is the Creator of the Indian cosmos, meaning in Sanskrit Svajambhuva. Jacob, sounding similar to Jatobe, father of fourteen Israeli tribes is, so to say, the creator of peoples. Jatobe is the creator of the Universe. Jakhos is the Greek God of penis and so, in fact, the creator of all living. Svajambhuve, Jakhos and Jatobe appeared as deities thousands of years before the creation of the world, Jacob was born about the year 1900 B.C.
All four words gravitate toward a common scene of creation, even though they individually dwell in different parts of the world and in different times.
However, when these words or persons are localized, they get their own individual meaning and will while their common meaning, gravitating to their aborigine word, is sinking into oblivion. For example, the word Jacob. Jacob is known as a historical person of Israel but I am sure that nobody is aware of the fact that he is connected to Svajambhuve, Jatobe and Jakhos through the sounds common to all four names. Names, carried by beings that are not human but divine. Joined to the divine beings, Jacob too becomes legendary and universal being, as mentioned previously.
I have to stress again that these words are not aware of the existence of each other even though they are creating a common cosmos (a common meeting point) and even though in each of them a fossil record of the common word is flashing; i.e. each word, though placed in its own time and place, is marked, maybe labeled with the echo of the aborigine word or its Big Bang.
Some of these words are taken as historical fact. I have already mentioned Jacob and now I am adding Jakhos. However, they have different connotations. Jacob, as the father of the Israeli tribes and one of the main characters in the Old Testament is positive, Jakhos as the Greek God of penis and debauchery is negative.
Nevertheless, the aborigine word was surely neutral i.e. without our moralistic prejudices, without plus or minus connotations. We are the ones who label things as positive or negative, we ourselves create our attitude toward words and thus withdraw ourselves from the aborigine word, overlooking even its lost and dim frequencies roaming in the air around us.
Some physicists are toying with the idea that the Big Bang of the Universe is in fact the Big Bang of the Word. If that is true, the Big Bang of the Word was followed by explosions of secondary words. They can be compared with galaxies of planets that drifted far off their source.
The galaxies we see are thousands or millions of light years away, which means that we do not see them correctly, not as they are at our moment. By the time we observe them, they might be even already dead, as might be the galaxies of words or the adequates (1) of the aborigine word (adequates are secondary words). It means that at the time when we see or hear the word it is no longer with the one who said it. It is not with the speaker any more. On the way to us it can be changed, but not necessarily.
Let’s return to the words Jakob, Jatobe, Svajambhuva and Jakhos. I have arranged them into a line (linear layout) because they are comprehended as earthly and as a part of our civilization. As all words they too are being expanded by pejoratives and positives. And they will keep expanding until they turn back and vanish together with all positive and negative decorations in the singularity of the aborigin
e word.
Will they?
I understand singularity of the word as a heavy atom that underwent the Big Bang and then sprayed into the space simultaneously creating it on its way out. It is believed that in millions of years the process will be reversed, i.e., the scattered Galaxies will start falling back into the heavy atom. And the words of linear springs as well.
My linear spring of words did not bring me to their aborigine word. I will be perhaps luckier with another one someday. But I found out that Jacob is connected with Jatobe, Svajambhuva and Jakhos. He is their reflection. And I know that the three do not exist anymore while Jacob does. Is it because he is more human than they?
However, I cannot avoid wondering why humanity does not pay more attention to words. Or would it be more correctly to say, why do the physicists who are so concerned with the dark material and the creation of the world and even admit that the Big Bang might be the Bing Bang of the Word not start researching it? Is it because they do not know how or they do not want to. Why wouldn’t they? The aborigine word might be the most powerful energy known till now and as mysterious as the dark material, or it might be nothing. It might be a disappointment. But if it were powerful, wouldn’t those who found it get the power? Be able to use magic? Abuse