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The Woman in the Pyjamas

Page 10

by Sarah Pond

  Ryan smiled, 'Oh. Why's that?'

  'I don't know. I just wouldn't have imagined it, you and me.'

  'That's funny, because I thought about it a lot.' He gently stroked her hand.

  'Really?' Daisy's face showed a look of surprise.

  'Yes, really.' Ryan looked into her eyes, until she felt compelled to look away.

  Daisy was looking down as she said, 'You know, I really thought you were too young for me.'

  'I'm guessing you don't think that now?'

  'Nooo. I thought you were in your twenties. With a beach babe girlfriend, probably.'

  Ryan laughed, 'Why would you think that?'

  'I dunno.' Since when did Daisy say 'dunno'? The thought struck her as funny, and she giggled.

  'What's so funny?'

  'Dunno!' She giggled again.

  'Erm, maybe you should wait until the food arrives before you have any more wine.'

  Daisy glared at him, who was he to tell her what to do. At the look on his face, Ryan felt terrible, 'I'm sorry. You can do what you like. I've just never seen you like this, that's all.'

  Daisy's shoulders dropped. 'Sorry, I've been having a bit of a time of things lately.'

  Ryan looked concerned, 'Want to talk about it?'

  'Not really. Not today.' She pulled herself up straight, 'I just want to enjoy myself.'

  'Okay, well, I'm here if you need me.'

  Somehow the thought sobered her up. I don't want to need anyone ever again. I trusted Stephen, look where that got me. Then Daisy caught the look on Ryan's face, and she smiled at him. 'Sorry, I'll tell you another time. Just my ex. I don't want to spoil today.'

  Ryan took her hand, kissing the back of it.

  After lunch, they walked along the river to The Globe, and booked a tour of the rebuilt Shakespearian theatre. Daisy had snapped out of her peculiar mood, and enjoyed her day with Ryan, relaxing more as the day went on. As they walked along holding hands, Ryan said, 'You know, the age difference doesn't bother me. I only mention it because you brought it up earlier.'

  'I suppose there's not too much difference.'

  'I think it's the person that matters, not the age.'

  'Yes, I agree to a point.' Daisy looked thoughtful.

  'Go on.' Ryan was a bit concerned about what she was going to say.

  'Well, I don't want to freak you out, I promise you I haven't been thinking that far ahead, but…'

  'But?' Ryan was wondering what she was going to say next.

  Okay, deep breath. 'I'm forty now. I have a nine year old daughter. I probably wouldn't want another baby now. This is great, now, but what if you do want to have kids of your own? I know I need to live in the moment, but I can't help thinking you'll want to start a family someday, and I'll be beyond it by then. So is it better if we don't continue seeing each other?'

  Ryan was flabbergasted, 'Whoa, slow down there. Where is this coming from?'

  'I don't know. The thought just came to me.' Daisy looked apologetic.

  'You're making a lot of assumptions. How about we just enjoy now for what it is? I really like you, and I fancy you like mad. If that's okay with you, how about we just go with that?'

  Daisy blushed profusely at his words, which had brought an embarrassed smile to her face. She stopped walking, and turned to face Ryan. 'You're right. Sorry. I've been doing fine with moving on with my life, but I've just found out my ex is remarrying, and it's really thrown me.'

  Ryan took Daisy's hands in his, 'Why didn't you say something? I knew something was up.' His eyes searched her face earnestly.

  She shook her head, 'Sorry. It'll be fine. It's just weird, that's all. It's really unsettled me.'

  'There's no need to apologise. Look, we're not planning the future. We're just two people enjoying one another's company. Let's just see where that takes us.'

  They started walking again. Daisy felt more relaxed now, and she had a playful smile on her face as she said, 'So, you fancy me like mad, then!'

  It was Ryan's turn to be embarrassed, the words had just spilled out a few moments ago. Still, there was no denying the truth of it. 'Well, yes, now you come to ask!'

  Daisy stopped walking again, and turned to pull Ryan into an embrace. 'Hmm, I could say the same!' she said, as she pulled him in for a kiss.

  Walking back from Hove station, Ryan and Daisy were still holding hands. When they arrived at Daisy's front door, they kissed tenderly. As they pulled back, Daisy asked, 'Would you like to come in?'

  Ryan was surprised. This was the first time that Daisy had asked him in. 'If you're sure?'

  'Yes. Jess isn't home until tomorrow night.' Oh, I'm very sure.

  'Okay.' He had got used to the way they had been taking things slowly. Not that being asked in meant anything, necessarily. Ryan understood that Daisy was protective of Jess, and he liked that about her. He liked the fact that Daisy was different to anyone else he had ever dated.

  Closing the front door behind them, Daisy pulled Ryan into a passionate kiss. The heat rose up her body swiftly, and she felt a burning desire. Yes, she knew what Kate had said. But she had been seeing Ryan for a while now, and bloody hell, she wanted him badly. And Stephen could go screw himself. And also, what had Kate said at the club, about not thinking about things too much.

  Daisy began to unbutton Ryan's shirt. Her eyes ran down that delicious line between his pecs appreciatively. She began undoing more of the buttons, until his shirt hung loose, and she could slip it over his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. She ran her hands across his chest, it felt so good.

  Ryan began undressing Daisy, learning forward to gently kiss her shoulder. As they held each other close, she could feel how aroused he was. Right, time to get those trousers off. Ryan ran his hands gently down her body. As the passion increased, and temperatures soared, they didn't even make it to the bedroom. They managed as far as the sofa, and at the last minute, Daisy paused, 'Do you have condoms?'

  Ryan grinned, grabbed his discarded trousers and rustled around in the pockets. He was soon ready, and Daisy threw him down on the sofa, climbing on top of him. She was so hot and wanting, that it wasn't long before she came, crying out with pleasure. Ryan followed, and held her tightly as he shuddered, and they both came down from their climaxes.


  Daisy was loving her zumba classes. She had been going long enough now to feel brave enough to stand in the front row. The only reason she had started moving to the front was because there was more space, but now she was quite comfortable. She still didn't look at her reflection in the full length mirrors though, which covered the whole front wall.

  There was one song she particularly loved, and whenever Florence played it, Daisy would break out with a beaming grin. A couple of weeks before, when the song had come on, Florence had asked Daisy to the front of the class to dance it with her, but she'd shyly shaken her head and stayed put. Today, though, when the song came on, Florence called her up to stand beside her, and something inside Daisy had said “why not”. She gave it her all, and it was exhilarating. And not as scary as she thought it would be.

  From that week onwards, whenever the song came on, Daisy stood at the front, facing the class, alongside Florence. This seemingly small gesture had meant the world to Daisy, and gave her a new level of confidence. Even a few months ago, she never would have envisaged dancing at the front of a class of people.

  Daisy knocked the door gently, and stood back to wait. As Kate opened the door, she was delighted to see Daisy standing there. 'Hi, this is an unexpected pleasure. Come in.' Kate closed the door, and they hugged.

  Smiling, Kate said, 'You look great. How's it going?'

  'Brilliant. I danced at the front of my zumba class with Florence today! It was great fun.' Daisy was beaming with pride.

  'Good for you, that's brilliant.'

  'Thanks. That's not why I called by, though. I know this is a bit last minute, but I wondered if you fancied going for a drink with me and Eve? Jess has g
one to a friend's house for a sleepover, so I've got an unexpected free evening. Eve is coming over after work. You can join us later, or come back with me now, if you like.'

  'Great. Have you got time for me to get changed first?'

  'Yep, I've got all evening! You don't need to change, though, you look great as you are.'

  'Thanks, but I've been working all day. Have a sit down in the lounge, I won't be long.'

  Daisy walked over to the French doors overlooking the garden. It was very pretty, with a Mediterranean feel to it. A path slithered through the gravelled area, interspersed with brightly coloured pots overflowing with flowers. The gentle breeze made the bamboo wind chime clunk gently.

  Daisy didn't know how long she had been standing there, and wasn't aware of Kate at her shoulder until she heard her say, 'Okay, I'm ready.'

  Daisy jumped, her heart beating rapidly.

  'I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you jump. I thought you heard me coming downstairs.' She laid a calming hand on Daisy's shoulder.

  'That's alright. I was just lost, looking at your garden. It's beautiful, and so relaxing.'

  'Thank you, I love spending time out there. I'm actually a gardener by trade.'

  Daisy was surprised, 'How did I not know that? Maybe you could give me some tips on mine. I don't really have any idea!'

  'I'd be happy to. We can have a look when we get to your place. Shall we go?'

  Once Eve had joined them, they made their way out to a bar. Daisy told Eve about her zumba class, and she was delighted. Kate said, 'It's obviously doing wonders for you, you look amazing.'

  Daisy blushed, 'Thanks.'

  Eve joined in, 'Yes, you do. And I think there's something else you haven't told us yet!'

  As Daisy's face deepened to beetroot, she said, 'I don't know what you mean.'

  Eve knew her friend well, 'So, how was it?'

  'Eve!' Eve just giggled. Daisy had a glint in her eye, 'Oh my god, I was a wild woman. The first time, we were hardly in the front door!'

  'I knew it!' Eve was clapping her hands together with glee.

  'Guys, I think I'm a bit behind here.' Kate looked a bit lost.

  Eve was still smiling, 'Jess isn't the only one having sleepovers!'

  Kate raised an eyebrow at Daisy, 'Ah, the lovely Ryan!'

  Daisy looked back at Kate seriously, 'It wasn't one-upmanship, honest! It was just time.'

  Kate winked at Daisy. 'Hey, you do whatever's right for you. I know you really like this guy.'

  'He is lovely. And it was good. It'd been way too long.'

  Eve had the cheekiest look on her face, 'Ooh, lucky you!'

  Daisy playfully smacked her friend's arm, and they all fell about laughing.

  'Hey,' Ryan smiled at Daisy as she walked into the kitchen at work.

  'Hello, you.' Daisy beamed back at him.

  'I was wondering whether you'd be free tomorrow night. A mate of mine is playing guitar at an open mike night in town, and I thought maybe we could go along? If you'd like to, that is.'

  'That sounds good. I'm not sure whether I can get a babysitter, though. Can I get back to you?'

  They had been edging closer to one another as they spoke. 'Of course.'

  Daisy really wanted to kiss Ryan, but they had agreed to keep their relationship quiet at work. The only people who knew about them were Cheryl and Dan, as far as they knew. A few other colleagues had speculated, but it was just rumour.

  They stopped just within touching distance. 'Okay, I'll catch you later, then.' Ryan smiled at Daisy, before disappearing back to his office.

  Eve wasn't available to look after Jess that evening, but she suggested that Kate might be free. 'I don't like to ask, really.'

  Eve said, 'Don't be silly. I'm sure she'd love to help. To be honest, I think it's good to get her out of the house a bit more often. Apart from work, she hasn't been going out much, except when we get together.'

  'I suppose I could ask her. She can always say no.'

  Kate was delighted that she could help out. She thought that Jess was adorable, and loved hanging out at Daisy's house. Jess was equally thrilled with the arrangement. Kate was good fun, much more so than most adults.

  Whilst Daisy and Ryan were having dinner, she said, 'I think it would be good if you met Jess.'

  'I'd like that.'

  'Maybe at the weekend, we could go to the park or the beach.'

  Daisy had talked to Jess about Ryan. She told her that they'd had a few dates, and Jess wanted to know why she hadn't met him yet.

  Daisy replied honestly, 'I wanted to see how things went. If it wasn't likely to work out, I didn't see the point in introducing you.'

  There was more truth still behind her thoughts, that she didn't want to start introducing people into Jess' life if she thought they weren't likely to stick around. As it was, she had to deal with her parents being divorced, and Stephen having a new girlfriend. Soon to be wife. Shit, that makes her Jess' step mum.

  The sudden realisation hit Daisy like a ton of bricks for the second time since learning about Stephen's impending marriage. Jess will have another mum. She couldn't stop the thoughts swimming ever faster in her head, and she felt sick. Ryan saw Daisy's face go suddenly white, and she looked terrible. He joked, 'You're not having second thoughts, are you?' But soon became serious when Daisy didn't respond. 'Are you okay?'

  Daisy managed to weakly shake her head. 'I… I feel. No, not good.'

  'Let's get you some fresh air.' Ryan took Daisy's arm, and led her to the exit. There was a low brick wall in the car park, and he gently sat her down. He knelt down in front of her, taking her hands in his, his face full of concern.

  Daisy was shivering. 'Thanks. Sorry, I need to go home. I'm really sorry.'

  'Don't apologise. Come on, let's get you in the car.'

  When Kate saw Daisy, she was instantly worried. 'What happened?'

  Ryan replied, 'She suddenly came over feeling bad. It came out of nowhere.'

  'Let's get you sat down.' Kate removed Daisy's jacket, and sat her on the sofa with Ryan's help.

  'Ryan, by the way.'

  Kate smiled at him, 'Kate.'

  'Can I get you anything? Do you want to see a doctor?' Ryan was worried.

  Once back in her own home, Daisy started to calm down. It was already past Jess' bedtime, so it was just the three of them. 'No, I'll be fine. I'm just very tired, that's all. If you don't mind, can we call it a night.'

  'Of course. Shall I stay with you for a while?'

  'No, thanks. I'll be fine. I'm really sorry,' she smiled apologetically at him.

  'As long as you're sure. I'll call you in the morning to see how you are. You will call me if you need anything?'

  'Yes. Thank you.' She smiled weakly at him.

  Kate said, 'Don't worry, I'll look after her.'

  Ryan kissed Daisy's forehead, before making his way to the front door. He said goodbye to Kate, thanking her for keeping an eye on Daisy.

  'Bye. Thanks for bringing her back safely.' Kate closed the door gently behind him.

  Walking back into the lounge, Kate stood by the sofa, hands on her hips. 'What are we going to do with you, then?'

  In the meantime, Nimbus had woken up, wondering what all the fuss was about. Kate stroked him, and he purred, before jumping up onto Daisy's lap.

  'Oh, nothing. I'll be okay.'

  Kate went to fetch Daisy a glass of water, and when she returned, she sat on the sofa, and patted her lap to encourage Daisy to put her feet up. Nimbus rearranged himself, then snuggled up again.

  'So, spill it.'

  The look of compassion on Kate's face unleashed a flood of tears from Daisy, and she spluttered out what was going on in her head. When she had finished, she looked so forlorn.

  'You know you'll always be Jess' mum, whatever happens. Nothing can or will ever change that. Stephen's wife is Stephen's wife. Yes, she'll have some involvement with Jess, but you are her mum. Simple as that.'

  Kate's wo
rds helped to soothe Daisy's mind. 'Yes, I know. It makes sense. I don't know why his marriage is affecting me so much. I really wish I didn't care.'

  'You're human. It can take time to process and let go of stuff, particularly when it was a long and important relationship. Don't give yourself a hard time for having feelings. It's how we know we're alive.'

  'I don't know what on earth Ryan must have thought.'

  'He probably just thinks you were taken unwell. He seems like a caring kind of guy.'

  'I think I'll text him to let him know I'm okay.'

  As Daisy fumbled for her phone, she saw that there was already a message from Ryan, asking how she was. She smiled at Kate, who laughed at the soppy expression on her face.

  After another hour of chatting, Daisy was feeling better, and Kate got up to leave. 'Will you be okay? I can stay if you'd like me to.'

  'I'll be fine, thank you. You've already done enough.' Daisy was really touched by Kate's concern.

  'As long as you're sure. You will call me if you need anything?'

  'Yes. And thank you.'

  Kate smiled, 'Don't mention it.' She hugged Daisy goodbye, and let herself out.

  Ryan appeared at Daisy's office door first thing in the morning, a look of concern on his face. 'How are you today?'

  'I'm fine, thanks. Come and sit down.'

  'Are you sure?' He wanted to ask more, but didn't want to press her too much.

  'Yes, I was just really tired last night. Kate was great, she looked after me.'

  'I'm glad you weren't on your own. You know I would have stayed.' He looked at her sincerely.

  Daisy smiled at him, 'Yes, I know. Things have just been a bit busy recently, that's all.'

  'As long as you're okay.' Ryan smiled at her, 'Do you fancy going out this weekend?'

  'That would be great. I'll make sure I get a couple of early nights in first!'



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