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We Are Watching Eliza Bright

Page 11

by A. E. Osworth

  On 4chan, we laugh at the timing. The timing is for us. We pledge allegiance to Fancy Dog. Subscriptions skyrocket in support of the company. We say the girl who got fired got what she deserved—it’s right there in the paperwork. Nondisclosure means you can’t disclose. We tweet to each other. We tweet at Eliza.

  Not all of us see the third headline. Mostly it is for women, and there are few in this collective who haven’t been driven away.

  The third article is entitled “#NotAllMen At Fancy Dog Are Jerks.” Its tagline is “And Some Of Them Are Eye Candy.” It is super problematic, but we, the very few women, are good at compartmentalizing—it is necessary when your hobby hates you. The article is posted on PopSugar and it cites Delphine Stewart as its source. It is populated with photos from Jean-Pascale’s Facebook. It starts with “Finally, a Not All Men statement we can get behind—” (vapid fluff) and continues on about Jean-Pascale’s innocence as told by Delphine. And Jean-Pascale isn’t the only one featured—so many men! So many to pick from! Developer Andy, who is funny and has no problem shooting his shot. Or maybe this one—is this one Leaky Joe? Or are they all Leaky Joe? Devonte Aleba is featured too, making Eliza choke on her breakfast-cereal-for-lunch and cackle. “Eye candy!” she shouts aloud, in her apartment, to no one. It features a photo where Devonte isn’t smiling. He looks rugged. Brooding. Desirable.

  We think this article is the reason Lewis takes the action he takes, because it identifies both Jean-Pascale and Lewis by name: “‘This was all sparked by something his buddy Lewis typed out. JP’s been iffy about it from the start. Not all the guys at Fancy Dog are jerks. It’s like anywhere else, you know? Any other group of people, you’re going to get some jerks and the grand majority of people are going to be perfectly fine. And not all the jerks are going to be men.’ Sure, not all men at Fancy Dog are jerks. But #YesAllWomen have experienced sexism at work…” and it continues on and on, quotes from the other articles, unfocused and rambling in a way that can’t make up its mind (we could’ve written it so much better), and drops a mention at the very end: “Programmer Eliza Bright is slated to appear on Last Week Tonight this Sunday. We reached out to Fancy Dog for a comment and they have not contacted us at the time of this publication.” So perhaps that’s why. Perhaps that’s why he does it.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  SDSte: before you say anything, they left stuff out

  JPDes: no one is supposed to talk to the media right now

  SDSte: they left out a whole part about it being a joke

  JPDes: i’ve been called into a meeting with preston

  SDSte: they took it out of context.

  SDSte: i had no idea they were going to use facebook photos, my god

  JPDes: i told you we weren’t supposed to talk to anyone

  SDSte: you said ~you~ weren’t supposed to talk to anyone

  SDSte: you didn’t say anything about me

  JPDes: i thought it was implied.

  SDSte: how was that implied??

  JPDes: it just was

  SDSte: look, if they weren’t going to let you say anything

  SDSte: SOMEONE had to come in and clear your name

  JPDes: you confirmed our identities

  JPDes: up until you confirmed our names, it was only her word that we had anything to do with it

  JPDes: you fueled the flames

  JPDes: without another one, this was going to die

  JPDes: now i have to wait more time for this to fucking stop

  JPDes: i had to make my instagram private

  JPDes: people messaging me, women asking me for dates, was that your intention?

  JPDes: people telling me i’m horrible for not stopping lewis.

  JPDes: lewis had to make his twitter private too

  JPDes: christ, i forgot about my twitter

  JPDes: i have like 600 notifications

  JPDes: Delphine?

  JPDes: delphine, i swaer to god.

  SDSte: sorry, I just got a phone call


  SDSte: no, no, it was for me. i got an audition?

  SDSte: babe, it wasn’t going to die. she’s going to be on john oliver’s thing for christs sake

  SDSte: you think shes not gonna talk about you two?

  SDSte: anyway, tell lewis that they took a bunch of that out of context

  SDSte: i really wasn’t as mean to him as they made it sound

  JPDes: lewis isnt even talking to me right now

  JPDes: he hasnt said one word since like four people sent him that article

  JPDes: you know i came up with the joke, right? i said it first. lewis typed it out, but it was my joke.

  SDSte: look, i’m sorry

  JPDes: its time for my meeting with preston. we’ll talk about this later.

  Chapter Fifty-Nine
























































  e is looking at him>






  Chapter Forty

  DAleb: dude. i had no idea, the press and legal people didn’t tell me NOTHING

  EBrig: hahahahahahahahaha

  DAleb: what, you think it’s funny??

  EBrig: hahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa

  DAleb: apparently they got contacted and decided the best thing to do was just not acknowledge it

  EBrig: lolololol

  EBrig: you’re eye candy


  DAleb: dude, not funny. i got mad twitter notifications. and they got from that girl that i’m friends with you

  DAleb: what, that like guarantees im not a jerk?

  EBrig: dont like the attention?

  DAleb: no, like, if it was for something different

  DAleb: like, if id done something cool. made something cool or something

  DAleb: but this eye candy business

  EBrig: my twitter notifications are no picnic either

  DAleb: ???

  EBrig: im actually not sure what to do about this?

  EBrig: like, you being eyecandy was the funniest thing i heard all day

  EBrig: the rest is like

  EBrig: here, i’ll copy and paste

  EBrig: @BrightEliza u cunt imma rape you

  EBrig: or here

  EBrig: @BrightEliza fu u tryna ruin shit #gamergate

  EBrig: @Bright Eliza u should kill yrslf

  DAleb: what? h/o

  DAleb: that first one’s a threat

  DAleb: have you told someone about this?

  EBrig: yeah, you. Suzanne.

  EBrig: all Suzanne’s said so far is “fuckin neckbeards” though

  DAleb: customer service is pretty busy today

  EBrig: do i wanna know?

  DAleb: no. lots of questions

  DAleb: we expected it. preston went public with vive last night and some of the calls and chats and emails are about that

  DAleb: but it’s also lots of weird people emailing just to say they love us no matter what

  DAleb: its weird

  DAleb: but i mean like police, have you told the police?

  DAleb: youre a white woman, the police were, like, made for you

  EBrig: lol, and say what exactly?

  EBrig: some anonymous guy named GamezMcGee threatened me

  DAleb: that’s his twitter handle?

  EBrig: yup.


  EBrig: exactly

  EBrig: besides. its not like they know where i live

  EBrig: New York is a big place

  DAleb: i guess. just watch yourself?

  EBrig: i will

  DAleb: maybe get out of the house?

  DAleb: stop reading the notifications?

  EBrig: some are good

  EBrig: here

  EBrig: .@BrightEliza we stand with you! *raises shield*

  EBrig: or here

  EBrig: .@BrightEliza just cancelled my Guilds subscrp. until they rehire #raisetheshield

  EBrig: there’s actually lots of calls to rehire me

  DAleb: i guess that’s okay

  DAleb: but still

  DAleb: come out for drinks or something? get out of the house?

  Chapter Forty-One

  SChoy: ive been reading your twitter notifications

  SChoy: i have a tab set up and im keeping track

  SChoy: looking at them while on all the cs bullshit phone calls

  EBrig: well good afternoon to you too

  SChoy: are you okay?

  EBrig: mostly i think?

  EBrig: most of them are actually fine

  EBrig: either theyre normal internet rage

  EBrig: or theyre in support of me

  EBrig: but some of them are just so creepy

  SChoy: yeah, i see

  SChoy: on the bright side though

  SChoy: theyre just internet people

  SChoy: def not the worst thing that could happen

  EBrig: i dunno, it’s definitely the creepiest thing that ever happened to me

  SChoy: this is the creepiest thing that’s ever happened to you?

  SChoy: what about, like, getting followed into the subway by men shouting about your pussy

  EBrig: that happens to you often?

  SChoy: literally everywhere

  SChoy: like once a week

  SChoy: that doesn’t happen to you?

  EBrig: clearly not on the scale that you experience it

  SChoy: what about when you were little?

  SChoy: no bad birthday clowns?

  SChoy: you know there’s now a clown you can hire to follow your kid around and it’s on purpose scary as hell? that’s a thing now

  SChoy: childhood is creepy

  SChoy: my mother used to scare me with a story about an aunt who got stoned to death for losing her virginity before marriage, though

  SChoy: so maybe my childhood was creepier than most

  EBrig: the creepiest thing about my childhood was one of my mother’s 60’s hits tapes

  SChoy: what?

  EBrig: you know that song? they’re coming to take me away? how the voice gets higher like it’s on helium or something?

  EBrig: once my mother was playing it in the kitchen while i was trying to go to bed and i legit didn’t sleep right for a week

  SChoy: that’s it?

  SChoy: that’s the creepiest thing besides the twitter molesters?

  EBrig: it just creeps me out, okay? look you asked, that’s the creepiest memory from my childhood.

  SChoy: you had a fucking perfect childhood didnt you?

  EBrig: not perfect. other kids were really mean, but not scary scary. but pretty much, i guess. at least as far as horrors are concerned. i accidentally watched a freddy kreuger movie once and that gave me nightmares, i guess, but not like the goddamn funny farm thing.

  SChoy: i can only imagine how you would have faired with my mother

  SChoy: im still watching the notifications, okay? if it gets bad we’ll

  SChoy: well i don’t know what we’ll do but we’ll figure it out

  Chapter Forty-Two

  We think it also might be this that drives Lewis to do it:

  “There are calls to rehire her,” Preston says to Brandon in his office. “And frankly, I’m not sure we shouldn’t. It’s not like she was bad at her job, and the optics—”

  “She broke her NDA,” Brandon points out. “Protocol dictates—”

  “Pardon my French, Brandon, but fuck protocol.”

  “Preston, there’s no need to—”

  “There’s no anger behind that, Brandon, there isn’t. It’s just my game. That has to count for something. Overriding protocol has to be something that we can do if we feel like it.”

  “You didn’t ask the rest of us if we wanted to consider hiring her back, which by the way I don’t, and I was in that computer lab with you too, so it’s just as much my game as it is yours. We’ll never be sure if we can trust her again. I mean Christ, Preston, Last Week Tonight. She’s trying to make the talk show circuit now, she’s getting her fifteen minutes—”

  “Trust me when I tell you that she doesn’t want her fifteen minutes like this. It’s going to be as much of a pain in the ass for her as it is for us.”

  “Even if we hired her back, she certainly doesn’t love the game anymore, and we really need our employees to love it here, love what we make, otherwise why do it? You’d have to be crazy to do this without the love. We lost the worker that she was, the second she blabbed to that crazy Smith woman.”

  “Brandon. Did you just call one of the best, most trusted technology reporters in the industry ‘that crazy Smith woman’?”

  “Yes, I did! She’s out to destr
oy us, the media is the opposition party here, both of them are—”

  “Look, I don’t think anyone is out to destroy us. She was hurt, her team insulted her—”

  “My team insults me all the time!”

  “Brandon!” Preston comes the closest to yelling that he’s come throughout this entire conversation, maybe the closest he’s come to raising his voice the entire year. “You keep talking over me. If you’re going to obsess about protocol, then follow the guidelines we set up so we wouldn’t become one of those violently competitive work environments we hate and shut the hell up.” Silence.

  “Okay,” Preston continues. “So here’s how I think we should proceed. We put the guys in training right away, we keep advertising that fact like crazy. And we call Eliza in for a meeting as fast as we can—tonight or tomorrow morning. We see if we can rehire her before she makes any television appearances. We promise to change the protocol, set up something about teaching girls to code, I dunno. I can talk to her and see what she wants.”

  Brandon makes a move to talk here, but Preston plows forward: “Shut the hell up, Brandon. Yes, I know that’s giving her an awful lot of power but we look like idiots right now. This will stop us from looking like idiots. Then we capitalize on her Last Week Tonight appearance, and whatever else she may have booked since that insane post came out—” Preston shakes his head here, embarrassed. He’d been featured as well, called “eye candy,” and Brandon hadn’t. We wonder if perhaps that’s why Brandon is so ornery. Some of us believe that Brandon did the firing, not Preston at all. But when it’s Preston who does it, it makes for a better story. Better drama. “—and her and I go on together. We talk about our commitment to combating gender inequality in the tech industry, and we actually mean it. We actually take all those initiatives we say we’re going to take, earnestly and with all of our effort, because people will be able to tell if we don’t mean it. If we do it right, if we mean it, if we commit hard enough, we get her, as a worker, back tenfold because we’ll put her in charge of those initiatives, whatever we decide they are. And that’s how I want to handle this from here on out.”


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