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CHANGING THE PLAYER: Charleston Pirates #1

Page 5

by Chance, Jacob

  “I’ll swing back by after dinner,” Sadie tells us before they wander away.

  I sink back onto my chair and suck extra hard on the tiny straw in my glass. I’m not sure what this beverage is, but it tastes amazing. Fruity and strong, I can already feel it relaxing me from the inside out.

  “You better slow down there, Nadia, or you’ll be the one who drinks too much tonight,” Flynn jests.

  “I’m not sure there’s enough alcohol to get me through this dinner, but this is a great start.” I raise my glass and clink it against his. “Here’s to many more of this delicious concoction.” I suck the remaining liquid from the glass, making a slurping sound.

  Flynn laughs. “Maybe you better eat something before you have another. Although, if you get wild and crazy, it’ll make me look well behaved.”

  “No way, Shaughnessy. Just because I drank that so fast doesn’t mean I’ll keep going. I’m great at setting limits and sticking to them.”

  “You better be since we know I’m not. Although, I have to say that being here with you makes me want to misbehave in a different way.” His eyebrows jump up and down on his forehead. “That dress is smokin’ hot.”

  “Thank you, I guess,” I say.

  “No. Thank you. It’s a pleasure having you by my side.”

  He falls silent as a group of people approach. Once they’re next to our table, he stands, shaking hands and slapping backs. Catching hold of my arm, he assists me to my feet. Not that I need help, he’s just in boyfriend mode. Until tonight, I wasn’t even sure he’d know how guys in relationships should act, but so far he’s managing well.

  I say hi to his teammates, Darren and Levi, who also happen to be clients of mine. Flynn introduces me to a couple more players from the Pirates and their dates.

  Everyone settles around the table and one of the servers delivers glasses of water while another sets down plates of appetizers.

  Flynn grabs one of the small plates and asks, “What do you like?”

  “I’ll eat anything.”

  “Oh, baby, don’t tease me,” he says, altering his voice and his facial expression into an ultra macho but cheesy mash-up. I don’t know why it strikes me as so amusing, but it does, and a laugh slips out. And then another. When I try to stifle them, I go into full on giggles, his deep laughter accompanying my trilling one. I’m blaming the beverage I had, but it’s most likely a combination of alcohol, nerves, stress, and Flynn’s silliness.

  After I regain control, I wipe the tears from my eyes and look up to find everyone seated at our table watching us. “Sorry,” I murmur. “Flynn made me laugh.”

  “We forgot we weren’t alone,” he replies, as if it happens all the time. He sets a heaping plate full of appetizers down in front of me.

  “Thank you, but this is way too much for me.”

  “I figured we can share,” he explains, spearing a stuffed mushroom with his fork and eating it in one bite.

  Reflexively, I watch his every move. I’ve never been jealous of fungi before, but as the saying goes, there’s a first time for everything.

  I have a feeling I’ll be doing a lot of new things with Flynn. My staid and unadventurous lifestyle isn’t the way he’s used to operating. While we’re spending time together, I’m going to need to compromise and meet him in the middle, which may very well be terrifying for me.

  Tearing my gaze away from his all too handsome visage, I pick up the correct fork and try one of the mushrooms. At least if I focus on eating, I won’t be paying attention to Flynn or worrying about who’s watching us.



  So far, Nadia’s managing our fake relationship act like a champ. I know it’s only the first time we’ve been out together in public, but it seems like we’re off to a pretty good start. She didn’t balk at holding my hand, and we’ve made it through dinner without sending up any red flags.

  “Are you guys dating?” Levi asks when our plates have barely been cleared away. Nadia’s eyes show a brief flicker of panic before she masks her concern.

  Wrapping my arm around her, I lean in close and smile. “We are.”

  “I figured you were off-limits, being our agent and all,” he continues.

  “She is off-limits to you,” I tell him.

  He smirks. “But not to you?”

  “Exactly,” I agree with a nod. “I’m glad you understand.”

  “Well, you’re a lucky bastard, as usual,” he says.

  I tighten my hold on Nadia, pulling her closer. “I know I am.” And boy do I mean it. I’m so fortunate Nadia is doing this favor for me. I’d probably be fumbling this fundraiser if she wasn’t with me. Undoubtedly I’d have been imbibing too much alcohol and acting like a fool. It’s somewhat embarrassing to think about, but not enough so that I’d behave if she wasn’t with me. I’ve got issues, and for now, Nadia is my saving grace.

  The band has stopped playing their slow, instrumental dinner music and have now moved on to some more well known, although not current, songs. Couples start to fill the dance floor, and I observe Nadia tapping her foot to the catchy beat.

  Catching hold of her hand, I rise and draw her to her feet. “Let’s go show them how it’s done.” I don’t give her an opportunity to disagree or argue. I lead her to the front of the room and turn to face her, sliding my palm across her lower back. Her hand feels comfortable in mine and she fits against me better than I imagined. Swaying to the song, we join the rest of the dancing couples. Softly humming the tune, “It Had to Be You,” a small smile plays on her lips.

  “Are you a Sinatra fan?” I ask.

  “Isn’t everyone?”

  “I guess I’ve never thought about it, but you’re probably right. It’s hard to dislike that era of music.”

  “My dad’s a big fan of his music.”

  “What’s he like?” I ask.

  “My dad?”

  “No, Frank Sinatra,” I jest.

  She sticks her tongue out. “Whatever. My dad was born and raised in India. He moved to the States when he was in college, met my mom, and he’s been here ever since.”

  “Are you a daddy’s girl?” I ask. I’m curious what her answer will be. I’d guess no because she’s so independent. But how could any man have Nadia as a daughter and not want to spoil the fuck out of her?

  “Yes and no. I’m not as close with my family as I used to be. My dad’s a doctor and my mom’s an attorney. They’re both workaholics and weren’t home much. I never wanted for anything, so please don’t feel like I’m complaining. I know I’m blessed to have such amazing parents. But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t have wanted to spend more time with them when I was younger.”

  “It sounds like you got your crazy work ethic from your folks.”

  “I can’t deny it. And when I started my company, I made my dad promise he’d stay out of my business and let me stand on my own two feet. I’d rather fail on my own than succeed with their help.”

  “You’re past the point where you need to worry about failing. I’d say you’re a huge success.”

  “I wouldn’t say huge,” she corrects.

  “I signed with you, and that alone makes you a big deal.”

  “Always so humble.” She raises her hand from my shoulder to pat my cheek. “At least you back your arrogance up with your performance on the field.”

  The song picks up in tempo. I spin Nadia counterclockwise and a squeak of surprise leaves her. She lands with her back to my chest. Another squeak of surprise leaves her when I spin her clockwise until she’s facing me once more.

  Her eyes sparkling, she laughs. “Jeez. Warn a girl next time, Flynn.”

  I grin. “What’s the fun in that? Besides, it was a spontaneous decision. You know I have impulse control issues.”

  “Don’t remind me. I’m actually having a decent time.”

  “Decent?” I ask. She nods. “Ouch. You’re a hard customer to please.”

  “No, I’m just not easily snowed. It takes mor
e than a handsome face and a little attention to impress me.”

  “Good thing I’ve got plenty of time to up my game, then,” I say. “I love a challenge.”

  Her brown eyes stare up into mine. “Yeah, but that’s the beauty of our relationship—you don’t need to impress me.”

  “Right.” So why do I want to so badly?

  * * *

  Stepping inside the locker room, I drop my bag in front of my designated cubby. Rifling inside, I pull out my bottle of water and a protein bar before sitting on the wooden bench.

  “How’s it going?” Darren asks, sinking down next to me.

  “Not bad. How was the rest of your night?” Nadia and I left soon after we had dessert. She said she needed to be up early this morning, but I think she wanted to get away from all the observant eyes that were on us.

  “I left shortly after you did.” He flashes a quick grin before saying, “That’s a change, you leaving before me.”


  “Nadia must be a good influence,” he says.

  “She is.”

  “How long have you guys been dating? Are you even dating? It feels ridiculous asking you this, but Levi told me you and Nadia are together.”

  “It’s new, but I like her a lot.”

  “Did I somehow end up in an alternate universe?” Darren asks.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Dude, you don’t take women on dates, and you never leave any sort of social function early. We’ve been best friends for years, and suddenly, you’re acting weird. You’re even early for practice today.”

  “By acting weird you mean being in control and not making foolish decisions?”

  “Yeah. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s great you were calm last night, but it’s such an abrupt change. Was this Nadia’s idea?”

  In a sense. Obviously, I can’t tell him the truth. I promised Nadia I wouldn’t, and I won’t break her trust. Especially when she’s putting her neck on the line for me. I shake my head. “No, it’s not because of Nadia. At least nothing she said. It occurred to me if I’m going to be with someone like her who’s got their life together, I need to do better than I have been. She’s not going to be with me if I’m acting like a jackass.”

  “I didn’t want to be with you when you acted like a jackass either, but that never stopped you,” Darren replies.

  “That’s because I don’t care what you think.” I tear open the wrapper and take a bite of my protein bar.

  Darren flips me off. “Sorry, man, the truth hurts,” I reply.

  He pats me on the back. “Don’t worry, I’ll be here when Nadia dumps your ass. You know she’s way too good for you.”

  “Oh, I know she is. That’s why I’m going to do my best to be a better man.” I may be saying all the right things, but I really want to make some positive changes in my life. I’m tired of being disappointed in my own actions. The party lifestyle is a vicious cycle I’ve been stuck in for too long. It’s like a roller coaster you want to get off, but there’s no way to shut it down.

  “I hope this works out for you. I can’t say how long Nadia will put up with you for, but it’s nice to see you caring about someone.”

  “You mean caring about someone else besides myself?” I smirk.

  “I wasn’t going there, but since you did…” He shrugs.

  I take a sip of water and wash down the rest of the protein bar before rising. “Let’s get out on the field. I can’t wait to see Coach’s reaction when he realizes I’m early.”

  * * *

  “Flynn, when I suggested you needed khakis, I didn’t mean that I had to go shopping with you,” Nadia says as we approach the store entrance.

  “Come on, it’ll be fun for you. You get to order me around while we’re here.”

  “There is that.” She smiles.

  “Don’t make me look too ‘daddish’.” I open the door and wait for her to enter.

  “Daddish? I don’t even know what that means. Where do you come up with this stuff?”

  “Dads look kind of plain and respectable,” I explain.

  “You could wear only a trash bag and it wouldn’t look plain.”

  “So you’re saying you like my legs.” I wink.

  “Meh, I’ve seen better.”

  What? “Who has better legs?” I ask, and she shrugs. “Who?” Now I’m getting slightly annoyed, and I really want to know who she’s referring to.

  “Levi has some killer thighs,” she states, clicking her tongue appreciatively.

  What the fuck?

  “My legs are bigger than his,” I say, defending my thighs like she personally insulted them. But by complimenting Levi’s thighs she basically did.

  She arches an eyebrow. “Bigger doesn’t mean better.”

  “Well, I work out with the guy and he can’t press half the weight I can with my legs.”

  “Your legs aren’t the only thing oversized,” she says, snorting. “Your ego needs to cut some weight.”

  “My ego is healthy and my legs are perfectly in proportion with the rest of me. If you know what I mean.” I poke her arm with my elbow and she shoos it away with a wave of her hand like it’s a buzzing fly.

  “Here are some pants that might work for you.” She heads to the side of the main aisle and I follow.

  Bending my elbows, I pump my arms and lean my head from side to side as I walk. If I’m going to suffer through clothes shopping, I’m damn well going to amuse myself.

  Nadia stops between racks of clothes and throws a questioning glance at me. “What are you doing?”

  “My imitation of a dutiful boyfriend.”

  She presses her lips together, and I can tell she’s fighting hard not to laugh. “Can you walk normally please?”

  “What’s normal? You mean like this?” I do the robot and slowly move forward.

  “Flynn.” She calls my name and I freeze in place. “Flynn, come on. That’s not what I meant.”

  I straighten up slowly, still in robot mode. “Flynn,” she barks my name, her exasperation clear.

  “Okay,” I agree. I can’t piss her off too much. She is helping me. “I’ll behave… for now. If you take too long shopping, though, I can’t be held accountable for what happens.”

  My threat must scare Nadia, because next thing I know, my arms are full of clothes and she’s shoving me into the dressing room. Peering over my shoulder, I whisper, “Ever had dressing room sex?” She rolls her eyes. “We can save that for another time,” I say. “I’ll try these on quick so we can get out of here.”

  “Try them on in the order I stacked them and show me what they look like.”

  I nod. “Yes, ma’am.” Disappearing into the first room, I drop the pile of clothes on the empty chair in the corner and get down to business. With the amount of clothing Nadia picked out, this is going to take longer than I planned. Maybe I shouldn’t have invited her. But then I think about how many times she’s already made me laugh and how much more fun this has been because she’s with me, and I know I made the right decision. The more time we spend together, the quicker she’ll become comfortable with being seen with me. That will make our relationship look all the more convincing.



  “How’s this look?” Flynn walks out wearing a pair of khakis and a navy blue sweater that hugs his broad shoulders. He makes an average outfit look anything but.

  “That looks great.”

  “We live in South Carolina, when am I ever going to wear a sweater?”

  “It’s November, the temperature is cooling off. Put it in the buy pile,” I say.

  He smiles. “Don’t you need to see the back side before you make a decision?” He turns around and pauses for too long before retracing his steps to the dressing room. He darts his head out. “Do the khakis make my ass look fat?”

  I can’t hold in my giggle. “No. Now go try on the next outfit.” I shake my head at his ridiculousness, but deep down, I enjoy his ab
ility to lose himself in the moment—which helps me do the same.

  While I was growing up, there was plenty of love in the Patel household, but there wasn't a lot of time spent being silly. Sometimes in life, you need some levity, and Flynn provides that in spades.

  He struts out grimacing. “Another sweater?”

  “Yeah. What’s your deal with sweaters? Why do you dislike them?” I ask.

  “I don’t know. I’ve never liked them.” He rolls his shoulders. “I feel too confined.”

  “Well, you look great in them, so suck it up and add it to the buy pile.”

  “You’re pretty bossy,” he tells me, and I usher him forward with a wave of my hand.

  I patiently wait as he tries on the rest of the clothes. Everything fits like they were personally tailored for him, and by the end of his amateur fashion show I’m more aware than ever what a fine looking specimen he is.

  As if I needed reminding.

  * * *

  “Signing all those autographs for those teenagers was really nice of you,” I say, leaning my forearms on the table.

  “It wasn’t a big deal.”

  “Flynn, it was a whole team’s worth of kids.”

  “I couldn’t really sign one or two and say no to the rest. That would’ve been an asshole thing to do.”

  “There are plenty of professional athletes who don’t care what other people think,” I reply.

  “I remember what it was like to be that age.”

  Glancing around the bright sandwich shop, I take in all the framed pictures of well known Charleston sights on the wall. This isn’t the kind of place I imagined Flynn eating at.

  “What are you thinking about?” he questions.

  “I’m surprised you’re a regular here.”

  His dark brows lift. “Why?”

  “I don’t know. I guess I imagined your taste in dining being more refined.”


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