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CHANGING THE PLAYER: Charleston Pirates #1

Page 8

by Chance, Jacob

  Her ex-husband must have been a dumbass to let her go. Clearly, he had issues if he couldn’t recognize what an amazing woman she is. I’m a meathead and I realize her worth.

  Nadia’s giggle calls my attention. Her head is in profile as she speaks with my sister. Taking advantage of the opportunity, my eyes caress from the side of her face down to her shoulder and back up to linger around the fullness of her lips. Their rosy shade makes me think of ripe strawberries and I find myself wondering what they’d taste like. Are they as sweet as they look? And now I’m thinking about what they’d feel like. Plump and soft like a marshmallow, I want to nibble and bite on them.

  “Can I get you guys anything else?” the waitress asks, ripping me from my inappropriate fascination with my agent. Darren shakes his head and asks for the bill, as we’ve already had multiple pitchers of beer and ingested an ungodly amount of appetizers.

  Annoyed with myself, I push my hair from my eyes and stare down at the scarred tabletop. It’s time for me to remind myself of the boundaries I need to maintain with Nadia. It’s okay for me to find Nadia attractive and appreciate her for the many reasons I should, but I cannot allow myself to fuck things up by bringing my dick into the equation. She deserves better, and I’m not ready to fall for someone like her. I’m still sowing my wild oats, and Nadia is the kind of woman you marry and start a family with. We’re at two different points in our lives, which works out for the best. She’d be easy for me to fall for, and I can’t let that happen. I’ve got a career to put first and that’s the reason we started this fake relationship that’s now starting to feel a little too real.

  * * *

  I’m in the Pirates’ gym working out when I get a text. Checking my phone, I see Nadia’s name and I experience conflicting emotions. I’m happy to hear from her, as it’s been a couple of days since we were at the bar, but I also need to be cautious about spending too much time with her.

  I pull up her message.

  Nadia: Hey, hope you’re well. Just realized you have a wine tasting event tonight that you need to attend.

  Fuck me. I don’t like wine.

  Me: On a scale of one to ten, how badly do I need to go?

  Nadia: Eleven. It’s at Ed Benson’s vineyard.

  I guess I can’t really blow off the event since it’s being held by our team’s owner and my employer.

  Me: What time and what should I wear?

  Nadia: Wear a suit without a tie. And it starts at seven.

  Me: You’re coming, right?

  Nadia: Yes, but I’ll meet you there. I have to work late.

  Me: Okay.

  If she doesn’t ride with me, that could work out well. It’s difficult to be confined in my truck with her perfume taunting me. She smells good enough to eat, and that’s something I shouldn’t be thinking about.

  Tossing my phone to the towel on the mats, I set the treadmill to the speed I want and start running. I’ve got five miles to do without thinking about Nadia.

  Like that’ll fucking happen.

  * * *

  “The grapes are grown and harvested here. We also bottle our wine on site as we’ve been doing for over one hundred years,” Ed Benson says, addressing the room full of people. “We’ve got tasting areas set up where you can sample each wine. There are also some raffles taking place that you might enjoy. Thank you all for coming tonight. I hope you discover a love for wine you never knew you had.”

  “Like he needs more money,” Darren mutters.

  Nadia looks at me like she wants to shush me.

  I shrug. “I didn’t say it.”

  “No, but you thought it too,” Darren replies with a knowing smile.

  “I’m willing to bet even Nadia did.” I glance at her and find her avoiding my gaze. “You did. I knew it.”

  “I didn’t mean to.” She looks ashamed.

  “It’s not your fault, Nadia. Flynn is obviously corrupting you,” Darren reassures her.

  “Hey, I haven’t even begun to corrupt her,” I brag, trying not to think of the many ways I’d like to but never will.

  “Shall we sample some of the wine?” Nadia asks.

  “Sure, why not? Are you coming with us Darren?”

  “Might as well. I don’t like half the people here and I barely tolerate you.” He smirks.

  “You’re just a grumpy asshole at heart.”

  He nods his agreement. “Can’t argue with that.”

  I wrap my hand around Nadia’s. “Where to, my lady?”

  “Hmm, let’s start over there.” She points to the left back corner. “We can make our way around the room clockwise.”

  “Good idea,” Darren comments.

  “Her brain is sexy,” I say.

  Nadia snorts. “Yeah, I bet my brain is what you find most attractive about me.”

  “No, that would be your ass, but you're wicked smart too.” Nadia rolls her eyes and Darren laughs.

  When we reach the tasting area, there’s a vineyard employee named Bart who welcomes us. He goes into an explanation about the wine we’re going to try, mentioning primary flavors, secondary flavors, and tertiary flavors. For me, it’s like being back in college, listening to a lecture about a subject I have no interest in, but I’m trying not to appear rude. Nadia and Darren look completely sucked in by the information being provided.

  I come out of my daze when it’s time to drink the wine. I might need some alcohol to make it through the rest of this night.

  “Close your eyes and sniff the glass. I want you to tell me what you smell,” Bart instructs.

  “Sniff the glass?” I say. “What’s the glass going to smell like? Glass has no scent.” I’m being deliberately obtuse, but hey, it’s more fun this way.

  Bart gives me a toothy grin. “Technically, you’re sniffing the wine in the glass.”

  I close my eyes and inhale, and it smells like shit. Not literally, but it doesn’t smell like something I want in my mouth.

  “What scent did you get?” Bart directs the question to Nadia.

  “It smells fruity to me.”

  “What about you?” he asks Darren.

  “It smelled fruity but also earthy,” he replies, and I can’t hold in my comment.

  “Are you fucking around or are you being serious?”

  “I’m serious,” Darren says without a hint of amusement.

  “What scent did you get from it, sir,” Bart asks me.

  “Dude, I don’t want to say what it smelled like to me. I definitely didn’t get fruit from it.”

  “It’s time to taste the wine.” Bart holds up his glass.

  “It smells like shit. Why would I want to taste it?” I mumble. Darren snickers beside me on one side and Nadia kicks her foot against mine on the other.

  Ed Benson appears near the table we’re standing around. “Flynn, can I borrow you for a moment?”

  “Absolutely.” I don’t know what he wants me for, but he just saved me from drinking something gross.

  He leads me to an uninhabited area. “I wanted to commend you on what a great job you’ve been doing on and off the field. It’s nice to see both areas of your life going so well for you. Keep it up.”

  “Thank you, sir. I’m glad you’re pleased with everything. I had some problems, but I’m focused now and things are much better.”

  “Does a certain beautiful woman have anything to do with your attitude improvement?” he asks.

  “I can’t deny that Nadia has been instrumental in my making positive changes. She’s special, and I’m lucky to have her in my life.” Everything I’ve told him is true.

  “Good. She’s one of the best agents too. Don’t lose her.” He pats me on the shoulder.

  “I don’t plan to, sir.”

  “Enjoy the rest of your night, Flynn.”

  “That’s the plan. Thank you for having us here.”

  “Buy your girl a bottle of wine to take home.” He smiles and walks away.

  This guy’s always thinking about his
business. Nadia is like him that way. That’s how I know she’s going to keep rising in the ranks of the top sports agents. I can’t afford to lose her as mine. We have to make sure this fake relationship never affects our working one.

  When I return to the tasting area, they’ve already finished. “You guys are done?”

  “Yep, you missed out.”

  “I’m sorry to hear it, but business called.”

  “I bet you are.” Nadia’s on to me. She takes my hand. “Come on. You can do better next time.”

  “Don’t be too sure.” But I’ll happily let her lead me all around this place if it pleases her. I’ll even choke down some wine. That’s how much I appreciate everything she’s doing for me.

  * * *

  “Thanks for driving me home. Taking an Uber to the vineyard seemed to make more sense with it being a wine tasting event. But I forgot that would mean getting a ride back.”

  “Don’t worry about it. How do you feel about coming over to my house for a little while? I’ve got snacks and an awesome gas fireplace,” I ask as we reach the Charleston city limits.

  “That sounds nice but not for too long—”

  “You have to work in the morning,” I cut in, keeping my eyes on the road.

  She laughs, sweeping a hand over her hair. “I’m that predictable, huh?”

  “No, you’re that committed to your work. It’s a great way to be.”

  “You’re no different,” she points out.

  “Success takes work, no matter what field you’re in.” Signalling, I turn in to my driveway. Nadia gasps when she sees my house.

  “Holy crap, Flynn. This is gigantic. It’s even bigger than I imagined.”

  “That’s what she said.” I couldn’t resist.

  “Lame,” she says. “Why do you need a house this big?”

  I park in front of the three car garage. “I don’t, but try telling that to the twenty-two-year-old me who purchased it.”

  “Like you would’ve listened.”

  “Not a chance. I knew everything back then.”

  “And now?” she asks.

  “I like to think I’m more accepting of admitting I don’t know everything. But I still know a lot.”

  I bring her into the house through the mudroom and into the kitchen. It’s less shocking that way.

  “I want your mudroom as my closet. You have so many empty shelves, it’s a crime.” She tsks.

  “While we’re fake dating you can have full access to my shelves. What do you want to drink? I don’t have any wine here. Don’t tell Ed Benson that, though. He told me to buy a bottle for you. I guess not getting one for you to bring home probably makes me a horrible boyfriend.”

  “Don’t worry about that. I won’t tell anyone. As far as the world knows, you’re perfect.” She walks over to my fridge, peeking inside. “I’m having water. Want one?”

  “Please.” Setting my keys on the counter, I remove my suit jacket and hang it on the back of a wooden barstool. Rolling up my shirt sleeves, I glance toward Nadia and find her holding the fridge open, watching me with a curious gaze.

  She notices my attention and bumps the stainless steel door with a hip check before she hands me the water.

  “Thanks.” I open the pantry door. “What do you want? I’ve got Cheetos, Fritos, and Doritos.”

  “Do you have anything not orange?” She laughs.

  “Hey, don’t knock artificial cheese until you try it.”

  She wiggles her fingers.“I just prefer my digits not be coated with it.”

  “If you lick your fingers, that doesn’t happen,” I remind her.

  “Give me some Cheetos. Those are actually my favorite, but I never buy them.”

  “They’re my favorite too. There’s another new fact we now know about each other.”

  “Because our favorite snacks will be a topic that comes up often.”

  “Hey, don’t be sarcastic. It could happen. And now if it does, you won’t have to panic because you’ll already know the answer.” Opening the bag, I pour some into two bowls and grab napkins. “The living room is this way.” I tip my head for her to follow me. We walk through the dining area and step down into the living area.

  “This room is unreal,” Nadia says, her eyes taking everything in. “It’s like a compilation of everything I could want in one space. Floor-to ceiling-bookshelves, large, comfortable furniture, a thick rug, tons of natural lighting.” She gestures as she lists the items off, and it pleases me that it meets her approval.

  “Don’t forget the fireplace.” I flip the switch, turning it on. “This is my favorite thing in the entire house. When we were growing up, we had a wood burning fireplace, and I always thought gas ones were the epitome of wealth. And now I just like the convenience of having one.”

  “It’s awesome. I love the stonework all around it,” she says.

  Settling into the two oversized swivel, club style chairs in front of the fireplace, we place our bowls and water on the small table between us. Grabbing the remote that controls everything in the room, I turn on some music and some of the recessed lights above us.

  “Show off.” Nadia sticks her orange tongue out at me.

  “Nice tongue,” I say, laughing.

  “I forgot about that.” She licks her fingers, sucking the cheese off them, and I have to look away. She’s my agent. She’s my agent. I’m not sure I can recite that phrase enough times to stop myself from noticing everything about her that I shouldn’t be.

  By the time she asks me to take her home, I’ve got a semi and I’m relieved I’ll get away from the temptation she presents.



  “Knock, knock,” Margot calls out from the doorway.

  “Hey, what’s up?”

  “You got a delivery.” She comes forward, carrying a rectangular box with a bow on top. She sets it down on my desk and I peel away the small envelope that’s taped to the side of the box.

  “Who do you think it’s from?” Margot asks.

  “I think it’s from Flynn, but I’m not sure.”

  “I always knew you guys had chemistry,” she states. “And you loved to deny it.”

  “It took me a while to accept it, I guess. I’m still not sure I have.” That’s as close as I’ve come to being completely honest about this situation with anyone besides Flynn.

  “Take your time, but that man is crazy about you. I’ll leave you to open your gift in private.” She walks to the door. “You can tell me later what it is.” She smiles before disappearing from sight.

  Opening the envelope, I tug out the small card and hesitate for a few seconds.

  What if this isn’t from Flynn?

  Then who would it be from?

  I don’t go out with any other men. Hell, I haven’t met any new guys in so long, I can’t remember when the last time was. Just open it and see.


  Since I forgot to buy you wine last night, I’m trying to make up for it now. Please accept this bottle of wine as my apology. It’s the one you seemed to enjoy most last night.

  All my best,


  What a sweet gesture.

  Picking up my phone, I call him. He surprises me by answering.


  “Hi, Flynn. It’s Nadia.”

  “Yeah, I saw your name come up.”

  I slap my head. Good one, Nadia. “Right.” I giggle nervously, but I don’t know why. “I’m calling to thank you for the bottle of wine. It just arrived.”

  “You don’t need to thank me for anything.”

  “Of course I do. I can’t wait to have a glass after I get home. Maybe in the tub with a bath.”

  “Uh, sounds good.” He seems distracted.

  “I won’t keep you. I didn’t expect you to answer. I figured you’d be in the middle of practice.”

  “We’re on lunch break right now. I was about to nap for the remaining fifteen minutes.”

  “I’m sorry I i

  “No,” he yells into the phone. “You didn’t interrupt anything. It’s nice to hear your voice.”

  “It’s nice to hear yours too. Go nap, and I hope the rest of your practice goes well.”

  “When will I see you again?” he asks.

  “Whenever you want, I guess. There’s nothing on the schedule for the rest of this week.”

  “Are you forgetting my game Thursday night?”

  “Oh shit, I did. No wonder why you’re beat. You guys have a short week to be ready for the game.”

  “Yep, and Coach is beating our asses because of it.”

  “If you need anything, let me know and I can grab it for you.”

  “I think I’m going to get takeout on the way home and fall into bed for the night.”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow night after the game. I’ll probably have to rush off after it’s over. I have a bunch of paperwork I planned to take care of then. Good luck, Flynn.”

  “Thanks. I’ll see you after we win.” He hangs up, and I smile. Talking with him always makes me happy. Why does he have to be so damn sweet? And why can’t I feel this attraction for someone who’s not my client?

  * * *

  By the time the National Anthem is finished, my heart is beating so fast I feel like one of the players down on the field. I see Flynn on the sidelines as he gets ready to meet with the other team captains mid-field for the coin toss.

  This suite is filled with nervous energy tonight, and the conversations are few and far between with Sadie and me. The Thunder are a big opponent and everyone is geared up for this game.

  “Heads it is. Pirates’ ball,” the official calls out as we choose to receive the kickoff.

  “The coin toss went in our favor. That’s a good start,” Sadie says.

  I rub my hands together. “Let’s hope so.”

  Both special teams squads are fired up and some heavy hits take place right away during the first exchange. It looks as if Flynn was on the wrong side of one of them, as he’s slow to get up after the whistle is blown.


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