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Underworld - Scorching Sun: A LitRPG Series

Page 45

by Apollos Thorne

  I barely registered the sudden change in her expression in my engrossed state. As she watched my countenance plummet, she turned to see what was going on.

  Lord Soroush approached with the power of a glacier in each hand. Thousands of soldiers from the depth of the city had risen up into the air to give chase.

  “Light Mage?” Lord Soroush roared. “Your scourge must die!”

  As he moved to release his icy wrath, the built-up brilliance in my hand finally erupted.

  I wanted to look away but couldn’t.

  Aeris gave a nod as she saw the high level vampire disappear beneath the blinding light, but the show had only begun.

  All that existed was a beam of light for a number of seconds until the scene went black.

  The Wind Sprite in my arms looked up at me as if wanting to encourage me, but when I didn’t turn away from the projection above she turned back to watch.

  As my consciousness returned in the scene, the massive devouring sun appeared above the city and looked to be killing the vampires that had been chasing me. Many of my friends watching called out as if to cheer me on, but a few moments later they started to realize the horror of what I’d unleashed.

  Gasps replaced cheering and then silence.

  The Scorching Sun continued to grow until it threatened the city. The screaming began.

  My friends and enemies watched together as the city died. Every moment was like a fresh blade being stabbed into my chest.

  Before it was done, I’d regained my composure and an emptiness replaced my unconstrained grief. It seemed like I’d finally reached the limit of how much I could feel. My body had had enough and decided to shut that part of itself down.

  With a tear-soaked face, I watched Aeris as my Scorching Sun changed the landscape of the entire alcove.

  When she looked back at me, I half expected her to show me the disgust she thought she deserved. Instead, she still had a face void of expression, but gave me an unyielding nod. “I will never leave your side again.”

  I gave her a wooden grin.

  The projection had stopped, and Lilith spoke where all could hear. “See, sister? He also has the ability to find friends among enemies. That is a skill that the ruthless playthings you’re so fond of can never possess.” She turned her attention to me and the people of Sanctuary. “As I promised, you have been reunited and I will never separate any of you again. Elorion, the Master Ring if you would be so kind.” She held out her hand.

  As I willed, the Master Ring emerged from where it was hidden in the flesh of my finger. Aeris felt my movement and flashed into a mass of air before reemerging at my side in her Sprite Form. I removed the ring and we walked forward together.

  Handing it to Lilith, she seemed to only have eyes for me as if the ring was only a fleeting thought. When she did scan it, she waved Nava forward to stand at her side. With the flick of her wrist, a small one-foot-tall portrait appeared in her hand.

  “This one commonly caught and enslaved our kind,” she said as if giving a history lesson to the younger mistress next to her. “He was captured, and his essence was shared by a thousand daughters in the Nursery.”

  “Mmm,” Mistress Nava responded like an obedient child.

  In an instant, the portrait and frame burnt up and a second portrait ten times as large took its place. I knew she was freakishly powerful but seeing her hold the larger-than-life painting between two fingers and her thumb still looked otherworldly.

  From my angle I couldn’t see any of the faces on the portraits, but one after another she pulled them out and seemed to know everything about them. Most of them hadn’t been killed by the succubi, but even if they were assassinated by what should have been an unknown vampire family that had tried to hide their involvement, Lilith knew what had happened in detail. Even those that hadn’t been hostile to the succubi, she burnt their portraits to ash. It was only when she found the one she was looking for that the lecture ended.

  It wasn’t the largest or most ornate painting she held in her hand, but it was sure to be one of the oldest. Even then, its internal mana still glowed strong.

  She studied it for a long moment before it disappeared into her personal inventory without her saying a word.

  I couldn’t read anything from her expression, but seeing Mistress Nava’s doleful response as she stared up at her Head Mistress, it seemed the person in the portrait must have meant a great deal to the ancient succubus. I wasn’t sure if I were ready to believe that Lilith had once had feelings for a vampire, but it was the first time I’d see any of their kind have a favorable reaction to a man outside of the meal he might provide them. We didn’t count because the men of Sanctuary were just a meal of a different kind.

  Lilith took a step forward and reached out to hand me the Master Ring. “This is your prize, and it was well won. It’s a suitable treasure trove for the master of Sanctuary. Take it and use everything inside of it as you see fit.”

  I did as she asked but gave her no response.

  When she saw our downtrodden expressions, she smirked. “Now to the business about the death of your friend. Do you really think he’d be able to die without me knowing about it?”

  What was she implying?

  Aeris’s hand found my wrist and squeezed it with imposing strength. In the next moment, we found ourselves heading toward the dining hall with our speed quickening. We weren’t alone. Our friends were right behind us and the succubi followed at their own pace.

  Aeris and I stopped in front of the table where the melted metal torso stood like a lifeless husk. None of the normal signs of life were present.

  The crowd cleared as the Head Mistress came forward with her sister at her side. The more I saw them like this the more it seemed like Mistress Nava was really little more than a child. Perhaps that wasn’t far from the case. From what I knew of succubi, once they were born they leveled quickly through the Nursery and their training to reach the level of Lady. Seeing the other girls who’d come with Aeris, it looked like they’d all reached level 10,000 in a matter of months. Though the leveling would certainly slow the higher they progressed, it was possible that Mistress Nava wasn’t much older than we were. Maybe even younger…

  Come to think of it, I hadn’t checked her character sheet since I’d overcome the limit of Creature Observation. Casting it on her, I couldn’t help but see her in a new light. She was only level 41,000—a little more than 10,000 levels higher than me. Thinking back to her actions, I started to think that maybe the reason for her constant outbursts of anger was because she still hadn’t lost her childish nature. The way she doted on her pets and her insistence on not wearing shoes to show off her over-the-top pedicure ability was even more convincing. Then seeing how Lilith treated her made me think her original hatred of us was because she was jealous of the attention we were getting…

  The Head Mistress stopped to stand beside Aeris and me. “Watch closely,” she said.

  I’d observed him more than once, but I examined him again. With Mana Sight turned all the way up I looked for any hint of change. Still nothing.

  Lilith continued standing there, so no one moved.

  When it looked hopeless, I was about to plunge my perceptions inside it or cast Forced Learn, but something stopped me. A tiny pulse of Metal Mana flew from the metal mass. Then it was still again.

  “You see?” Lilith said. “A human’s power is in their blood, and that fact is even more prevalent in were-creatures. Especially with their high passive regeneration ability, you’ll find that they can be some of the peskiest creatures to kill. Elorion, if you would do the honors.”

  “Yes, Head Mistress,” I replied, stepping forward with newfound hope. Aeris approached with me.

  Leaning over what was left of my friend, I extended my hand that was transformed by Light Surgeon. I wasn’t sure how well this would work since he was literally covered in metal, but I pushed a Life Magic tentacle toward it as well as my perceptions.

as I touched it, it still felt like an empty husk. I found my Life tentacle was able to pass through it, so I delved inside.

  The metal was many inches thick as I pushed my way into the area that must have been his chest. It was like paddling across a still body of water until all of a sudden the water turned turbulent with vibrant life. I could hardly believe what I was seeing. Encased inside the metal husk was a still human heart. If it weren’t for the spark of Life, I’d still believe that it was all that was left of Travis’s corpse.

  Like a thunderclap, the organ compressed. It had no body to pump the blood into so the red liquid rushed out and bathed the heart in blood before being sucked back in. He’d completely turned his body into a Metal shell to protect his slow beating heart to sustain his life. The magic he cast must have held the last sliver of his will as his mind was melted under the acidic fire. What I was looking at was impossible, but I couldn’t care less for the logic behind it as I began to channel every ounce of my Mana Per Second into his chest and didn’t stop there. I knew how painful it was to regrow limbs. How much worse would it be to regrow your entire body?

  My perceptions returned to me as I watched the husk drown in Life.

  Mistress Nava yelped as she scurried back. Lilith didn’t move from where she stood and motioned for me to continue.

  I increased my channeling and millions of MP was soaked up by the now growing chunk of metal. At the speed of sight, it began to resemble a detail-weathered statue.

  Tipping over, Travis’s Werewolf Form started to take shape curled up on the tabletop.

  I had thought the regrowing of his brain would take much longer than the rest of him, but it appeared just as quickly. In less than 30 seconds, the Metal Werewolf opened his eyes.

  Even without being in my Werewolf Form I could feel his fear and confusion. Taking a blanket out of my inventory, I covered his nakedness to return to him his full dignity.

  When he saw me—really saw me—his Metal faded and so did his Werewolf Form. “Well, that happened,” he said, laughing to himself.

  All at once, the people of Sanctuary swarmed him. I took a step back and watched him fend them off as if he were being attacked by a horde of zombies with a hunger for hugs.

  “Okay, okay,” Skyler howled. “Give the man some room. He was just stuck in a lump of steel for the sake of all that is tasty. Where’s Zorik? Get this man some food.”

  Where were Zorik and Queen Degima? Both of them were missing.

  “They are locked in the freezer,” a hesitant voice said from behind us. It was the Korean girl.

  No one bothered with her and we all rushed toward the kitchen.

  “Russ,” I called, and threw him two Intermediate Fire Orbs.

  After catching them and giving them a look, he nodded that he understood and followed after the others. I doubted either of them were dead, but they were probably in sorry shape. Queen Degima’s life force came from a Fire Core and Zorik was an Incubus with a powerful Water talent. A frozen world wasn’t the best environment for either of them. Queen Degima could literally eat the orb I’d thrown Russ, and, as an Incubus, Zorik could drain his. Mel hurried over with the group so he could also heal Zorik if needed. I’d provide Degima with all the Master Orbs she could want later.

  It was only Aeris and me left with Travis and Olivia staying close by. Travis was getting dressed beneath the blanket I’d provided, and Olivia had come up and grabbed Aeris’s other hand. Seeing the fire in her eyes, it was obvious she had made it back mostly the same. Unlike Aeris whose silver complexion outshone her silver gown, Olivia wore a pale golden blouse that helped to emphasize the emerald color of her hair. It also brought out the warm tone of her dark umber complexion.

  She saw me looking at her and was quick to respond. “It’s good to have you back, Skeletor.”

  Checking her stats, I saw a pleasant surprise. She’d reached level 14,501 and was now the third highest level in Sanctuary. Though she hadn’t had the same opportunity Aeris had, it was clear she’d found her own way to greatly increase her level compared to the others. “Thanks, Olivia. You too.”

  Hopping off the table, Travis came up behind us and said, “So how about that snack that Russ mentioned?”

  It was good to see that he’d found a way to keep ahold of his sense of humor through all of this, but I couldn’t miss the nervous twitch at the base of his neck that was appearing every minute or so.

  He then noticed that the Head Mistress was present and stared at her blankly for a long moment before hurrying to say, “Thank you for keeping me alive.”

  “You did that yourself,” she replied, grinning warmly. “Don’t underestimate your unique combination of abilities. Even more than Elorion and Aeris, you’ve surprised me the most, little werewolf. I’d take you back with me to raise your level, but I’ve already given my word that I won’t separate any of you again. Also, because of my promise,” she said, turning toward me, “I wouldn’t have let him die if he were truly in danger.”

  She then waved her hand and what was left from Mistress Nava’s human group flew up from the ground as if dragged by an invisible force. “These humans I’ll leave in your hands, but for now, I’ll take them with me so that you don’t have to deal with them today. When I return them in a few weeks, you can have your trial, or kill them, or make them your slaves.”

  With a swipe of her finger, they all flew toward the open portal and disappeared. Then the little Korean girl suddenly caught air and flew over to float there before us. “Does this one please you?” Lilith said.

  “Is she dangerous?” I replied, watching the girl’s dejected face.

  “Very, but not to you.”

  “Then let her stay. We can question her and if she’s honest we’ll find a place for her here.” Her eyes shot up to meet mine for a moment before darting away. I’d seen that look before. It was the same one I’d seen from Jasmine a thousand times.

  Lilith slowly lowered her to the floor. The girl had nowhere to go so she just stood there.

  “Now we come to the real point of business,” Lilith said, stepping up to stand uncomfortably close to Aeris and me. “When I originally plotted to bring humans here, I had very little hope that I’d be able to accomplish my true goals. Feeding off your excess energy was enough to make it a worthy hobby, but here we are, and in the first group no less, I’ve found two extraordinary individuals. Either one of you would be sufficient, but with your loyalty to one another, things couldn’t be sweeter. I have a proposition for you.”

  After she said the last phrase, I saw Mistress Nava freeze in place.

  Aeris sensed it too, for her hand tightened in mine.

  The Head Mistress continued, “Elorion, you have seen that the Underworld is filled with many Monster, Beast, and Humanoid races and which of them is good and evil isn’t as simple as which group they happen to belong to. Aeris, you have also seen this, but to a lesser extent. The succubi are no different. I want to offer you a place among us. To become a brother and a sister of the succubi.”

  A gasp came from her side, and with a glance I saw Mistress Nava’s hands cupped over her mouth.

  “I’m sure my reasoning is clear to you.” She reached forward and grabbed our tightly clasped hands. She held the both of them between her own. “You’re capable of fighting enemies that would be otherwise difficult and completing objectives whole armies cannot. The more you grow, the truer this will become. And together…” She closed her eyes as if smelling a delightful fragrance. “I want you to fight my enemies and help to protect my people. If you agree, not only will you receive extra benefits, but you’ll have the same rights as a succubus mistress. Those who come under you will have nothing to fear from us and even receive our protection.”

  Stepping to the side, she singled out Aeris. “This means that any prisoner you deem worthy you could take as your own. My dear fairy of the wind, you could even voice your opinion at high council and seek to improve on our laws.”

ng back to me, her flirtatious charm returned. “And you could shelter the entire Illuminated Cathedral if you so desired. Even the Tir Princess wouldn’t be out of the question and her entire family could be under your care. If you wanted to help her lift her family to the highest level of vampire nobility, or protect Eshana and her people, the succubi could help you achieve such goals. And we would.”

  I felt Aeris’s inquisitive glare, but what the Head Mistress was offering was too good to be true, but also impossible not to consider. What startled me most of all was that I believed her. If we were to fight her battles, to kill who she wanted, she might just do as she said. But I was also perfectly aware of what was left unsaid. Not only would the people we brought under our banner be protected, but they would also be held like hostages over our heads if we ever wanted to back out. Their freedom and safety would be secure, but only as long as we stayed loyal to Lilith and the succubi. The worst part was that I knew we had no other choice. With Lilith standing before us, there was no way we could grab the others and flee. Even if it were just Aeris and me it would be impossible. Besides, where would we go?

  I quickly relayed my thoughts to Aeris through mind-speak. There was no surprise that she was thinking the exact same thing, but then she mentioned something that I hadn’t expected. “If we are loyal to her, she will absolutely be loyal to us. For all their faults, the succubi are more loyal than a pack of wolves.”

  Seeing her absolute certainty looking back at me, I sighed deeply before turning to the Head Mistress. “We accept your proposal.” Even as the words left my mouth, I hated every syllable, but I realized that if it would guarantee the safety of all the people I cared about, then I’d take the same trip through the Vampire Gate a thousand times without changing a thing.

  A smile lit up Lilith’s face. “Then follow me. This will need all the Matriarchs’ approval and they will want to meet you.”

  As she headed toward the still open portal, she issued Olivia a few instructions including for them to wait for our return. Even Mistress Nava seemed excited as she glanced back at us.


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