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Al Moreno And the Crystal of Gosia

Page 15

by Mason J Schneider

“I trust you, and no I haven’t seen him since you threw a knife into my hand! Now, what’s this plan of yours?” Marcie asked accusingly.

  “Right, sorry about all that. Yes the plan- so I’m going to run out into the battle now, armed with only my Rift Blade, and hope it all works out the way it's looking in my head right now.” Alfred stated plainly.

  “No, Alfred! That’s the worst plan I’ve ever heard!” Marcie yelled at him.

  “You said you trusted me, no take-backs!” he yelled and then quickly sliced the tip of one of his fingers with his blade, sending him outside the sanctuary onto the main road.

  “I really know how to pick ‘em.” Marcie said to herself as she got to her feet and ran out to the main gate.

  She climbed swiftly over the courtyard wall and opened her eyes wide at the sight before her. There were dozens upon dozens of Alfreds running through the streets of the village. They each moved according to their own will and slashed through the lines of Huck men. When a copy got hit it simply faded and a new Alfred sprung up in its place- charging right back into the thick of the battle. Marcie shook her head and ran up the road with her vein-chasers ready. Might as well give him a hand, she thought, as she sent the chasers into two of the men closest to her.

  Meanwhile, the much more sufficiently armed forces of the Granderfall village had managed to sneak around and launch an ambush on the backside of the royal military. They had even taken down the tank using a mobile energy-artillery unit. The men of the other village were blocking the royal military in on one side and the army of Al Morenos kept them at a standstill on the other.

  The military men were running around in sheer mayhem trying to escape. A few made it over the village walls but most of the Huck men had been trapped in the middle. The fighting came to a sudden halt as a voice echoed throughout the village speakers.

  “Hellooo there, men of the Royal Huck Military! This is the new captain of the Iron Pinnacle warship. Your leader has been killed. Surrender now if you don’t want me to blast these energy cannons down on you. You can ask a friend of mine- my aim and timing are impeccable!”

  “Henry!” Alfred yelled out from one of his copies. “Man I missed that voice!”

  He wasn’t sure if the A.I. had been able to hear him but it looked as if the message had worked. The remaining soldiers lowered their weapons to the ground and placed their hands behind their heads. Alfred allowed the many spread out pieces of his soul to once more come together into a single body. The Rift Resolver felt relieved to feel the empty sensation fade from him, but he bent over out of breath. He looked up from his gasping to the sound of two familiar voices.

  “A little out of shape? Well, doing whatever the hell you just did will probably leave you feeling a little winded I suppose.” Aaron Flux’s voice rang out as he ran up to support Alfred, who was finding it hard to stand.

  “I guess your plan wasn’t so bad afterall.” Marcie had now reached them and supported Al from the other side.

  “I think I can manage one more rift, if you’ll help me do the honors Flux?” Alfred replied, grinning as they helped him walk up to the circle of kneeling Huck men.

  “Creepy possessed doll island?” Aaron asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Man you always pick that place! Then again, I suppose these guys could use a tropical getaway.”

  Aaron laughed and left Marcie to help Al as he began to drag his Rift Blade through the dirt road in a large circle around the men. Flux removed his blade from his special gun and started connecting the portal until they met on the other side.

  “So long boys, send us a postcard!” Ardmon called cheerfully from where he stood nearby the leader of the Granderfall village.

  Al and Aaron looked at each other once more and connected the last segment of line in the circle. The men disappeared in a flash, as the circle illuminated in a great purple light that absorbed their bodies. Marcie helped Alfred to walk over to where Ardmon was standing.

  “I don’t have the right words to express my gratitude to you and your men.” Alfred said to the leader of the Granderfall forces, a man by the name of Trugban.

  “You should thank Lornan. I must say I found it hard to believe the Rift Society had become mixed up in the affairs of our little backwater planet. But he did manage to convince us that the royal family was launching an attack on the village. I suppose you can fill me in on the details of this conspiracy later this evening, Ardmon? We’ll need to get the story straight and make the people that are left on this planet aware of what’s going to happen moving forward.” Trugban turned to the large man beside him.

  “Of course, there will be much to do in the coming days. In the coming years, really- it will take a long time to rebuild what’s left of Hemphion and get it back in order under a new government.” Ardmon replied seriously.

  “I’m afraid politics aren’t really my thing; you guys will have to sort out that mess on your own.” Alfred added with a laugh.

  “Come on, you need to lay down. Let’s get you back to Mother Via in the Sanctuary.” Marcie said softly to him.

  “Yeah, laying down. That sounds pretty damn good. And some food, that’d be nice too.”

  “Perfect, I think Jashi went out hunting again last night.” she replied sarcastically as she helped lead him back to the sanctuary.

  “Can’t a guy just get a nice cheeseburger?” he laughed back.

  Most of the Granderfall men began to head back to their village, while a select few remained in Bratvia with Trugban for the next few days to discuss what Hemphion’s future held in store.

  Flux made as if to follow his friends into the sanctuary, but something shiny in the sky caught his attention. It looked like an oddly-shaped golden rock that was being propelled by something spinning on top of it. Aaron ducked quickly as it swooped at him and landed gently in the front pocket of Alfred’s jacket.

  “Henry, you’re back! How’d you know I managed to survive and kill Sham-Bon? Amazing- taking control of the warship too!” Al greeted his companion who flashed brilliant gold lights in delight as he spoke.

  “I didn’t know Alfred. I believed.”

  Alfred said nothing more but smiled as the group continued to make their way up the road to the sanctuary’s gates.


  Marcie awoke early on the morning three days after the battle in Bratvia had gone down. She looked out her bedroom window of the sanctuary to see Alfred chatting with a man of the village in the courtyard. Lornan, she thought, he must be thanking him for managing to bring Granderfall’s forces in time to help us. She smiled warmly as she saw Jashi playing with a group of the village children. Henry scooted around on the ground as they chased after him. Her eyes flicked to the doorway of the room as a voice sounded, grabbing her attention.

  “So what’s next for you Ms. Devlash?” it was Mother Via.

  “Our village. It’s going to need a lot of rebuilding. And all the villages and compounds across the planet, there’s so much work to be done.”

  “Foolish girl. You’ve spent your entire life protecting this planet, and you’ve succeeded, no doubt! But come now, you are young and it sounds as if Trugban and Ardmon have devised a rough plan to get this planet back in the right direction. There’s a whole Universe out there for you to explore, and quite a handsome young man to do it with.”

  Marcie looked at her in surprise, “You really think I should go? But Jashi...and so many are still sick from disease…”

  “Jashi will be just fine, he’s got me and the rest of this village to help raise him and the other orphaned children. And if some day he wishes to travel off into the galaxy, I will tell him the same as I’m telling you now- go.” Mother Via explained gently.

  “Thank you Mother.” Marcie spoke softly, thankful that the woman had been able to calm her guilty thoughts of leaving Hemphion to fend for itself.

  “As for the disease, I believe we have some visitors who have brought remarkable news on the topic. Come into the ma
in lobby- I’ll fetch the others.”

  Marcie was curious, but said nothing and walked out of her room and down a short hall until she came to the main lobby and took a seat on one of the couches. Aaron gave her a wave from the chair he sat in, picking at some animal Jashi had caught and cooked the other day with disinterest. A few minutes later Alfred came in with Henry in his pocket, followed by Jashi and two old men wearing brightly colored purple robes. The last one hobbled in slowly after Mother Via, he was hunched over a wooden cane.

  “Marcie, Aaron- this is Barnin and Wardriff- two members of the Gazers.” Mother Via introduced the men.

  They shook hands politely and respectfully before everyone took their seats. Barnin looked slightly embarrassed as he began to speak, talking to Alfred who sat across from him.

  “I must apologize Mr. Moreno, I had long lost my way and forgotten what it meant to be a Gazer. But you, you have restored my faith and for that I am eternally grateful to you.”

  “I understand, there’s no need to apologize. Now why is it you two have come here, you say you bring good news?”

  “Oh yes, wonderful news! Extraordinary news!” Wardriff now spoke up in his scratchy voice. “We have regained contact with Hashish and learned that our god never meant to abandon us- why our god is the sun of Hemphion itself- and sacrificed his entire following just to keep us all alive! What’s more, he has told us the sun of Hemphion now shines with a new brightness, one with rays that shall cure any of the diseased by radiating down brilliantly upon the victim. He said it was the least he could do as the god of his people, when a man like Al Moreno has done so much.”

  Suddenly Ardmon burst through the lobby doors proclaiming loudly, “I’m sorry to interrupt, but it’s gone! I woke up this morning and went out on the porch for my morning coffee, and I felt the strangest thing. It was as if I was filled with a warmness and then what do I know- the rash on my neck was gone!”

  “Well, it appears Hashish keeps his word.” Alfred said, tensing in slight pain as he was swallowed up in a massive hug from the man.

  “So Ardmon, I hear you and Trugban have some sort of idea worked out on how to get word to the rest of the villages?” Marcie asked as Ardmon released Alfred, sitting down beside Mother Via and Jashi.

  “That’s right, and it’s all thanks to that little A.I. over there! When the four of you leave tomorrow, Henry says he’ll be able to broadcast the message across the planet from on board the ship as it leaves Hemphion’s atmosphere.”

  “The four of you? Who else is going with the Rift Resolvers and Henry?” Jashi now spoke up.

  “I’m afraid that’s me little man.” Marcie got to her feet and hugged the boy whose eyes started to stream tears down his face.

  “No. I won’t cry.” the boy wiped his eyes against his shirt sleeve with a sniffle before speaking again. “I want to grow up and become a great warrior like you, and I’ll train as long as it takes and protect this village like you did.”

  “Oh Jashi.” Marcie looked at the boy with soft eyes. “You’re already almost as good as me. You’ll end up being the best if you keep it up. I’ll miss you so dearly.”

  She held him for a moment longer before returning to sit beside Alfred. The others tried to look away and distract themselves from the heartbreaking scene that had played out in front of them.

  “Well Moreno, duty calls. I received a message via a radio transmission that was sent to Henry from the Rift Society. How they knew where we are- I don’t have a clue! But that’s the Society for you, all-knowing and whatnot. Anyway, we’ve got orders to head to the planet Jared, out in sector nine. We’ll receive our next mission there- it’s about a three hour flight on a decent starship.”

  “Why don’t you guys just open a rift? Wouldn’t it be much quicker?” Jashi, who appeared to have calmed down, asked.

  “That’s the thing- we can’t open rifts to somewhere we’ve never been before. Well, Alfred here probably can until the crystal passes through his digestive system- but we don’t know exactly how all that works and don’t want to risk using it if we don’t have to.”

  “So that means you guys have both been to the creepy doll island you sent all those Huck soldiers too?” the boy asked excitedly.

  Alfred exchanged a humored look with Flux before saying, “That’s right, it was me and Flux’s first assignment together. And let me just tell you- that’s one place I’m never going back to.”

  “You got that right! All those Russian nesting dolls hopping out of each other really gave me the heebie-jeebies.” Aaron commented and gave a little shiver as if the goose-bumps were returning to him now just thinking about it.

  Everyone laughed as Aaron and Al told the story of their adventure on the strange island. The day drifted by peacefully and numerous villagers came to the sanctuary in high spirits- discovering they had been magically cured of their disease when they first stepped outside into the morning sunshine. As the sun made its way slowly through the sky, night began to fall and Hemphion’s sun set in the horizon.

  “So you’re sure you want to come with me? You can still back out now. I know I can be a bit of a handful.” Alfred said to Marcie who sat next to him, alone together in the courtyard under the light of Lax and Luts shining brightly above.

  “You’re my handful Al Moreno.” she looked at him lovingly before her voice grew harsher saying, “Besides, I still have to beat your ass for throwing a knife in my hand!”

  “Oh it just grazed your palm!” Alfred said back, his voice was filled with humor but his eyes remained fixed intently on the pair of emerald green ones beside him.

  He leaned in slowly, putting his hands on her waist, that for the first time in a long time wasn’t covered by armor.

  She looked back at him whispering softly, “I love you.” and her lips finally connected with the man who had truly done everything for her.

  “I love you, Marcie Devlash.” he whispered back, their lips forced to separate only for a moment as they both smiled.


  The Rift Resolvers, Henry, and Marcie had taken off from the Granderfall compound in a small spacecruiser early the next morning after they had said their goodbyes. Flux spun around in his chair, flipping through a magazine. Marcie sat nearby, currently involved in a very concentrated game of chess with Henry, who moved his pieces with an extended claw that came out of the top of his egg.

  Alfred walked back into the room, returning from the lavatory.

  “Any luck?” Flux asked with a chuckle.

  Alfred pulled a small clear plastic bag from his pants pocket. Within it the Crystal of Gosia glimmered brightly.

  “Ew!” Marcie exclaimed, seeing the bag.

  “I ran it through the sanitizing machine like four times! What else was I supposed to do?” Alfred defended.

  “You’re sleeping next to Flux tonight.” Marcie shot him a comedic look as she spoke.

  “Looks like Tea-Bot really did the trick, eh?” Flux questioned, eyeing the small white kitchen robot that stood beside him.

  “Yeah, ran right through me! Besides, who doesn’t like Tea-Bot tea? Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a crystal to deliver.”

  “Don’t you think Gosia’s going to be a little angry with you after all this? Especially after what just happened to his crystal in that bathroom?” Henry asked as he moved his rook forward on the chess board. “Check-mate!” he added to Marcie.

  “You’re right, maybe I’ll bring a peace offering. Tea-Bot, if you will?” Alfred asked, sitting down at an empty table.

  The little white robot shuffled over to stand next to where Alfred sat. It poured out a steaming hot cup of green tea as the Rift Resolver emptied the crystal out onto the table, careful not to touch it. Alfred removed his blade from his belt and raised it in the air with one hand.

  “Be back in a jiffy!” he called to the others, taking the steaming cup of tea in his other hand.

  Alfred slammed the Rift Blade down into the center of Gosia’s Cry
stal, hearing only Tea-Bot’s words as he once more entered the colorful tunnel that served as a gateway to the god’s realm.



  Mason J. Schneider was born in the city of Des Moines, Iowa. However, his family moved around a bit and he was raised in the small town of Jamestown. Here he has had the odd summer job and also worked as a cashier in the local grocery store. He still lives in Jamestown today, with his cat SneeSnaw, and spends his days writing and dreaming up the incredible stories that come to his mind. He takes great pride in being a story-teller.

  Mason’s talents and imagination led to him writing The Wizard of the Night, a children’s fantasy series, and his young adult sci-fi series, Al Moreno Rift Resolver. He plans to continue to dream and write up adventurous tales for as long as he can.

  In his spare time, Mason enjoys hiking, reading, writing poems, watching movies, and having good times with friends. Despite his young age he has been all over the United States, mainly from playing travel basketball throughout his youth. Growing up his father built a library inside their house, so there was never a shortage of books to read.

  In the future Mason hopes to become a prosperous fiction author and use his success to travel the world and experience other cultures. He believes that then he may be more qualified to sit down and write books on how he views the world. Of course, he would also like to meet the right girl somewhere along the line, get married and maybe settle down.

  Website –

  Twitter - @mayso35




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