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Wicked Burn

Page 29

by Rebecca Zanetti

  Nicholai stalked into the peaceful living room and slid his phone into his pocket. The demon had showered before donning faded jeans and a black silk shirt that made him look like a predator barely hidden. “The Nine is sticking to the results of the trial, and Peter has put a bounty on your head.” Irritation etched into the lines of Nick’s face. “I’m thinking of just taking him out and then deciding about Sal and Nessa.” He rubbed his chin and moved closer, eyeing the lake outside for any threats.

  Simone sat up. “You can’t just kill a member of the Nine.”

  “Sure I can.” He turned, a deadly man with determination stamped on his hard face. “If you’re in danger, they die.”

  So calm and so assured.

  “I’d rather clear my good name, if you don’t mind.” She took a deep breath to keep the morning sickness at bay.

  He reached her in two long strides and crouched on his haunches. “We’ll try it your way first, but then my way if necessary.” Two of his knuckles ran across a bruise she hadn’t been able to heal on her cheekbone. Another day and she’d regain all of her strength. “But you’re not going to be doing anything, sweetheart.”

  She smiled then. Truth be told, when he got all demon possessive and bossy, it turned her on a little. “I’m a witch with some dragon genetics thrown in, remember? I don’t need shielding.”

  “Yet shield you I will.” Concern darkened his eyes. “I’m sorry about your removal from the Council. I know how much your position means to you.”

  That quickly, she realized her ambitions had changed. Well, maybe not changed, but definitely expanded. “You and this babe are more important than anything else out there.” She cupped his whiskered jaw with her palm.

  His gaze softened.

  There he was.

  She smiled. “Oh, I’m definitely ambitious, and I will rule that Council someday, I promise you that.” But that was what she chose to do for a living and not who she chose to be. She’d be a good mate to this amazing male, and she’d make an excellent mother, even if she couldn’t cook or sew. She could teach the little person inside her how to throw fire and maybe even blow fire. That was beyond cool.

  “Did you talk to Bear?” Nick asked.

  Simone nodded. “Aye. He’s healing and eating tons of protein. Told me to stop smothering him.” She smiled. “Bear and Flynn both agree that the babe inside me isn’t evil and that we can teach him or her to use demon, dragon, or witch powers for good and not evil. Or rather, not too evil.” It wasn’t possible to believe that their kid wouldn’t have a little bit of bad in him, considering his parents. Or her parents.

  “Good. I’d kind of hate to kill either Bear or Flynn.” Nick smiled.

  Funny that he was only kind of kidding. If anybody threatened his child, he’d take them out; that much Simone knew. Of course, he’d only get to an enemy if she didn’t get there first. “My brothers are working on a plan dealing with the fact that dragons are now public. We’ll need treaties.”

  “Not a problem. We’ll take care of it.” He smiled. “I figured part of the problem with the dragons was that Desmond was a paranoid lunatic.”

  “Aye.” She couldn’t help but return the grin. “I know there’s a lot going on right now, but I can’t help but be happy.” He meant so much to her, and finally, they were together. So much stronger together.

  “We’ll figure it all out. I promise.” Nick’s shoulders straightened, so strong and sure. “We’re going to be happy, Simone.”

  She nodded. Aye, aye, they were. “I love you, Veis.”

  He leaned in and whispered a kiss across her mouth. “I’ve loved you from the first second I saw you, and you’ve definitely been worth the wait. My little bunny.”

  Please read on for a special Dark Protectors novella from Rebecca Zanetti.

  Dear Reader,

  I wanted to write a novella and tie the Dark Protectors to the Realm Enforcers, so I put out the question to my Facebook Street team, Rebecca’s Rebels, on who they’d like to see in a novella to be included with Wicked Burn.

  There was one pair they overwhelmingly said they’d like to catch up with—so here’s Talen, an adventure for Talen and Cara. I hope you like it!

  Chapter 1

  Cara Paulsen Kayrs hummed as she finished watering the plants in her spacious kitchen and sprawling living room. She’d settled nicely into the new neighborhood fronting an Idaho lake with her family and friends all around.

  Her mate strode in from the back porch. “There’s another letter from that university across the country.”

  She stilled. “I haven’t given them an answer yet.”

  He growled low then . . . six and a half feet of pure male, stubborn vampire. “The answer to your teaching botany glasses at a human university is . . . no.”

  She forced a smile. As an empath, she could feel his concern for her down to her bones, but it was time for them to enjoy being alive. “The war is over, and I’d like to get back to work. There are so many uses for simple plants, and it’s time we used our advanced technology to help humans.”

  He lowered his chin in what could only be described as a warning. He’d nearly died not too long ago, but only a thin strip of gray in his thick dark hair showed he’d ever been vulnerable. Corded muscle and masculine strength lined his body, and his rugged face held health and a warrior’s experience. Those golden eyes could go as hard as death in an instant if his family was threatened.

  He was the biggest, strongest, toughest badass of them all . . . and he was all hers. Although he’d lived more than three centuries, the man looked thirty-two. He’d been tense lately—bossier than usual—and she’d had enough. “You can work here, privately and not go public,” he said calmly.

  Oh, her temper wanted loose and now. “The war is over, and we can’t stay shacked up forever.” While she appreciated his driving need to keep her safe, she had a lot to contribute to this world, and it was time for her to get started. She was finally healthy. “Why don’t you get the car ready and stop bossing me around.”

  One eyebrow rose in an oddly sexual way. Oh, she’d pay for the comment later, but as long as the night ended in multiple orgasms, it was difficult to really care. “Watch yourself, mate,” he rumbled.

  Her body quivered head to toe. They’d been mated for more than twenty-five years, and he still had the ability to make her breath catch in her throat. “You can watch me all you want on the road. Go get the car.”

  He cocked his head then, his gaze thoughtful. “All right. You asked for it.” Turning on one combat boot, he loped through the house and out the front door.

  She tried to calm her raging hormones. When he got all dominant and sexy, she could barely stand still. But it was time the man stopped treating her like the fragile invalid she’d been for over two decades. She was cured . . . and she was healthy. Life was great.

  The front door opened, and her daughter, Janie, moved aside as a bundle of energy toddled past her.

  “Hope!” Cara set the watering can on the floor and leaned down so the little girl could waddle into her arms. At fourteen months old, the child never stopped moving.

  “Cara.” Hope patted Cara’s cheeks with chubby hands, her deep blue eyes sparkling. “Pretty Cara.”

  Cara tucked the girl close. No matter how hard any of them tried to get the girl to call them Nana, Papa, Aunt . . . she used first names only. “Did Kane have any luck getting her to call him by the right name?”

  Janie snorted and shut the door, pushing light brown hair away from her classic face. “No, and he tried with every trick he had. Even gave her cookies.”

  Cara stood and took Hope with her. “That’s hilarious.” Kane was Hope’s great-uncle and the smartest person on the planet, so when his brother had called him “Fucking Einstein” a month before, Hope had caught on and now called the poor guy “Funkin Eeeenstine.” It shouldn’t tickle Cara so, but she couldn’t help it. “Well, I hope it teaches those guys not to swear around her. She picks e
verything up.”

  Janie nodded and set a bag by the door. “I brought that sundress you wanted to borrow for your trip. You packed yet?”

  “Yes.” Warmth slid through Cara as she sat with the baby on her lap. Hope’s brown hair was tied up in pretty green ribbons that matched her sweater. Flowers decorated her jeans, and little sparkly shoes covered her feet. The blue marking winding up her neck showed her to be a prophet declared by fate, but for now, fate could stay out of her life. All of their lives, actually. “Maybe I shouldn’t go.”

  Hope faced her and tapped her cheeks again. “Cara on trip with Tayen. Water.”

  Cara smiled, her heart full. “Yes. We’ll see water.”

  “You’ll only be gone two weeks.” Janie ran her hand down faded jeans and crossed to sit on the couch. “The war is over, everyone is healthy, and you and Dad deserve some fun. I promise nothing interesting will happen while you’re gone. Plus, it’s crucial we get those samples to the lab in Seattle. They have nuclear equipment we don’t have here.”

  “I know.” Cara ran through the checklist of the research materials she’d included with the tissue samples. “I’m quite curious what they’ll be able to find out about the virus and the cure. I mean, how the cure for the vampire virus might be used to help humans with so many diseases.” She studied her daughter. Janie’s blue eyes were clear, and a happy glow covered her cheeks. “You’re happy.”

  “I am.” Janie returned the smile. She ran her hand down her daughter’s back, studying her mother. “How weird is it that we look about the same age?”

  “It’s like a sci-fi movie.” Cara shook her head. She’d mated a vampire, and Janie had mated a demon-vampire, which had changed their human chromosomal pairs to something more . . . something immortal. “I freely admit I love not aging. Never understood those old movies where the vampires were all sad and full of self-hatred.”

  Janie chuckled. “Maybe they were alone and didn’t have immortal family all around.”

  “Good point.” Cara leaned in and nuzzled Hope’s neck, tickling until the girl giggled. “Plus, in those movies, the vamps sucked blood to survive and couldn’t go outside or they’d melt.”

  “How goofy is that?” Janie stretched her neck. “But the legends have to be built on some reality.”

  The door opened again, and Talen Kayrs stalked into the room.

  “Tayen!” Hope pushed off Cara and toddled toward the massive warrior.

  He caught her before she rammed into his legs and lifted her high, his hard eyes softening in a way that just melted Cara’s heart. “There’s my girl.” He tucked her close and rubbed her back.

  Delight glowed from her, and she wiggled enthusiastically, patting his chest. “Tayen. Yaaaaaay, Tayen.”

  Cara started laughing. “Traitor.”

  Janie grinned and shook her head. “She sure doesn’t hide the love, does she?”

  “Why should she?” Talen easily held her with one muscled arm and tugged on her hair, not looking anything like a grandfather. “The kid has excellent taste.”

  “Tayen!” Hope agreed with a vigorous head nod. “Water and Tayen. Lotsa water.” She gurgled. “And fire.”

  Talen glanced down at her. “The forest fires are just about over, sweetheart. The smoke is finally going away.” He swung her around, end over end, and she giggled uncontrollably, her legs kicking as she played.

  “Thank goodness.” Cara looked at the clear day outside. It was late fall, but summer had been dry, and many forest fires had cropped up in Washington and Idaho. While the fires hadn’t come close, the smoke had hung over the lake for weeks. It was time to get out of town for some fun.

  She stood and walked over to grab the sundress out of the bag. “I’ll toss this in, and we’re off.”

  “The Hummer is having electrical problems.” Talen settled Hope again and then frowned. “I called Kane to come fix it, but he’s in the middle of something. So I’m borrowing Dage’s Jeep.”

  Cara stretched up and kissed Hope’s cheek. “I’m ready.”

  Janie hurried over and hugged her mother. “Have a good time, and good luck on the adventure.”

  “Thank you,” Cara said, anticipation lighting her veins. “We’re driving to Seattle to deliver those medical research samples to the lab, and then we’re catching the plane to Hawaii for some fun. I’ve left all the travel information by the fridge, in case you need it.”

  Janie nodded. “Definitely check in, but don’t worry about us. Everything will be great. Bring some macadamia nuts home.”

  “I promise.” Cara settled her palm over her abdomen. The war was over, life was good . . . so why was her stomach tingling with butterflies?

  What could possibly go wrong?

  Janie and Hope left, leaving her alone with her overprotective mate. Perhaps on the trip, they could realistically discuss her research and the benefits of teaching the next generation of humans how to look outside the western medicinal box in healing diseases.

  She winked. “Lose the frown, or I’m kicking you right in the shin. Maybe higher.”

  He leaned in. “Kick me. Please.”

  Her stomach fluttered. “Don’t think I won’t.”

  He smiled then . . . all dangerous soldier. “I’m waiting. Kick me, I’ll spank you, and then I promise you’ll be too damn sore to even think about riding in a car for five hours.”

  Oh, he wasn’t getting his way that easy. She stretched up on her toes and pecked a kiss against his mouth. “Nice try, vampire.”

  Talen couldn’t shake the itch between his shoulder blades. Taking his mate from the safety of their headquarters didn’t set well with him, and his muscles tensed in one long line.

  “Would you relax?” she whispered from the passenger seat, her head back on the leather and her eyes closed in pleased abandonment. Her legs were up on the dash, her feet in little sandals that showed off bright pink toenails. Sexy and pink. Her long auburn hair cascaded over her shoulders, and he fought the urge to tug on a strand.

  The woman was right. The war had ended, and he really did need to relax. He watched the road outside and yet kept a close eye on his woman out of his peripheral vision. “It occurs to me that you think things have changed.”

  She opened her eyelids then . . . her eyes a stunning blue. “Huh?”

  He cleared his throat and made sure her seat belt was firmly around her small body. “The war is over, you’re well, and you think things are different.” In fact, his woman hadn’t been healthy since right after they’d mated, and for years, he’d been more than gentle with her. At the thought that she was whole, finally, his heart started to thrum.

  “Of course things are different.” She gestured out with one arm. “We’re on a road trip, without guards, without death hanging over our heads.” Her laugh was throaty and full. “Emma and I are taking a Vegas trip next month for a girls’ weekend.”

  “Absolutely not.”

  She gaped. “I did not ask permission, Kayrs.”

  He bit back a wince. Whenever Cara used his last name, he was about to end up in the doghouse. Yet she was no longer vulnerable or weak, and he was finished placating her. “Mate? I have no intention of allowing you to go anywhere for a girls’ anything.” The second the word allow was out of his mouth, the tension in the car ratcheted up several degrees.

  “Oh, you did not,” she sputtered, her eyes narrowing.

  He sighed and turned to pin her with a look. He’d forgotten her stubbornness in the last difficult years when she’d been fighting a deadly virus that had almost taken her life. Now that she was healthy, memories of their first months together, before she had become infected, filtered through his mind. “I was fairly certain I tamed you way back when,” he said thoughtfully.

  Red infused her face. “I’m about to kick your ass, Kayrs.”

  Maybe not. Interesting. At the thought, his entire body tightened, and his cock started to throb. “Cara.”

  Her shiver enticed him. “What?”
  “I strongly advise you not to push me.” It was only fair to warn her, and he went on instinct. After nearly dying when the war had ended, he’d been restless since. For so many years, he’d treated his mate with more gentleness than he would’ve thought possible as she’d endured the virus.

  Now that she was healthy, a primal part of him, one much closer to the surface than he liked, wanted to claim her again with all the dominance that was inherent to his species. “Okay?”

  She breathed out. “Oh, mate. You’re the one who needs to stop pushing.”

  He reached out, catching the long strands of her hair before she could avoid him. Her eyes widened, and he twisted his wrist with enough pressure to tilt back her head, fighting instincts he’d forgotten he had.

  Curiosity and desire spilled from her.

  His nostrils flared, catching his mate’s scent. It had been too long since they’d both been whole and healthy. He’d forgotten her defiant nature and how much she liked to challenge him. “Maybe this trip was a good idea,” he said softly, the beast inside him raging as her lids half-lowered.

  Chapter 2

  Several hours into the trip, Cara’s first headache pounded in the middle of Washington State. Monstrous steel windmills, dotting the rocky hills, swung their grand arms in the slight wind. The sight was both alien and lonely somehow.

  She rubbed her temples. “I think the smoke from the earlier fires is bugging my head.”

  “I’ll need gas soon. We can buy aspirin.” Talen kept an eye on the rearview mirror while passing a school bus. “My head hurts a little, too.” He grinned. “Maybe we’re getting the flu.”


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