Book Read Free

General Misconduct

Page 12

by L. A. Witt

  “Gonna…gonna come.”

  And that was it. I couldn’t hold back.

  With the last scrap of self-control I possessed, I stayed still, resisting the urge to fuck his mouth as I came. It didn’t help that he kept at it, stroking me right through a powerful orgasm that damn near made me black out.

  He stopped, and I sank back down onto the towel. “Holy fuck.”

  Connor pushed himself up. He wiped an unsteady hand across his lip.

  “You okay?” I panted. “I didn’t choke you or—”

  He silenced me with a kiss. His tongue was salty, and his kiss was aggressive and demanding, and, Jesus, there was nothing this man’s lips did that didn’t turn me into a whimpering mess.

  Panting, he met my eyes. “I didn’t think that would turn me on as much as it did.”

  I grinned. “Surprise!”

  “Turns you on too?”

  “Very much so. In fact…” I rolled him onto his back. “I want to return the favor.”

  “Oh, holy—oh my God!” His whole body bucked up off the towel as I swept my tongue along the length of his cock. “Jesus, Aiden…”

  I went down on him with every bit as much enthusiasm as he’d gone down on me, making sure he felt just how much he’d driven me insane. I teased him, stroked him, fluttered my tongue here and swirled it there, getting drunk off his moans and tremors.

  “D-don’t stop.” He dragged a shaking hand through my hair. I tightened my grasp on his dick, and he grabbed onto what he could of my short hair, gripping it tight enough to pull, and the sting in my scalp just drove me on. I took him deeper in my mouth, squeezed him harder with my hand, heart pounding and head spinning from the delirious sounds he made.

  “Oh my God, Aiden,” he slurred. “Holy fuck…”

  Whimpering softly, he thrust into my mouth the way I’d tried so hard not to thrust into his, and I loved it, loved the forcefulness and the shattered control, and I groaned with pleasure as I caught myself imagining him fucking my ass with all this abandon and need.

  And right then, he lost it completely and came.

  Chapter Fourteen


  It took a few seconds for my vision to clear. Even after Aiden stopped, after I sensed him lying down beside me and draping his arm over me, I still couldn’t quite see straight. Or think straight.

  “You all right?” he asked, his tone playful.

  “Uh-huh.” I blinked a few times, the rocky outcropping still spinning and blurring above me. “Just…give me a sec.”

  Aiden kissed my cheek. “Take all the time you need.”

  As my heart slowed down and I settled back to earth, I turned toward him and drew him down to kiss me. Tasting my own semen had always seemed like something that would turn me off, but all it did was remind me of everything Aiden had just done. As if I could forget.

  As he lifted his head, sweeping his tongue across his lips, I said, “Where the hell did you learn to do that? With your mouth, I mean?”

  “Practice.” He winked. “Lots of practice.”

  “Damn. I should’ve known the Internet wasn’t a good place to learn this stuff.”

  Aiden threw his head back and laughed. “Oh my God, no. The Internet is so full of bullshit.”

  “So I found.” I shifted onto my side. “Can’t say I didn’t try, though.”

  He kissed my forehead. “Well, whatever you found must’ve worked, or you’re a natural, because I’m not complaining at all about your skills.”

  “Is there even such a thing as a bad blowjob?”

  “Yes.” Aiden grimaced. “Believe me, there is.”

  “Do I want to know?”

  He shook his head rapidly.

  “Point taken.” I looked around at our surroundings, from the rocks above us to the gleaming white sand and bright-blue tide lapping at the beach. “You know, I don’t think we’ll ever be able to go to a beach without fooling around on it.”

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

  “Could be a problem on a crowded beach.”

  “Crowded beaches suck anyway. I like them more secluded. Where I can do”—he ran his fingers over my stomach, grinning when I gasped—“anything I want.”

  My abs quivered under his fingertips. “Which would be…what?”

  Aiden leaned in and kissed me lightly. “Honestly? I want to do everything with you.” His fingers drifted up the side of my neck to my cheek. “But only as much as you’re ready for.”


  I thought he might’ve shivered. He lowered his head and kissed the side of my neck, and as he worked his way up from my collarbone to my jaw, he murmured, “If you’re ready for it, absolutely.”

  Oh, I was. I’d been ready for a long time. And with Aiden? Absolutely.


  “When it comes to, uh, anal”—God, I felt like an idiot, with my face heating up like this—“do you prefer being, um…”

  Aiden raised his head. “Top or bottom?”

  I nodded.

  He half shrugged. “I usually end up as the bottom in my relationships, but I like it either way.” He inclined his head a little. “Do you want to try both?”

  “I do, but would you think less of me if I said it scared me?” I cringed at my own question. Could I have sounded a bit more like a clueless kid?

  But Aiden shook his head. “No. Not at all. It scared the hell out of me too.”

  I gulped. “And when you finally got there, was it… I mean, did…”

  “Was I justified in being scared?”

  “Yeah. That.”

  “It…” My gut clenched as he broke eye contact. Then he looked at me again. “I’ll be perfectly honest. It can be painful and miserable. It was for me.” He tenderly touched my face. “But if we go there, I will make absolutely sure that it’s not that way for you. I promise.”

  I shivered. “How do you”—heat rushed into my cheeks—“how do you make sure it isn’t?”

  “Lube. Taking it slow. Starting out with something that isn’t quite as thick.” He held up his hand and wiggled his fingers.

  I couldn’t help laughing. “So you’re okay with, uh, taking it slow? Baby steps?”

  “Okay with it?” His eyes widened. “Jesus, yes. I want you to enjoy it.” He caressed my face and held my gaze. “I’ll take as much time and use as much lube as it takes to make sure you do.”

  “Thank you” was all I could think to say. “So, your first time. Was it…”

  Aiden shifted a little, and I thought he shuddered. “I was with someone who didn’t know what he was doing, and to be honest, I don’t think he would’ve cared enough to do it right if he did know how.”

  I winced. “Really?”

  He nodded. “I mean, he used plenty of lube, but I think that was more for his comfort than mine. We went straight from fooling around to him fucking me, and it…” This time, he definitely shuddered. “I was sore for days afterward.”


  “Yeah.” He took my hands in his. “I promise you that won’t happen. And that’s assuming I’m on top. You might find you like topping better.”

  “Guess I’ll have to try both and find out?”

  “If you want to, I’m happy to switch.”

  “You prefer one over the other?”

  He half shrugged. “Well, like I said, I somehow usually end up being on the bottom, but I definitely like it both ways.”

  “How do you ‘somehow’ end up on the bottom?”

  Aiden chuckled. “I guess I have a thing for guys who happen to be tops.”

  Laughing, I raised an eyebrow. “So does that mean I’m probably going to be a top?”

  “Not necessarily.” He winked. “But if you are, you won’t hear me complaining.”

  I slid a little closer to him, running my hand down his side. “Now I’m curious.”

  “Yeah?” He kissed me lightly. “So am I.”

  “And I want you to.”
  “I will.” Aiden kissed me again, longer this time. “Not tonight, but I will.”

  “Tease.” I looked him in the eyes. “I mean it, by the way. I really do want to.”

  “Then we will.” His kiss was soft and gentle. “Soon.”




  That weekend, I fed my folks a bullshit excuse about needing to study for a big exam that had actually happened last week—ugh, I felt like I was still in high school—and slipped out with Aiden.

  “So, want to check out another castle today?” I asked as I buckled my seat belt. “Maybe Nakagusuku?”

  “Maybe next time.” Our eyes met, and he gave me this little grin that made my knees shake. “I’ve got someplace else in mind today.”

  I gulped. “Oh. Okay. Where?”

  He shifted into Drive. “You’ll see when we get there. You’ve got a few hours, right?”

  “I’ve got all day.” I eyed him playfully. “What’d you have planned?”

  Aiden’s sunglasses obscured his eyes, but I could sense the mischievous look he was giving me. “You’ll see.”

  We lost ourselves in conversation, as we always did, but that undercurrent of curiosity on my part and knowing playfulness on his was there the whole time. Every time he made a turn, I thought I might have an a-ha!-I-know-where-we’re-going! moment, but I didn’t. The farther we went out into the middle of nowhere, out behind a few tiny farming villages and sugarcane fields that were backed up almost to the coast, the less I could guess where we were.

  He drove us down a smooth but barely there dirt road, and stopped when it dead-ended. From here, I could see an enormous beach—we were on the Pacific side—without a single person in sight.

  As he killed the engine, Aiden said, “Here we are.”

  I looked around. Another beach out in the middle of nowhere. Oh God…

  Aiden leaned across the console, turned my head gently with a finger on my chin and kissed me. “The other day, you said you were ready. To go further.”

  I gulped. “I did, yeah.”

  “Do you still want to?”

  Yes. Yes, please. Oh God. Wait. No. I’m… Yes.

  I just nodded.

  Aiden’s lips skated up the front of my throat. “Today?”

  Oh. My God.

  “Yes.” No. Wait. Fuck. “Yeah. I do.”

  He pulled back and looked in my eyes. “You don’t have to. Nothing’s set in stone, and we can always turn back.”

  I shook my head. “No. I do want to. Just…go slow.”

  Aiden’s smile made me shiver just like it always did. “Relax. We’re not even out of the car yet.”

  I laughed. “True.”

  “I promise, though, we’ll go slow.” He kissed my forehead. “We’ve got all the time in the world, and there’s no one else here.”

  I gestured at the sun, which was still high in the sky. “Assuming we don’t burn, right?”

  He laughed. “Oh ye of little faith.” He reached back and tapped the backpack. “I thought of everything. Including sunscreen.”

  “Sunscreen?” I chuckled. “You did think of everything.”

  “Of course I did. Let’s go.”

  We got out of the car and took his backpack and a large, folded blanket from the backseat. A more or less clear path wound through the undergrowth, and we took it slow through there, scanning either side for any signs of Habu in the weeds. It would be just my luck that we were about to fuck and one of us would get bitten by a snake and require an airlift.

  There weren’t any snakes, though, and the path took us out onto the sand. This was one of the white-sand beaches. Well, more like tan or gold, but…light colored. Fucking gorgeous too.

  Except there weren’t any trees. No rocky outcroppings either.

  “Isn’t much shade, is there?” I asked.

  Aiden shrugged. “The sunscreen’s SPF 50. We’ll be fine.” We walked a little ways, and then he dropped the backpack at his feet a few yards from the high-tide line. “This looks like a good spot.”

  Holy shit. Are we really doing this?

  He faced me, and his brow furrowed. “You okay?”

  I nodded. “Yeah. Just a bit nervous.” I forced a laugh. “Wasn’t expecting to do this today.”

  His expression didn’t change as he stepped closer and put a hand on my waist. “It’s not too fast, is it?”

  “No. Just new.” I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him. “But yes, I want to.”


  For the longest time, we just stood there, wrapped up in each other and kissing with the backpack and blanket at our feet. I was hard, I was horny, but I didn’t think I’d ever be able to bring myself to rush us through a kiss. Especially not one of these long, gentle kisses with Aiden’s fingers in my hair and his cock hardening against mine.

  After a while, he met my eyes. I licked my lips. He did the same. Neither of us said a word, but we both knew what we wanted. Silently, we smoothed the blanket out on the sand, making sure not to get any sand on it, and weighed down the corners with rocks. Then Aiden put the backpack on the edge of the blanket within easy reach and toed off his shoes. I did the same, pretending my heart wasn’t going a million miles a minute.

  He unzipped the backpack and withdrew a white bottle. Gesturing at me, he said, “Take off your shirt. I’ll put some of this on you.”

  I did as I was told and took off my shirt. Aiden did the same. Together, we knelt on the blanket, and Aiden put some sunscreen on his hands.

  “C’mere.” As he smoothed the sunscreen on my chest, his lips met mine. While he kissed me, his hands slid over every inch of my chest, back and arms, smoothing the lotion onto my skin as if it were massage oil. He kneaded my shoulders and my neck, and, my God, no one had ever made the application of sunscreen sexier than Aiden.

  Breathlessly, I whispered, “I should do the same for you.”

  “Hmm, maybe you should.”

  I put some sunscreen in my hand, and gestured for him to turn around. I made circles until the sunscreen had disappeared completely, and then did it a few more times just because I wanted to watch my hands glide over his back.

  He turned around again, and now our hands were all over each other’s bodies, and it had nothing to do with sunscreen. Even as we slipped out of the last of our clothes and made sure our legs were good and protected, I was more interested in kissing him and pressing against him than anything else.

  Aiden, it seemed, was on the same wavelength. He laid me down on the blanket, and his kiss was amazing and terrifying and oh God, are we really doing this?

  As if he could hear my thoughts, he pushed himself up. “If it’s too much, we’ll stop. You’re not committed to anything.”

  “I want to.” I moistened my lips. “I’m just…”


  I nodded.

  “It’s okay. Everyone is.” He kissed me again, but just quickly and softly. “There’s no point of no return. We can stop any time.”

  I swallowed. “Can we just…slow down?”

  “Of course.” He eased himself off me and lay on his side. “I’m not in any hurry.”


  “For what it’s worth,” he said, running his hand up and down my chest and abs, “my first time was awkward as hell. And yes, it hurt.”

  I winced.

  Aiden stroked my face. “I’m not going to let that happen to you. I want your first time to be amazing.” He brushed his lips across mine. “And I promise, I won’t hurt you.”

  He’d assured me of that before, and I knew it from the reading I’d done on the subject, but now that I was facing the very real possibility of being fucked in the very near future, doubts closed in.

  “But you said it can hurt.”

  Aiden smirked. “Well, not if you’re on top.” Then he turned serious and went on. “Even on the bottom, though, I can make sure it doesn’t hurt. We’ve got plenty of lu
be and plenty of time.” He leaned in and kissed me gently. “I’m not going to hurt you, Connor. I promise. That’s the last thing I want to do.”

  “I know,” I said and wrapped my arms around him. “I trust you.”

  “Good. Speaking of…” He leaned away and pulled a few gold-foil packets from his backpack. “I brought condoms, but if you want to go without, I’m clean. Got tested for everything a few months ago and haven’t touched anyone since before that.”

  I glanced at the condoms in his hand. “Do they make that much of a difference? I’ve heard you can’t feel much.”

  Aiden shrugged. “They feel pretty different, but I’ll take that over taking a risk with someone.”

  “That makes sense.” I arched my eyebrow. “But you said you’ve been tested.”

  He nodded. “The military tests us for everything under the sun all the time, especially when they’re doing overseas screenings.”

  “And I’ve never been with anyone.”

  “So we’re probably both pretty safe.” He set the condoms close by, where they’d be within easy reach. “But you’re calling the shots. Anything you want. Top or bottom. Condoms or bareback. Anything.” He pressed his lips to mine and let them linger there for a moment. “And we don’t have to fuck if you don’t want to.”

  “I want to.”

  “Me too.” He slid his arm around me as he came down to kiss me again. “However you want it.”

  I wrapped my arms around him. As we kissed, our bodies moved like they had minds of their own, his hips rubbing against mine and mine moving just right to complement him. It was like our bodies wanted us to be fucking, and so they did the best they could to get as close as possible to actually doing it while our minds still kept us from dropping the hammer. The more we touched like this—dicks rubbing together, hands all over hot, lotion-coated skin—the more my nervousness gave way to need. I wanted to know what it was like to move inside him, or to feel him moving inside me, and all I had to do was say the word.


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