Book Read Free

The Best Lines

Page 14

by Nicole Pyland

“He doesn’t like change.” She held out her hand. “So, can I?”

  “I guess.” Eva handed her the keys.


  Eva laughed at her response and they walked to the car together. By the time they’d made it out, nearly all the other cars were gone. Only her parents’ cars still remained. Ember climbed into the driver’s seat and they took off. Eva hadn’t let anyone drive her car before, and it was strange sitting in the passenger seat. She felt Ember’s hand on her thigh as they hit a small patch of gravel under the snow.

  “Hands on the wheel there,” Eva pointed and lifted Ember’s hand to place it back on the steering wheel while Ember laughed at her.

  “Fine. Fine.”

  Ember drove on down the lengthy driveway and onto the street. They rode a little further. Ember turned into a driveway.

  “It’s not this one.”

  “I know.” Ember turned to face her. “I’m just waiting on something.” She turned all the way around in the seat, which meant her arm was now on the back of Eva’s.

  “What are you doing, Em?”

  Ember smiled. Eva knew why.

  “Just waiting,” she replied.

  “For what?” Eva turned back as well.

  “That,” Ember told her as they both watched a car drive past them. “Your parents and Anna, right?”

  “Yes. What-”

  “Trust me,” Ember told her, put the car in reverse and pulled them back onto the main road in the direction from which they’d just come.

  “Why are we going back?” Eva kept turning to look behind her. She wasn’t sure what was going on. “You’ve put planning into this.”

  “Just relax, Scout.”

  Eva’s eyes stayed on the road ahead as they turned back down the driveway they’d only just left behind.

  “Now, I’m really curious.”

  “Just hold on.” Ember laughed and Eva grew concerned.

  The lights were off in the main house, which they passed on the way to the barn. She’d been a little surprised until she remembered these people were farmers. They were used to going to bed early because they woke up so early. They pulled the car in the direction of the barn where Ember parked and turned off the ignition.

  “Em, come on,” Eva said, a hint of annoyance in her voice.

  Ember turned to face her. “Did you really miss your prom?”

  “Where’d that come from?”

  “Come on.” Ember climbed out of the car. “Wait. Stay there.” She motioned for Eva to keep sitting.

  “You can’t have it both ways, Ember.” Eva remained sitting and watched Ember navigate the snow and gravel as she headed toward the side door of the barn.

  Eva climbed out of the car, no longer having the patience to wait and then Ember emerged and beckoned her forward. Eva met her at the door and without a word, Ember placed her hand on Eva’s back and ushered her through it. Eva’s eyes moved around the space and noticed that the lights had been turned back on, but only the ones in the middle of the room; the lanterns that had been hung for the wedding.

  “Okay,” Ember started. “You’ll have to kind of go with me on this one. Picture a terrible D.J. over here.” She moved quickly toward where the reverend had stood for the rehearsal. “He’s probably playing a combination of Sir Mix a Lot and Seal.” She set her iPhone on one of the chairs and pressed a few buttons. Soft music poured out of it.

  “Kissed by a Rose?” Eva laughed as she stood with her arms crossed over her chest. “You have this song on your phone?”

  “No, I downloaded it earlier when I planned this,” Ember confessed and then pointed to the side of the room where the tables were located. “Over there, you’d find the wallflowers who either didn’t have dates or didn’t know how to socialize. In front of them would be a table of cookies and punch that some jock spiked with rum stolen from his dad’s liquor cabinet. Oh! Oh, and over there, that’s where the king and queen would be having their stupid dance.”

  Eva just watched her move about the room and remove her coat. She placed it on one of the chairs. Eva figured she should do the same.

  “So, this is my prom?” Eva asked.

  “You’re getting it.” Ember reached out one hand. “And I’d be honored if you’d let me be your date.”

  Eva took Ember’s outstretched hand and then she was immediately pulled into Ember’s body.

  “You want to be my prom date?”

  “I do.” Ember placed both arms around Eva’s waist, Eva moved her arms around her neck and they began to sway.

  “This is really sweet,” Eva replied and rested her head against Ember’s shoulder, allowing her to be pulled in closer.

  “So, you didn’t want to go with Jacob Thompson?” Ember asked as she rubbed her hands up and down Eva’s back and clutched her against her body.

  “He never asked, but I would’ve said yes if he had.”

  “What? Oh, now I’m jealous.”

  “My mom was wrong earlier. I did want to go to my prom. I was supposed to go with Robert as a junior, but that didn’t happen, and then senior year no one asked. I couldn’t imagine going alone. Most of the time, I was fine on my own, but I didn’t want to be for my prom.”

  “I noticed that tonight at dinner.”

  “Noticed what?” Eva pulled back a little to look at her.

  “These people see each other all the time, right?”


  “And you’re the only one tonight that came from out of town?”

  “Yes, Ember. What’s your point?”

  “They hardly asked you any questions. I expected them to hammer you with them all night. I’d even prepared some standard answers of my own in case they asked me stuff, but they barely talked to either of us.”

  “I’m sorry.” Eva placed a hand on Ember’s cheek. “They don’t mean to be rude. They-”

  “I’m not upset. I’m just surprised you’re not, I guess,” Ember told her.

  “Should I be?” She leaned her head back down on Ember’s shoulder content to just listen to the soft music playing behind them while being held like this.

  “It doesn’t bother you that they don’t want to know more about your life or how you spend your time?”

  “I’m used to it. I always preferred being in the background. They’ve just gotten used to that too. It’s not like I never talk to them. I call. I just don’t get home very often, but Em, what my family did tonight wasn’t about me. It’s not the same as how your family treats you.” She felt Ember still her body and she pulled back. “I’m sorry. Did I say-”

  “No, you didn’t. It’s okay,” Ember interrupted.

  “This weekend is about Anna. If we come another weekend, trust me, they will have plenty of questions for you and for me and-”

  “Another weekend?” Ember smiled.

  “I was just explaining why-”

  Ember laughed lightly and kissed Eva on the forehead.

  “I know.”

  “Your parents just ignore you, and that’s not okay, Em. You’re too amazing for them to ignore.”

  “Let’s just have your prom dance and not talk about this stuff anymore, okay?”

  Eva watched as Ember seemed to get very serious for a moment, but then her eyes brightened. Eva watched them flicker with the soft light overhead.

  “I’m glad I missed my prom back then,” Eva told her. “If it meant I got this one with you.”

  Eva smiled as Ember smiled and then Ember began swaying again. She slid her arms to Eva’s waist to push her back a bit. She took Eva’s hand and Eva understood. She twirled herself as Ember’s hand guided her around, and then she fell back into her arms as they continued to sway to the end of the song. Baby Got Back came on the phone, and Eva cracked up laughing as she held Ember closely.

  “I told you so.” Ember pushed her away. “No prom is complete without Baby Got Back,” she teased and began moving her body in a ridiculous fast dance that had Eva laughing as Ember took her hips
and tried to get her to move along with her. “Oh, there’s a couple making out in the corner.” Ember nodded. Eva actually turned her head as if there would really be a couple of teenagers there making out. Ember continued her imagery, “that guy’s getting lucky later.”

  “I bet.” Eva was turned around. Ember was behind her, hands still on her hips and they were swaying side to side. Eva’s heart started racing. They were somehow closer than they had been before. Ember’s hands wrapped around her as they’d done at the window earlier. She placed one of her hands behind Ember’s neck to encourage her closer while her other moved onto one of Ember’s arms on her waist and held her in place. “You probably would be too if we weren’t staying at my parent’s house.”

  Ember laughed and kissed Eva’s neck.

  “Well, we’re not at your parent’s house right now.” She kissed her neck again.

  “Weren’t you the one making fun of the idea of barn sex earlier?”

  Ember pulled back and laughed loudly.

  “True.” She paused and then took both of Eva’s hands into her own as the song finished and another began to play. “I wouldn’t want prom sex anyway.” It was said in the gentlest of tones, and Eva’s eyebrow lifted as she tried to understand. “Prom sex usually doesn’t mean anything. I wouldn’t want that with you.”

  “You are really making this difficult for me; you know that, right? You can’t just say perfect things like that and expect me to be able to keep my hands to myself.” Eva paused as a question came into her mind. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course.”

  “You used to…” She wasn’t sure how exactly to ask what she needed to ask. “With girls… you picked them up a lot, right? I guess… is this-”

  “Eva, this is nothing like that,” Ember responded. “I told you I was done with that, but even if that hadn’t been the case already, it would be now.” She paused and sighed. “I came to your sister’s wedding. I’ve never been anyone’s date to a wedding before. I know we came as friends, but I’ve never even done that with a woman. This is different, okay?”

  “Okay.” Eva heard something outside that sounded like a door swinging open. “We should go.”

  “Busted,” Ember said and pulled back to grab her phone and jacket.

  Eva grabbed her own coat and before it was even on, she’d turned the lights off. She and Ember slowly pulled open the side door to see that Big Bob was heading toward the garage likely to work more on the car he’d be giving his youngest son and new daughter-in-law on their wedding day. Once he was inside, they moved quickly to the car. Eva let Ember drive them back. They made their way up to the porch and Ember took Eva’s hand. Eva stopped before opening the door and turned to her.

  “So, this is the part of the date where we’d normally have that awkward moment where we’d both wonder if the other was going to go in for the even more awkward first kiss.”

  “But we’ve already had a first kiss,” Eva said.

  “I know, but I was hoping we could have an end of the date kiss anyway. I mean, I’m not getting any further tonight so…” Ember smiled, and Eva pulled her into her.

  “I can totally see why all the girls want you, November Celeste.”

  “I don’t care about all the girls, Scout. Just you.” It was Ember that kissed Eva this time. As their lips met, they were more sure and confident. Eva’s arms were around Ember’s waist while Ember’s were in Eva’s hair, playing with the strands for a moment before giving into the kiss. Her hands were cupping the back of Eva’s head, and Eva felt that moment when Ember’s kiss grew more wanting. Ember’s lips detached from hers and Ember pulled all the way away. “We should-”


  “Yeah.” Ember looked down for a moment as if to gather herself. “Okay. Bed. I need to sleep it off.”

  Eva silently laughed and then opened the front door. They hung up their coats and proceeded up the stairs in silence. They shuffled past her parent’s room and past Anna’s room. No sound came from either indicating they were all likely asleep. Ember stood in front of the guest room and waited for Eva to come into her arms for a quick goodnight kiss. They exchanged good nights. Eva went into her own room to ready for bed. She closed the door behind her and let out a massive exhale along with a smile.


  Ember was restless. She knew she should be asleep already. It was after midnight and she was exhausted. It had been a very long day. She wanted to sleep, but she couldn’t. She finally gave up and knew what she needed. She rose, thought against it, and decided that she had to try. She walked toward the door, opened it with a subtle creak and tip-toed toward Eva’s door. She took a deep breath and turned the knob. The door opened with another slight creak. She cringed as she took the few steps into the room.

  “Ember?” Eva’s groggy voice came from the darkness.

  “Yeah, sorry.” Ember closed the door behind her so the little light from the hall would disappear and leave them again in darkness.

  “Is everything okay?”

  Ember’s eyes adjusted after a moment and she saw Eva lying in bed with the blankets up to her waist. She was wearing a plain white shirt. If there had been any light behind Ember, she would have been able to see what was under it.

  “Everything’s fine,” Ember told her, approached the bed and sat on the edge.

  “You couldn’t sleep?” Eva asked as she sat up a little more.

  “No.” Ember took her hand. “Can I sleep in here with you?” She could see Eva’s eyebrows lift. “Just sleep.”

  “Come on.” Eva slid over, so Ember could climb into the bed.

  She lifted the blanket. Ember went under it and rolled on her side facing Eva.

  “If I wanted to hold you, would that be okay?” She scooted a little closer.

  “That sounds perfect,” Eva replied.

  “You’re not mad I woke you up?”

  “No, I’m not mad, but we should get some sleep.”

  “What if your parents come in here tomorrow morning and see us?”

  “They won’t. Remember the part about me basically being invisible this weekend? They’ll be focused on Anna tomorrow morning.”

  Ember ran a hand along Eva’s cheek and settled it on her neck.

  “I kind of like the idea of falling asleep next to you, Eva Dash.” Ember rolled onto her back and held her arm out so Eva could slide into it and rest her head against her chest. “Yeah, I should be able to sleep now.”

  “You really do have the best lines.” Eva pressed in closer to her chest and wrapped an arm around Ember’s waist, sliding it up Ember’s shirt.

  Ember felt the warm touch of Eva’s hand on her stomach.

  “I only use them on you,” she said in more of a whisper as the exhaustion from the day finally threatened to carry her into slumber.


  “Eva, mom is being a big pain in my ass today and-” Anna opened the door and the words came out rushed.

  “Anna, ever heard of knocking?” Eva sat up and glanced down at Ember who looked like she had no idea what to do and that if she just kept frozen, Anna wouldn’t be able to see her somehow.

  “Sorry, I didn’t think you’d have company. Mom said you two were just friends,” Anna replied. “But can you talk to her please because she’s being a total bitch right now and it’s supposed to be my day, right?” Anna walked right into the room and sat on the end of the bed. “Oh, hi Ember.”

  “Hello, Anna,” Ember muttered and sat up, clutching the blanket to her chest despite the fact that she was fully clothed.

  “Okay, so she’s saying she won’t take my dress in one more inch, but I’m telling you, Eva, it’s too loose. I don’t want to be swimming in my dress as I walk down the aisle.”

  “Anna, you’re getting married today. Wait. What time is it?”

  “7:00,” Ember responded, and when Eva turned to lift an eyebrow at her, she pointed to the clock on the bedside table. “No superpowers,” she sai

  “You’re getting married in ten hours, Anna. Why didn’t you ask mom to do it before?”

  “Because I didn’t notice it before, but I tried it on this morning. It needs to be tighter around the bodice. Mom’s refusing to do it, and it’s not like I can find anyone else to do it for me.”

  “Are you sure you’re not seeing something that’s not there, Anna? It’s your wedding day. I’m sure you’re just-”

  “I am not nervous,” Anna retorted. “Okay I am, but that’s not why. Just look at the dress yourself. You’ll see.”

  “It’s early, Anna.”

  “I’ve been up for two hours already. I’m going to go try it on again. If it’s too loose, will you take it in for me?”

  “You expect me to deal with mom after doing that? No way,” Eva replied and then flopped backward onto the bed next to Ember.

  “Do you sew?” Anna squinted at Ember.

  “No, sorry.”

  “Fine. I’ll just do it myself.” Anna stormed out of the room.

  “Anna Elizabeth Dash,” Eva called after her, “you will not attempt to fix your dress yourself. You’ll ruin it.”

  Anna stopped and turned back.

  “If you do it for me, I won’t tell mom you slept in here with your girlfriend last night,” Anna said.

  “Anna, I’m almost thirty years old. I don’t answer to mom about who I share a bed with.”

  “But it’s her and dad’s house. They won’t be happy about it.”

  “You’re annoying,” Eva replied, then sat up and turned toward Ember. “I’ll be back soon. You can go back to sleep if you want.” She kissed Ember’s cheek. “Or head downstairs. I’m sure my mom made breakfast.”

  “I’ll be okay.”

  “Come on, Eva. I don’t have all day.”

  “I’m coming, Anna.”


  Ember stayed in the room for a few more minutes before returning to the guest room. She could hear Anna and Eva arguing from inside Anna’s room. She shook her head as she entered her room, slid on some jeans and a sweater so she could make her way downstairs.

  “Good morning, dear,” Gabby greeted her. “Coffee?”


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