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The Rivals

Page 106

by Allen , Dylan

  “And you are mine, my perfect, priceless Tesoro.”

  My heart swell just as my release crests and I let it take me over the edge. He walks us over to his desk, lays me on it, puts my thighs over his shoulders and drives into me over. I relish the glorious expression on his face as he chases his pleasure inside of me and the sound of my name falling from his lips as he comes is music to my ears.

  When we’ve caught our breath and floated back to earth, he sets me on my feet and tucks his semi erect dick back into his gray sweatpants. I slip past him and dash into the bathroom to clean up. When I come out, he looks ready to rumble - he’s leaning on his desk, his long legs crossed at the ankle, his muscular arms crossed over his broad chest. But with one look at his face, I know I’ve already won. His lips are bright pink and kiss bruised and the smile that splits them is as bright as the gleam in his heavy lidded gaze.

  “Let him come. You’re right that the kids deserve to know him.”

  I clap excitedly and rush over to hug him. “Thank you, baby.” I press a kiss to his stubbled cheek.

  He snorts a laugh and swats my ass before he cups it tenderly. “As if I’ve ever said no to anything once you’ve made me come.”

  I laugh and link my hands behind his neck. “It’s the only predictable thing about you Hayes. But I also know that if you didn’t want to, really didn’t, nothing could make you say yes.”

  His expression remains non-committal. “And if I’m wrong, and he’s got bad intentions, you’re no man’s fool. You’ll figure it before he can do any damage. And who knows? You might like him.”

  “We’ll see.” Then, with a slap on my ass for good measure, he sends me back to my battlefield.

  Chapter 4


  Legends and Lies

  “I’m so sorry, Remi.”

  “Kal, I told you no more apologies. Unless somehow, you’re responsible for the bad weather and all the flights being sold out, too?”

  My attempt at humor misses its mark and her voice is full of misery.

  “No, I just feel terrible. I want to be home with you.”

  “And tomorrow afternoon, you will be.”

  When silence greets me, I push off the pillar I’m leaning on and start pacing. The only reason I’ve been so cool about her flight being cancelled is because she’s sure to catch another one in the morning. “Right?” I press.

  “Yes of course, sorry. It’s just…I wanted to wake up with you, and B—”

  I stifle a groan. “Khalilah, stop it. Why are you flogging yourself over something you can’t help?”

  “I know I’m driving you crazy. I’m sorry. It’s just… I know you weren’t happy about me cutting it so close to Christmas.”

  “Babe, my happiness is yours.”

  “I know. I know…and I’m so grateful-”

  “Kal,” my voice is harsher than I mean for it to be but her talk of gratitude grates. “I’m your husband. It’s what you should expect. Lord knows it’s what I expect of you.”

  “I know,” she says in a voice that’s too quiet for my liking.

  I lighten my tone. “When you get home tomorrow morning, it’ll still be Christmas Eve.”

  “I know. And I can’t wait, I miss you so much,” she sighs.

  “I miss you more.”

  “That’s not possible, but I know you really think that, so I’m not going to argue.” I laugh, relieved that she sounds less stressed.

  “So, did you bring Bianca with you to the airport?” she asks.

  “She went to Regan’s last night, spent the night.”

  “She left you all by yourself?”

  That seems to be the trend when it comes to the women in my life. I push the self-pity away. “Reggie’s keeping Phoenix for a couple of nights and you know much B loves him and you know she and Eva don’t miss a chance to stay up all night talking and strategizing.”

  She laughs and then lets out a low whistle. “Regan has Phoenix, too? Lord, she’s crazy having all five kids with her at once.”

  “More like she’s broody – and playing house with other people’s babies scratches her itch.” It scratches mine, too and I wish I’d volunteered to take him before they asked Regan.

  “I love you,” she says. As if she reading my mind, I detect the hint of apology in it.

  “I know you do.” We haven’t talked about babies again since that awkward day three months ago and I’m not eager to rehash it now.I glance at my watch. “Listen. Stone’s flight landed almost thirty minutes ago; he should be clearing customs now.”

  She sighs. “Don’t worry you’re off the hook, my battery is dying anyway.”

  I laugh and then stop abruptly when I hear the distinct sound of an airport announcement in the background. “Are you still at the airport?”

  “Oh. Uh- yeah… I’m just… waiting for the hotel shuttle.”

  I glance at my watch. “It’s been three hours since your flight was cancelled.”

  “They had a lot of people to take back and forth with all the canceled flights. I wasn’t in a rush to get back, so I had breakfast. They’re on their way back to get me.”

  “Why didn’t you take a car?”

  “Remi, stop it. I’m fine. And my phone really is dying.”

  “Well, you’re not off the hook. Call me when you get back to your hotel.” I demand.

  “Only if you tell me you love me, too.”

  I laugh and the knot of irritation in my chest loosens “I love you. Always, forever, until the end of my life, Khalilah Wilde.”

  She sighs, a sweet exhalation that carries longing and love within it. “That’s better. Same. Bye.”

  I see Stone coming down the escalator, I and push off the post I’ve been leaning on and make my way toward him.

  When his gaze lands on me, surprise lifts his eyebrows before he waves in greeting.

  “Did you forget I was picking you up?” I say when we reach each other.

  He shakes his head as if to clear it of cobwebs and smiles. “I did. And I spent the last three hours daydreaming about kissing my wife, but you’re not a bad sight for sore eyes, either.”

  “You’re not the only one whose wife-kissing dreams got deferred.”

  “Oh shit, what happened to Kal?”

  “Bad weather in Atlanta. Her flight was cancelled. She’ll be in tomorrow.”

  I take a few steps before I realize he hasn’t moved? ““Are you okay?” I ask when he just stands, staring at me.

  He shakes his head and starts walking again. “Yeah, I’m just shocked as shit. I figured you’d be trying to charter a plane out to get her.”

  I scoff, but grin because the thought crossed my mind when she called this morning. “You have no idea the restraint I’m showing right now, man. I want her home. But I have to get used to this. She’s going to be on the road a lot if she gets this job and delays are part of travel.”

  “So, how’s that going to work?”

  “She’ll work there during the week and come home on weekend.”

  “So…are you’re cool with living long distance?”

  I stiffen. “Fuck no.”

  He nudges my shoulder with his. “I didn’t mean to touch a nerve. I was just asking.”

  I blow out a breath and give him an apologetic, sheepish smile. “I know. It’s just… Fifteen years I lived without her. And now, no matter where we live, she’ll be gone a lot. It just feels like more stolen time. And honestly, I hate the idea of it.”

  “So, why are you pretending to be happy about it? That doesn’t seem fair to you or her.”

  I scowl at him again. “I’m not pretending. Mind your own fucking business.”

  He chuckles. “Hmmm, Nosey doesn’t like the taste of his own medicine, huh?”

  “I’m not nosey. I’m in charge. There’s a difference.”

  “Okay. Whatever you need to tell yourself.”

  I open the back of my truck and Stone lifts his suitcase into the open rear compartme
nt and for the first time I notice that his luggage is hot pink.

  “You just shattered my illusion of you as badass Dr Indiana Jones with that Legally Blonde inspired luggage set.” I lift his other case into the back and close the trunk.

  “It’s easy to spot in the sea of black cases. And Eva bought it for me, so…” He shrugs but smiles at the mention of my niece before he walks round to his side of the car.

  If I could have handpicked a partner for my sister, it would have been this man. He managed to do what I couldn’t – get close to my notoriously hard to read brother, Tyson and get Regan to trust him enough to let him share her burdens.

  I start the truck and he reclines his seat as far back as it’ll go and with a loud, long yawn, he closes his eyes. I give him a once over and notice he’s sporting a short beard instead of his normally clean-shaven jaw. Despite how tired he sounds, he looks tanned and well rested. “You look like you’ve been on vacation. Good trip?”

  He smiles but keeps his eyes closes. “Man. It was better than vacation. They’re doing really good work there.”

  “Hard to leave?”

  “No.” He sounds defensive and a frown replaces his relaxed expression.

  “Are you sure?”

  His eyes pop open and he stares at the roof of my car. “Yeah. Or…” he bites his lip. “Actually… I don’t know.” He shakes his head and closes his eyes again. “Never mind.”

  Intrigued now, I turn the music off. “Come on, you know you can tell big brother Remi anything.” I cajole and nudge his shoulder.

  He opens his eyes, rolls them, but doesn’t say anything. But by the time we pull out of the airport parking lot. His knee is bouncing.

  “If you can’t sit still, you have to tell me. It’s obvious you want to.”

  He blows out a harsh breath and runs a hand over his scruffy chin. “I haven’t even told Regan yet.”

  “Well, who better than to practice on than her twin?”

  “You can’t say anything until I’ve had a chance to tell her,” he warns.

  I hold up my right hand. “I swear.”

  He brings his seat up so he’s at the same angel as I am. “They offered me a job with the foundation.”

  I reach a hand over to pat his shoulder. “That’s great.”

  “No, it’s not. It’s in Baja.”

  “And? You guys love it there. And isn’t that the kind of job you’ve always wanted?”

  He shrugs and shoves a hand through his hair. “It was. I thought so, anyway; But, I can’t take it. Regan and the kids love their lives here.”

  I scoff. “They love you. And the kids are young enough, especially the twins, to adapt quickly.”

  “But Eva… She’s a tween and she’s so into her drama club. And she’s got her first little crush.”

  I grunt my disapproval. “I hope you’ve shut that shit down.”

  He shakes his head. “You know as well as I do that’s the fastest way to make sure she decides he’s a hill she’ll die on. And it’s not like she’s going to marry him. Do you even remember the name of the girl you liked when you were your twelve?”

  “Yup -Kal.”

  He groans. “Bad example. And it’s not about him. She’s got a life. She and Bianca are best friends. Look how they cried like they were dying when Eva and the boys went to see their dad? If by some miracle Regan wanted to go, if Eva didn’t, what would we do, then?”

  “She could stay with my mom or with her dad—”

  He shakes his head vehemently. “Regan wouldn’t want to live without her daughter. And I’d never ask it of it her. It’s dead in the water. I’m not taking the job.”

  He sounds completely certain, but I know Stone. The fact that he’s even talking to me about it means it’s weighing heavy on his mind.

  “So, this thing at Confidence and Hayes’ tomorrow…” it’s his turn to change the subject and my turn to let him.

  “What about it?”

  “Are you ready to spend Christmas Eve with Lucas and Gigi versus Tina”

  I laugh. “You make it sound like a WWE event.”

  “Well, according to Regan last time they saw each other, it almost was.”

  I shrug. “My mother’s over it.”

  “And what about you?”

  “I’m fine,” I answer honestly. “It’s not his fault and there’s no point holding a grudge against him. He’s trying to get to know us and I want to get to know him. I’m more worried about — ”

  “Tyson.” He finishes my sentence.

  I sigh and run and over my chin. “I pressured him into coming tomorrow and now I feel like shit about it.”

  “He wouldn’t come if he didn’t want to.”

  “I’m not sure that’s true. I know he wants the world to think he’s a selfish bastard. But he’s swallowed a lot of his own wants for this family.”

  “Because he loves you guys. Whatever the reason, they are his choices.”

  “I guess. But, now he’s applying for this position in Paris. And I can’t help but think it’s because he wants to get away from us and not because he’s trying to make a strategic career move, as he put it.”

  “Paris isn’t exactly a work camp in the Gobi Desert. The distance will give him some perspective. Don’t worry about him. He knows how to take care of himself.”

  Stone is closer to Tyson than anyone else is, so I take comfort from how sure he sounds.

  “Man…You in Mexico, Tyson in France. I’m about to find out what it’s like to be in Rivers Wilde without both my siblings.”

  He snorts. “I’m not taking the job.”

  I don’t say anything in response. But he wants this job, and when that becomes clear to Regan, she’ll want it for him.

  And I’d be happy for them, but God, I’d miss them. We’re twins and have been close our whole lives. We’ve lived apart before, but I’ve gotten used to her being here.

  I love watching our kids are growing up together and knowing she two streets over and safe in the house she and Stone share.

  When we pull off the exit to our Rivers Wilde, I check the time and realize it’s been an hour since I talked to Kal. I dial her cell and it goes to voicemail.

  “Hmm.” I frown at my phone.

  “What’s wrong?” Stone asks.

  “Kal said her phone was dying. But she should be back in her room by now.”

  “Maybe it’s charging and off.”

  “Maybe.” I scroll through my call history and hit the number for the hotel.

  A chirpy woman answers before it even rings. “Thank you for calling the Ambassador Hotel, Atlanta, how may I direct your call?”

  “I’m trying to reach a guest, Khalilah Wilde?”

  “Just a second.” The keyboard clacks on the other end. “I’m sorry there’s no one here by that name.”

  “It’s Wilde with an e at the end,” Stone interjects.

  “Oh, sorry, let me look at again,” she says and puts me on hold this time.

  “That happens a lot when I call hotels for Regan,” Stone remarks absently.

  I only nod, my grip tightening as I wait for her to come back.

  “I’m so sorry, sir. I can’t find anyone by that name.”

  I exchange a surprised glance at Stone and try to ignore the way my pulse speeds up. I grab my phone and scroll to the text message she sent me when she arrived.

  “She’s in room 1030.”

  “Oh, okay, let me see…one second, yes. I see her now. I’m sorry about that.”

  I breathe in relief. “Can you connect me?”

  “Well, the reason she wasn’t coming up in my search with her name is because she checked out this morning.”

  “I know. But she checked back in when her flight was cancelled.”

  “Maybe she chose another hotel. We don’t have a guest by that name here now.”

  “Oh. Okay...” I respond woodenly as my mind races with questions and worry.

  “Sorry. I hope you find her. Ha
ve a good day.” I hang and replaying the conversation I had with her when a horn behind me startles me. I wave an apology to the car behind me and move through the green light.

  “Siri, give me directions to the Ambassador Hotel in Atlanta Georgia.”

  “Siri, ignore him.” Stone says and grabs my phone.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I snap. “Put the phone back.”

  He shakes his head. “Look, I get why you’re worried, but before you do whatever you’re thinking about doing, give her a chance to call you back.”

  “Fine. She’s got as long as it takes me to drop you off at home.” And then I hit the gas and drive like a bat out of hell.

  Chapter 5


  Home Is Where We Are.

  I’d bet my life that it’s just a misunderstanding. I don’t know Kal as well as I know Remi, but it’s plain as day that the woman is as in love with him as he is with her. But every time I tried to assure him of that, he became even more agitated. So, I left it alone, formulated a plan and texted Regan to tell her what I needed her to do. When we pull into the driveway ten minutes later, even Remi’s dark mood can’t dampen my excitement.

  I’ve had a yearning for adventure my whole life. I never imagined that anything could be more seductive than the pull of all the things I’d yet to discover. But nothing beats the singular thrill of returning to the house Regan and I call home firm in the knowledge that the four people inside are as excited to see me as I am to see them.

  I’m not get all the way out of the car when Martinez bursts through the front door, running at top speed, the wind whipping his dark curls, his face alive with joy as he lets out a whoop of excitement and launches himself at me.

  He wraps his arms around my neck in a too tight hold. But who needs oxygen when I’ve got him?

  “Tu m'as manqué, Dad,” he whispers, and my heart and lungs expand. It never fails to humble me that Dad is the singular English word he uses.

  I hug him back. “I missed you too, Ace.”

  Henri piles on, talking a mile a minute and clutching me just as tightly as his twin brother.


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