The Conflicted Maid of Honor (The Conflicted Love Series Book 2)
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Table of Contents
Title Page
The Conflicted Maid of Honor (The Conflicted Love Series, #2)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
This book is a work of fiction. Except where noted, names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.
Lillie’s Flowers & Phillip Publishing
Copyright 2018 by C.L. Wells. All Rights Reserved.
As permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written permission of the copyright holder of this book, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review.
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Cover design by @germancreative
Edited by Carol Davis and Alex McGilvery
Connect with Sharon Sue Thorn
Amazon Author Page
The Conflicted Maid of Honor
“Color me delicious,” Sammie said as she adjusted herself in front of the mirror to ensure her girls were symmetrical in the plunging neckline of her stark white crop top. Much better. After a moment of wondering whether she should save this outfit until she was on the ship, she decided to keep it on. She had plenty of other cute wardrobe options to show off her ... assets. —Not that it would matter.
Running through the checklist Jenny had given her, she confirmed she had everything she needed for the trip. She zipped up the last bag and set it next to the door beside her full-sized suitcase, purse, and backpack. She still couldn’t believe Jenny and Owen were having their wedding on a Caribbean cruise, but she was ready to be by her best friend’s side as Jenny married the man of her dreams.
Hopefully, Jenny’s super-rich fiancé had invited at least one or two single friends along. A little companionship to fill her spare time was in order. No way was she going to be the fifth wheel. Jeff and Molly, Owen’s best friends, were likely to be chained to Jenny and Owen the entire time.
Sammie rolled her eyes. While she was ecstatic for her friend, she still was not accustomed to Jenny being in a relationship, which cut drastically into their time together. In fact, she’d only seen her best friend once in the last two months. She felt dumped.
Leslie, Sammie’s cousin, was supposed to come along to share her cabin. But no, she couldn’t take a week off from fighting with her husband to come and have a little fun. So annoying.
Jenny had promised to see what she could do about inviting a few single prospects, but she’d encouraged Sammie to enjoy some time to herself. Really? As if she hadn’t had plenty of that since Mr. Hot Fiancé had entered the scene and stolen her best friend. But whatever. At least she wouldn’t be bored, considering everything the cruise had to offer. Certainly, the ship would have a spa, right? Jenny had specifically told her to take advantage of all the amenities, and Sammie planned to do just that. They were paid for, so why not?
“Oh, hell!” Sammie sighed. Pulling her dark curls into the messy bun she knew accentuated her profile, she glanced out the window again, looking for the driver to arrive. “Where are you?”
Is this how the excessively rich live? Always waiting on a ride?
Pushing the thought away, Sammie chided herself for being flippant and jealous. Really, she could have just driven herself to the airport. It wasn’t that far, and it would have been less awkward than making conversation with some chauffeur she didn’t even know. Heck, she could have driven herself to Texas, for that matter—worn her comfy sweats, played her music loud, and run out of gas on the highway because she was broke with a capital B. She always got her bills paid, but she’d borrowed from her parents to have cash for this trip. With everything else happening, there was no way in hell she was going to be the needy friend.
The sound of tires on gravel drew her from her thoughts. Scooping up the backpack, she threaded her arms through the straps and then grabbed her purse and placed it over her shoulder. Letting the travel bag hang from her forearm, she pulled the retractable handle on the suitcase up. Sufficiently loaded down, she marched out the door. A warm breeze greeted her, tousling her hair. Leaves swirled in the air and fell at her feet.
“Miss, let me take those for you,” the chauffeur said as he rounded the rear of the shiny black limousine. He looked to be a sturdy man in his fifties. “My name is David, and I’ll be your driver.”
“Thank you, David,” Sammie beamed, already enjoying the royal treatment.
“You’re welcome.”
He took the travel bag from her forearm and reached for the suitcase next. The trunk appeared to open automatically, seconds before he reached it. After he’d placed the two pieces of luggage in the trunk, he asked for the backpack. Sammie felt like a dork as she shrugged out of the straps. It had only taken a few seconds to see the appeal of being catered to, never having to lift a finger. But she felt awkward just standing there while he loaded the trunk, so she pulled the limousine’s door handle to hop inside.
It was locked.
“Patience, miss.” David grinned at her.
“Sorry,” Sammie said.
David moved around her, pulled on the handle, and the door opened immediately. Sammie raised an eyebrow, and David’s eyes brightened with humor. Turning his arm to expose his wrist and palm, she saw a thin device worn like a bracelet, with a piece that dipped to his hand. The markings were similar to those on a key fob.
“Huh!” Sammie placed her hands on her tiny waist. “Well, aren’t you just a regular Spider-Man.”
David burst out in laughter, but then teasingly chided her. “I’m not supposed to lose my composure, young lady.”
“Tsk, tsk,” Sammie said. “Life is boring if you’re always composed.”
“That it is. And I’m sure you’ve caused many to lose their composure, haven’t you?”
“Oh, you know it!”
David closed the door and then slid into the driver’s seat.
“Whoa!” Sammie exclaimed, looking around her.
The window behind the driver’s seat slid open. “Is everything to your liking, miss?”
“It’s nicer than my apartment.” Sammie’s eyes widened at the chilled wine that waite
d in a polished silver bucket filled with ice. Four glasses hung upside down from a permanent fixture. She ran a hand over the butter-soft bench seats, which curved gently in the center, then grabbed the bottle of wine by the neck and held it up. “I can share!”
“No, miss. I don’t drink and drive.”
Sammie looked at David’s reflection in the rearview mirror and could see the crinkles at the corners of his eyes. He was smiling. “I was kidding, and you can call me Sammie.”
“Not Samantha?” he asked.
She feigned a glare and found the button to close the window.
David held up one hand in protest. “Sammie it is.”
Sammie smirked and opened the window again.
“I’ll deliver you to the airport precisely one hour from now.”
“I’m not a package, David.” Sammie rolled her eyes and then smiled. She felt a sense of accomplishment in being able to make David laugh. She likened it to getting a reaction out of the palace guards in England. Not that she’d ever been there.
“You are precious cargo, my dear,” David said.
“What a charmer you are!” Sammie winked when she met his eyes in the mirror, then scooted around the seat so she could peer at his hands. “I see a ring. Lucky woman. I bet you treat her like a queen.”
“That I do. She deserves it.”
Chapter 1
A soft, salty breeze made the wayward strands of Sammie’s hair tickle her face. She inhaled, welcoming the familiar scent.
“Photo, miss?” A young man held up his camera. “With the ship in the background?” He pointed at the cruise liner as if Sammie might have not realized it was there.
“Okay, since you called me ‘miss’.” Sammie had only recently started freaking out about her age. While she’d very much enjoyed the single life she’d led so far, parties weren’t as fun as they’d once been, and the guys she’d met weren’t as interesting. She’d even cooed at a baby at Walmart the week before! The pudgy cheeks and fat little feet had gotten to her.
Ugh, she thought suddenly. She didn’t have a maternal bone in her body, and she had no idea why she’d even gone there.
“Smile, miss,” the photographer said. A light flashed as he snapped the photo of her.
After standing in line, producing her paperwork, and getting another photo taken—this time by the cruise staff—Sammie was officially on board, with a pink multipurpose wristband in place. The clerk explained that it would give her access to her cabin, the pool, the casino, and the spa as well as make purchases in the shops. Sammie thanked him and walked away.
“Miss Finch,” the clerk called after her.
Sammie spun around. “Yes?”
He lowered his voice. “As a guest of Mr. Kaine, you have unlimited spending.”
“Sweet.” Sammie wanted to be excited, but she had reservations about this trip. Not that she planned on sharing them with Jenny. She was there for her best friend and would do her maid of honor duties better than any maid of honor in wedding history. But the fact that she was the only one coming alone sucked.
Out of nowhere, someone squealed and bumped into Sammie. She lurched forward as arms wrapped around her and squeezed. “You’re here!”
Sammie laid a hand over the two that were linked in front of her, locking her in a vise-like grip. She laughed, and her dark mood instantly fell away as she leaned back against her best friend. “I’ve missed you so much.” Twisting around, she wrapped her arms around Jenny’s neck, and they swayed from side to side.
“Totally a girl thing,” a male voice said.
Sammie and Jenny stopped to stare at Owen. Jenny rolled her eyes. “I’m sure you and Jeff do the male equivalent,” Jenny said, snickering.
“Yeah, I bet you guys have the bro hug thing happening,” Sammie said, balling her small hand into a fist. “Yo, Jenny!” she said in a much deeper voice.
Jenny instantly fell into character. “Sammie!” she said, adding bass to her voice and then hooking a thumb into the pocket of her jeans. “Gimme some dap,” she said brusquely, touching her other fist to Sammie’s. They gave each other a half-hug, bumping shoulders.
“How’s it hanging, yo?” Sammie asked, thumbing her nose.
“Oh, please,” Jeff said. “At least we’re not like...” Jeff cleared his throat and spoke in an exaggeratedly high pitch. “Owen!” he called out as if his friend were on the other side of the ship instead of standing right next to him. He fluttered his arms to the side, prancing the few steps to Owen.
“Jeffrey!” Owen said, picking his friend up like a bride and swinging him around.
“What on earth is going on here?” Molly joined Jenny and Sammie, stepping between them.
“Oh, they’re just making fun of us,” Jenny said, shifting her weight.
Sammie hit the camera button on her phone. “That’ll teach ’em.” Her phone flashed. “Oh, crap.”
Mid-spin, both men stopped. “Did you take a picture?” Owen asked, still holding Jeff in his arms.
“Possibly,” Sammie answered, intending to stay noncommittal.
“I want a copy!” Jeff said enthusiastically.
Owen put him down with a grunt. “You’re not missing any meals, man.”
All three women laughed and wandered away, leaving the two men staring after them.
“So, what’s first?” Jenny asked.
“Let’s go find a place to talk and catch up,” Sammie suggested. “They said it’d be a couple of hours before our cabins are ready.”
“Wanna go play mini-golf?” Molly asked. “We won’t have to wait long, since they’re still boarding passengers.”
Not really, Sammie thought to herself. But she didn’t get to voice her thoughts, because Jenny immediately agreed.
Sammie looked around the ship as she followed Jenny and Molly. It reminded her of a high-class casino on steroids. A golden spiral staircase curved from the lower level to the upper floors in a massive loft-style design. It was magnificent.
“Come on, slowpoke!” Jenny said, reaching for Sammie’s hand.
“I can’t stop looking around,” Sammie said. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”
“I know!” Jenny said. “I feel the same way. This is Molly’s fifth cruise, so she’s a pro.”
Molly smiled. “I love to cruise. This is the fanciest ship I’ve been on, though. This is way above our usual budget. Even Owen doesn’t usually go this crazy, though he can totally afford it.”
After a few minutes of wending their way through passageways and up a flight of stairs, they found the ship’s mini-golf course and signed in to play.
“So,” Sammie said as she chose a club, “other than being on this fabulous ship, what does the itinerary look like for us?”
“Honestly,” Jenny said, “there really isn’t one. We’re here to have fun. The cruise will be twelve days, and we’ll be married on the tenth day and helicoptered off to our honeymoon.”
Sammie’s stomach twisted. The last two days would be without her best friend, and she’d be on her own. Stop being selfish, she told herself. This was all about Jenny’s happiness, not her loneliness.
Molly led them to the first green. “Who’s going first?”
“You go!” Jenny said.
“I need to make sure I take care of all my maid of honor duties, since I couldn’t throw you a bridal shower at home,” Sammie said. “We need to rock this boat!”
Jenny giggled. “There are no duties! We’re going to have fun. We’ll have plenty of dinners together and hang out. Closer to the big day, the dress—which is your favorite color, by the way—will be delivered to your room. You’ll walk up the aisle with Jeff at the ceremony. That’s it. Owen only invited seven people. I invited two, but only you came.”
It took Molly three swings to get the ball in the hole. “Who was the other person?” she asked.
“Betsy, from the B&B,” Jenny said. “But she didn’t want to leave for that long. Understandable. Business is booming f
or her right now. End of summer. Weddings galore.” Positioning herself for her first swing, Jenny licked her lips.
“Oh, gosh, here we go,” Sammie snorted.
“What?” Molly asked.
“Jenny’s going to have chapped lips before we’re done if she licks her lips every time it’s her turn.”
“Oh, hush.” Jenny focused briefly and swung. The ball went directly into the hole. She let out a high-pitched squeal and bounced on her toes. “Hole in one!”
“So, you didn’t invite your parents?” Sammie asked.
Jenny instantly sobered. “Why would I do that?”
Sammie knew the entire story of the rocky relationship between Jenny and her parents, but she was getting married. “I thought maybe you’d let go of the grudge for this.”
Molly looked between them. “Your turn, Sammie.”
Sammie took her turn and cursed when it took five tries to get the ball in the hole. She wanted to flip the ball off but resisted. Taking the opportunity to change the subject, she said, “Now that Betsy is hosting so many events at her B&B, maybe one will pass through for me.”
Molly planted her feet shoulder-width apart, assuming her putter’s stance. Her brows drew in. “One what?” she asked.
“A man!” Sammie said.
“Interesting,” Jenny said as she scooched next to Sammie and shouldered her. “Is someone tired of partying too hard?”
Sammie shrugged, recognizing Jenny’s passive-aggressive comment. She’d mentioned Jenny’s parents, so Jenny had mentioned Sammie’s partying.
She’d told Jenny about her mishap a couple months before, when she’d passed out at a stranger’s home. Fortunately, it was her cousin’s friend. Nothing happened, but it had scared her.
“Not necessarily, but maybe I’m ready to have a steady man to party with. None of the guys I’ve met in the last few months were worth more than one date. Somehow, my strong personality has attracted the worst mama’s boys out there. I don’t want a guy I’ll have to send off to work like I’m sending a kid to school.”
Molly sank her ball on the second putt and pumped her fist. “So, what kind of man are you looking for? Jeff has a couple of single friends.”