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The Dragon's Fate: A Dragon Shifter Romance (Bluewater Coast Book 2)

Page 10

by Roxie Ray

  She definitely wasn’t ready for that.

  I walked her to her door and couldn’t stop myself from kissing her again. She was much tipsier now, and as soon as our lips touched, she melted against me. “Come inside,” she whispered into my mouth.

  Moaning and begging myself to do it, I pulled back. “I can’t.”

  She dropped her head to rest on my chest. “Probably a good idea considering I’m hosting a bunch of seven-year-olds for Hayden’s birthday party tomorrow.”

  I chuckled and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “You’ll need your legs for that. If I go in that house, your legs won’t be functional tomorrow.”

  Her eyes widened and she laughed into my chest, before backing inside. “Goodnight, Jace,” Bri said before shutting the door.

  My tattoo burned like a bitch, but I walked back to the truck with my new customary enormous smile on my face.

  It wouldn’t be long before I couldn’t resist claiming her. I had to get this show on the road.



  “Mom, stop,” Hayden called. She sat at the kitchen table, wearing a birthday princess sash and a big pink crown while she waited on her special pink birthday-cake flavored pancakes— My mother was spoiling her rotten. “You’re making yourself crazy and being weird.”

  I’d grabbed her baby book the last time I went by the house and had spent the morning going through it, as I did every year. And like every other year, it had me all choked up. An emotional hot mess.

  We were moving back into our apartment tonight after all the festivities. I had most of our stuff packed and ready to go, thus the morning of sweet torture and memories. I couldn’t believe how quickly time had flown by. “I’m not weird. All mothers are like this.”

  My mother looked at me and smiled before straightening Hayden’s crown. “I can confirm that’s true. I had a good cry last night about how I can’t believe you’re turning seven today.”

  Bianca laughed. “You’ve cried at every birthday I can remember.”

  Mom set the plate full of pancakes in front of Hayden. A big candle with the number seven sat on top. “Come sing, Bri.”

  Leaving the baby book on the couch, I joined them in the kitchen and started singing “Happy Birthday.” My heart was full of love and happiness as my girl blew out her candle. She was really happy here in Bluewater. I just prayed Damon would stay away and let his daughter be happy.

  When we finished singing and Mom served up the pancakes, the doorbell rang. I looked at my parents, and they had alarmed expressions on their faces. Bianca did as well. “Are you expecting anyone?” I asked.

  My heart froze in fear that it might’ve been Damon.

  Dad’s chair scraped the floor as he hurriedly got up to answer the door. I smiled at Hayden and tried to pretend I wasn’t freaked out, but my heart was about to beat out of my chest, and I wanted to scream in frustration and fear.

  Then, I heard Jace’s voice. Relief washed over me so suddenly, I slumped forward as I passed the syrup to Bianca. Jace followed my father into the kitchen, but if I hadn’t heard his voice, I wouldn’t have known it was him because he carried a present as big as he was.

  He set the giant stuffed panda in the doorway and grinned from ear to ear. “Happy birthday, Hayden!”

  The birthday girl squealed in delight and launched herself at the panda, which was dressed up in a birthday suit with balloons all over it. It was so big she didn’t even hit the floor when she collapsed on it, giggling in delight.

  “Where exactly do you propose I keep that?” I asked Jace with one eyebrow arched.

  He shrugged. “I didn’t think about that part.”

  I glanced at my mother who rolled her eyes good-naturedly. “He didn’t think about it.”

  If he had to live with a child and all their toys, he’d start thinking about it. But that wasn’t a very nice thing to say to someone who had already bought her a present this week. “Between your presents and my parents spoiling her with birthday pancakes, my girl is going to turn into a diva.”

  Smiling, I walked closer and put my hand on his arm. Electricity crackled between us. “Thank you,” I whispered.

  He winked at me before looking down at Hayden. “Here, this is Popo. He’s a stuffed version of a real panda. The money that was spent on Popo goes to help the real live Popo have medical care and things she needs to have a full, happy life.”

  I wanted to hug him tight for such a thoughtful gift.

  He handed Hayden a certificate. “This tells you about Popo, who is your panda now. You can go to the website and see the live Popo on a webcam. I watched her for a long time last night. She’s really funny and they say she’s going to have a cub soon.”

  Hayden jumped up and tried to drag Popo toward the stairs. “I’m going to get my tablet so I can watch!”

  “Hang on,” I called. “Popo will go home with us tonight, and you’ve got breakfast to finish.”

  She turned back and instead dragged Popo toward the table. “Right. Popo can eat with us.”

  Jace grabbed the enormous bear and helped Hayden settle it in a kitchen chair. “Sounds like a plan.”

  I had visions of trying to get syrup off of a ginormous stuffed bear. “Let’s settle Popo in the living room to watch TV,” I suggested, then finished in a whisper, “away from the syrup.”

  Jace winked and took her away while my mother distracted Hayden with chocolate milk. We sat at the table and Mom produced enough pancakes to feed Jace as well.

  “So, does this mean I’m the real Popo’s mommy?” she asked.

  Jace nodded. “It does. And one day, if it’s okay with your mom, we can go visit the real Popo.”

  Instead of getting more excited or thanking Jace again, Hayden burst into tears. We all jumped and tried to comfort her. "Honey, why are you crying?" I asked as I rubbed her back and she sobbed into my shirt.

  “I just love pandas so much,” she yelled.

  With a snort, I hugged her tighter. “I know you do, baby.” That was an understatement. She’d always loved them.

  After breakfast, Hayden ran off to play with Popo while we sipped coffee.

  “So, what are you doing here and how did you get the Popo thing set up in time?” I asked. I couldn’t remember if I’d even mentioned Hayden’s birthday to him.

  Bianca stood from the table and turned to walk toward the back door, but Jace ratted her out. “I ran into your sister and she told me more about the party, though you had mentioned it on Monday.”

  Bianca turned and gave me a sheepish smile. “I wasn’t totally sure he’d follow through, so I didn’t say anything.”

  “Well, I’m glad you did.” I smiled at Jace. “But you really didn’t have to.”

  He just shrugged. “I know, but Hayden’s worth it.”

  It took all my strength not to kiss his face off right here in front of my parents.

  My mother tittered around the kitchen and talked to Jace while I headed upstairs to help Hayden get ready for the day.

  Hayden buzzed with energy. “Mommy, when can we go see my panda?”

  I laughed and silently cursed Jace for telling her that part. Going on an exciting outing was the sort of thing to save for right before it happened. Or hold over the kid's head to achieve good behavior, but Hayden was an especially well-behaved child. I didn’t usually have to do that.

  “I promise, we’ll go soon, but right now we have to get ready for your party.”

  Her face lit up. Her attention had been distracted by the panda, but now she remembered she had a whole day of fun coming. Hayden was floating on air as I fixed her dark, curly hair. “I’m glad Jace is our friend.”

  My heart swelled, but I had to make sure she wasn’t just happy about the gifts. “He won’t be buying you gifts every week,” I cautioned.

  She craned her head to look up at me. “Duh. This is special because of my birthday. But he’s nice and makes you smile. You don’t smile very often.”

bsp; My heart somehow broke and swelled again, happy that she liked Jace so much and hurt that she’d noticed how down I’d been for the last few years.

  Jace was serious about spending the day with us. Hayden and five of her friends had a mini spa day scheduled at the salon. Manis and pedis, snacks, and juice pouches poured into little plastic champagne glasses. They had their little robes, and it was absolutely adorable.

  The moms stared at Jace because he was the only man there, but he didn’t seem the least bit bothered by catering to Hayden’s every need.

  One of the moms who I didn’t know very well asked me if Jace was Hayden’s dad.

  I was new in town, so I wasn’t familiar with all the moms yet. Hayden was biracial so if she and Jace were seen out together, it might be assumed that Jace was her dad.

  Lisa, sitting beside the mom, Georgia, shook her head. “Jace isn’t Hayden’s dad but I’m thinking he might wanna be.” Lisa and Georgia giggled and looked at Jace, who was admiring Hayden’s nails.

  “Stop,” I hissed at Lisa. “I don’t want to gossip.” I widened my eyes at her comically to try to show her I wasn’t mad, but there was something akin to envy on her face. That was surprising, since she’d been such a good friend to me. I made a note to keep an eye on it. Hopefully, it wasn’t anything but her wishing she could meet a guy too.

  After the salon, the party continued to the pizza place where Damon had confronted us.

  I presented the girls with a big bucket of tokens. I wasn’t smart about it. I should’ve waited until after the food to give them the tokens, so we had to wait while they ran around like wild turkeys and played games.

  I wasn’t surprised to find Jace helping Hayden, to get her the highest score possible on her games so she got a shit-ton of tickets.

  Lisa walked up next to me as I watched Jace spoil Hayden even more. “He’s a natural,” she commented. “What spell did you put on him to tame him?” Her tone was light but something else simmered under the surface.

  I laughed and shook my head. “If I knew, I’d bottle it and sell it to single women everywhere.”

  Lisa didn’t look too convinced. “Well, be careful. He’s known as a player.” I gave her a sharp look, but she just shrugged. “He gets around. He probably isn’t the type to settle down. Have you considered maybe he’s just putting on a show to get in your pants?”

  Damn. I turned and looked at the Bitter Betty. “I doubt Jace has any trouble getting ass, or that he’d go through all of this trouble just to tap mine when there are women who are salivating for him to just look at them.” I raised my eyebrows at her to let her know I had her number. I liked having her as a friend but not if she was going to be catty.

  Lisa’s face turned bright red as I whispered, and she refrained from saying anything else.

  Eventually, the girls ran out of tokens and descended on the pizza buffet. I served them cake and then Hayden opened her presents, which nearly succeeded in giving me a headache from all the girly squeals when she opened play makeup, dolls, and crafts.

  And then it was time to go home. Thank the birthday party gods. Hayden cashed in her winnings, and I wasn’t surprised by how many tickets she and Jace had accumulated. They made quite a good prize-winning team.

  They high-fived each other, and I had to remind my heart not to get attached. It was too soon to be feeling all this affection. But when Jace looked at me and then winked with this look of joy on his face. Damn it. It was too late. I wasn’t in the big L range, but I was pretty damn fond of the man, and it was becoming more obvious to me that I wanted to pursue that emotion.

  With my car full of our stuff plus all her birthday goodies, we headed to my apartment. Hayden was exhausted. “Mom, I wanted to sleep with Popo.” Her voice was whiny, but I didn’t fuss, because she so rarely whined. Some of my sixth graders whined more in one class period than Hayden did in a week.

  “I’m sorry, sweetie, but with all our stuff, Popo wouldn’t fit in here.” She frowned but didn’t press it. Since she dropped it, I threw her a bone. “We’ll go get him first thing tomorrow, okay?”

  She nodded and unbuckled her seatbelt. Jace had followed us home. “What’s the long face?” he asked when he spotted Hayden.

  “She wanted to sleep with Popo,” I explained.

  “I see.” He nodded and started grabbing bags to carry inside.

  “Go get ready for bed,” I told Hayden. “We’ll carry this stuff in.”

  Before she headed upstairs for her nightly routine, she surprised both of us by running to hug Jace. He looked at me with an expression of shock and heavy emotions.

  “Thank you for coming to my birthday,” she said in her high-pitched, sweet voice.

  Jace hugged her back. “It was the best time I’ve had in a long time.”

  Hayden beamed up at him. “Goodnight!” she chirped before rushing up the stairs.

  Jace and I stared at each other for a long moment. Something was happening between us that I couldn’t explain. My heart physically felt like it was being pulled towards him.

  Jace walked close to me. “What are you feeling?” he whispered as he cupped my cheeks. It was like he somehow knew or felt it too.

  I shook my head, because how could I explain a tugging sensation in my chest that stopped when he walked close?

  He didn’t press me for a response. Instead, he just kissed my forehead.

  “Whatever that feeling is, stick with it. It’s just the beginning.”

  I hugged him with my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat for a few moments. Though the desire to take him upstairs with me was strong, this connection we were forming was even better.

  When he pulled back, he smiled. “Thank you for allowing me to tag along. Lock up tight.”

  As he walked out the door, I had the strongest urge to ask him to stay.

  I got Hayden settled and as I was reading her a story, about a half-hour later, the doorbell rang. My heart froze. We’d nearly gotten through her birthday without hearing from Damon. Was this it?

  “Stay here,” I whispered, trying not to let her sense my fear. “Be right back.”

  I opened the hall closet and put my finger on the fingerprint sensor on the small gun safe. There were three in the house that would only open for my hand or my father’s. One here, one in the living room closet, and one in my bedroom nightstand. It was the only way I allowed them in the house.

  Gripping my nine tightly, I checked the peephole, but nobody was out there. Then, my phone buzzed in my pocket. Holding the gun with one hand, I checked my phone to find a text from Jace.

  Left a surprise outside your door. Lock up as soon as you get her in!

  Grinning, I put the safety back on the gun and opened the door.

  Popo tumbled inside.

  That man. That wonderful man.



  By the time I dropped Popo off, my heart was near to bursting. I went straight for clan lands and parked on Anthony’s property to shift.

  I hadn’t expected Hayden. All that she was and the way she just made me want to protect her, to love her, to be everything she could need.

  Kids, who knew they would affect me so easily? So deeply. How in the hell was my father able to look at his children and walk away from them?

  The thought made my chest burn something fierce. Even after all these years, it hurt. Not just for me but for my brother.

  Hayden wasn’t even mine, but I couldn’t imagine walking away from her and hurting her that way. It was a revelation I didn’t expect to feel, or at least not so soon. I’d gotten attached quickly.

  After a long flight under cover of the dark, I returned home and was surprised to find Sammy sitting in my living room. She’d been MIA for a while, and she looked damn tired.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  She waved off my concern. “It’s just the shift of the retrograde. It’s bouncing off my magic and making me angsty.”

  I didn’t know what i
n the world that meant, but I knew better than to ask.

  “So, to what do I owe the pleasure?”

  She grinned. “I can’t stop by to see a friend?”

  I raised a brow, which made her laugh and relax a little.

  At least she was resting now. I didn’t know what she’d been doing, but she needed a break. It couldn’t have been easy being a clan’s witch, especially with the unknown amount of power that Sammy possessed.

  “Take a seat. Lots to talk about.” She shifted around and got more comfortable on my couch. “I have to tell you something. I made a necklace for Hayden.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “I’m sure she’ll love that. I noticed she was wearing one today.”

  “A dragon?” Sammy asked.

  I narrowed my eyes and nodded.

  “That’s the one I made her. I had a vision of Damon, but it was shrouded. Unclear, but it was enough for me to know the kid needed some extra protection.”

  Her news put me on edge and angered me, both because Sammy hadn’t told me yet, and because that meant Bri’s asshole ex wasn’t out of the picture.

  She held up her hands. “I didn’t want to say anything until it was clearer to me, but I gave the necklace to Hayden as a precaution. The vision grew clearer today. That’s why I’m here now. Damon is coming for Hayden.”

  My dragon thrashed inside me as rage spiked.

  “Now, calm down. I’m here and not there protecting her because he’s coming for her legally. I sense some evil spirits around him, helping him build a case to try and get custody of Hayden. Bri is going to need you, because it may get ugly. You’ve got to be strong enough and ready to take that on.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, and I have absolutely no intention of letting anyone take Hayden away from her mother.”

  Sammy smiled and her eyes closed for a moment as if she was lost in thought. When she opened her eyes again, she looked relieved.

  “My visions are incredibly tricky. One simple act or decision can shift an entire vision’s ending.” She patted me on the shoulder. “You’re doing the right thing. Try not to worry.” She then tilted her head and grunted, staring off at my living room wall.


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