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Cam and the Conqueror: A SciFi Alien Romance (Alien Abduction Book 3)

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by Honey Phillips

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty


  Author’s note

  Cam and the Conqueror

  Alien Abduction Book 3

  Honey Phillips

  Copyright © 2018 by Honey Phillips

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author.


  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or people, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Design by Melody Simmons (

  Edited by Nikki Groom @ Indie Hub Editing services (

  Chapter One

  “I told you not to damage her.” The expressionless voice was so cold that a sliver of ice ran down Cam’s already trembling back.

  “We didn’t damage her. We just played with her a little,” the alien to her right protested. Cam bit her lip to bite back the furious protest. Played with her? Every inch of her body was sore and bruised, bite marks marred her breasts, and her bottom and inner thighs were covered with claw marks. The aliens hadn’t raped her, not quite, but they had done everything else their sadistic minds could envision.

  Aliens. She still couldn’t believe that she had been kidnapped by aliens—but the two massive figures who had captured her were definitely not from Earth. One minute she had been taking a quiet walk along the beach, the next she woke up naked in a dark cell with an enormous figure looming over her. She had kicked out and flinched away, only to discover that she was chained to the wall. The figure had slapped her across the cheekbone with a casual gesture that, nevertheless, sent her reeling back into the wall. As the tears cleared and her eyes adjusted, she got her first glimpse of the alien and her nightmare assumed horrific proportions.

  The alien was blue-skinned, with red eyes and a crest of dark hair running across the top of his scalp and down his back. His teeth were sharp and yellow and his fingers tipped with equally sharp, yellow claws. She had become frighteningly familiar with both over the interminable time spent in the cell. She had no way of knowing how long she had been there—the lights never brightened and there was no routine other than an occasional delivery of foul-smelling gruel and the all too constant presence of her captors.

  A short time ago, she had been freed from the chains—although they left the cuffs around her wrists and ankles—dressed in a brief white garment, huddled into a long cape, shoved down a ramp, and swept through a maze of corridors. Now she was standing in a blindingly white, bare room, flanked by her two tormentors, and facing a different alien. Something warm and disgustingly soft had been shoved in her ear and, for the first time, she could understand her captors—not that the conversation was in any way encouraging. Her cloak had been removed and cold seeped into her aching body through the flimsy dress. Each of her captors had a hand clenched painfully around one of her arms and she was almost grateful since she could barely stand.

  “That was not part of the agreement,” the cold voice spoke again, and she forced herself to raise her head to view the third alien. He was just as large as the two flanking her, but, unlike them, he was stunningly handsome. His skin was a warm gold which shimmered softly in the brightly lit room. No hair marred that perfection, revealing a strong, well-shaped skull. An open white vest revealed more gold skin covering the muscled perfection of his broad chest and powerful arms, while matching white leather pants highlighted equally muscular legs and narrow hips. For a fleeting second she caught his eyes, a bronze so light it was almost white, and she flinched as if he had actually touched her. Her head dropped and she swayed in her captors’ grip.

  “We brought her to you. Now pay up, or we’ll start looking for another buyer,” the alien to her right growled in response, but she could hear a note of uncertainty beneath the bravado. His hand clamped down even harder on Cam’s arm and she couldn’t prevent a soft gasp of pain.

  “I don’t think so.” The voice was no longer expressionless but full of menace.

  A charged silence filled the room and Cam forced her head up again, just in time to see the golden alien move with almost unbelievable speed. His hands dropped to his hips, a knife appeared in each hand, a flash of light reflected off each blade as they flew across the room, and two soft thuds sounded. She barely registered the sounds before a warm spray hit her from each side and her captors crumpled, taking her to the ground with them. The impact knocked the breath from her body as she landed painfully on one hip. She gasped and tried to roll and came face to face with a very dead blue alien, blood pooling around a knife blade buried deep in his throat. Unable to process what had happened, she extended a trembling hand and saw blood splatters across her arm. A sickening stench filled her nostrils, black spots appeared in front of her vision, and she descended into darkness.

  Kievan swore under his breath as he crossed the room to the prone bodies. He should have known better than to trust this mission to such an unreliable pair, but they had been available, fast, and cheap. Apparently, they were also incapable of following directions. He removed his knives from the dead Derians’ throats and wiped them clean before returning them to his belt. Turning his attention to the female, he lifted her carefully, angry all over again at seeing her small figure sprawled between the two large bodies. Her body jerked as he lifted her but her eyes didn’t open. Gently, he pulled her closer, tucking her head into his neck. She breathed deeply a couple of times, sighed, and then her body relaxed against his. Despite the obvious mistreatment she had suffered, her delicious floral scent teased him as soon as he stepped away from the dead men. Holding her carefully, he studied her features.

  Beneath the dirt and the wounds, she was exquisite. Long dark lashes lay against softly rounded cheeks and her lips were ripe and luscious. A wild tangle of red-gold curls fell down over her shoulders. In spite of her small frame, her breasts were plump and inviting, tipped by rosy peaks visible through the thin slave gown, and the soft curves of her ass were a promising warmth against his arm. His groin tightened as the combination of her enticing scent and his detailed survey had the inevitable effect on his body.

  Sublimating his desires with practiced discipline, he kept her cradled in his arms but fingered the communication pad on his belt to summon his assistant. J’Ssett entered the room moments later, his gaze taking in the woman nestled in Kievan’s arms and the two dead bodies without a change in expression.

  “Dispose of the bodies. Impound their ship, wipe the logs and remove any trace of their previous destinations, and put the ship up for sale at the next auction,” Kievan ordered.

  “Very well, my lord.
” J’Ssett bowed his head briefly before his eyes flicked to the female. “And the woman? Her room has been prepared.”

  “She has been injured. I will take her to my rooms.” The words were out of his mouth before he considered them, but as soon as he spoke he realized that he was not ready to relinquish his prize yet.

  “Do you wish the doctor to attend her?”

  “No,” he growled, an instinctive reaction to the idea of another male in close contact with his female. He clenched his teeth as he realized that he had reverted to acting like a typical possessive Sardoran male. Giving in to his instincts was unacceptable, not only because of the unpleasant reminder of his heritage but because they would interfere with his plan. With more effort than he anticipated, he modulated his tone. “The wounds are superficial. I will take care of them.”

  J’Ssett bowed his head again and left without further words. One of the many reasons he appreciated J’Ssett was the fact that he never wasted time on unnecessary conversation. Kievan followed him out of the room and through the security veil to the passage leading to his private quarters. His rooms were dim and he kept the lights low as he laid the female on the white silk covering his bed. She still hadn’t stirred but her pulse was strong and he decided not to try and wake her. Stripping the slave gown from her body he was momentarily distracted again by her beauty. The gown had not concealed much but she was even more delectable naked. Unfortunately, her nudity also revealed her wounds in more detail and a snarl rose in his throat as he took in the bite marks that covered the white swells of her breasts. He had killed the Derians much too quickly.

  Pushing aside his anger, he brought damp cleansing cloths from his bathroom and proceeded to clean her delicate skin. Still unconscious, she didn’t respond to his ministrations. When she was as clean as he could make her without running water, he smoothed healing gel across her many wounds. As he massaged the green gel into her breasts, her nipples hardened and for the first time, she stirred restlessly. He studied her face as his fingers gently rolled the taut peaks but her eyes never opened. Her delicious scent intensified and he let his fingers drift lower as her legs parted, surprised and delighted at the wet heat he encountered. Stroking a careful finger though her damp folds, he watched in fascination as her hips arched into his hand and a soft moan parted her lips. Her eyelids fluttered but remained closed.

  Increasing the pressure on her nipple with one hand, he circled the swollen bud of her clitoris with the other hand. Another moan escaped her and he almost matched it. His shaft pressed painfully against his pants. He was tempted to take her immediately but he preferred his partners to be conscious. Of course, that didn’t mean he couldn’t continue to play. He twisted her nipple slightly, swept his thumb directly across her clit, and she shuddered and came, convulsing against his hand.

  For a brief second, her eyes flashed open, startlingly blue against her dark lashes, but they immediately closed again and he felt a fleeting pang of regret. She sighed and her whole body relaxed into the mattress. Amazing. Kievan had no idea that she would be this responsive. Training her would be remarkably rewarding—and necessary, he forced himself to remember.

  He removed his thumb and smiled as she sighed again at the loss. Reaching for a throw to cover her sleeping body, his eyes caught on the wrist and ankle cuffs. Cuffs were acceptable, but those provided by the Derians were not. The Derian cuffs were easily removed, although he scowled at the red marks they left behind. With more healing gel rubbed into the marks, he opened his private safe to look for replacements. A set of wide gold engraved bands met his eye. They would be perfect against the creamy paleness of her skin, and yet somehow, they didn’t seem quite right. He brought them back to the bed anyway but hesitated as he noted how inflamed her wrists and ankles were. Decision made, he set them aside until he could come up with more appropriate signs of his possession.

  Covering her with the blanket, he moved to the desk set up in one corner of the outer room. He could work and keep an eye on her at the same time. When she woke up, it would be time to begin.

  Chapter Two

  Cam stirred sleepily and nestled deeper into the warmth surrounding her. A wonderful spicy scent filled her nostrils and she felt warm and relaxed, languid pleasure softening her muscles despite the terrible dream she had had. Dream? As the memories surfaced, her body tensed and her eyes flew open to see a large expanse of heavily muscled chest covered by textured, golden skin. On the positive side, she was no longer chained to the wall of a dark cold cell. Instead, she could feel a soft mattress and even softer sheets beneath her body. On the other hand, she was not alone in the soft bed but pressed closely—very closely—against a warm male body. Cautiously, she tried to slip free but the strong arms curved around her shoulders and hips immediately tightened. Unable to break free, she could only tip her head back far enough to see the beautiful alien from the previous day looking down at her.

  A jolt went through her as their eyes met. He had the most remarkable eyes—shaped like a cat’s and colored a warm honey gold. As she looked more deeply into his eyes, she could see swirls of bronze in the gold, swirls that darkened and spread as she stared at him. A smile curved one corner of his mouth and she was unhappily conscious that both of them were completely naked. By the feel of the hard length pressed against her stomach, he was quite satisfied with that fact. Panicking, she pushed at his shoulders but he held her easily. His smile broadened enough for her to see very white, very sharp teeth and a glimpse of fangs.

  “Only just awake and already ready to play, my pet? What a delightful surprise.”

  His voice was mocking and she scowled and struggled harder. “I’m not your pet.”

  With a soft laugh he rolled, pinning her to the bed beneath his massive body but keeping enough weight off of her so that she could breathe. Her body shivered with a feeling that was not entirely fear as his warm mass settled over her.

  “Oh, but you are.” He ran a finger down her cheek and across her bottom lip in a gentle touch at odds to the cool mockery in his voice. “You are whatever I say you are—and you would do well to learn that lesson immediately, my pet.”

  “I am not your pet,” she repeated. “You don’t own me.” Cam struggled against his hold but her efforts only rubbed her nipples against the smooth warmth of his chest and rocked his enormous cock harder into the soft flesh of her stomach. An unwilling ache started between her thighs and she bit her lip as his eyes darkened completely to liquid bronze.

  “Since I bought and paid for you, I do own you. And unless you want me to take advantage of that fact immediately, I suggest you stop wiggling.” His voice was no longer mocking and she froze in place. He owned her? The thought terrified her but fear made her defiant.

  “I don’t see how you could have paid for me since you killed the aliens who kidnapped me.”

  His brows snapped together. “Would you have preferred that I left you with them? Or left them alive so that they could go back and get another human of their own to play with?”

  “No,” she whispered. She wouldn’t wish her experience on anyone. At the reminder of her ordeal, she suddenly realized that she no longer hurt all over. Startled, she tried to look down at her body but only succeeded in rubbing against her captor. He growled and she stilled, her eyes flying to his face.

  “I’m sorry. I just realized that I don’t hurt anymore and I was trying to see if I was still bruised.” She hurried to explain before he got any ideas.

  He regarded her face for a long moment then dipped his head in acknowledgement. “You still have some marks but the healing gel I applied took care of most of your wounds.”

  “You applied?” This big aggressive male with his mocking voice had taken care of her? His lips curled at her obvious astonishment and she realized that he had a much too attractive smile. She shifted her attention quickly from his smile but remembered her manners. “Thank you.”

  “I believe there are better ways to show your gratitude,” he murmure

  Before she could react, his head lowered and his lips met hers. She gasped and he immediately took advantage of the opening and slid his tongue into her mouth. As soon as he did, her senses exploded. He tasted incredible and he took possession of her mouth with a demand that she couldn’t resist. Her body melted beneath his and she managed to free an arm enough to curl it around his neck and hang on as she lost herself in the intensity of his kiss. Her nipples tightened until they throbbed in time with the ache between her legs. By the time he lifted his head, she was breathless and dazed, barely able to open her eyes enough to see the burning intensity in his gaze.

  “Wow,” she breathed. His eyebrows rose but before he could respond, a soft gasp sounded from one side of the bed. Their heads turned in unison and Cam saw a slender purple woman standing next to the bed, her head bowed.

  “I apologize if I interrupted you, Lord Kievan. I was scheduled for this morning.” The woman’s voice was soft and melodic, almost bird-like. Cam examined her curiously, noting the long arms and legs and the slender, but definitely female body, only too clearly revealed by the sheer sarong that tied on one shoulder and fell to mid-thigh. A cloud of white hair fell to her shoulders and moved slowly around her face. As the woman finished speaking, she raised her head but kept her eyes lowered. Her delicate features were alien but extraordinarily beautiful, with huge tip-tilted eyes and a gently curved mouth.

  “I have other plans. You are dismissed.” His voice was cold once more and Cam thought she detected a flash of something in the woman’s eyes before she meekly nodded her head and left the room. As soon as the door closed behind the other woman, she turned back to the man on top of her but he was already rolling away. Completely uncaring of his nudity, he stood up and moved across the room, letting her unwillingly admire every inch of his magnificent body. The golden perfection of his skin was not completely flawless. He had an intricate tattoo spread across his upper back and even from the bed, she could see the white etchings of a number of old scars. Pulling on a long silken robe, he turned to face her.


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