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Cam and the Conqueror: A SciFi Alien Romance (Alien Abduction Book 3)

Page 10

by Honey Phillips

  As soon as they were through the door, Kievan turned and pinned her against the wall, holding her there with the hard weight of his body. Shocked, she stared at him.

  “Don’t flirt with the guards,” he warned.

  “I only smiled at him,” she protested.

  “Don’t,” he growled.

  He looked so angry that she slid her hands up his chest and curved them around his neck.

  “Don’t worry, honey,” she said softly. “I know I belong to you.”

  It was the right thing to say. She felt the tension leave his shoulders and he dipped his mouth briefly to hers before he stepped back. Her attention turned to his office. It was, of course, large and impressive. The usual white was accented by pieces in a honey colored wood that looked rich and expensive. A massive wooden desk and surrounding chairs dominated one end of the room. At the far end of the room, a comfortable seating area with a couch and two more chairs was arranged on a carpet in soft shades of white and gold. Behind the couch was a curtained wall and she headed in that direction.

  Kievan watched Cam wandering around his office like a curious linae cub and released the last of his anger. The possessive jealousy had flared so suddenly at the sight of her smiling at another man that it had taken him by surprise. He knew it was irrational, but he had been taken completely off guard. He wondered again if it was a mistake to bring her here, but he hadn’t wanted to leave her.

  As he watched, she ran her toes through the osihu skin carpet, then smiled and dropped to her knees to stroke the long strands.

  “It’s so soft,” she said delightedly. He had a sudden vision of her naked on the carpet, the strands caressing her body each time he entered her, and he had to close his eyes to fight down his body’s immediate response. It was definitely dangerous having her here.

  Walking to the carpet, he pulled her to her feet, led her to the window and opened the curtains. His office was on the outside of the station and she gasped as the vast expanse of space appeared. He put his arm around her shoulder, pulling her close and watching her face as she stared out the window. From here they could see the enormous rings that circled the upper part of Sigrast, connected by long, spoke-like passages to the central cylinder that made up the majority of the station.

  “What are those?” she asked.

  “The bottom ones are mainly for food production. The upper one contains lodgings and some very expensive restaurants.” He hesitated. “I’ll take you there one day.”

  “Really?” Her beautiful face lit up and she turned to him, sliding her arms around his waist. He returned the hug, enjoying the feel of her soft body almost as much as he enjoyed seeing the pleasure on her face. Reluctantly, he loosened his arms.

  “I have work to do, sweetness.”

  “Okay, honey,” she whispered, but she held on to him for a long second before she let go.

  Walking back to the desk, he positioned a chair where he could keep an eye on her and ordered her to be seated. She curled up in the chair, still smiling at him, and he handed her the reading screen and learning headset.

  “Continue your lessons,” he ordered.

  “Yes, Master,” she said obediently, but he could tell she was pleased. He stroked her cheek and turned to his own business.

  J’Ssett entered the room almost as soon as he was seated.

  “Captain Bagusim is ready to ssee you, my lord.”

  Kievan glanced at Cam, hesitated, then nodded. “Send him in.”

  The captain of his guards entered and stood at rigid attention in front of his desk. Kievan saw the man’s eyes flick to Cam but the captain kept his face impassive. Good. He paid the man well to be both observant and intelligent. The captain’s report was brief and comprehensive. Kievan approved the hiring of an additional squad and dismissed him.

  During the meeting, Cam kept her eyes and her attention on her reader but as soon as the door closed, Kievan felt her eyes on him.

  “Yes, pet?”

  “Are all your guards the same race?”

  “Mostly. The Dhalgroll are smart, loyal and excellent fighters.”

  “As good as Sardorans?” she teased.

  “No,” he answered curtly.

  She ignored his response and continued thoughtfully. “They certainly look intimidating. In fact, they’re so ugly, they’re almost cute.”

  “Pet, unless you want a demonstration of just how good a warrior a Sardoran can be, I suggest you stop discussing other men,” he growled.

  Her eyes widened but she immediately put down the reader, came to him, and curled into his lap.

  “Are you always this jealous?”

  “No,” he answered honestly. His hands tightened on her shoulders. “But I keep what is mine.” For as long as I can, he added silently.

  She smiled and wiggled closer, pressing kisses into his neck until he relaxed and sent her back to her chair.

  The rest of the morning passed peacefully. Twice Kievan sent Cam into the conference room next to his office while he met with various business people. Once he kept her with him but made her kneel silently at his feet during the short meeting. The rest of the time, she curled in her chair. Other than considering dragging her to the rug every time she shifted and her enticing scent reached him, he managed to keep his mind on business.

  When lunch arrived, he gave in to temptation and pulled her onto his lap to feed her.

  “You know, I can feed myself,” she said.

  “I know. I like to do it.”


  He considered the question. He had fed slaves before, but not often and usually only as a lesson or a precursor to some sexual experience. With Cam it was different. Feeding her, fulfilling such a fundamental need, satisfied some primal urge in him to provide for her. The way he would provide for his mate. The thought popped unbidden into his mind.

  She was still looking at him, waiting for an answer. Instead he kissed her until she was breathless and trembling, and had completely forgotten the question. He was tempted again to take her on the rug, but the afternoon was not going to be pleasant and he didn’t want that in the aftermath of their love making. Instead he added kisses, lots of kisses, to the menu, enjoyed the feel of her sweet body nestled against his, and tried, unsuccessfully, to keep his erection under control.

  After a particularly gratifying kiss, which included his hand on her breast and her hand on his cock, he finally lifted her gently to her feet. Her eyes were heavy with desire but she focused quickly when he handed her one of the tablets from the pile on his desk.

  “Can you read this?” he asked.

  She studied it thoughtfully. “Yes. It’s mainly numbers and I understand most of the words. What is it?”

  “Records from one of my merchants. Look through it and tell me what you think.”

  He turned back to his desk but he studied her from behind his screen as she took the tablet and curled up in her chair. He saw the moment she realized what she was seeing and could barely suppress an unexpected surge of pride. Even more impressive, she checked twice before approaching him, a frown on her face.

  “What do you think?” he asked.

  “The goods ordered are consistently ten percent over the goods sold. Unless he has a warehouse where he is accumulating unsold goods, he is under-reporting sales.”

  “Exactly. He owes a percentage on the sales and he seems to think that I won’t notice the shortage.”

  “You knew?” Her brows drew together. “Were you testing me?”

  “Yes, my pet.” He laughed at her disgruntled expression. “If it makes you feel any better, it took my staff much longer to catch on.”

  “What happens now?”

  “I am going to punish him.” The chill in his voice filled the room and he saw her pale.

  “How?” she whispered.

  “His punishment will fit the crime. He is waiting in the outer office now. You don’t need to be here when he faces me.”

  She shook her head franti

  “Wait for me in here.” He led her into the conference room, curling his hands around her cold fingers before he left her.

  When he went back for her, his office had been restored to its usual pristine order but she was still pale. He wondered if she had heard the man scream. Lifting her stiff body on to his lap, he pulled her close and waited for her to relax. His own tension eased when she finally sighed and curled closer.

  “What did you do to him?” she asked after a long silence.

  “Do you really want to know?”

  She nodded hesitantly. He sighed. “Very well. I took one of his hands.” Her body tightened again. “Does that seem harsh to you?” he asked.

  She nodded again.

  “Little flower, look at me.” He waited until she lifted her head and met his eyes. “I am the only law on Sigrast. If I am seen as weak, no one will respect that law. I fought that battle once, and I don’t want to do it again. He has been punished but he is still capable of making a living. His punishment will be known. If anyone considers breaking one of my laws again—whether it is cheating on their taxes or attacking an innocent person —they will remember this punishment and, hopefully, they will reconsider. Do you understand?”

  She looked at him and he waited patiently, trying not to reveal his trepidation. It shouldn’t matter, but he did not want her to think of him as a monster. Finally, she nodded.

  “An eye for an eye.”


  “An old Earth code of law—a punishment to fit the crime.” She hesitated. “Do you have to do this often?”

  “Not anymore,” he answered honestly. “When I was originally establishing my control over all of the factions vying for power, it was a frequent occurrence. Now, the knowledge that punishment will be swift, harsh, and appropriate is a great deterrent.”

  She nodded again and cuddled back into his arms. With a relieved sigh, he gathered her close.

  Chapter Eleven

  The next morning, Kievan took Cam to the office again. He liked having her there but he also intended to put her to work. She was still flushed and glowing from an unusually long and creative shower. As soon as she curled up in her chair, her head hit her knees and her eyes drifted closed. He decided she could work later and turned to his screens.

  Some time later, the doors to the exterior offices opened and he looked up, expecting to see J’Ssett. Instead, Tael was standing in the opening. One of the highly paid courtesans that frequented the upper ring, she had amused him for a brief time. Now his former lover smiled lazily and sauntered into the room. A quick glance at Cam showed that she was still asleep. He moved in front of his desk, intending to get Tael out as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, she saw his coming toward her as an invitation and she moved closer to him until they were almost touching.

  “Lord Kievan,” she murmured. “I missed you.”

  He hadn’t even thought of her in weeks. While he usually preferred his own women, he had been amused enough by her pursuit to spend some time with her. He studied her, trying to decide what the appeal had been. She was beautiful—all his women were beautiful—and relatively skilled in bed, if somewhat mechanical. Her blue skin gleamed dark and perfect, highlighted by the tight-fitting white sheath. Her body was tall and slender but it no longer seemed appealing compared to Cam’s soft curves. In fact, nothing about her appealed to him any longer.

  Again she misread his intentions when he looked her over. Her lips curved into a seductive smile and one hand went to his chest, sliding down to hover suggestively just above his belt.

  “Get your goddamn hands off of my master.” Cam’s voice was low and furious as she pushed Tael away.

  Kievan groaned silently but kept his face impassive.

  “Assume standing position, pet,” he ordered. She hesitated for a fraction of a second before moving reluctantly into position, her face still furious.

  “Are you going to let your slave talk to me like that?” Tael demanded. “I insist that she be punished.”

  White rage immediately surfaced and she backed away as she saw his face.

  “You do not insist on anything. You will leave now.”

  “But, Kievan,” she started to protest then closed her mouth abruptly as he stalked in her direction.

  “You are no longer welcome here.” He opened the doors to let her out and she sidled through nervously. A quick glance at the outer chamber revealed that J’Ssett wasn’t present and one his staff had been screening visitors. That explained why she had been let in unannounced.

  “Tael is not allowed in my office,” he ordered. “Is that clear?”

  The underling nodded nervously. Ignoring Tael’s infuriated glare, Kievan added, “I am not to be disturbed for the next hour. I trust that is also clear?”

  He didn’t wait to hear the assent before shutting the door and returning to his disobedient slave.

  Cam’s eyes flew to his face. “Are you mad at me?”

  “Did I give you permission to speak?”

  Her lips tightened but she lowered her eyes submissively. “No, Master.”

  He leaned against the wall and looked at her, keeping his face in the expressionless mask he had perfected over the years. She hadn’t behaved correctly and, even if he appreciated the sentiment, he was going to have to punish her—for both their sakes.

  “Did you behave appropriately?” he finally asked.

  “No, Master.” Her head went down.

  “You realize that I’m going to punish you?”

  “Yes, Master.” He saw the shiver that rippled through her and he didn’t think it was entirely fear.

  He retrieved the pillow from behind the desk and dropped it to the floor at her feet. “On your knees.”

  She lowered herself gracefully to the floor.

  Standing in front of her he released his already swelling cock. Her eyes widened and then the lids went heavy.

  “Suck my cock,” he ordered.

  “That’s not a punishment, Master,” she whispered.

  His lips twitched but he bent over and whispered in a threatening voice. “This is just the beginning. Now do as you’re told.”

  “Yes, Master.” Her small, pink tongue darted out to wet her lips and he was no longer partially erect, he was completely stiff. Her hand closed around the base of his shaft and she drew her tongue slowly up the underside of the hard flesh. She swirled her tongue around the head. He was already leaking pre-cum and she licked it up with a dreamy look on her face.

  “Mmm,” she murmured, and he felt the sound vibrate through his shaft as she closed her mouth over the broad tip and drew him in. The sight of her ripe lips stretched around his straining cock was almost as exciting as feeling the wet heat of her mouth tight around his flesh. She played with the head for a long time, swirling her tongue over each sensitive inch, but as she became more aroused she started taking him deeper. Her mouth sank down to meet her hand as she stroked upward. Each time she pulled back, she increased the suction. He curved his hand around the back of her head, controlling her movements, and she moaned and sucked harder. He could feel her rubbing the hard points of her nipples against his legs and he could smell her increasing arousal.

  “Touch yourself, sweetness. But don’t come,” he ordered. She moaned again and the vibration shot straight to his balls. Her free hand slipped down between her legs and he watched her fingers eagerly working her swollen flesh. He kept the pressure on her neck, fucking deeper into her mouth until he could feel himself against the back of her throat. She choked slightly so he drew back a little but moved faster. Knowing that he was close, she increased the suction and lifted her wet fingers from between her legs and stroked his balls. He roared and exploded in her mouth and she sucked eagerly, swallowing every drop of liquid, then licking him gently until he released her head.

  His cock slipped free and she looked up at him, face flushed and heavy with arousal. Yes, she was ready for her punishment. He lifted her to her feet and
led her around the desk. As soon as he sat down, she started to drop to her knees at his feet. He shook his head.

  “Not yet, pet.” Reaching into the desk drawer, he retrieved a small, red object. “Do you remember this pet?”

  “Yes, Master,” she whispered. There was that look he liked—a heady mixture of fear and desire in those wide blue eyes

  “Now bend over my lap.”

  She quivered but bent forward obediently. Today she was wearing a short, clingy red dress and he pulled it high over her waist, enjoying the sight of her creamy white ass against the red material. Her ass was soon going to match that color. He stroked the soft flesh gently, relishing the feel of her skin under his hand. He spread her legs and ran his fingers through the wet folds. She trembled against his hand and he circled her clit lightly, teasingly, before sliding a thick finger into her tight pussy. She cried out and her muscles tightened. Perfect. He withdrew his finger, grasped the eldflaur, and pushed it deep inside her channel, holding it in place until he felt it start to heat.

  He held her firmly over his lap, watching as the eldflaur worked on her body. With each wave of heat, her skin flushed and her body stiffened. As the wave resided, her body trembled. Little gasping moans were coming from her mouth. He timed the waves and just as the next wave hit, he brought his hand down hard across her ass. She screamed and came immediately. He didn’t make her count; he knew she wasn’t capable of the concentration required.

  He stroked her though the next couple of waves, her body so hot he could feel the heat through his pants, his aching cock burning from her fiery flesh. Four more times he spanked her, each time timing it to the wave of heat; each time she came. On the last stroke she barely moved because her body was so drained. But she had one more to go. He spread her legs wider and waited for the final wave. When it broke, he brought his hand down one more time and this time he landed between her legs. He tempered the stroke but it caught her directly on her swollen clit. Her entire body convulsed, her back arching so hard she almost broke his grip before she collapsed back across his lap in a shuddering heap.


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