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Cam and the Conqueror: A SciFi Alien Romance (Alien Abduction Book 3)

Page 13

by Honey Phillips

  Impatient for more, she left his lap long enough to release his pants and pull them off. He helped by toeing off his boots and lifting up enough for her to remove his pants, but other than that he was curiously passive for once, letting her set the pace. She pushed him down flat on the couch and crawled up between his legs. His cock was thick and swollen, the head already shiny with pre-cum. She cradled the heavy warmth of his balls and then drew one gently into her mouth. His body jerked again as she swirled her tongue around it before moving to the other. She buried her nose between them, breathing in his scent again, then licked her way up his cock. He tasted delicious, a spicy, musky taste which made her even more excited. Her tongue probed into the tiny slit on the broad head, seeking more of his juices.

  As she lingered over his cock, taking her time and enjoying every second, she noticed that his hands were clenched at his sides and realized how rigidly he was controlling himself. Her mouth closed around him one more time, taking him as deeply into her throat as she could, then lifting off in a long, slow, hard pull. Tremors skated across his skin. Unwilling to wait any longer, she crawled higher up his body, letting her nipples rub across every inch of skin along the way. She settled on top of him, raising herself on her arms so she could watch him. His eyes burned into her but he kept his arms taut at his sides. His massive cock spread her labia wide as she rocked back and forth, moaning with pleasure each time it slid across her engorged clit.

  Supporting herself on one arm, she lifted up and used her other hand to position the broad head of his cock at the entrance to her pussy. She pushed down and he slid up inside her a fraction of an inch. It felt so good she groaned and she saw his eyes close briefly. She pushed harder, sliding down an inch at a time as she impaled herself on his hard flesh. By the time he was lodged completely inside her body, she was panting and Kievan’s body was impossibly rigid beneath her. She knew he was letting her have control but she didn’t want it any longer.

  “Please, Master.” she whispered.

  That was all it took. His hands took her hips in a punishing grip and then he was lifting her high only to slam her down again and again, fast and hard, his cock rubbing against her with every stroke. She came immediately and fell forward, her hands clutching his shoulders as he kept pounding up into her shuddering body. He thrust upward a final time as he yanked her down even harder. She felt him press against her cervix as he exploded and she came again.

  His hands left her hips and his arms came up to hold her close. She nestled her head against his chest, warm and content, while he stroked her back in long soothing strokes. After a time, he rolled them to one side and her hands were free to return the favor, stroking his back and enjoying the feel of the strong muscles, still hard but no longer rigid to her touch. Each time she stroked across his tattoo, she felt his skin shiver slightly beneath her fingertips.

  “Is it sensitive?” she finally asked.

  “Yes,” he answered after a long pause. Curious, she wiggled free and pressed him down on his stomach she could take a closer look. The tattoo was beautiful, the intricate lines suggesting something but she couldn’t quite grasp the meaning.

  “It’s beautiful,” she whispered. “Does it mean something?”

  “Not anymore,” he said, and started to roll over. She pushed him back down and to her surprise, he let her. Her fingers traced the pattern and this time, she saw his skin flutter.

  “What did it mean?”

  “It’s a clan mark. All Sardoran warriors have the mark of their clan tattooed on their back. But I am Outcast; I no longer have a clan.”

  “Why didn’t you have it removed?”

  He shrugged but she didn’t think it was a casual reaction. “It can’t be removed, but I would never have tried anyway. It is a reminder of who I used to be. It’s a part of who I am now.”

  His body tensed for a long moment, then he rolled again. This time she couldn’t stop him and he kept going until he was covering her with his big body, his warm weight pressing against her. She smiled and slid her arms around his neck, her bracelets chiming softly. She loved the way this felt – safe, protected…together. He studied her, his face no longer expressionless but still unreadable.

  “There is a custom on Sardor,” he said slowly. “When a woman…belongs to a warrior, she takes his mark.”

  Cam stared at him, “You want to put your tattoo on me?”

  “It would be a smaller version. There is a device that will do it so it will be quick.”

  The warm feeling was back. “Yes, honey,” she whispered.

  “It’s quick but it won’t be painless,” he warned.

  “Then you will have to find a way to make me feel pleasure as well.” She smiled at him.

  “You wish me to put my mark on you?” he asked.

  The warm feeling grew. “Yes.”

  His forehead dropped to hers. “Thank you, sweetness.”

  Then he kissed her so long and so hard and so sweetly that she was crying by the time he finished.

  Cam’s dress was ruined, so Kievan wrapped her in an oversized towel and sent her back to their rooms to get dressed again. After a brief fight with himself, he sent Mikaroz to accompany her. Once the pair left, he went to his desk but instead of bringing up his screen, he studied his hands, trying to sort out his conflicted feelings. Each time he thought he could prove to Cam that he was not a good man, it didn’t turn out the way he planned. He wasn’t a fool; he knew she cared for him. The damnable part was that he liked having her care about him. He skated uneasily past the thought that he cared for her, too. He had tried to warn her that this wouldn’t—couldn’t—end well, but he knew she didn’t understand. And if he explained it to her, he would ruin everything there was between them. He dropped his head in his hands and barely suppressed a groan. He didn’t have any options and he was running out of time.

  He heard J’Ssett enter the office but he took a moment to compose his face before he lifted his head.

  “Yes,” he said impatiently.

  “There is a problem, my lord,” J’Ssett said. “I’m not sure how sserious it is but the man who approached Misss Cam yesterday is no longer in the holding cells.”

  “What?” Kievan stared at the other man. He couldn’t recall a single prisoner escaping the cells before.

  “Also, we have not been able to find any records of his arrival on the sstation.”

  That was troubling but not as unusual. The station was too big and the flow of traffic too constant to catch every person arriving and departing, especially if they slipped in with another group.

  “Make sure the guards have his description and increase the patrols. If he’s still here, I want him found. If he is found, bring him to me immediately,” he ordered.

  “Yess, my lord.”

  The small man turned to go but Kievan called him back.

  “I need a marking device with my clan symbol,” he said.

  J’Ssett’s face turned to stone. “My lord?”

  “You heard me.”

  “The prince might not approve,” J’Ssett said hesitantly.

  “I’m very sure he won’t,” Kievan answered. “But nonetheless, she agreed and I am going to do it.”

  J’Ssett’s eyes flashed directly to his. “She agreed?” he whispered.

  Kievan nodded curtly.

  “Very well, my lord. It will take a day or two.”

  “I need it as soon as possible. We don’t have much time.” Kievan’s voice was quiet. J’Ssett nodded and left the office.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Do I look all right?” Cam asked again. Before Kievan could respond, she turned to study herself nervously in the mirror. She was wearing a short, dark blue silk dress which clung to her breasts and midriff before flaring gently over her hips. The softly draped neckline only exposed the upper edge of her cleavage in front but dipped to the small of her back behind. The color brought out her eyes and accented the red highlights in her hair. Her hair had been smoot
hed into soft waves and her makeup was heavy and shimmery but didn’t hide the fact that her eyes were wide and panicky. For the first time she was going out into the station with Kievan, accompanying him to a reception for some visiting merchants and then to the fight pit.

  “Exquisite, little flower,” Kievan murmured. She felt his lips against her neck and turned to him with a grateful smile.

  “But perhaps a final touch or two…” He turned and picked up a small box from the nearby cabinet. She caught a glimpse of gold before he fastened something around her neck. Looking back to the mirror, she gasped in delight. A heavy gold collar rested just above her collarbone. Descending from the collar were multiple fine gold chains, each a different length and each tipped with a small diamond that caught the light and danced against her skin. She could feel longer strands whispering against her bare back.

  “It’s beautiful,” she whispered. “Thank you, honey.” She went up on tiptoes to kiss him. The kiss started off short and grateful but as soon as their tongues met, Kievan’s mouth turned hard and demanding. Cam melted against him, all thoughts of their excursion disappearing. When Kievan finally raised his head, he paused a minute to look at her, his face soft. He stroked her cheek with one finger and then the soft look disappeared.

  “You understand that you must behave tonight?”

  “Yes, Master.” Cam was only too aware that Kievan was taking a risk by allowing her to accompany him. Her submissive behavior must be perfect.

  “Then perhaps one more touch—to help you remember.” His face remained hard but his eyes heated.


  Without responding, he pushed down the front neckline of her dress until her breasts were exposed, cradled by the soft silk. His mouth closed over her nipple, drawing it deep with a pull that went straight to her womb, while his hand twisted her other nipple. Her back arched and her hands went to his head to hold him closer. Each time he sucked, she felt the corresponding pulse in her pussy. His mouth lifted, and cool metal circled the swollen peak and clamped down. Another spasm hit her aching clit as she felt the nipple ring lock in place. Before she could react, he flicked his tongue over her other nipple, already tight and ready from his fingers, and clamped the other ring in place.

  His hand moved to her arms and he stepped back to look. She followed his gaze. The dark blue silk framed the creamy curves of her breasts, still swollen from his attention, the engorged red peaks held captive by the gold rings. Her breath caught at the erotic sight. She shivered when he made no move to pull the neckline back into place.

  “Will you wear the dress this way?” he asked

  Fighting back her immediate protest, she whispered, “If it pleases you, Master.”

  “Very good, pet.” He smiled. “But I think you’re tempting enough without it.” He drew the neckline higher, covering her nipples, but pulled out the gold chain to nestle in the soft folds of the dress. He tugged it once, gently. A bolt of desire shot through her and she swayed toward him.

  “Later, pet.”

  He turned away to fetch her matching cloak and her eyes following him hungrily. For once, he had abandoned his standard white. Instead, he was wearing dark blue as well—tight pants which clung to the muscled strength of his legs and tucked into high matching boots, and an equally tight blue vest which stretched across his broad chest but left the tattoo exposed on his back. Heavy gold bands circled his massive biceps. He looked barbaric and powerful, and her mouth watered.

  As she watched him, her gaze went to the now smooth wall next to the bed. When she had returned to their rooms the day after the incident with Talasi, the golden play sculpture had been gone. The wall gleamed white, the only adornment the framed print she had bought in the Market. Of course the chains on the bed remained and Kievan was extremely creative about putting them to use but Cam didn’t object to those at all.

  The wall wasn’t the only change. All three of the remaining pleasure slaves were gone. Kievan had assured her that Talasi’s new master would take care of her. Sonda and Leeda had left as well, accompanying a party of Gliesh merchants back to their home planet. Cam missed them but they had been so happy and excited she couldn’t feel badly about their departure.

  She studied the scroll, her heart skipping a little as it did every time she regarded it against the bare wall. Her eyes went back to Kievan, now walking toward her, even more beautiful from the front because she could see his eyes. She bit her lip, fighting the temptation to throw herself into his arms. Her nipples throbbed a slow beat of desire but it was more than that, she wanted his arms around her, his big body surrounding hers. She didn’t even want to leave their rooms; she wanted to stay here with the man she loved.

  Loved? The thought blind-sided her, terrifying but settling into her bones with a sure knowledge. Her eyes filled with tears.

  “Sweetness. Is something wrong?” Kievan was in front of her, gently raising her chin so he could study her face. His was so soft that the tears almost over-flowed but she blinked them back and tried to smile.

  “Just scared,” she lied.

  He smiled at her. “You’ll be fine.” He bent to whisper in her ear, his voice low and deep. “And if you’re not, I get to punish you.”

  A shiver of desire slid up her spine and her nipples tightened impossibly harder.

  “Yes, Master.”

  Kievan placed the cloak around her shoulders and she followed him through the door.

  Cam stood at Kievan’s side, perfectly positioned, her eyes on the floor. They were standing to one side of a large reception chamber. The room was ornately decorated and filled with a bewildering array of aliens, all dressed to match their surroundings, but neither the room nor the occupants captured her attention. Her mind was still poking cautiously at the idea that she loved Kievan, probing the concept like a sore tooth, unable to resist exploring the idea. Logically she knew it was too fast, too dangerous, but it didn’t seem to make any difference to her heart. She reminded herself that Kievan had given no indication that he felt the same way—in fact, he had constantly reminded her that they would only be together for a limited time. She knew he could be hard, cruel, and arrogant. Yet she also caught glimpses of pain in him; a pain that matched the one that had haunted her since her mother died. And when she thought of the things he had done to make her comfortable, the way he held her every night, the way he felt inside her, she couldn’t repress the hope that her feelings were not entirely one-sided.

  Kievan nodded at the man he had been speaking to and moved away. Cam followed obediently. The movement made her conscious of the nipple rings and she fought the spike of desire as her swollen breasts brushed the soft silk of her gown.

  “Lord Kievan,” called another alien, halting their progress before immediately launching into a complaint about fuel prices. She shot a quick glance at him under her lashes, noting that he was large, green, and blustery before returning to her thoughts.

  “Very pretty. Very pretty indeed,” he said loudly.

  The words penetrated her concentration as Kievan drew her forward, resting his hand lightly on her shoulder, fingers playing with the golden collar.

  “Yes, I’m quite pleased,” Kievan said.

  “Is she available? I heard you were selling off your stock,” the other man asked, and Cam froze. Kievan’s fingers tightened almost imperceptibly on her neck but he shrugged casually.

  “You know me, Kauskip. I’m easily bored.” Kievan was using the cool, mocking tone he was so good at.

  “When you get bored with this one, let me know,” Kauskip said, and laughed heartily. He returned to his complaints. Kievan kept his hand resting on her as she forced herself to remain calm. The other man was so sure Kievan would get bored with her. Was that what he meant when he told her that they were only together for now? Could what she felt be that one sided? Her earlier sense of hope that he had begun to return her feelings faded.

  The conversation finished, they continued to circulate. Instead of sendi
ng her back behind him, Kievan kept her at his side, his hand on her shoulder—possessive but undeniably comforting. Unfortunately, the increased closeness and the warmth of his touch added to the constant arousal of the nipple rings and her body ached with need, distracting her from her thoughts.

  A loud, angry voice asked, “Is this how you punish disobedient slaves, Lord Kievan?”

  Kievan turned and Cam turned with him, remembering to keep her expression blank. She almost bit her lip as she recognized Tael. Kievan released Cam’s shoulder and she immediately stepped back into position. His eyes went to Tael’s face.

  As Tael met Kievan’s gaze, her face paled but she didn’t stop talking. “Now I understand. You didn’t want to see me any more because you are obsessed with a slave.”

  Several people were turning in their direction now. Cam maintained her pose and fought to keep her face calm.

  “I don’t want to see you anymore, Tael, because you’re a terrible fuck. You’re lazy and selfish. Neither your mouth nor your cunt satisfied me,” Kievan said coldly. Tael’s mouth dropped open.

  “On the other hand, my slave satisfies my needs quite well. She is very responsive.” He tugged on the nipple chain and the spike of pleasure pain went straight to Cam’s clit. She bit her lip to keep from moaning but she knew the interested spectators saw her response.

  “Also delicious,” he continued thoughtfully. It took every ounce of discipline she had learned to hold still while he reached under her dress and ran a finger though her soaking folds. He brought the finger back out and there was a murmur of appreciation as their audience saw her wetness coating his finger before he slipped it in his mouth and sucked it clean.

  “And far from disobedient,” he said. “If I tell her to go to her knees and suck my cock now, she won’t hesitate.”

  Oh god, would he really make her do that? Fighting back tears, Cam immediately knelt. She couldn’t—wouldn’t—challenge his authority in public. She tucked her feelings away behind the disciplined facade of an obedient slave. As soon as she knelt, he put his hand on her neck and pressed her head against his thigh but didn’t make any further moves.


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