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Monster: The Story Of A Maniac

Page 3

by Peter Cry

  The main pleasures, despite the not fully formed body of a child and the beautiful face that Jason valued so much, were hidden inside of Lily – her intellect and her soul. She was incredibly smart and resourceful. To avoid the worst, she sometimes played along and watched TV with the beast, cooked for him, told interesting stories from the past, and sometimes even laughed. Sometimes she was gentle and sweet, sometimes a playful girl with long white hair, then a teenage girl with a cropped hair, a bald, sickly, brother, or a sister who Jason raped – she was everyone he wanted her to be.

  It was terrifying when the beast could get satisfaction without touching either himself or her. He would spend hours cruelly whipping Lily as tears poured from her eyes. Strange, but she smiled, so tenderly and sincerely, asking for more. At such moments, seeing a wounded, fragile creature deriving pleasure from pain, Jason would fall into a state of virtual delirium – his head spinning, spasms running through his body, until, arching like a half-moon, exhausted, he finally fell on the bed. In that way, Lily could avoid more serious injuries or rape.

  The little grown-up girl had a new world, and she had learned everything about it. Above all, she knew how to survive. There was only one question left – why should she?

  “Who do you want to be today?” Jason asked.

  “A little bird, damn it! I want to be a fucking little bird! To fly the fuck out of this house through the bars and never come back. Or a huge dog to bite off your balls, and then eat you alive, tearing you into pieces."

  “Who will you be today?” he repeated louder.

  Lily twitched slightly and then found her composure.

  “Forgive me, I was thinking,” she replied, looking seemingly fondly at her interlocutor, but cursing him in her head. “You know, I don’t mind... All that matters is that you feel relaxed tomorrow. The rest doesn’t bother me.”

  “Have you seen the children in the basement?”


  “And what do you think?”

  Lily shrugged.

  “Beautiful... Unhappy... Frightened.”

  “Someday, Princess, you will get real pleasure from what is happening. You’ll stop pretending. And together we’ll enjoy everything that now disgusts you so much.”

  “Are you looking for my understanding?”

  “No... But sooner or later you will take the life of one of them… Or you’ll die yourself.”

  Lily got off the bed and walked back to the cupboard. Taking a wig from it, she playfully put it on her head.

  Slowly and in so feminine a way, she strode towards the black dirty thing named Jason.

  “Please, don’t get mad. I was just trying to make conversation.”

  The thirteen-year-old girl trying to be defiant, looked good with the long blonde hair. In the wig she seemed a brazen nympho, a Lolita that most men dream about.

  Sitting on Jason’s knees, Lily hugged him and looked into his eyes.

  “The wounds on my back have completely healed, daddy... I want new ones.”

  “Hmmm,” he grinned back.

  There was so much in his grin – hatred, excitement, disgust, servility... All of his abomination.

  “You’ll have new wounds, Princess. You definitely will.”


  Jason was in an abyss. He could see neither the ceiling nor the floor. In absolute darkness, analyzing only the silhouettes, he felt his body, wet and electrified, pulsating in response to each hit. Naked, he walked around the house, ran from one floor to the other as if he were high. He spoke to himself and murmured. Suddenly, his head exploded, and he found himself in a parallel universe, where he was inside and outside a shuddering body of an alien. It sobbed, burned, died, took on different colors, crackled and was bathed in tears.

  Hit... Another blow. Not strong enough.

  “Wrong sound! Impure!” he shouted. Then he laughed and strangled himself, choking, rolling his eyes, dissolving in the suffering of another person.

  “Are you scared, bitch... Are you scared?”

  “Yes,” came the wheezy reply.

  The floor, walls, bed vibrated, everything began to melt. Nausea… A bit more, and he would vomit or cum. Just a bit more…

  The monster jumped up and ran through the haze on a soft surface – tender, pink, warm, wet. Trampling what was below him underfoot, he hears a scream, smiles, and tramples again. Deep breathe, so deep. He freezes and bends... He exhales with a barely audible growl.

  Like sand in an hourglass, an evil black mass spills over the entire surface of the bed, floor, ceiling. It fills all the available space.

  Looking down from above, he saw an empty place, nothing he should pay attention to, or reckon with. There was nothing there, under him. And if there was, he would surely feel or know about it...

  “I am dissolving... flesh,” a whisper responds.

  Was it said by Jason or someone else? It didn’t matter. What was important was that the flesh knew that it wasn’t there anymore, wasn’t visible, like dough was being torn and molded, and that’s all. It didn’t exist anymore...


  Jason opened his eyes. A pleasant fatigue ran through his body. Twilight and peace reigned around him. A clock standing nearby showed half-past three in the morning. What the beast called its soul, felt incredible completeness, pride, and relief from the strain fetters of tension and exhaustion.

  Oh no, that wasn’t a dream... That was a hell of a night. A few hours of endless pleasure, a veritable waterfall of pleasure. With an incredible element that was worth living for.

  “This time Lily was more than good,” the contented beast thought. “I wonder if she’s survived... Probably not.” Suddenly a picture popped up in his memory, half-fantasy, half-reality. Howard removes a limp, immobilized body of an incomprehensible color, reminiscent of a stewed vegetable.

  Standing up, Jason yawned and stretched with pleasure. He had no desire to sleep anymore.

  Climbing out of his bed, in the darkness, he went to the computer and turned it on. Three monitors came to life, and within a split second, the path to the Deep Web was opened. A place where you can be yourself and not be afraid of anything…

  For most users of the Deep Web, the hidden part of the Internet, represents filth, dirt, rottenness, and criminality – everything that the open world, with its fading rules and morality, does not accept.

  The dark side of the Internet is simplistically considered a mysterious and scary place. In fact, this is a gigantic interactive crazy home for losers and psychos – criminals and perverts, and for a small bunch of users, who constantly talk about freedom and rights, endless hacker attacks that have never harmed anyone, or changed anything. The name of that bunch is Anonymous.

  Jason knew everything about the Deep Web. That is why he did not endow it with a halo of mystery. Silently, he thanked the creators of Google and other major search engines for the fact that their products do not index and search specific sites, as well as the content published there. He also thanked the inventors of Tor and I2P for the statement that their goal was to create a free network. Jason highly appreciated their powerful contribution to the creation of a drain hole, called Deep Web, which became a workspace for him and his kind.

  Users of the dark side of the Internet could be divided into several categories. The first and the most numerous one consists of the voyeurs and curious who stop by to watch the scary pictures and videos that network stalkers liked to discuss. The second group are those who dare to connect their lives and fantasies with this collector of manure – perverts, conspiracy theorists and other people who have a sick inner world. There are those who want to see a dead girl lying in a coffin, or pictures of people killed tragically. Others are about to join the ranks of the secret society “Cicada 3301” and, finally, expose the world conspiracy of reptilian beings, whose headquarters is in the Area 51 on the far side of the Moon where the Americans have never landed. Some pretend to be cannibals, although they would faint from the sight of thei
r own blood. Others are simply playing intellectual games, creating grotesque videos with mannequins, dolls, meaningless sound pictures and photographs, playing with smoke and mirrors, producing videos that leave you feeling dizzy, or even damned. There are also those who sell drugs and weapons through the Deep Web. But the volume of drugs and weapons traffic on the hidden Internet is nothing compared to what is done every day under the cover of special services without involving complex interactive communication tools.

  And finally, the most important and well – paying group that regularly spends time in this cesspool – the pedophiles. They, like many others, naively believe that the Deep Web gave them complete security and immunity, but this is a big mistake. The fact that the special services, police structures and the most civilized governments of the whole world have not united in a concerted effort and conducted a world-wide raid to expose all the abomination hidden in the Deep Web, including pedophiles, does not mean that they cannot reach them. It means that they just don't care. It’s okay if someone smokes a little meth, buys a gun for self-defense, or jerks off to a three-year-old child being raped. Roman Polanski fucked a thirteen-year-old girl, and nothing happened. He lives in Paris, gets Oscars.

  The Deep Web was created for the sake of expediency because everyone has their own weaknesses. If you have a storeroom, drag your son into it, rape, beat him, film it on camera, share with your friends, calm down and get on with your life. There’s no need to stress out the broad masses with shocking content, because suddenly, due to some moral degenerate, the authorities would need to do some genuinely demanding work, rather than punishing easier targets for smoking pot, or engaging in a cheap blowjob on the highway.

  The Deep Web is overrun by pedophiles and products for them. Even some domestic celebrities and stars turn up in this trash heap.

  There is a legendary item on the Internet called “Daisy Destruction”. In that video, a one-and-a-half-year-old Asian child was allegedly raped and killed. People say that a teenage girl, also of Asian appearance, took part in that crime. She helped the rapist to torture the child to death. A set of homegrown experts, who know everything about their trade, decided it was a doll and that the setting was just another scam for losers. Peter Scully, a fifty-two-year-old Australian living in the Philippines, was arrested on February 20, 2015. He was the author of that video. And, as it turned out, the “plastic doll” had a name, parents, and very painful, terrifying death. Most interestingly, the wizard Scully named his company, that allegedly released the movie, “No Limits Fun”.

  Jason understood perfectly what was behind that name – fun, unrestrained, and real. He also was aware that he needed to be careful not to repeat Scully’s fate as the United States still had the death penalty. His business could not go on forever. After the current climax with the abduction of five children at once, he would have to scramble after hitting the jackpot... Philippines, Thailand, Russia, Ukraine... No matter where. He just had to be close to the biggest markets of pedophilic services.

  The statistics of missing children from those regions are terrifying and the figures continue to grow year after year. When you look at photographs in the section “Missing child”, you get amazed at the beauty and pleasant appearance of the victims. You do not have to be brilliant to understand why kidnappers choose the most beautiful children. It should also be clear that if children disappeared without a trace, and there is no news from them for years, it means that the system is perfectly configured – that there are lots of actors, and those poor kids were followed for several weeks or months before it happened.

  Two-thirds of pedophiles are interested in underage boys. Therefore, products of that kind are distributed in the corresponding proportions. Jason followed the trends and what the market wanted. He sold hundreds of videos and photographs to a small number of people who were twisted enough to masturbate to incredible bloody scenes but never dared to stain themselves with children's blood. They had enough money for such expensive videos but could not molest a child themselves, yet they could place an order for a murder captured on camera.

  Jason’s clients included politicians, businessmen, fathers of numerous children, clergy, young handsome people, and those attracted to the same sex. But most importantly and interesting was that ardent fighters with pedophiles were also among them...

  Jason shot his videos only for the money. He didn’t really like to work with his head or hands. Digging in the field didn’t bring significant earnings. The irony was that he could not spend his funds freely, which were hidden in Internet accounts all around the world, otherwise, he would have to explain where he got them from. That is why the treasure chest, a figure followed by six zeros, was waiting for its finest hour, and it was just about to arrive. After that, there would be no videos, only an intense life with no tomorrows or yesterdays, only here and now.

  Was Jason always like that? Of course, he wasn’t! But curiosity mixed with brutality and impunity had made him so at a young age. He had once come across a video on the Internet where the Soviet pedophile Anatoly Slivko dismembered boys, chopped off a leg with his axe, cut off the tip of a foot with his saw, and put a boy’s head in a noose. Jason could not stop watching how the victims struggled and died from asphyxiation. Jason was deeply affected by how Slivko, acting with so much tenderness, removed a lifeless body from a tree, or took the hands of a child away from branches so that the boy could not pull himself up. The monstrous awe was hypnotic and thrilling.

  Surprisingly, the video was not on the Deep Web but could be watched in the public domain. For example, it could be found on YouTube even though it was impossible to spot a female nipple there. Jason adored the world that was fantastically fair to him and others of his kind. The world approached the mentally ill compassionately. They had to be treated because they were not to blame for being born that way – something had gone wrong with the genes and brain structure. It’s a pity that all the smartest people in the did not face up to the fact that Jason and people of his kind simply loved violence, someone else's pain, tears, and to observe defenselessness being tormented.

  No one had raped or tortured Jason when he was a child or broken his psyche. He grew up a beloved and confident child, in a normal family. There was no particular philosophy to blame, nor shift in his thinking. Quite simply, like all pedophiles, he just wanted to fuck a child. Why? Because it felt good, damn it! And millions who have tried, shared his view.

  Jason replied to the new mails, sent some previews of pictures with terrible images that a healthy psyche could not stand, and went to sleep. Tomorrow he had an important day of hard work, so he had to be prepared for it. Before falling asleep, the exhausted, busy bee suddenly thought how complicated the life of a pedophile was those days, and that it was getting even harder.

  Most people do not even realize that there is nothing in common between the age of consent and the age of majority. For example, in civilized Argentina, you can fuck from the age of thirteen, and in Austria, Germany, Italy and, not surprisingly, the Vatican, from fourteen.

  In other words, having arrived in sunny Buenos Aires, an affluent forty-year-old can get acquainted with a thirteen-year-old girl, or a boy, take them under his wing, invite them to a restaurant, give them flowers, gently hold their hand, and then fuck them, without any problems. And if a thirteen-year-old in Argentina or fourteen-year-old in Germany calls the police, the case will be considered not as child abuse, but as a rape. After the restaurants and flowers, you’ll have to prove that it was rape, and not consensual, and therefore not legal sexual intercourse between a thirteen-year-old child and a forty-year-old man. Shove that up your asses, bitches...

  “I wonder why the Vatican set the limit at fourteen if all the men there are supposed to be celibate?” Jason thought.

  Who if not the Vatican and its enlightened inhabitants are supposed to understand pedophilia? God bless those holy men with their choirs of chaste boys!

  “And it’s extremely strange why you can st
ick a dick in your mouth at the age of thirteen-fourteen, and cigarettes and beer only from eighteen and twenty-one respectively...”

  Jason smirked and fell sound asleep...

  Chapter 3

  Putting on his gray terry bathrobe, Howard jumped out of the small dark bedroom and hurried up to the kitchen, trying to win some time to cook breakfast before his beloved neighbor woke up.

  Placing a frying pan on the fire, he took out some bacon and a dozen eggs from the fridge, knowing that the morning table charged Jason for the whole day. After cracking the first egg, Howard heard how the door on the first floor was opened and closed.

  Jason quickly went down from the second floor, peppy and fresh, as if he had got up at least an hour ago.

  Howard examined him from head to toe. He was wearing a red plaid shirt, old blue jeans with saggy knees and a pair of comfortable sports shoes. Rolling up his shirt sleeves to his elbows and putting on a baseball cap, Jason smiled coldly.

  “I'm going to town now. It didn’t work out yesterday. I need to buy some black plastic wrap. The old stuff is torn. Is there anything you need?”

  “But you didn’t have breakfast.” Howard was upset.

  “I’ll have something in the town, don’t worry, my friend,” Jason said, patting his neighbor on the shoulder and heading outside.

  After walking about thirty feet along the green morning grass, he stopped next to a tall old willow. Its branches almost reached the ground.

  Turning around, Jason looked at Howard, whose eyes always followed him to the garage.

  “What's in the news?”

  “Nothing... Parents have appealed to have their children returned. Cops are messing around in one place... FBI has been hooked up.”

  “Those are dangerous beasts,” Jason thought. “It was way easier with the children of drug addicts.”


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