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Defining Darkness (Royal Bastards MC Tampa Chapter Book 1)

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by K E Osborn

  That will never work.

  “I’ll do what I can, Eva. I’m sure Ivy’s being taken care of. Remember, she’s special. So, whoever has her will be taking care of her.”

  Fucking asshole.

  “I hope so. I can’t stand to imagine her being hurt.”

  “How ‘bout this? I will put Void on the case to see if he can track her down and get him to give me daily updates. If we find anything, I’ll let you know?”

  Next level asshole.

  She slides in against me, cuddling into my side. I smell her arousal the closer she gets, my cock presses against the seam of my jeans. Wrapping my arm around her shoulders, I pull her closer to me, wishing I could slide my head between her thighs to taste what I smell because that shit’s driving me fucking crazy.

  “Thank you, Nycto. I don’t understand why you took me, but maybe I’m a little bit thankful you did.”


  “I’m thankful I did, too, Chiquita. I wish I could let you roam the clubhouse. I really do. You’d fit in so well out there, but until I trust you…”

  “I’m in lockdown.”

  “Yeah. It’s for your own good, Eva.”

  “I get it. I really do, and I want to be able to say you can trust me, but the second I see a phone or an open door, my instincts will kick in. I won’t be able to help it. I just miss Ivy so much. It’s my job to protect her.”

  “At least you’re being honest with me. Though even if you weren’t, and we let you out, then you tried to run, there’s no way out. You’re stuck on the grounds of this compound.”

  She swallows a nervous lump down her throat. “Good to know. So, I think it’s time we had a heart to heart. You need to tell me some things about you.”

  “You want to have a deep and meaningful… with me?”

  She crosses her legs, sitting taller on the bed. “C’mon, I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”

  Rolling my shoulders, I exhale. “How about you tell me yours first.”

  She groans. “Man, you’re locked up tighter than a chastity belt.”

  I smirk as I slide up the bed next to her, and we get comfortable. “So, in Cuba, it was just you and your sister?”

  The cheekiness on her face falls. “Si. My parents were killed in a car wreck when I was eighteen. Ivy was sixteen. Legally, I become her guardian.” A somber expression crosses her face. “We were in the rear of the car when it crashed. A truck came out of nowhere. My dad didn’t have time to brake… our car slammed right into the rear of the truck.”

  Eva sniffles, so I pull her closer to me.

  “Mom and Dad were killed on impact. Ivy and I were taken to the hospital with injuries... I’d broken my leg and dislocated my shoulder, but my leg was an open fracture, so I needed surgery. Ivy had internal injuries and needed her spleen removed. She also had a broken arm. We were in the hospital for ages. Then, when we were finally discharged, it was to a whole new life. We didn’t have parents... so I had to take care of everything.”

  She exhales, sinking further into me. “Ivy was so young, but she held herself together well. Sometimes she had to pull me together. We kept each other strong. We made it through together. I don’t know how she’ll be coping without me.”

  I had no idea they had been through so much.

  For Eva to offer that information up so freely means I’m earning her trust. God only knows how. Maybe Trixie’s mommy porn has helped. I have no clue, but either way, understanding this part of the sisters’ story only makes me more inspired by them.

  “You’re both strong women. You’re holding it together well here, Eva. I’m sure Ivy’s holding on just as strong… wherever she is. You guys will be together again. I’m positive she’s fighting just as hard to be back with you as you are for her.”

  She sniffles again, inhaling deeply, then scrubs at her face. “So, now you’re familiar with my back story, there’s got to be one hell of a story coming my way from you?”

  I tense. Only a few people have heard my story of why I am the way I am. I’m sure she’ll view me differently. I’m not ready for that. I need her to see me as this strong alpha male she thinks about while finger-fucking herself. The moment she hears the fucked-up mess I am, it will change her perception of me. The way she sees me, the way she talks to me. I don’t want that. I like the way we are now.

  I press my lips to her temple. A tingle shoots all the way down my spine. I clench my eyes closed as I embrace her. She cuddles into me further, but I slowly pull away and edge toward the side of the bed.

  Eva’s eyebrows furrow as she exhales. “You’re leaving?”

  Standing, I turn to her confused face. “I think it’s best.”

  Hurt crosses her features as her eyes droop. “Did I say—”

  “You did nothing wrong, Chiquita. I’m not good at this stuff.”

  Her puppy-dog eyes quickly morph into anger. “Conversations?”

  “Emotions. I’m sorry about your parents, I really am. I just—”

  “Don’t want to open up to me,” she grunts.

  I rub the back of my neck. Hole in one.

  “I’ll ah… come back later.”

  “Fine! You let me spill my heart out to you, then you take off like it doesn’t matter,” she sasses.

  I glare at her. “It matters! Of course, it matters. You’re stronger than I ever could have thought you would be. I’m the weak one here, Eva. It’s why I need to go.”

  “Wait, what?”

  “I’ll find somewhere else to sleep. Have a good night, Eva.” I turn, walking for the door.

  “You’re leaving me alone in here? When will you be back? Nycto!” Her desperation’s only making this harder.

  I get to the door when something slams hard into my back. I spin around as a book falls to the floor with Eva standing, arms folded, glaring at me. “You’re going to walk out on this because you’re fucking scared?”

  Flaring my nostrils, I grunt, “I’m putting distance between us because it’s needed.”

  “El coño!

  Gritting my teeth, I glare at her. “Call me a pussy all you like, Eva, it doesn’t change the fact we need some space.”

  Her top lip curls. “Says you.”

  “Yes, says me. I’m the motherfucking president of the Tampa Royal Bastards MC, so what I say goes. You got that, Chiquita?”

  “Get out!”

  I throw my hands up in frustration. “I’m fucking trying to. Jesus, woman.” I yank open the door and go to walk through when another book flies toward me. I slam the door shut just in time for the paperback to pelt against the door. The bang resonates through the other side of the woodgrain. I shudder, thrusting the key in the lock.

  “Fucking stubborn, beautiful, obnoxious angel.”

  Her audible groan echoes from inside, and I imagine Eva throwing herself onto the mattress in a huff. A slow smirk crosses my face as I turn to walk down to Ivy’s cell. More to catch up with my VP, but also to check in on the mental state of Eva’s sister.

  I bet she’s doing better than Eva, and I know I’m the cause of all Eva’s problems.

  Good going, asshole.

  Chapter Twelve


  Walking down the stairs, the echoes of laughter confuse me. I don’t see how there’s anything about this situation I’ve put us all in that warrants humor, so I storm over to the Brick Cell where Void sits at the breakfast table with Ivy, and he’s drawing some art for her. He’s skilled in that department. Most of the guys here have had him sketch their tattoo designs, but I have no idea what he’s sketching that could be making Ivy laugh. I walk inside, and both their heads pop up as he slides the paper over to Ivy. It’s like he’s trying to hide it from me.

  Yeah, that shit’s not going to fly. This isn’t high school.

  “What’s the drawing, VP?”

  “It’s nothing. Just something to cheer Ivy up.”

  “Ivy… show me the drawing, or I’ll lock you in the roo
m, and no one will come to visit you.”

  Void curls up his nose as Ivy slides the paper across the table. It’s a park bench. Ivy and Void are sitting on it feeding ducks with the sun shining down on them.

  They’re free.

  Out in the world.

  Not trapped in here because of the mess I’ve created.

  “Sorry, Prez, I know you hate the light. I was trying to make Ivy feel like there’s something more than life down here.”

  I slap his shoulder. “I’m not mad… more disappointed in myself. I can’t find a way to get this all moving quicker. Once the payments are made to the buyers, I’ll feel better. But then, we need to figure out the process of giving you both new identities. There’s so much to think about before I let you both go. The problem is, the second I bring you together, one of you, probably both of you, are going to want to take off while we have our guard down. It only takes a second, then your lives and my club—”

  “Is in danger. Yeah, yeah, I get all that. For the record, amigo, I’m not running anywhere. I like it here, but Eva… she has this vision in her mind we need to be together, protected all the time.” Ivy huffs. “I’ve never felt more protected than I do down here in this… whatever the hell this room is.”

  The corner of Void’s lips turns up like he’s impressed. Me, I see something in Ivy. She likes darkness and seclusion. Ivy’s had a traumatized childhood that shakes the foundations of your adulthood. She isn’t like her innocent and pure older sister upstairs. No, Ivy has an edge to her, an instinct that wants to be tapped into. It’s vibrating off her like a neon sign.

  Ivy is made for the RBMC, but is Eva?

  I just don’t know.

  “Ivy, your parents were killed in a car accident. Correct?”

  She narrows her eyes on mine. “Si… why is that relevant?”

  “This accident forced your sister’s need to take care of you. Her bond forged to you that day is almost unbreakable.”

  “She says she’s the one taking care of me, and she was, mostly, but I had to take care of her, too. It wasn’t a one-way street. She thought I couldn’t hear her crying herself to sleep every night… I did. So, I made sure I got up for school and did what I needed to do to help Eva out. I saw how hard she was working to keep me in school, so I studied harder than I ever had before. I needed to get good grades, so I could learn as much as I could to get me into something which would end up paying well. It was my turn to help out. Eva gave up everything for us. So, I studied, basically became a nerd so she could get even one day off here and there for herself.”

  “That’s why you’re so smart?” Void offers, surprising me.

  “Yes, and thank you. I graduated from high school early, applied for the ELAM scholarship and got the grant. I have two years before I graduate, though being here is going to put a dampener on things when I don’t show up for class.”

  “You go to a school of medicine?” I ask, just making sure I got the name down right.

  “Well, yeah. I learn everything, but I like learning more about the process of how things work, the forensics, the mechanics of it all. I’m not really in it for the saving and mending of people, I want to go into research, producing and creating new drugs, all the behind-the-scenes important stuff.”

  “The hero behind the scenes,” Void offers.

  “I guess you could see it that way. I would rather create something magical than perform a miracle surgery, if that makes sense?”

  I roll my shoulders. “Makes perfect sense. You’d rather stay in the dark and make a difference than be out in the light with the focus on you.”

  Her eyes meet mine, and she slumps her body. “Yeah… yeah, you’ve hit the nail on the head.”

  While Eva has taken up all the space in my mind, Ivy is connecting with me in a way no one has before. There are glimpses of me shining through in her. Though there’s no attraction between Ivy and myself, I’m intrigued by her. I want to spend more time with her, come to understand how her brain works, and see if she really is on the same wavelength as me. Maybe she will help me understand myself a little more.

  “Void, you’ve earned yourself a break. I’ll take over for a little while. You go get some rest. Come back when you’re ready.”

  Void widens his eyes like he’s shocked by my statement. He hesitates, his eyes shifting to Ivy as she snickers. “Go, Void. I’ll be fine.”

  He’s protective of her. Already.


  Void stands, moving to walk out. “Do you need anything, Ivy?”

  “Maybe another one of those sandwiches.”

  “The PB&J? Sure thing. I’ll have Trixie whip you one up, and I’ll bring it on down.”

  “No need to rush. Take your time. Enjoy your freedom, Void, while you can.”

  I grimace hearing the undertone in her words. She doesn’t like being locked up.

  Void nods, heading for the stairs.

  I turn back, planting my hands on the table. “So, it’s just the two of us.”

  Her eyes shift past me to the brick walls out in the Bricking Room. “Mm-hmm, totally alone, gotcha.” She winks at me.

  The little fucking bitch winks at me.

  She’s clued in.

  There’s more to the Bricking Room than a simple Brick Cell and a vast wall of red clay.

  Ivy’s smart.

  Bricks don’t casually moan for no good reason. She must be clued in to the multiple bodies inside the walls surrounding her cell.

  “I wanted to talk to you ‘bout Eva.”

  She sits taller, and she focuses on me completely. “How is she? Is she okay?”

  I rub the tension in the back of my neck. “She’s frustrated.”

  “She wants to leave?” Ivy tilts her head.

  “Partly. More she wants me to find yo—”

  “She still doesn’t know I’m here?” I shake my head. “She’s seriously going to slice off your cojones .”

  Tensing my thighs together, I inhale sharply. “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. Sure, she’s angry at me because she shared your story about your parents, then I shut down when she asked me to open up to her.”

  Ivy furrows her brows. “You like her? You like Eva more than you want to.”

  Groaning, I slump back into my seat. “I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing, Ivy.”

  “You’re like me. We hide our emotions from everyone, so we don’t have to admit who we truly are. Me, I know who I am. I hide it out of fear of rejection from my sister. You, you’re the opposite of me. You put out this image of who you think you should be, and hide who you really are so your brothers won’t know the parts of you which could fail the brotherhood, that could fail the president you’ve worked so hard to be.”

  “You see all that from meeting me a couple of times?”

  “I’m pretty fucking smart. I can read people. Getting wasted the night we got taken was the first night I let my defenses down. I never do that. Not ever, and look where it got us. In some clubhouse separated from each other, and poor Eva having games played with her emotional state. So, yeah, I can read you, Nycto, like an open fucking book. This game you’re playing with Eva isn’t going to work or end well.”

  “I’m not playing a game, Ivy. I’m trying to do this the best way I know how—”

  “By lying to her? By keeping us apart?”

  I stand, the metal legs scraping along the concrete floor. “If the two of you get back together, you will hatch a plan to escape or con someone into using their phone. I can’t risk it. I can’t risk the buyers knowing you’re both here.”

  “Then let us go! We’ll go into hiding. If we’re together, we can figure out our own shit.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Ivy. They would have been tracing your movements for months before they took you, waiting for the right opportunity to strike. The minute there’s even a hint you’re alive, they will have their men after you faster than you can wipe your own ass.”

crude much?”

  “The fact that was the only thing which stood out in that sentence proves my point. You can’t handle it out there, Ivy. They will find you. They will capture you, then sell you off. I wouldn’t even know where to begin to search to rescue you both if I were even still around after they found out I lied about your deaths because, don’t forget, I’m covering for you both. So, you leaving at any point puts not only my ass on the chopping block but also my VP who you couldn’t take your eyes off of before.”

  Her eyes snap open wide as she gasps. “What? No, I wasn’t.”

  “Ivy, Void is complicated at the best of times… but if you like him, even as a friend, then you need to remember he’s my VP. His head is just as much on the line as mine is.”

  She gulps a lump down her throat as she slumps into her seat. “You’ve put your club and its members all in danger for Eva and me?”

  I throw my hands in the air. “Finally, one of you gets it.”


  My body stills, a tingle runs down the back of my spine as an image of Eva sweeps through my mind. She’s stunning, the most natural beauty I’ve ever seen. But it’s not just her looks which has me losing my shit over her, it’s also her sass, her bite, her insolence which all drive me to crave her. Underneath it all, there’s a heart of pure gold. She has the fight of a warrior, the calm of a goddess.

  What is it about Eva that made me take her? It was everything.

  “Eva. I saw her, and I just…” I pause not able to put my thoughts into words without coming across as a damn pussy.

  “I get it now.”

  My eyes flash to hers, I narrow them at her. “You do?”

  She weakly smiles. “If anyone just looked at me the way you did when you said Eva’s name… I. Would. Explode.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “You’re infatuated. It’s why you want to keep us apart. It’s because you said if she saw me, she would try to escape with me, but that’s not the whole truth, it’s because you want her for yourself, whether you know it or not yet.”

  “She’s going to kill me when she finds out I’ve kept you from her.”

  Ivy grimaces. “Yeah, I’d rip that Band-Aid off very delicately if I were you.”


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