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Defining Darkness (Royal Bastards MC Tampa Chapter Book 1)

Page 21

by K E Osborn

  A slight giggling echoes from beside us from Ivy, but I don’t even care that Void and Ivy are here with us right now. I need my woman to comprehend that what she did for me in here was the single sexiest thing she’s ever done.

  She has accepted all of me, and in doing so, she’s let a bit of darkness creep inside her soul.

  My dark to her light.

  We balance each other out.

  And fuck, if maybe what’s coming my way doesn’t make all of this worth it.


  Seeing all of Nycto, all his demons, having him open up to me wasn’t what I thought it would be. I thought it would scare me. I thought it would be something that might change the way I see him. What it did do was make me appreciate him even more. I understand his methods. Bricking assholes up behind the wall, locking them into eternal darkness stems from his childhood abuse. I get that, but if these assholes behind the walls are bastards like Andrés, then they deserve it. And for sure, the first assholes he ever put behind those walls were the boys who had tortured him, there’s no doubt in my mind. I don’t even need to ask Nycto about it. I one-hundred percent guarantee this method of torture started with them. I’m glad those boys were locked behind a wall and found their last days trapped in an endless darkness like they made Nycto endure as a child.

  Did they deserve to die for their sins? Maybe not, but I am glad they did because they tormented him. Broke him. But then again, without them, he wouldn’t be the man I’ve grown to adore.

  We’re all sitting in the main room. Trixie’s trying out her new menu on all of us. It’s a celebration feast for me finally being home from Nerve’s clinic and well again. Well, as well as I can be from being shot. Many of the brothers are recovering from their injuries too. Minor bullet or stab wounds, but everyone’s on the mend, all fixed by Nerve and the staff at his clinic. The clubhouse is now fully refurbished, Andrés has been dealt with, so things can get back to normal. Everyone’s having a great time, and the party is in full swing.

  I’m sitting on Nycto’s lap while everyone chats, celebrating together. I couldn’t be happier with my life. With Andrés gone, Nycto thinks it’s safe for Ivy and me to have a little more freedom. I was terrified the night Ivy and I were taken. I thought my life was ending, but in truth, it was only just beginning. I had no idea Ivy and I had this darker side to us, but with all we’ve been through, it’s no wonder. I don’t see it as a downside, I see it as scars and war wounds, and I wear them as a badge of honor.

  Nycto isn’t perfect. Hell, he’s as broken as I am, but I’m starting to see pieces of him being mended.

  He’s healing me too.

  We’re great for each other.

  Nycto taps my leg gesturing for me to jump off, so I do, and he stands. “Everyone, I have an announcement to make…” I wonder where he’s going with this? “I want to thank Eva and Ivy for coming into our lives. Without them, a lot of shit around this club would have continued on the same path. You’ve changed the Tampa RBMC, and I know all the chapters of the RBMC would agree… we were headed down a dark road. The way we earned our money was easy, but it was so wrong. It took meeting you, Eva, to see that. Fuck, am I glad I met you that night.” He grips hold of my hand. “I never… fuck… ever thought I’d be the type of biker to do this…” He signals to Trixie, and she walks out with a cut handing it to Nycto. “Eva, I’m claiming you as my Ol’ Lady. You’ll wear this property patch as a symbol to every other fucker out there you belong to me. You’re my woman. Mine only.” I gnaw down on my bottom lip while excitement surges through me as he runs his thumb over the back of my hand. “You good with that?”

  Ever the romantic.

  “Yeah, Nycto, I’m real good with that.”

  Relief washes over his face as he winks at me. Cocky bastard. He holds the cut out, so I move in looping my arms through with ease. The texture of the leather against my shoulders feels like it should have always been there.

  Like I’m finally home.

  The brothers all cheer and stomp their feet as he pulls me into him, kissing me with everything he has. I wrap my arms around him, my fingers threading through the hair at the nape of his neck. We continue to kiss in the middle of his clubroom with everyone watching. I guess I need to get used to being the center of attention now I’m the head lady in town.

  Suddenly, the front doors open wide making Nycto pull back from me dramatically.

  Every biker in here pulls their guns aiming at the door almost in unison.

  Oh, God, not again.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Aiming my gun at the door, I tense, waiting for whoever the fuck it is to walk through.

  “Calm your titties, brothers. We have some business needs attending to.” Jameson strolls in holding his hands up as if to placate us.

  I gesture to the boys to lower their weapons. Everyone drops their guns. It’s not every day you get a visit from the National Club President. He’s come a long way, but this isn’t your average drop-in-for-a-beer kind of stopover.

  I let go of Eva, walking over to Jameson, his tall frame meeting mine. “Prez,” I shake his hand.

  He cracks his neck as he exhales. “You understand why I’m here, Nycto?”

  “I do.”

  “Then you know I need to take action.”

  “What’s he talking about, Nycto?” Eva asks, cuddling into my side.

  Glancing at her, I smile but turn back to Jameson. “I understand. I’ll take whatever the brotherhood sees as a fit punishment.”

  Eva gasps. “What? No. Nycto… what does this mean?”

  I signal to Void. He steps up taking hold of Eva and starts dragging her away from me.

  “Nycto. No! Tell me what’s going on.”

  “Eva, stop! Close your eyes. Whatever happens next, just keep your eyes closed.”

  Eva lets out a gut-wrenching sob as she spins, clinging onto Void. The sight tears at my chest.

  She shouldn’t have to witness this.

  Jameson bows his head as my brothers all stand around on edge. I dip my chin letting him know I’m ready for whatever he’s about to dish out. He stares me down as I stand taller.

  I deserve this.

  I put my club in danger.

  Two brothers died.

  I must pay for my sins.

  It’s his job to dish out the punishment. I will take this like a man, whatever is coming. His nostrils flare, and he sends out a whistle. I furrow my brows as Petros from Lincoln walks through the door. I roll my shoulders. I haven’t seen him for ages. It’s not like the other presidents of our chapters cross paths all the time. I’m not entirely sure what Jameson is playing at here.

  Then movement at the door catches my attention as Coy from Louisville strolls through, followed by Venom, Gamble, and Koyn.

  Oh shit.

  I begin to breathe a little faster as president after president of the Royal Bastard Chapters filter in through the bunker doorway. I have to admit, I’m starting to feel the strain.

  I was wary of Rancid.

  He would kill brothers for less than I did.

  But there is something worse than death.

  Losing my presidency.

  Or even worse, losing my fucking patch altogether.

  If that’s what these presidents are here for, to de-patch me in front of my club, I’d rather die.

  I puff out my chest, standing my ground. I’ve fucked up, but I’m not letting them think I’m sorry for it. The last president walks in, the sight hits me like a sucker punch to my stomach.


  My lip twitches as I watch him watching me. He’s helped me so fucking much. Knowing he’s here to dish out whatever shit’s coming my way stings, but I also understand that if Jameson calls, you come running.

  “Brothers, presidents, we all know Nycto has always been a loose cannon. I’ve filled you in on what happened with Eva and Ivy. While I understand this was a good outcome for Eva and Ivy, it brought death to
two clubs. Tampa and Miami both suffered casualties because of your actions, Nycto, in saving two, we lost two. A life for a life does not count in this circumstance.”

  Eva’s soft whimpers echo through the room as I tense further. “I understand, Jameson, completely. I mourn for Crow and Deep. I lost those brothers just like you all did, but the thing is… while I wish they weren’t dead, if it meant I get to keep Eva and Ivy safe, then I’d do it all over again. That’s the God-honest truth. Eva’s wearing my property patch, Jameson. It might not say much to you, but it means a hell of a lot to me.”

  Jameson glances over at Eva taking in the cut. “I know you well enough, Nycto, to recognize that’s a big deal. I respect your stance on this. You were trying to do the right thing. In a small way, you did. You saved two women from a terrible life, but that does not excuse putting your club in danger, putting us all in danger. You know the loss of two brothers can’t go unpunished.”

  “I take full responsibility. Do what you need to, but if I can ask one thing… make sure Eva leaves. I don’t want her to witness this.”

  Jameson folds his arms over his chest. “No. She stays. She’s part of this.”

  My chest squeezes as I face her, and I mouth, ‘I’m sorry.’ I don’t know what’s coming, but I definitely don’t want Eva to see it.

  I make my way to the center of the room as tension fills the air. The presidents of my brother chapters all circle me. I stand tall trying to keep my shit together.

  “Alec,” Eva whimpers my name.

  Her desperation almost kills me.

  “Nycto, you’ve been found guilty of endangering the Royal Bastard brotherhood. Your sentence… each president will take out their form of punishment in their own way.”

  I grit my teeth.


  This could go on for hours.

  Eva will have to stand there and witness me being tortured. I don’t want this for her. She didn’t sign up for this. Anger flares inside of me.

  Gamble steps forward and glares into my face. I ball my fists tight, staring right back at her. “This is for that time you slapped me on the ass after I got my president patch.” She balls her fist, slamming it straight into my jaw. My head snaps to the side, then she grabs my shoulders pulling me forward, slamming her knee right into my groin. My balls feel like they’ve been pushed up inside my body as I let out a groan, dropping to my knees. I try to catch my breath as she bends down staring into my watering eyes. “Hopefully, now that you have an Ol’ Lady, you’ll be more damn respectful.”

  I grimace, my balls aching like a motherfucker as she walks past Venom slapping his hand as she goes, almost like a tag team event.

  He moves in, circling around me as I sit back on my knees. I know I must roll over, take the beatings like a man. I fucking deserve it. He stalks me, my adrenaline pumping, waiting for him to make his move. He stops behind me, shoving me forward. I fall flat on my face going limp, letting my body lay here.

  I’m embarrassed this is happening in front of my brothers.

  But I’m doing this for Eva.

  Everything’s for Eva.

  Venom rushes around to my side, slamming his boot into my ribs. I groan as my body flips over onto my back, forcefully. I cough and splutter as he lands another kick into my flank. I roll onto my side bringing my knees up without thinking. I have merely a second to catch my breath before I’m being holed up by the back of my cut by Petros. As he holds me up, Koyn stands in front of me, fist clenched. I tense as Koyn’s fist lands straight in my nose. Blood spurts out as pain radiates through my face more than I thought it would.

  The soft whimpers of Eva distract me for a moment. Her big doe eyes glistening with tears as Void holds her tightly. Ivy’s by her side trying to soothe her too, but nothing’s working as another fist smacks straight into the side of my head, knocking Eva from my vision.

  Petros hands me to Koyn to hold, then Petros takes over the beating. Hit after violent hit, my body goes numb as it rocks to and fro with the ferocity of their actions.

  Punch after punch.

  Kick after kick.

  President after president.

  My head is foggy like I’m fading in and out. My body wants to give up this fight. I’m sure I have a concussion as I lay like a starfish on the floor. I’ve lost count after the eighth president to lay into me. My body aches so fucking bad I can barely breathe.

  A slap across my face makes my eyes shoot open. I blink a couple of times through my swollen eyes. Hatch kneels over the top of me sporting a tired expression. Rivulets of blood drip down my face while my breaths are short and sharp.

  Hatch lets out a long, drawn-out sigh. “You look like shit, brother.”

  I stifle a chuckle, then it turns into a cough, which morphs into a moan. “Am… I… still… pretty?” I manage to murmur.

  “Yeah, you pussy, it’s just a surface scratch.”

  “You haven’t… had… your shot… yet… have you?”

  Hatch grimaces. “Last one, brother, think you can manage one more?”

  “Do your best, Hatch.”

  “Oh, there was never any doubt about that. I just needed to assess how hard to go.”

  I tense. “I owe… you a punch… don’t… hold back.”

  He doesn’t want to do this, I can tell by his eyes. Not really. I’m sure none of them do deep down, but rules are rules.

  “You got it, brother.” He pulls his fist back, and I clench my teeth as he slams his fist straight into my stomach. I let out a gasp trying to catch my breath as another one hits almost immediately into my nose. This time a crunch reverbs through my face. I gasp for breath as he doesn’t hesitate to slam his fist straight into my eye socket. My head slams back onto the concrete floor as darkness begins to swarm around me.

  I found my way to the light with Eva, now I’m not sure if my brothers have sent me straight back into the dark.



  Seeing Nycto spread out on the floor is breaking my heart. I want to run to him, to help him, but Void’s stopping me from doing anything.

  Hatch stands, wiping his bloodied hands on his jeans as everyone watches Nycto passed out on the floor.

  “What are you waiting for? Help him,” I yell out, seeing as they’re all standing around like lost little puppy dogs.

  Jameson smirks, then tilts his head at me. “You heard the Ol’ Lady. Help the man.”

  Nerve rushes forward the same time Hatch and some of the other men who were beating him do. They lift him onto a table as Nerve flashes a tiny flashlight into Nycto’s eyes.

  I struggle in Void’s grip pushing him off me. “Eva… Eva, stop!” Void calls out as I break free.

  I don’t stop. Instead, I run over to Nycto. My breathing’s so freaking fast it’s hurting my recovering lungs. “Nerve, tell me he’s going to be all right,” I beg.

  He keeps shining the light in Nycto’s eyes. Nycto flinches, pulling away like he always does with the light.

  I exhale a sigh of relief. He’s still in there. I bring my hand up to his beaten and bloodied face.

  He’s a mess.

  A tear rolls down my face as I caress his blood-stained cheek. “What did they do to you?”

  Nerve presses on Nycto’s ribs. He groans and flinches away. I jump on the spot.

  Hatch reaches out caressing my shoulder. “We did what we had to, Eva. Trust me, Nycto knew what was coming or some version of this.”

  Shock filters through me upon hearing that news. “He… he never told me.”

  “Why would he? It would have scared you. You’re a part of us now, Eva. If a president puts the brotherhood in danger, he has to pay. Nycto knew that when he went in and saved you. He did it with full knowledge there would be repercussions. He knew, and he did it anyway.”

  “You’re telling me… when he took me, he knew this day would come. That he would have to suffer to keep Ivy and me safe?”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m s
aying. He risked everything for you. His club. His patch. His life.”

  All the air leaves my body, and I sway on the spot. I gave him such a hard time when I first got here. I had no idea that all along, from the very first second he decided to take me, he had risked everything.

  He really is my dark prince.

  I wipe fresh tears away from my face as I lean down to his ear. “I know you can’t hear me right now, Alec, but I’ve just realized how much I love you.”

  He inhales sharply, letting out a groan as his eyes fling open. He pants for breath—they are so shallow.

  I grip onto his hand. “I’m here. I’m here, Nycto. I’m not going anywhere.”

  His swollen eyes meet mine. “Chiquita?”

  Goosebumps prickle over my skin at hearing him call me that right now. “Yeah?”

  “I love you, too.” He tries to smirk but can’t.

  The clubhouse erupts in a round of cheering as Nycto chuckles on the table. I lean down, pressing my forehead to his just needing to be close to him. I don’t want to kiss him because his lips look too painful for me to touch right now.

  “I never thought I’d hear the day Nycto confessed his love for another living thing.” Hatch snickers.

  “Here, here,” resides around the room.

  “Fuck… you,” Nycto mumbles under his labored breaths.

  Hatch pokes Nycto in the ribs. Nycto jerks letting out a moan, and Hatch grins. “It’s good to see you happy, brother.”

  Jameson steps forward. “The fallout was shit, but I agree with you, Nycto, it was for a good cause. Seeing you fighting for something, someone you believe in is a refreshing change,” Jameson emphasizes.

  Nerve steps forward while shaking his head. “Right now, you’re all finished. Someone, get Prez a fucking icepack or three… I have to get him to his bed to check him over properly,” Nerve grumbles.

  Trixie rushes off to the kitchen.

  “We’ll stay the night. Some of us have been on the road for fucking hours to get here. Stacey, let’s get these beers started. It’s time we celebrate Nycto’s Ol’ Lady,” Jameson instructs.


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