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Mountain Man's Rival: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Mountain Men of Liberty Book 13)

Page 5

by K. C. Crowne

There was a cough and more mumbling, but no other bids.

  “Sold.” The man checked the list in front of him. “Sympatico is sold to Mr. Declan Wilde for a total of $30,000.”

  Eva continued staring at me, but she replaced the look of shock with a painted-on smile. “Congratulations, Mr. Wilde, and thank you for your donation. I know the organization will be incredibly thankful.” Her voice cracked at the end and she sounded rushed.

  Eva headed toward the exit, and I was on my feet in a matter of seconds. I hurried through the crowd toward where I saw her step off the stage. I saw her sleek, black hair duck behind some burgundy curtains as I called out, “Evelyn!”

  Two men stepped in front of the curtain and pointed to the rope separating me from the back.

  Chapter 4


  “Eva?” Lily’s voice called before she opened the door to my office. “Oh there you are. People are asking about you.”

  “Sorry, I know I need to get out there and mingle.” I trailed off, staring at my assistant with wide eyes.

  Lily stepped into my office and closed the door behind her, clasping her hands in front of her. “Eva, you’re the most confident person I know. Please don’t tell me you’re having anxiety about socializing at your own event?”

  “No, no, nothing like that,” I assured her, leaning back in my leather seat. I closed my eyes but saw his face.

  Declan Wilde was here. And he looked even better than in his LinkedIn profile. In that suit that seemed to be tailored to his boy… his shaggy hair… that smile.

  I crossed my legs as if to satiate the throbbing inside me. I opened my eyes again, hoping the vision of him would pass, along with the feeling of warmth deep in my body. But that was futile. I could still see him, and it didn’t seem fair in the slightest.

  “What’s wrong, Eva?” Lily asked, her brows furrowing in concern.

  “That man who bought the painting? He’s an ex of mine.”

  Lily’s eyes went wide. “Ohhh, wow. Yes, that makes sense now that I think about it,” she said. “What’s he doing here? Do you need me to have security escort him out? He’s not stalking you, is he?”

  “No, no, I’m sure he’s not stalking me. It’s just…” I trailed off again, and it annoyed me. I was never speechless, and suddenly, I couldn’t even form a coherent sentence anymore.

  “You still have feelings for him?” Lily asked.

  “No!” I exclaimed a little too quickly. “I mean, we broke up fifteen years ago. I don’t even know the man anymore.”

  “Clearly a wealthy one,” Lily said with a chuckle.

  I stared at her with a look that said I wasn’t amused.

  “Sorry, I shouldn’t joke,” she said, taking a seat across from me. “It’s just that I’ve never known you to shy away from anyone before. Even the models and actors you’ve broken up with. You can handle them like a pro. So what is it about this Mr. Wilde that’s driving you wild?”

  “I don’t know honestly.” I did know. It was the fact that he still looked fucking fabulous, and the memories that came back to me every time I looked at him didn’t help either. I felt conflicted. “It’s like I’m eighteen all over again when I look at him.”

  “You can’t stay locked away back here all night, not at your own event,” Lily reminded me. “Maybe the best idea is for you to not look at him, as much as possible.”

  She was right. I couldn’t hide away all night. These people paid good money to mingle with the artist. It wouldn’t be right. It wouldn’t be me, either. I didn’t shy away from people at my events, even if sometimes I felt like it. While the world saw the extroverted side of me, the socialite, there were times it was a bit overwhelming.

  That night was one of those times.

  Sadly, I couldn’t just pack it up and go home. I had to suck it up and get out there.

  “You’re right,” I said, not moving from my seat.

  “I know I’m right,” Lily said, standing up and walking over to me. “Besides, that dress is too stunning to stay hidden. Come on, Eva.”

  She reached her hand out to me, and I took it with a smile.

  “Promise you won’t leave my side?” I asked her.

  “Promise. What are assistants good for if not helping you avoid stupidly hot ex-boyfriends?” she teased.

  I stood up and we walked out of the office and back to the event. I hesitated behind the thick, heavy curtains, however.

  “It’s going to be okay. I’ll run interference,” Lily promised.

  “I probably should thank him in person. It’s the least I can do,” I said, biting my lip.

  “Sure, but we’ll keep it quick, and I won’t leave you alone for a second.”

  I took a deep breath before we walked out into the crowd. Immediately, people called out my name, announcing my presence to the group.

  “Eva! Your dress is stunning,” a model named Sophie gushed. “I’m so sad I couldn’t win your piece.” She’d been the first person to try and outbid Declan.

  Speaking of the devil, I caught sight of him from the corner of my eye, and he was headed toward us.

  “Oh Sophie, thank you so much for coming,” I said. “I hope you’re having a good time. I’ll have Lily call you next week to set up a lunch date, but I need to-- umm, go over here.”

  I ducked away from Sophie, feeling like an ass in the process, but Declan was too close for comfort. With Lily at my side, we disappeared into the group. But we weren’t invisible for long.

  “Eva! We must get together sometime!”

  “Can I get a picture with you, Eva!”

  I glanced back. Declan was headed toward us.


  “There’s Matt,” Lily whispered, pointing out my brother in the far corner of the VIP section. I let Lily guide me to my brother, hoping that he might be able to help me figure out what to do about Declan.

  As soon as I reached him, I said, “Matt! Declan is here!”

  “I know,” Matt said with a laugh. “He was my plus-one.”

  I looked at him with my jaw on the floor. “What?”

  “Didn’t Lily tell you?”

  I looked at Lily. “Oh yeah, uhh, I forgot about that.” Her cheeks flushed pink.

  “Why did you bring him?” I asked.

  “He wanted to talk to you and to apologize.” He glanced behind me. “Well, hey, why don’t we let him explain it himself.”

  My entire body froze, and I looked at Lily and mouthed, “He’s right behind us, isn’t he?”

  Lily nodded and I knew there was no way to escape now. Even if there was, I knew I needed to face him. I needed to thank him for buying my painting and supporting the charity.

  Breathe, Eva, I told myself, trying to calm myself as I turned around.

  Declan was only a couple feet away, and even though he was surrounded by attractive men and women, he stood out amongst them. I felt like the world stopped and everyone disappeared but him.

  His lips pulled back in a smile as he reached me, and I swear my knees almost gave out on me. He still had that dimple in his cheek when he smiled for real.

  His blue eyes… Oh God, those eyes that reminded me of the sea on a clear day, full of emotion and so much heat. Yes, there was a heat in his eyes that made it clear he felt the same way I felt about him. I wasn’t the only one feeling warm between my legs, clearly. My gaze moved a little lower, and my suspicions were confirmed. He was still attracted to me as well.

  My cheeks burned as he approached, and I felt guilty for checking out his package.

  “Hey, Evelyn. I mean, Eva,” he said, and his voice was like soft leather - deep but gentle - and I wasn’t even sure how that was possible.

  “Hi Declan,” I said, my own voice sounding more like a child’s. Nothing sexy about that. “Uhh, wow, it’s been a while. Thank you so much for your donation.”

  “Of course. I’ve always loved your work, and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to own an Eva Stone original, while also supporting
a great cause.”

  His smile widened, so did the dimple in his cheek. My insides felt like they might explode from the fire inside me.

  Matt said something, but to be honest, I didn’t even hear it. Lily said something too, but it might as well have been gibberish because I didn’t make out a single word.

  Declan’s blue eyes never moved away from mine, so I wasn’t sure if he was listening to them either. We might as well have been the only two people in the entire gallery.

  “How have you been?” I asked after a few seconds to gather my thoughts.

  “I’ve been well,” he said, running a hand over his neatly trimmed beard. “And from the looks of it, you’re doing really well also. I always knew you would be successful, and I’m happy for you, Evelyn.”

  “Eva,” Lily corrected him.

  “It’s okay,” I told her. He could call me anything he wanted as far as I was concerned. “He’s only known me as Evelyn, he gets a pass.”

  “I’ll try to be better about it. Eva seems to be more fitting for the new you,” Declan said.

  “I think it fits my image better, yes.” And it was a way to let go of the past, but I didn’t tell him that. I didn’t think I needed to tell him that, considering Matt said he was coming to apologize.

  “Do you think we could get away to talk—”

  Before he could finish his request - a request that was too dangerous, in my opinion - I cut him off. “Hey, I’m sorry, I need to step away and talk to the press for a few moments. I’ll be back.”

  I hurried away with Lily at my side.

  “You don’t have to talk to anyone,” she said.

  “I know, but I needed to get away.”

  I also had no intention of going back. I had thanked him. I knew he was sorry. I didn’t have to delve into the specifics from that night fifteen years ago.

  “Eva.” A familiar voice caused me to stop in place.

  “Oh, hi, Kai,” I said through clenched teeth.

  Kai Tanner was a god in the eyes of many. 6’6” of pure, bronzed muscle and natural blonde hair that dangled in his eyes. I thought he might also be the answer to all my prayers - a man known to play the field, not looking to settle down, and he could be fun for a few months.

  Those few months had passed, and he was still trying to get my attention.

  “I’ve been trying to reach you,” he said, stating the obvious.

  “I know, I’ve been really bus.”

  “I know,” Kai said, his brown eyes turning to Lily as if he was hoping to send the message that she should leave.

  I grabbed Lily’s arm, making sure she stayed put, even though I knew she had promised - I didn’t want to risk it.

  Kai kept talking, and my eyes fell behind him and on to another ripped blonde - Declan - who was also watching me, though he tried to pretend he wasn’t.

  My heart thundered and my legs felt like jelly.

  “I’m sorry, Kai. I thought I made it clear that I didn’t want anything serious,” I reminded him. I tried to force myself to meet his gaze, though it was impossible to not look at Declan. “I’m really not interested in seeing you anymore, not intimately, at least. But I am thankful for your attendance tonight, I really am.”

  I tried to step away, but Kai grabbed my arm. “Eva, please, let’s just talk about this.”

  I tried to pull my arm free, but his fingers dug into my flesh. “Let. Me. Go,” I said through gritted teeth.

  Suddenly all the red flags from the past became glaringly obvious. It wasn’t just that he wanted to get more serious than I wanted - he was needy, clingy, and controlling.

  Lily helped me try to yank my arm free.

  “Who was that man? The one who won the auction?” he asked.

  “None of your business. And if you don’t let me go right now, I will make a scene, and Gerard Murphy is right over there ready to capture it all on film,” I told him. “You wouldn’t like that much, would you? I’m sure your agent wouldn’t take too kindly to the bad press. Not after what happened with the model you took home last year.”

  He glared at me but didn’t speak.

  “As far as I’m concerned, Kai, you are not to contact me personally again.”

  I walked away with Lily at my side.

  “What an asshole,” she muttered under her breath.

  “Tell me about it. I think I need some air,” I announced. “And some time alone.”

  Lily walked me to the back again, where no one but my trusted staff could enter. I stepped out onto the patio off my office, letting the cool air wash over me and fill my lungs. It helped to clear my head, a little.

  Once upon a time, I would have loved to have the problems I had now. Attractive, sexy models literally fighting over me. At one time, I would have found that level of jealousy flattering. But I was a grown woman and knew red flags when I saw them.

  If only I had seen them with Declan, I thought.

  Except there were never any red flags. Nothing that would have told me he was capable of what he did. My eyes filled with tears, and I cursed myself for getting emotional over something that happened when I was still practically a kid.

  He was a kid too, I reminded myself.

  We were both young and stupid.

  I needed to let go of the past, but considering everything that had happened afterward… well, that was easier said than done.

  There was a shuffling sound beside me, and someone cleared their throat.

  “Lily, I’ll be right out—” I turned and froze.

  “I’m sorry if I startled you,” Declan said, his voice low. “That was not my intention.”

  “How did you get back here? It’s for employees only,” I snapped.

  Declan offered a nervous grin and looked down at the ground, running a hand through his thick, dark blonde hair. “I may have had some help.”

  “Lily let you back here?”

  “Lily and Matt, yes,” Declan said.

  My lips were pursed and I scowled. I’d have to have a talk with Lily; this wasn’t like her. “I need to get back out there.” I headed into my office, but Declan placed his hand on my arm, stopping me without physically forcing me like Kai had attempted earlier.

  I was within inches of him, staring into his soulful eyes. I was under his hold, and the worst part was, he hadn’t intended to have that effect on me. No, I was pretty sure he had no idea that being that close to him made it feel like the air had left my lungs.

  “I just wanted to say, I’m sorry for what happened fifteen years ago. And I want you to know that I didn’t tell them we were meeting there. Amy borrowed my phone and saw the messages where we talked about it, and I guess they planned to ambush us. But I swear to you, I had no idea they were going to be there. I never would have done that to you, Eva. You were too damn special to me.”

  The pain in his eyes… it was like a hand clenched my heart, squeezing it tightly. I found myself knowing deep down that his words were true.

  “I believe you,” I said slowly, and I meant it. “And I forgive you. Listen, Declan - what happened, that was fifteen years ago. I’ve gotten over it.”

  Mostly. I’d gotten over the incident, and I’d like to think that I got over Declan but standing close to him made me doubt that.

  “Good. I know that you had a falling out with your dad and brother for a bit after that, and I hate to think I played a role in that.”

  “My brother and I quickly made up, no damage done there,” I said, resisting the urge to wrap my hands around his face and bring it closer to mine. “And my dad and I, our relationship was doomed no matter what. He showed his true colors afterward, that’s for sure, but I can’t blame you for his actions and old-fashioned beliefs. The truth is, you and Matt were the only people who ever believed in me, and losing you hurt more than cutting ties with my abusive asshole of a father.”

  Declan reached out and stroked my cheek, and I felt myself relaxing into his hand. I closed my eyes and inhaled his scent - it wasn
’t the exact same as when we were teens, but it still felt like him. Masculine. Earthy. A hint of musk that wasn’t overbearing.

  “I did believe in you, Eva. And I loved you. I would have never done anything to hurt you.”

  “I know. I think deep down, I always knew that.” I opened my eyes and found his face close to my own now – too close. I could feel his breath warm against my face, and it was all too easy to close that distance and press my lips to his.

  Which I did. Or maybe he did. I don’t know who was responsible for the kiss, but we were kissing like no time had passed at all.

  My mouth opened for him as he held my face in his strong hands. Our tongues met, and my heart nearly jumped from my throat into his. The feeling of his body against mine sent electricity coursing through my nervous system, and my lower body ached with a desire I hadn’t felt in years.

  It took everything in me to step away from him, nearly stumbling into the glass patio door.

  “I’m sorry,” Declan said.

  “No, I’m sorry,” I stammered. “We can’t do this. I mean, I can’t do this. I’m not interested in anything serious, Declan. Especially with you in Liberty and me here, and I have no desire to ever go back to Liberty. You have to understand.”

  “I do. I would never ask you to leave your life behind for me.”

  “And we’re too old for long-distance. Not to mention, you hardly know me now. The new me, and I don’t know you as an adult and—”

  “Eva,” Declan interrupted, his voice steady. “Listen. I understand. I wouldn’t ask any of that for you. We shouldn’t have kissed. I’m sorry.”

  “No, don’t be sorry. I wanted it as much as you,” I confessed. “My body wants one thing, and my brain knows it’s wrong.”

  He let out a dry laugh. “Oh, I understand that all too well.”

  “But if you’d be open to it, I would love to be friends again,” I said. “When are you leaving town?”

  “I’m here tomorrow and fly out Sunday morning.”

  “I’m tired and still need to mingle with my guests, but if you’re up for it, maybe we could grab coffee or something before you leave town?”

  “I’d love that.”


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