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BOX SET - CHAOS KINGS: Chaos Kings Motorcycle Club BOOKS 1-4

Page 9

by Lawless, Linny

  It felt like my head was being squeezed in a vise when I came to. First thing I heard was the muffled sounds of cries coming from my mother in the bedroom, then the sounds of chuckling and whooping from that bedroom too.

  My vision cleared as I opened my eyes to that throbbing pain and saw my father sitting on the couch, snorting coke from my mother’s mirror with a rolled-up dollar bill. He looked down at me as I got up from the floor.

  I’ll never forget what he said.

  ‘Shouldn’t have done that, son. Showin’ off in front of my brothers, big fuck-up on your part. Look at you now. Nothing but a pussy. Hear your mom in there? Yeah, my brothers are having some fun with her now. She’s always been nothing but a waste of my time. A burden. That’s all bitches are, boy.’

  I don’t remember what else he said because next thing I did was push myself off the floor and headed straight for the bedroom door. I grabbed the knob, twisting it back and forth, kicking it, yelling, cussing that those motherfuckers were dead. Then I felt something pressed hard against the back of my skull. And I remembered the Glock he had shoved down the front of his jeans.

  He told me I was not going in there and that I wouldn’t like what I saw if I opened that door. I didn’t listen to him and continued to slam my shoulder against the door. Then I felt a sharp pain in the back of my skull. He knocked me out cold with the Glock.

  I then felt something wet splash on my cheek when I came to. My head was cradled in my mother’s soft lap.

  They had left after they were done raping my mother. I never saw him again. Until the funeral.

  I went to see my grandmother the day after my mother’s funeral. She did age some since the last time I saw her. She gave me one of her tight hugs, well as tight as a fragile little woman could muster for someone the size of me by then.

  She told me that day that my mother was from a family of wealth, The Wilmington’s, from South Carolina, a long line of plantation owners. She was kind-hearted and smart. Beautiful chestnut hair and light brown eyes. She liked to read books when she was young and hung out with other girls her age, chatting about what girls chat about; boys, books and school. But when she finished high school, she had a little wild streak in her. I guess she wanted to experience some of the things she read in books. She was at a friend’s house for a slumber party and that’s where my father first saw her. He was buddies with one of the girl’s older brothers. I guess he put on the charm with her. He was a big guy, looked pretty much like me. He reminded my mother of some of the dashing rogue characters in the books she read and she fell head over heels.

  She was innocent when it came to men though. She didn’t date in high school. And she was easily influenced by my father and nine months later, I was born. Daddy dearest was all proud and happy since he thought he hit the lottery. He thought knocking up the rich girl was his ticket to her family money. Well, he wasn’t happy for too long once my grandmother made it clear to him that he wasn’t getting a fuckin’ dime of the family money. After that, it was Hell. He took her away from her friends and her family. He moved her to North Carolina with me on her hip.

  After what that piece of shit of a father and his club did to my mother, I packed what I could and moved us to another apartment in the next county. I got a job at a local gas station. The owner let me tinker on my old Sporty I bought for a few thousand bucks. I did what I could to make money. Sold some dope and other drugs. I just took care of my mother and myself.

  A few years go by; we’re doing ok. Mother kept in touch with my grandmother and we did what we could to have a normal life. But mother was never the same. She would shut down sometimes and withdraw into herself and not eat. She didn’t get out of bed for days. She always worried about me and when I’d be home, worried he would come back and take me away, mold me to be just like him. I did and said all I could to try to convince her that I would always be there for her. I was working the night shift at the register at the local gas station when I got the call from her. Her voice was faint on the phone; I could barely hear it.

  ‘Jimmy…’ was all she said.

  She didn’t sound right on the phone. I locked up the gas station and high-tailed it to the apartment on my Sporty. But it was too late. I found her curled up in her bed, still holding the cell phone.

  She took a hefty dose of both Xanax and Ambien. She got the scripts from a local physician to help her with sleep and nervousness or anxiety. I don’t remember what I did for the next two hours, I guess I blocked it all out. I found myself sitting on the bed, cradling her in my arms. I took her cell phone and dialed 911 then my grandmother.

  I left my grandmother’s house with a signed check in my name for ten grand. I canceled the lease to the apartment and took as much stuff I could to the local thrift store. I packed clothes in a duffle bag, strapped it onto my Sporty and rode up the east coast from North Carolina into Virginia. I landed here in Stayford County. I cashed the check and got myself an apartment and a job at the Towing service; I could tinker with my Sporty again. That’s where I met Gunner. He had just come back from his last tour in Iraq and he rode up on a Harley softail. It was his first day on the job. We started shootin’ the shit and we rode. He showed me all the good roads. He invited me up to the Chaos Kings MC clubhouse. They had an all-weekend party. Lots of drinking, more than a few bong hits and the chicks liked to have a good time too. Gunner introduced me to all the members and I sensed a brotherhood. A tribe who lived alongside society. Not a diamond club. Members had legit jobs, families and really knew how to party; have a good time and ride. And the most important thing to me was that the men didn’t treat their women like shit. I became a hang around at first and then moved into prospecting. Gunner was my sponsor. I was fully patched in after only six months and Rocky gave me a position as one of the Road Captains.

  I told Sid you’re free of him and the Hounds. You belong here with me now. I will do anything to keep you safe. Safe with the Chaos Kings. You’re a very brave woman. You did what you had to do to survive that fuckin’ hell. I believe you were put in my path that night at Bike Week. That even in this fucked up world we both came out of, despite all the chaos that surrounds all of us and fight our way through, we can ride through it. Lead our own lives. Just breathe and take care of each other.”

  I stopped then. Just to let what I said to her sink in. I needed to let it all sink in too. She stared at me, mouth in a straight line, but tears were getting ready to spill out from the corners of her eyes.

  “When I was with Sid, he controlled my every move, my every breath. I can still feel him. Inside my head.”

  “Do you want what I want, Sam? Ride with me? Make our own choices and decisions?”

  “Yes, Ratchet. I do. I want to breathe on my own. Ride with you.”

  My mouth collided with hers just then. Our tongues twisted and tasted each other. She suddenly withdrew and leaned away from me.

  “We both know this won’t happen. Sid will not let me go. And if you get in his way, he will hurt you, your brothers, or even worse. My running away has just made him angry, he’s in a rage now. You have put yourself in his path to get to me.”

  “I’m getting you a bus ticket to North Carolina. I want you to stay with my grandmother. No one, not even Chaos knows where she lives. You stay with her for a while until I figure something out. My brothers will help me figure things out.”

  She leaned down and nestled her cheek against my chest.

  “But for how long? Does your grandmother know anything about me? I don’t want to put her in any danger…”

  “I’m going to call her today. She is a good woman, Sam. She’s been there for my mother and me when she could. Remember, my mother’s family comes from generations of wealth. That’s what my scum of a father always wanted. The money. Sid is just like him, it’s all about money. Those kinds of men think money is what makes you King. Just promise me one thing, Sam.”

  “What’s that?”

  “My mother couldn’t overcome th
e pain and her disgrace of what happened. That’s why I believe she checked out. Promise me, if you venture down that dark road, that you bring me along with you. You feel like checking out because it’s the only solution, you come to me. I will do everything in my power to help you, whatever it takes. Get you the help of a doctor, medications, anything.”

  “Yes, James… I promise.”

  * * *

  Two days later, Ratchet dropped me off at the bookstore so that I could tell Kat my plans. I had one of his duffle bags packed with my clothes, ready for my trip to North Carolina.

  “Kat, I need to tell you something and to let our boss know. I have to leave town for a while, Ratchet’s on his way to get me a bus ticket now. I have my things packed and I’m leaving today. I don’t know when I will be back, so I understand if I lose my job over this. That’s all I can tell you.”

  Kat stared at me for a very long moment. Her jaw dropped open.

  “You’re scaring me, Sam…”

  “It’s ok, Kat. I want to thank you for all you’ve done for me. Showing me how things work and helping me around the bookstore. You helped me come out of my shell. I will always cherish our fun talks and all the giggles.”

  I suddenly fought the tears that were ready to spill and swallowed the pain in my throat. I threw my arms around Kat and embraced her with a tight squeeze.

  “It’ll be ok, Sam… You’re going to be ok. You’re fortunate to have a boyfriend like Ratchet. He will help you. I will help you. Mum’s the word. I’ll tell the boss you have a sick aunt you need to visit for a while. I guarantee you’ll still have your job when you get back. Just please be careful…”

  She hugged me back tightly as the bell on the front door jingled. I turned around to greet the customer. My heart thudded against my chest.

  “So, this is where my sheep’s been workin’.” Sid sauntered in grinning.

  “Baaaha Baaaha!” Rusty followed behind, making that horrible sound. The third Hound, with the dark hair, I didn’t recognize.

  I turned back to Kat, “Don’t say anything.”

  She followed my eyes to look down at my cell phone lying next to a stack of paperback books on the counter. Her eyes met mine and she gave me a quick nod.

  By the time I turned back to Sid, he was just a few feet away. The only barrier keeping him from getting to me was the counter and cash register.

  “How did you find me?”

  “Well, you know Mandi don’t you, Sam? She’s been hanging out with the brothers and me lately. She was pretty pissed off about you suckin’ on that Chaos cock that she was bangin’. Did you know she’s a wildcat? Whoa, boy. Can that bitch suck cock and take it all up the ass? We got her broke in really good.”

  Mandi. The last time I’d seen her was at Chaos King’s clubhouse. Heads turned to get a good look at her curves and sexy clothes she wore, then that image of her changed. She’d been used and passed around like I was. My image of her now was different, she looked broken, frightened.

  “I’m impressed, Sam. This looks legit. Working at a bookstore, hangin’ with the Chaos Kings, blowin’ a few of them too I bet. They’re not even a diamond club, you dumb bitch. That’s not your style.”

  My knees almost gave out on me. Numbness spread throughout my body and blood drained from my face. He had a permanent grin on his face, knowing what he was doing to me.

  “Didn’t that Chaos tell you I’d be coming back for you sweetheart? Bet he’s had enough of you anyway. Let’s go. I’ll get you your job back at the Steel Cage. Gonna have to figure out what we’ll do with you.”

  “Ok, Sid. I’ll go with you. Just let it go with Ratchet and Chaos. I’ve had my fun.”

  His eyes turned to Kat.

  “Who is this juicy thang?”

  “She just works here. She’s a bore. I’ve had to put up with her.”

  He grinned at her, his eyes roaming over her breasts and then downward.

  “Bet you rub your pussy thinkin’ about guys like us, huh? Bet that juicy body of yours bruises easily too…”

  Kat peeled her eyes from him and looked at me, terrified, “Sam?”

  “It’s ok, Kat. I’m going with Sid ok?”

  She followed my eyes again back to my cell phone.

  The sun just disappeared over the horizon when I got on the back of Sid’s bike. We rode to the Steel Cage, Rusty and the dark-haired Hound riding staggered behind us.

  I placed the stuffed duffle bag full of Sam’s things on the passenger side of the truck when my cell phone rang. Her name lit up on the screen.

  “Hey, Rabbit.”

  “Ratchet?” It wasn’t Sam.

  “Yeah? Who’s this?”

  “James, it’s me, Kat. This guy Sid and few of his biker friends – they call themselves the Hell Hounds? They just left with Sam. I’m so sorry! I didn’t know what to do! I was so afraid! I’m scared for Sam!”

  That painful ache in the back of my throat suddenly choked me. I had to struggle to swallow it down.

  “Not your fault, Kat. You did the right thing. Do you know where they took her?”

  “I don’t know … Ah… He said something about a Steel Cage.” I heard her sniffling and crying.

  “It’s ok, Kat. Lock up the store. Keep this phone with you. If they come back, dial 911.”

  I was out of my truck and back in the house hollering down the basement stairway


  He appeared at the foot of the steps.

  “Sid took, Sam. Takin’ her back to the Steel Cage. I’m going there first.”

  “Comin’ with you, Brother.”

  Gunner left my sight to grab his keys to his bike and a 357 revolver. I didn’t own or carry but was seriously considering it now. Kickstands up within two minutes and we were out of the driveway, throttles twisted and pipes wide open to the Steel Cage.

  As I followed Sid into the Steel Cage, a big burly Hell Hound, who I think they called Hammer, lumbered out of one of the private rooms down the hall to my right. Mandi followed behind. Her right eye had a dark bruise. She recognized me and I recognized the look in her eyes, the same as mine. Humiliation. Defeat. Fear. She looked away from me and stared at the back of Hammer’s legs. She planted herself on Hammer’s lap by one of the little bar chairs up at the front of the stage where a blond woman was moving to the beat of Nine Inch Nails.

  Sid wrapped his hand tightly around my upper arm.

  “Come over here, Bitch. We’ll sit with Hammer and the wildcat.”

  He planted himself in a chair next to Hammer with me on his lap. He reached up to hug my thigh and he squeezed. Hard.

  “Mm... Still soft. Still pliable…,” he mumbled against my cheek.

  Hammer chuckled as his huge tattooed hand did the same to Mandi’s thigh.

  “Hot damn, Sid! This one here is a wildcat. Just like you said. She sucks a mean cock.”

  Suddenly Mandi’s head snapped back as Hammer grabbed a fistful of her hair.

  “I’m showing all the brothers that video I just shot of you chokin’ on my big dick,” he busted out with a loud chuckle.

  Mandi didn’t speak. She squeezed her eyes shut, her mouth tight and her jaw jutting out.

  Bile rose up the back of my throat. I was too numb now to be terrified. Numb. Defeated. Alone. My throat started to feel constricted, tightened up so I couldn’t catch another breath. And I wished at that moment I could just give up the will to breathe.

  “Now don’t get jealous, Sam, you suck cock good too. I’ll pass you around from one Hound cock to the next. Hammer can make a video for us too,” Sid jeered up at me.

  “Whatever you want, Sid,” was all I could muster.

  He rubbed his stubbled jaw, pondering something inside his sick head.

  “I’ll save that show for another time. I’m giving you a break tonight. You’ll work the bar. Hell Hounds are celebrating tonight. Our sheep have come home.”

  I didn’t know how much longer I could keep the tears from falling.
Sid’s hands disgusted me. Then I pictured Ratchet’s big warm hands touching me… his gentleness… his russet brown colored eyes gazing at me. The scent of smoke, leather and his own male musk brought images of wrapping myself around him as we rode his bike.

  A broad-chested man appeared within my view. He looked like he could be old enough to be my father. He had very short greying hair, with light colored eyes and he was a wide man.

  “This is Vik, he owns the place now. Vik, this is the sweet little lamb I was telling you about.”

  Vik’s eyes roamed my face and body as he grinned down at me, shoving a half-smoked cigar between his teeth. He swirled his tongue around the wet end.

  “Nice little lamb you have there, my friend, she will do good behind the bar tonight.” Vik had a slight accent. He sounded Russian. He raised his hand toward me. Rubbed his thumb across my lower lip and grinned at me.

  Sid pulled me back, away from his thick stubby thumb on my lip.

  “Maybe I’ll let you get a good taste of her sometime soon. But not tonight…”

  I was off Sid’s lap and he pushed me ahead to lead him to the bar. A couple of women worked, wearing bright colored tights and black halter tops.

  “Don’t you bitches fight over the tips.”

  I lifted the bar hutch, stepping through and shutting it back down in front of Sid. This gave me a barrier away from Sid. I didn’t know how much longer I could keep from throwing up.

  “It’s Ratchet with another Chaos. Just pulled in,” that dark-haired Hound that followed us back here yelled over the loud thumping music.

  Sid turned toward me and glared. His eyes were cold.

  “How did those motherfuckers get here that quick, Bitch?”

  Kat. She called Ratchet the moment we left the bookstore.

  “I’ll tell him to go away,” I stammered out.

  “Yeah, you do that, Little Lamb. Going to sit back and enjoy this,” he sneered, walking back to his chair next to Hammer with Mandi still on his lap.

  Ratchet appeared out of the darkness through red and blue strobes of disco lights. He stalked toward me. With purpose. Gunner was right behind him. He moved quickly, passing through the cigarette smoke, between the bar tables.


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