BOX SET - CHAOS KINGS: Chaos Kings Motorcycle Club BOOKS 1-4

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BOX SET - CHAOS KINGS: Chaos Kings Motorcycle Club BOOKS 1-4 Page 22

by Lawless, Linny

  I was curled up on my couch on my day off, flipping channels on the TV with the remote, when my phone rang. Skully lit up my screen.

  “Hi, Skully.”

  “Hi, Tanya. How’ve you been? I miss you a ton.” His deep voice made my heart skip a beat.

  “I miss you too; how is Jake? Thanks for sending me those pics. He looked like the happiest boy on the planet sitting on Shrek’s bike.”

  “Yeah. He loved it and bragged to all his buddies at day care, including his friend, Amanda.”

  “A girlfriend, huh? He’s going to be just like his dad, having tons of girlfriends.”

  “I don’t want to even think about that. Not just yet. I know I’ll have to give him that talk about girls someday. The reason I called is to ask you out on a date with me tonight. A traveling carnival stopped into town for the weekend, and they’re all set up in the parking lot by the bookstore Sam works at. Some Chaos brothers are meeting me there. I want to bring Jake with us too. I don’t have a car, so I was hoping you could go pick him up from Kathy’s house and bring him to the bike shop. Then we can ride together to the carnival?”

  He wanted me to come with them?

  * * *

  I couldn’t speak.

  “Please, Tanya? Jake wants to see you again. And Chaos will be there too. Sounds like fun, don’t it?”

  “Sure. Okay, Owen. I’d like that. I’ll go pick Jake up for you and bring him to the shop. Is five thirty good?”

  “Hot damn! Thanks, Sweet Cheeks! I promise we’ll be on our best behavior tonight.”

  “You shouldn’t promise me that, Skully. Who knows? Maybe I don’t want you on your best behavior later. When we’re alone.”

  “Hot damn!”

  * * *

  I felt like a giddy teenager, going out on a date with a sexy bad boy biker. Hearing Owen’s voice over the phone brightened my mood and warmed my heart. It was exhausting to mope around every day, feeling sorry for myself. Owen needed my help and to pick up Jake for him, and something switched on inside me. Maybe it was that maternal instinct that comes naturally to some women. But I had never felt it before until then.

  I dressed in one of my hot pink blouses, with some jeans and flip flops, dabbing on some mascara and pink shiny lip gloss. I combed my fingers through my hair, giving it a messy, tousled look. I puckered my lips and kissed my image in the mirror and smiled at myself. I was pretty in pink.

  It was five o’clock when I climbed into my car to go pick up Jake from Kathy’s house.

  When I buckled my seat belt, a large hand clamped over my mouth.

  “Shh…” The deep male voice whispered next to my ear, as the sharp point of a blade pricked the side of my neck. “You’re Skully’s whore, right?” I nodded, squeezing my eyes shut. I was frozen in terror. Was it Rusty again?

  “I’m going to take my hand off your mouth. You better just do as I tell you and don’t make a fucking sound. Start the car and drive. I’ll tell you where to go.”

  Hearing the sound of Tanya’s voice over the phone earlier today made my heart skip a few beats. I couldn’t wait to see her pull up in her car with Jake. It was about five minutes past six as I stood outside the bike shop finishing up a smoke. She was late. I pulled out my phone and called her. But her phone rang five times, then went straight to her voice mail. I squeezed the phone, rubbing the back of my neck, feeling tense and anxious.

  I flicked the cigarette butt, and it arced through the air and landed in a water puddle when my phone lit up with Tanya’s name. And a text message:

  “Hounds got me. U want me back U no where to find me.”

  A tight knot formed in the pit of my stomach. I hurried to my bike and climbed on.

  “You need some help, Skully?” Torque called out as he locked up the front door of the shop.

  I hurried, strapping on my lid with clumsy fingers. “The Hounds got to Tanya. They’re taking her to their clubhouse.”

  “Don’t go alone. Bring your brothers with you, man!”

  “I don’t have time.” I started the bike, stomped the shifter down to first, opened the throttle and burned rubber onto the road.

  In fifteen minutes flat, I pulled into the Hell Hounds clubhouse lot. I parked next Tanya’s car. Kicking the stand down, I leaped off the bike, not bothering to take my lid and shades off. I stormed through the opened doorway, full of fiery rage, my hands clenched tight, my jaw ticked, my head pounded.

  I saw Tanya sitting at their bar on an old rusty stool. She didn’t have a shirt on as her arms crossed over her chest, trying to cover herself in a light pink bra. She cried out, jumping off the stool, and clung to me. I wrapped my arms tight around her soft, shaking body. She sobbed against my neck.

  “I got you, Tanya. I’m here.” I leaned down to look at her, fearing the worst. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying, but there were no bruises. Thank god. “Did they touch you?”

  She shook her head. “No, Owen. I’m okay. Where is Chaos? Did you come here alone?”


  The sound of slow clapping came from behind us.

  “How fucking romantic. Gets my dick hard, Skully. Really, it does,” Hammer mocked. Muddy stood beside him, clapping along with him.

  “These disgusting dogs want you, Owen,” Tanya said as she shook, but the tone in her voice was steady.

  “I know.” I pulled my T-shirt over my head and put it over hers. “I want you to go now. Get out of here. I’ll work this out.”


  “Get out, whore. Unless you want to stay and watch?” Hammer grinned, his eyes roaming over Tanya’s body.

  “Fuck you!” she barked at Hammer and placed her hand on my cheek, her eyes lit with fire. “You’re not alone, Owen, you understand? And you better get used to it. Chaos is your tribe. Your family. Jake loves you. I love you.”

  A feeling of calmness washed over me, and the painful emptiness and anxiety were gone. “I love you, too, Tanya.” I smashed my mouth over hers. She moaned as I held her tight against me.

  “Now, go.”

  She hurried out, and I listened as she reached her car. The headlights came on as I heard the tires roll over the graveled asphalt, and she left. She was alive and safe.

  Hammer pounded his knuckles together, cracking them as Muddy stood there chuckling.

  I glared at them both and smiled. “Okay, Hammer. Let’s do this.”

  * * *

  The taste of my own blood filled my mouth. Bits of a broken molar crunched against the inside of my left cheek. My left eye was swollen shut. My whole head fucking hurt like a son of a bitch, and I felt a painful knot on the side of my skull. I sat in a wooden chair, my hands tied behind my back with an electrical cord. My hands went numb as my head hung down, my chin rested on my chest. Blood and drool splattered onto my crotch.

  Hammer had started with my face and did a good job of it. And he would get to other parts of me later.

  Hammer and Muddy had led me to one of the rooms in the clubhouse, this one used exclusively to beat people to a pulp. It was empty with only one light bulb with a pull chain in the ceiling, and the wooden chair I was tied to. It smelled of piss, vomit, mold, and rotting meat.

  Hammer stood in front of me, his bloody fists clenched at his sides. “You fucked your brothers over because of some cunt? Then you go and join a pussy motorcycle club?” He grabbed a fistful of my hair and wrenched my head back to look at him. “Now listen here, you fucking gimp, you’re goin’ to tell me what happened to that twenty-five grand!”

  I hurled a glob of spit and blood right between his eyes. He let go of his grip on my hair as his head snapped back. I chuckled. “You stupid shit. I made good with Knuck. Your President.”

  “What the fuck you slobberin’ about?” Hammer looked like a dumbass staring at me with spit and blood oozing down his face.

  I tried to open my left eye with no luck. “That money belongs to Knuck. And I’m guessing he doesn’t want to share any of it with you or your filt
hy dogs.”

  He started to pace in front of me as he clenched his fists covered in my blood. Then he leaned down and was up in my face again. “You made good with Knuck. But I ain’t done with you yet.”

  He walked to the corner of the room and lifted a sledgehammer and swung it back and forth, “Got any last words, you pussy-ass-going-to-be dead motherfucker?”

  I dropped my head back down. This was it, the end of me. My death. Just my luck. I was alone and lost all my life. Then Tanya found me. The Chaos Kings found me. They gave me what I needed. A home. A family. And I had a son. Jake. And I loved him. He was a part of me. He always would be, even after I was dead. And he would never be alone. He had Tanya. He had his grandmother and mother. And he had the Chaos Kings.

  “Yeah.” I spit more blood, and it landed on my boot. “Watch your back, Hell Hound, because Karma is one hell of a bitch. She’ll come back around for you. And the Chaos Kings MC will be right there with her.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for the swing of the sledgehammer that would smash my skull in.

  “Arrggh!” Hammer roared in pain. Then there was the sound of his body landing face down on the floor next to my boot.

  My wrists were suddenly cut away, the painful feeling of pin prickly needles shooting through my hands as the blood rushed back into them. I fell forward, but my left arm was lifted and wrapped around a man’s shoulders, his arm around my waist.

  “I got you, brother. Let’s go.” Magnet lifted me off the chair. I hung on to him as he half carried me out of that room and helped me climb into the passenger side of Ratchet’s truck.

  “You look like shit, Skully,” Ratchet grumbled as he drove me away from the Hell Hounds clubhouse. I leaned my head against the passenger window and passed out.

  * * *

  The softness of a pillow that smelled like Tanya cradled the back of my skull. I was in her bed. A soothing warm wet cloth was pressed lightly against the bashed-up parts of my face. I couldn’t open my left eye. I opened my right eye to the sudden pain of a sharp needle. There was blonde woman I didn’t recognize standing over me, her eyes focused on what she was doing with my face.

  I sat up. “Where’s Tanya?”

  “Shh. She’s here, Owen. Relax,” the woman whispered.

  My head landed back on the pillow. I closed my one good eye.

  Darkness. Dreams. Tanya’s thighs wrapped snug around my hips and the rush of air pushing us as I ride us together on the Super Glide. Jake sitting on Shrek’s bike, a wide grin on his face. A spitting image of me.

  I slept with Owen in my bed that night. I placed my cheek on his chest to listen to his steady breathing. I exhaled and cried tears of relief. He was alive.

  I didn’t know what the Chaos Kings would find when they got to the Hounds’ clubhouse earlier that night.

  When I left Owen there and drove away, I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and called Magnet. I was hysterical as he told me to get to my place as soon as I could, and that he, along with Ratchet and Wez were already on their way to that clubhouse to get Owen out. That Torque had called him as Owen was heading there to save me.

  Magnet half-carried Owen into my apartment, with Wez and Ratchet following close behind. He had been badly beaten, his face covered in blood. Magnet brought him into my bedroom, and Owen collapsed on my bed. I owed everything I had to Dr. Platt. She took my phone call late that night, listening to my sobs, pleading for a huge favor. I really didn’t expect her to come, but when she showed up at my apartment, I broke down in her arms. She went to work fast, cleaning Owen’s wounds, and stitching up the deep cut above his left eye. Luckily, he had no other injuries to the rest of his body. She left me some painkillers to give him and a sedative to help him sleep.

  Owen slept throughout the next day, as the bruises began to heal to a shade of blue and purple. He woke up a few times to find me snuggled up next to him. The side of his mouth lifted in a smile, then his brows knitted together when he felt the pain of the cut on his lip. I combed my fingers lightly through his dark, messy hair to soothe him. He moaned and fell back to sleep.

  * * *

  The next day, I climbed out of bed, putting on my pink robe and went to my kitchen to make some coffee. When I carried a cup back to my room, Owen was sitting up. His back leaned up against the headboard, covered only with my comforter decorated with hot pink flowers. His jeans and boxers were on the floor next to his boots. His left eye was healing and looked a little better.

  “How long have I been out, Sweet Cheeks?” His deep voice was groggy.

  I opened a bottle of water on the nightstand and handed it to him. “Drink, or you’ll get dehydrated. You slept two days, baby.”

  He guzzled down the whole bottle of water and smiled, making my stomach flutter.

  When he placed the empty bottle back on the nightstand, he was quick and snatched me around the waist and brought me down on top of him. I squeaked when I landed on top of his hard body as his arms wrapped around me.

  His warm palm caressed my ass cheek and squeezed. “Mmm. So soft…” he whispered as he nuzzled my neck.

  I gasped as his palm kneaded my ass, and I felt his hardness against my stomach. “Owen, you need to rest. We have lots of time for that later.”

  He leaned back to look into my eyes. “I’ve rested enough, baby. I need to feel you.” He ground his hips against my stomach, and I could tell that he was definitely ready. No more thinking. No more worrying. I planted my mouth over his and our tongues collided. I moaned as he shoved the comforter down and his hard cock sprung free. He fumbled, pulling my robe up as I climbed on him and straddled his hips, impaling myself on his hard, swollen erection. His hands gripped my hips.

  “That’s it, baby. Ride me and take what you want,” he demanded, and I did. I gyrated and ground against him, reaching between our bodies to rub my clit lightly.

  “Yes, Tanya, touch yourself and come on my cock. You’re so fucking beautiful.” His deep husky voice sent me over that rising pinnacle, and a delicious orgasm came crashing over my body. I cried out, panting, my hips moving faster as his own breathing became rough, shaky. Then he roared as his hot cum exploded inside my warm softness. I laid over him, and he held me as we both calmed our heavy, fast breathing.

  Owen moved suddenly. “Shit! I need to call Kathy—”

  “I called her, Owen. Jake’s okay. I didn’t tell Kathy the whole story, only that you got roughed up by some bad guys who tried to rob you and that you’re okay and just needing a few days to recover.”

  He relaxed, holding me tighter. “Thank you, Tanya. I wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for you. You saved me. You were there for me. You were there for Jake.”

  I smiled. “I guess I am your Wonder Woman, huh?”

  He chuckled. “Yes, you are. And always will be.”

  I called Torque and thanked him for getting the word to Magnet and my Chaos brothers that night. I took a few more days off and stayed with Tanya at her apartment, and Magnet came over to visit. I didn’t remember much about that night, and I need to know how I got out alive.

  We sat in Tanya’s living room as Magnet rehashed all that happened as he slouched on the couch, his arms folded over his chest. “Ratchet reached out to Knuck and told him the situation, that Hammer and Muddy had you at their clubhouse. And that we were coming to get you out. Knuck didn’t even have a problem it, and he had no problem with us Chaos Kings. Ratchet didn’t give a fuck about that twenty-five grand to save Sam. Knuck has way too many dipshits in his club, and they won’t last long. Some other diamond club will move in someday and wipe them all out.”

  I had cloudy images in my head of Magnet, cutting me away from that electrical cord that cut the circulation off to my hands. And that he called me brother. “I remember Hammer landing flat on his face. And you getting me out of there. How did that happen?’

  Magnet doubled over and began to laugh that ended with a cackle. “I can’t take any credit for that. That was all Wez
, brother. He came through that door first, and not a second too late, cause you would have been a dead man. Hammer was getting ready to bash your head in with a sledgehammer. But Wez struck that motherfucker with his cattle prod.”

  “A cattle prod?”

  “Yeah. Wez likes to use his good ol’ cattle prod when he needs to get out of a sticky situation. He zapped Hammer in the back a few times, then right between his ass cheeks and his balls. Motherfucker went down like a ton of bricks!” He chuckled again.

  “Cattle prod?” The image of Hammer lying face down by my feet just became a lot more entertaining for me.

  “I thought you would’ve figured Wez out by now. He’s into kink, and he’s got some fetishes, plus he’s a sadist.”

  “I guess you just never really know a person sometimes, huh?” My impression of Wez was a tad different now.

  “So, I got you to Ratchet’s truck, rode your bike out of there, and Wez followed me on his. We brought you here to Tanya’s.”

  Magnet stood from the couch and huffed, rolling his eyes. “I gotta meet up with Becky and Brandy. They want me to take them to see a movie. I’d rather go film our own movie in my bedroom.”

  “What movie are you going to see?” Tanya asked.

  “I don’t know and don’t care, sis. I’ll just sit and wait to see how long the girls stay interested in the movie,” he pointed down to his crotch, “before they steer their attention to all this I got for them.”

  Tanya rolled her eyes. “Ugh. Just keep it in your pants, Magnet.”

  “I can’t make any promises that have anything to do with what’s in my pants.” He nodded toward the duffle bag he dropped on the couch next to me, “I brought some of your things over from the clubhouse, brother.”

  “Thanks, Magnet.”

  He planted a kiss on Tanya’s forehead and left for his movie date.


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