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BOX SET - CHAOS KINGS: Chaos Kings Motorcycle Club BOOKS 1-4

Page 26

by Lawless, Linny

  I got one of the bartenders to fill a beer mug full of water and went back out to my truck to check on the dog while Fiona got her things. I saw through my window that he seemed to be in less distress than when I found him locked up in that asshole’s car. The dry, frigid air hit me as I opened the door and offered the mug of water to him. His long tongue quickly lapped and gulped half of it down.

  “Well, who is this handsome fellow?” Fiona’s voice came from behind me.

  I turned around to see her dressed, with a backpack slung over her shoulder. Her face was even more beautiful in the sunlight. “That dipshit, Kyle had him locked up in his car. He was close to being dead.”

  She came around me and offered her hand to him for a smell. Lucky dog. He licked her fingers. “I saw the broken glass over there. You saved him… He’s beautiful. What are you going to do with him?”

  “Not sure.” I just stared at her profile. Her fair skin. Her high rosy cheek. “He can hang with me until I figure out something. Not sure how Gypsy will take it.”

  “Who’s Gypsy?”

  “She’s one of my roommates.” Fiona’s eyes met mine. “She’s a cat. She lives with me and my Chaos brother, Ratchet, and his ol’ lady, Sam.”

  The side of her mouth lifted. “Oh. Well. I’m sure this handsome fellow will be on his best behavior.”

  I had to look away from her blue eyes. “Which is your car? I’ll follow you home.”

  I followed her white Mazda a few miles back to her place. The pounding throb in my temples subsided a little as I drove. The dog sat in the passenger seat, looking out the window, his long tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. I pulled up along the curb and parked behind her, in front of a row of duplex houses.

  I reached over and scratched the dog’s neck. “Not sure what your name was, so I’ll just call you Trooper, for now.” He barked once, so I took that as a sign that he approved. I got out of the truck, and he jumped out after me. He followed right along as I walked beside Fiona to her house.

  She unlocked and opened the door. “You’re more than welcome to come in. Along with …” She looked down. He had slobber running down one side of his mouth.

  “We’ll just call him Trooper, for now.” I followed her in, Trooper right behind me. It was a nice little place, decorated in light feminine colors and flowery patterns.

  She tossed the backpack on her couch and went into the little kitchen. “Would you like something to drink?”

  I made my way to her couch and sat. Trooper was there on his haunches next to my knee. “Sure. A beer if you got any.”

  She came and sat next to me with two bottles and offered me one. “Thanks.” I gulped half of it down; I was thirsty, and it tasted good. I placed it on her coffee table.

  She lifted her beer to her lips and leaned back. I watched her throat as she took a good long drink—the throat I wanted to suck and bite on again. But her creamy white skin was marked with faint pink prints where Kyle had grabbed.

  “So, who the fuck is Kyle? I don’t want him anywhere near you. Ever again.”

  She placed her bottle next to mine. Combing a hand through her tousled red locks, she focused on Trooper. “He’s my cousin. He and his wife, Maggie, helped me when I left home and needed a place to stay. I came home after I saw you at the CrowBar and found torn photos from a pornographic magazine covering my entire front door. I knew it could only be Kyle who had done it.”

  I reached out and caressed the side of her neck. “He’s dangerous.”

  “He’s never done that to me before. He always looked at me the same way my father did, but this time he was angry with me.”

  I continued to stroke her pretty neck with my fingertips. Her eyes were half-closed, her lips parted. “Look at you in what way, Fiona?”

  “Like I’m wicked. Like a disgusting thing. Like a whore who can’t be redeemed.”

  “You’re not any of those things. You’re beautiful. Breathtaking.” I leaned in closer, lightly grazing my lips against hers. They were so soft against mine. My tongue plunged through her parted lips and encircled hers. So delicious. I latched on and sucked gently.

  I placed her soft little hand right on the top of my crotch. My dick was furiously hard and thumped against my zipper. She gasped, but not because I frightened her; she pressed her palm down and rubbed my length.

  “Hurt me with it,” she whispered against mouth.

  “No. I would never hurt you. Only gentle.” My fingers moved from her neck to her collarbone, down to draw a circle around her budded nipple that poked through her tank top. I dipped down and darted my tongue around it. Her fingers snaked up the back of my skull and combed through my hair. My lips came over her covered nipple and sucked. Her back arched up to me, encouraging me to suck harder. She cried out and reached down with both hands, fumbling to unbutton and unzip my jeans. I wouldn’t be able to keep that promise about being gentle at the moment. I released her puckered nipple and covered my hands over hers. “But not today.”

  Just then Trooper whined, his tail wagging. I grabbed the bottle and finished the rest of it and stood from the couch. My crotch was at eye level to Fiona. Neither of us could ignore my massive erection. “Gonna go now. Keep everything locked—your door, your windows—and let me know if you see Kyle.” I didn’t give Fiona any time to reply because I headed toward her door. Trooper whined again but stayed. “Yeah. Stay with Fiona for a few days, Trooper.” When I looked at her, I could see the sadness in her eyes. “I’ll go out and get him some dog food. I’ll be back in a bit.”

  I got in my truck and drove to the local pet store. The pain in my head disappeared. But then my dick throbbed. Fuck! I was consumed by Fiona. And when Kyle’s hand was on her throat, everything went black around me, like looking down the dark barrel of a gun, or through the optical scope on Lucy, the name of the Abrams tank in my platoon. All I felt was rage. I’ve killed men. Many of them. In war. If anyone tried to harm Fiona, I would kill them too. I wanted to protect her. Watch over her. Fuck her. Feel her from inside.

  Within the hour, I walked back to her house with a thirty-pound bag of dog food over my shoulder, dog bowls, and a few toys for Trooper. I gave her door three knocks. “It’s Ethan.”

  Fiona opened it and went back to sit on her couch. I found the recipient of all these things that I just bought, snuggled up next to her on the couch. Lucky dog. “I wasn’t gone for even thirty minutes, and he’s already made himself at home,” I grumbled as I placed everything on her dinette table.

  She patted the top of Trooper’s head and smiled. “Yes. Trooper is quite the guardian. And a cuddle bug too.”

  I came around to the couch and couldn’t help but smile. He seemed well behaved. Fiona’s eyes steered right to my crotch, then looked up at me. I took a deep breath in and exhaled to calm down the urge to pull out my dick and rub the head across her soft, parted lips. I stepped back and decided to give this my best shot. “Have you ever ridden on a bike?”

  She blinked a few times. “No. Motorcycles seem dangerous, but I’ve always wondered what it would feel like.”

  “ I think we should have a few more good weeks of riding this fall before it cools down too much. How about I take you out for one?”

  Her eyes lit up, and she beamed. “Yes! I would like that very much, Ethan. What should I wear?”

  “Dress warm. Jeans. You have a pair of boots? No heels. A leather jacket? Shades?”

  “Yes, I have all those things.”

  “Okay, then. I have an extra helmet that will fit your pretty little head.” I smiled back at her. “How about Saturday morning? You off?”

  “Yes. But I do work that evening.”

  “I’ll pick you up at 10:00 a.m. then.” I bent down and kissed her, and when I left her place, I counted every minute until it was Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m.

  My fair skin always showed every blemish, but luckily, the red imprints from Kyle on my neck disappeared overnight. I let Trooper sleep on my bed that night. He c
urled up by my feet, and I felt safe having a new companion. I always loved dogs but could never have a pet when I was growing up. Father wouldn’t allow it. He saw dogs as “mangy scoundrels” that hunt in packs and follow the scent of blood. But I didn’t see Trooper as any of those things. He had blue eyes, like me, that shown brightly in contrast to his gray-colored fur.

  Hank the Hulk, as we called him, our bouncer at the Cheetah was such a darling and very protective of the dancers and bartenders. He let Tony, the owner and manager, know what happened and reassured me that Kyle would never step foot into the club again.

  Hank was a giant of a man, bald, with a salt and pepper goatee and had arms the size of pythons. He was a gentle giant, and I only saw kindness in his eyes; his size was intimidating, and that’s why he was a good bouncer. “Good thing Gunner was there for you, doll. That noodle dick probably pissed in his nice suit.” His head fell back, and he laughed at his own words.

  I blushed. How did Hank know Kyle had problems with getting an erection? I placed my hand on his huge bicep. “Well, thank you, Hank. For letting Tony know and watching over the other girls and me here.”

  As I entered the dressing room, Destiny grasped my arms. “Cherri! Hank told me what happened. Are you okay?”

  I smiled. “Yes. I’m okay, Destiny. Gunner—I mean, Ethan—was there to stop Kyle from doing worse…”

  She took hold of my jaw and moved my head from side to side, inspecting my neck. “That fucking asshole! Well, he’s not allowed in here anymore. He’s dangerous!”

  “I know. Hank won’t let him in here again after what he did to me. I feel better knowing that too.” I fought back the tears; he’d frightened me.

  Destiny pulled me close and wrapped her arms around me. Then the tears came. “I’m here, girlfriend. Some men just can’t handle all the beauty and warmth that is you. You wear your heart on the outside. And some men just want to fuckin’ take, take, take. And if you don’t give it to them, it insults their ego.”

  * * *

  Saturday morning finally arrived. I dressed warmly, pulled my hair into a ponytail, and I was ready thirty minutes before Ethan arrived. I pulled back the curtain at my front window the moment I heard the low rumble of motorcycle pipes. He was right on time. My jaw dropped at the sight of him; he looked so sexy and dangerous sitting on that cherry red motorcycle wearing his leather club vest over a black-and-white plaid flannel shirt, his jeans fit snugly to his thighs.

  * * *

  Trooper planted his front paws on the windowsill and barked. “Yes, Trooper, Ethan’s taking me for a ride on his motorcycle today!” He tilted his head and whined, but his tail still wagged.

  I turned from the window to grab my leather jacket, my clutch purse that I could sling across my chest, and headed toward the door. But as I touched the doorknob, I stopped. I didn’t want to seem too forward. The proper way was to greet your date at the door. So, I tossed my purse and jacket back on the couch and peeked out the window again, watching him as he walked toward my house. His confident swagger held a hint of pent up prowess and sexual energy, and my belly fluttered.

  He knocked three times. I closed my eyes, exhaling the flutter of nerves in my stomach, and then opened the door to find him leaning on his forearm against the doorframe. He slid his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose, and the side of his mouth rose in a half-smile. “Hey, gorgeous.” His deep voice rumbled low like the sound of his motorcycle. He looked down to greet Trooper and patted him on the chest. “Hey, Trooper!” Lucky dog.

  As he stood back up, his eyes roamed down my body, and back up to meet mine. “Good. You’re dressed perfectly for the ride. You ready?’

  “Yes!” I turned to fetch my jacket and purse, told Trooper to be a good boy, and locked up the house.

  “Looks like he’s made himself at home with you, darlin’.”

  “Yes. He seems happy with me.”

  “Why wouldn’t he? He’s a lucky fuckin’ dog if you ask me.”

  I couldn’t help but giggle “Well, I do spoil him. He sleeps at my feet on my bed.”

  “Again. Lucky fuckin’ dog.”

  His stare was so intense, I had to look away. “It’s a beautiful motorcycle.”

  “Yeah. She’s pretty.”

  “I like the color.”

  “It’s my favorite.” He was still looking at me, not his motorcycle. “Okay, so, let’s get you zipped up.”

  I was fumbling with my coat zipper, so he reached and fastened it for me, zipping it slowly, causing my face to flush. He opened the compartment by the rear tire and pulled out a black helmet. “You’ll need to wear this. And shades.” He placed it on my head and fastened the strap under my chin as I put on my sunglasses. “Now I’ll get on first and stand the bike up. All you have to do is hold onto my shoulder and climb on behind me.”

  I did everything as he instructed, and it was easier than I thought it would be. I slid close, pressing my breasts against his broad back, and the inside of my thighs hugged his hips. The back of his leather vest was covered in patches as well as the CHAOS KINGS MC logo across the top with the patch of a skull wearing a horned Viking helmet on top of two crossed battle axes beneath.

  He reached around and took my hands, wrapping them around his waist. “Since this is your first time on a bike, I want you to hold on to me.” He turned the key in the ignition and the motorcycle vibrated with life. “Now, when I lean, you lean with me. Not against me.” He kicked what looked like the gear shifter at his foot, and we rode away from the curbside.

  As I sat behind Ethan, the vibrations of the motorcycle felt like a liquid warmth of arousal caressing my entire body. The chilly wind pushed against both of us as everything moved around in a blur. The sun was out with no clouds. I felt weightless, like flying at high speeds with invisible wings. When Ethan leaned on the bike, I leaned with him. He reached around with his left hand and slid it underneath my thigh and squeezed. His head swiveled toward me. “You’re a natural, darlin’!”

  “It feels natural. I feel free,” I answered, raising my voice next to his ear, above the sound of the loud thunder of the vibrating pipes.

  We were surrounded by fall colored tree leaves of brown, red, and gold, as we rode on the back roads. When he pulled up in front of my house again, I was surprised to find it’d been nearly an hour; it’d only felt like a minute. I didn’t want the ride to end. He planted his feet down and turned the ignition off.

  My cheek rested against his back as my arms were still wrapped around him. He reached up and covered my hands with his. They were a bit cold, as were mine. “We put in enough miles today for your first time, Fiona. Did you like it?”

  “Did I ever! Can we do it again soon?”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, darlin’. But I’m going to ease you into this. Slowly.” His double meaning left me breathless.

  I invited him in, but Trooper excitedly greeted him and raced out the door to play in the fenced-in yard. He galloped in circles, his tail wagging and tongue lolling out his mouth. Ethan scooped up an orange ball and tossed it. He trotted over, grabbed it up in his jaws and carried it back to Ethan, who tossed it again and again.

  “Thank you for the ride today, Ethan. I really enjoyed it.”

  Ethan pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one. “How long has that low-life scum been hurting you?”

  The giddiness I’d felt suddenly turned serious. “He’s never physically hurt me like that before—”

  “He’s been hurting you. And I bet for a long while now.”

  “I don’t think he will anymore. Not after how you stuck your gun into his mouth.”

  “He’s not allowed into the Cheetah anymore, Fiona. But I’m not going to underestimate him. Neither should you. Men like that don’t let things go. I want you to be safe. I don’t want you to be afraid.”

  I stepped toward him. “I’m not afraid of you, though.”

  His lips were suddenly on mine. I felt weightless as he bent and scooped me up into his st
rong arms. “Where’s your bedroom?” His growl was low, his eyes so intense.

  “Through the living room, at the end of the hall.”

  His mouth came crashing back down over mine again as he drove his tongue to clash with mine. My hands raked through his dark, messy hair. I moaned as he carried me through the hallway to my bedroom. He laid me on the bed and covered me with his bulky frame. I opened my eyes when he pulled away from me. He pulled a sheer black scarf hanging among other scarves on my bedroom door. “Close your eyes, Fiona.”

  I sat up and closed my eyes. The scarf came over them. He wrapped it around my head and tied a knot. “I-I can’t look at you?” I stammered.


  “But why—”

  I felt his fingertips pressed to my lips. “Shhh. Just feel me.” Then I felt his teeth and lips clamp down onto the crook of my neck—like he’d done at the bar. I cried out at the pressure of his bite. His hands began to unbutton my flannel shirt, his tongue sliding down my shoulder. He nipped and kissed along the way and yanked my bra cup down, exposing my nipple.

  "God, Fiona. I'm consumed by you." He sucked my nipple into his mouth, flicking his tongue back and forth over the hard bud. My breath came in fast pants as his hands moved to my jeans, unfastening and pulling them down over my knees. I cried out as two of his fingers slid between my slit and buried themselves deep inside.

  Then it happened. Flashbacks invaded my mind as my eyes were covered by the scarf. Darkness. Being closed in. The door locked from the outside. Four corners surrounded me. Squeezing me in. I was in in the closet again. I couldn’t breathe! I sobbed and hiccupped, my bare ass raw and sore from the belt. My knees were drawn up to my chest. My arms hugging my shins.

  “No! Please stop!” I screamed, pulling Ethan’s hand away from me. “I can’t see! I can’t breathe!” The scarf was suddenly pulled away from my eyes. I opened them to see Ethan’s, his brows drawn together. “Ethan!”


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