Her Secret Baby

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Her Secret Baby Page 10

by S. E. Law

“Daddy, Rover is a dog’s name.”

  “Well, Rufus is a dog’s name too!”

  I met Ryan’s eyes over the heads of the children, and we both smiled. Our house will always be raucous and rowdy, but this is how we like it. We have six children together, and it’s pure heaven.

  At that moment, Rachel comes running back.

  “Mommy, Rico said he’ll take us out on the boat! Can we go, please?”

  Rufus bounds along behind his twin sister, bouncing with anticipation as he joins her pleas.

  “We’ll be super careful!” he says. “We’ll wear our life jackets and we’ll listen to Rico and we’ll be really good! Can we go, please, please, please?”

  I look up to see Rico approaching us, a sheepish smile on his face. My oldest son is getting more handsome every day. He’s almost fifteen now, and looking more and more like his gorgeous father with those broad shoulders and bright blue eyes. And yet, the smile Rico shoots me is that of a boy.

  “They’ve been bugging me all morning to take them out on the lake, but I told them they had to ask you first.”

  I laugh, and pull Rachel in for a hug.

  “Hmmm,” I say. “I don’t know. Sailing on the lake is for big boys and girls. Do you two really think you’re ready?”

  “Yes, yes, we’re ready, Mommy, please?” the twins plead in unison. Rufus stands on his tiptoes, stretching his head as tall as he can to show just how big he is. I can’t help myself. I laugh and gather them both into a big bear hug. Royce crawls over and coos, wanting to join. I release the older twins and pick him up. “Alright,” I say. “You can ride in the boat, but be careful and listen to your brother!”

  They yelp with excitement and immediately run to the dock where Ryan’s new boat is tied. It’s gorgeous. It has a gleaming white hull, and he named it the Regina, after me. I’d giggled at first.

  “Oh no, that’s too much,” I said. “Why don’t we name it after your mom instead?”

  But Ryan shook his head, and merely dropped a kiss on my nose.

  “No, because I’m naming the other boat after my mom. This one is for our new lake house, so it’s going to be named after you.”

  “Our new lake house?” I asked, surprised. “I didn’t know you bought one!”

  He merely pinches my bottom with a wicked smile.

  “Yes, baby. I bought a new lake house because I want our growing family to have lots of space to explore and breathe fresh air. The kids will love it, and most of all, you’ll love it too.”

  Ryan is right. The lake house is wonderful, and it’s the perfect setting to raise a family. We still live mostly in Oaktown, but we spend a lot of weekends here, and almost every summer now. The kids are growing up so fast, and the treehouse they built last year already seems too small for Rico, Ronnie and Rebecca. At least Royce will be able to use it once he’s up and a bit more mobile.

  As the children scamper off, I hear the crackle of leaves behind me and turn to see Ryan approaching. He’s so handsome with his dark hair, broad shoulders and bronzed skin. As soon as the baby sees him, he lifts up his hands and demands, “Dada!” Ryan picks him up and tosses him into the air. Royce squeals with laughter while Ryan beams with joy. My gorgeous boyfriend throws the baby in the air again, and I laugh gently. I will treasure this image for the rest of my life.

  “Hey, beautiful,” Ryan says, turning to smile at me. Royce is giggling and huffing, drool hanging from his mouth.

  “Hey, handsome,” I say, smiling back.

  Ryan sits next to me and places Royce on the grass near us where he immediately begins crawling to the water.

  “Nuh uh,” I warn, picking the baby back up to cuddle him. He coos, and his big blue eyes go between myself and his father. Royce, like Rico, is the spitting image of Ryan, and sometimes, I marvel at what a beautiful baby we made together.

  But we don’t just make beautiful babies together. Ryan has also hired me to work at Mama Pasta, and I help with the marketing and advertising of the business. It’s gone swimmingly well, even though I’m only there part-time. With a growing family, I don’t want to get too into my job and neglect my duties as a real mother.

  “How’s the latest commercial?” I ask, placing my hand on Ryan’s knee.

  “Great as usual,” he says. “You’re a genius, sweetheart. I loved that last idea you had.”

  “You didn’t say it!” I exclaim.

  Ryan rolls his eyes, and then puts an exaggerated smile on his face. He brings his hand up next to his mouth so that his thumb and forefinger touch in an OK symbol. “Perfetto!” he says, with a strong Italian action.

  I giggle, loving Ryan’s impression of the actor we hired.

  “I think that’s my new favorite commercial,” I say when I catch my breath.

  He looks down at me, smiling wryly. “Glad to know one of us enjoys it,” he says.

  “Oh, come on,” I say. “That tagline was your idea.”

  He rolls his eyes again, “Okay, Little Miss. I see how it’s going to be.”

  I laugh and then play with the baby again, who looks like he’s dropping off to sleep. Ryan notices and scoops us both into his embrace, and I settle gently into the place where I belong: with my head resting comfortably on his chest, and our child in my arms.

  “Hey you,” he says smiling at me. The gentle air of his breath puffs across my temple.

  “Hey,” I reply.

  We lock eyes for a moment, and then I sigh and nestle into him even more. We look out at the lake where I see Rico and the twins pulling lazy figure-eights on the water. Ronnie and Rebecca run along the edge, playing Knights and Princesses, still a favorite of theirs. Rebecca sees us and stops for a moment, waving brightly. I wave back and she scampers off, Ronnie close behind. What a beautiful family we have.

  “What a beautiful family we have,” Ryan says. I giggle at the coincidence. He looks at me, brow furrowing. “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing,” I say. “I was just thinking those same words, that’s all. I’m so happy, Ryan.”

  “Me too,” he says. We’re still again for a moment, then he says. “Regina? There’s something I’ve been wanting to ask you for a long time now.”

  “What’s that?” I say.

  He’s quiet for a moment.

  “Well, you know my family loves you,” he says. “Not just Rico, Rufus, Rachel, Rebecca, and Ronnie, but also my mom and dad. And my sister too. They all think the world of you, Regina.”

  I smile against his chest.

  “I know. They thought you’d never find a woman again, but who knew that I’d be right under your nose?”

  He pulls me even tighter into his chest.

  “That’s right,” he says, the vibrations of his voice forming a pleasant rumble. “And that’s why I wanted to ask you this.”

  Slowly, fumbling a bit, Ryan reaches into his shorts pocket before pulling out a small velvet-covered box that fits neatly in his palm. My heart begins to pound and I sit up, eyes wide. Is this really happening?

  “Regina,” Ryan begins.

  “Wait, wait, you’re not on one knee!”

  Ryan grins, and takes the baby from my arms, putting Royce into the bassinet before getting down on one knee in the grass. I stare into his bright blue eyes and feel my own begin to tear.

  “Regina,” he says again, looking at me again. I smile through my tears, waiting in beautiful agony for the words that will forever bind me to him. “Regina, from the moment I saw you, I knew. You are by far the most beautiful, loving, and nurturing woman I have ever met. You’re a mother to our children, a partner to me, and a living reminder of how wonderful life is every moment of every day. My love, my life, my heart: everything is yours. Will you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Ryan Blythe?”

  He opens the box as he says this, revealing a beautiful rose gold circlet, flecked with diamonds and topped with a brilliant stone that captures the light of the sun and reflects it back in a stunning array of color and fire.

I gaze deeply into the eyes of the only man I will ever love. Ryan’s handsome face waits with anticipation, his bronzed features tense and yet so beautiful. I already know what my answer will be, and I’ve known from the moment we met. Still, I wait, savoring this moment for as long as possible, drinking in the beautiful certainty that everything will always be right.

  “I will,” I finally say. “I love you, Ryan Blythe. Nothing could make me happier than being your wife.” His blue eyes flash, and then he captures my mouth in a passionate kiss. His tongue traces the seam of my lips, seeking entrance, and I open unconsciously, welcoming him. The rest of the world fades and we are one, as we should be, as we always will be.

  A lifetime passes before we separate, and dimly I’m aware of the sound of cheering. We turn to see the kids, all five of them, lined up in front of us smiling and clapping. I blush and bury my face in Ryan’s shoulder, embarrassed that we’ve been seen. But then the embarrassment evaporates when they laugh and clap with excitement.

  “Mommy’s going to marry Daddy!” Rebecca shouts, before running to us and wrapping us in a bear hug. “You’re going to be our mommy for real!”

  “Mommy, Mommy!” the other kids sing as they rush to join the group hug. Soon, Ryan and I are buried in a flurry of little arms, legs and faces, but I’ve never been so happy. Ryan laughs and looks across at me, his blue gaze promising the world. “I love you,” he mouths softly.

  “I love you too,” I whisper.

  With that, my life is set. With this man, I am in love and I am home.


  Five Years Later

  Curious about what happens to Regina and Ryan in five years? Then download the scene here (newsletter subscription required) or read the scene on my website right here (no subscription required). Hint: it’s a steamy scene where they’re trying to conceive a seventh baby in her childhood bedroom!

  More from S.E. Law

  Who falls in love with her friend’s dad and stepdad? Read Marni’s story in Her Honey Pot, available here.

  Even worse, I decided to fall in love with both of my mom’s ex-husbands. It’s filthy, but I still like calling them “Daddy.” About My Daddies is available here.

  I fell hard for my fiancé’s gorgeous father. Taboo? Absolutely. But our chemistry is off the charts in My Fiancé’s Dad, available here.

  The two cherry farmers are plucking Courtney’s cherry this season in Her Juicy Cherry, available here.

  My prom night was a disaster when I caught my boyfriend cheating on me with my best friend. But the older man made it all better in Forbidden Fruit, available here.

  Getting pregnant? A big deal. Getting pregnant by your handsome, hands-on personal physician? An even bigger deal. And don’t forget, he has a business partner who loves being in on the action as well. Playing with Her Doctors is available here.

  After I blackmailed my dad’s best friend, the alpha male swore revenge. But what we didn’t expect was the attraction between us … and now we’re having a baby. Pick up Blackmailing My Dad’s Best Friend here.

  My dad’s boss caught me in a naughty position, and now he says that I have to let him enjoy my curves. Sound delightful? Then you’ll love Blackmailed By My Dad’s Boss, available here.


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  Sneak Peek: While He Watches


  Whitney becomes a cam girl in order to keep her bakery afloat.

  I stare at myself in my tiny bathroom mirror. I’ve always received compliments on my big brown eyes so I’ve spent quite a bit of time accentuating them with make-up. I watched half a dozen YouTube tutorials on how to do sexy eye make-up before deciding on this look. I’ve contoured my cheeks and lined my lips to give myself a vampy, pouty look. My freshly washed locks are fluffy corkscrews framing my face.

  “Am I really going to do this?” I ask Apollo. My cat is currently my only source of conversation. I feel like he’s judging me as he leaps from his perch on the side of the tub and exits the room.

  “Hey, don’t be like that. This was your idea, remember? And if you want your cat food, then you better get on board!” I call after my cat.

  Apollo merely meows disdainfully and walks on. How sad. Well, hopefully someone will show up for my cam show so I have someone to talk to that doesn’t walk on four legs.

  I dress like I’m going out for a casual date. I put on my favorite, most flattering jeans and a top with lots of cleavage. I’ve arranged my bed into a colorful display of pillow and throws, pulling cushions from my couch to make it look inviting. The deep jewel tones of the stacks of pillows remind me of a desert oasis filled with harem girls and belly dancers. I like the vibe and find it sexy.

  I set up my laptop so that only me and the bed are in the frame. I don’t want anyone to see particulars, like my diploma on the wall or the photo of me and my grandma in Paris. That would be creepy.

  Then again, there are so many more logistics involved in this than I anticipated. The site I’m using is called LiveFans and my screen name is CurvyGal. I don’t think I could handle it if guys logged in expecting some lithe, petite girl and upon seeing me, logged right back out. I want to be as upfront as I can without giving away too much.

  My heart races and my palms are sweaty as I click the ‘go live’ button. Oh my god, am I really ready? A million thoughts run through my head. What if no one shows up? What should I be doing while I wait for customers to log in? What am I going to say? It’s nine o’clock at night, should I have started earlier? Or maybe later? Should I have music in the background? Did Willow have music?

  I decide to put some sexy music on in the background and grab my phone to search for something appropriate when suddenly, my laptop alerts me that I have a viewer. I am panic stricken but recover quickly enough to greet PeterC.

  “Hi, Peter. Thanks for joining my show. My name is Whitney,” I say in what I hope is a sexy voice.

  Oh damn! It just dawned on me that I shouldn’t have used my real name. Shit, what was I thinking?

  “Hi, Whitney. Great smile,” Peter types.

  “Aw, thanks, Pete. Is it ok to call you Pete?”

  “You can call me anything you like,” appears in his chat box. It’s a little weird for me to talk while he types, but I guess this is just how cam shows work.

  Besides, it’s my first customer and the situation hasn’t blown up yet. This guy seems nice. Maybe he’s some nerdy guy who’s awkward with women in real life. Maybe it’s my job to make him feel less awkward. That thought gives me more confidence. I decide to share with him that this is my first show in case he feels nervous too.

  “Well, Pete, I have to tell you, this is my first cam show actually. I’m stuck at home like most of the country and decided to give it a try.”

  PeterC sends me $5.

  “Thank you for the tip, Pete!”

  “You’re welcome,” he types. “What do you do when you’re not stuck at home due to a crazy virus?” he continues.

  I debate how to answer that. I decide to go with a broad generalization of the truth.

  “I work in the food service industry.”

  “Interesting. I’m afraid I have to take a call, Whitney. But it was really nice to meet you.”

  PeterC logs off. Oh my god, did I screw up? Why did he log off so quickly? But then, I see that PeterC just tipped me fifty dollars.

  I hate to say it, but fifty dollars is a lot, and my mouth drops open as I look at the number on the screen. I can eat! I can send money to my parents! All was not for naught!

  I end the cam show before anyone else can join and try to calm down for a moment. I’m pleased with the money I made briefly chatting with one guy. Pleased is putting it lightly. I’m ecstatic, and that went better than in my wildest imaginations.
  I decide to make this my regular time to post. Some tips I’ve been reading around the web said that to attract repeat viewers, you should maintain a regular schedule. LiveFans has given me a webpage and I post my tentative show times there.

  It’s interesting not knowing who you’re talking to. It really sparks the imagination. Am I conversing with someone who’s feeling lonely because his girlfriend just broke up with him? Am I talking to someone who’s been married for thirty years and feels a little restless, but doesn’t want to leave his wife? Or maybe I’m talking to a woman who’s exploring her sexuality. I snort. Most likely, I’m engaging with a teen boy who’s giggling in his room even now.

  Then again, maybe PeterC is a real, adult male. Maybe some of the guys who visit these cam shows do so because they are afraid to approach women in person for fear of rejection. Maybe it’s just because I can relate to feeling awkward in situations with the opposite sex sometimes. It gives me a boost to think I might be giving a shy person some confidence.

  I go to bed with a new sense of purpose and contentment, positive that PeterC was bullied in high school and now has crushing social anxiety. Well, he’s not the only one. I know exactly how that goes, and fall asleep feeling like I have a new mission in life.

  It’s 8:50 p.m. the next day and I feel a little more comfortable about doing this live show than I did yesterday. I know where to put my computer for the perfect angle, and I spent the day making a sexy playlist to keep on in the background. My main fear is that no one will show up. PeterC gave me $55 yesterday, so I doubt he’ll be back today with that kind of money. Unless maybe he’s a tech nerd that created some silly gaming app that everyone loves. Then, anything is possible.

  I struggle a little with what to wear today. I’ve realized that most of my clothes are only fit to wear under an apron at the bakery because they’re so raggedy and baggy at once. So I pull out the big guns.


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