Don't Hate Me (My Secret Boyfriend Book 2)
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He pushed my cotton shorts down my hips even as he returned to my mouth. Kissing me, with his lips and teeth and tongue. Drinking me in like he’d been a man dying of thirst, and I was his oasis in the desert.
I felt his fingers seeking between my thighs and I spread them out so he could have access to what he wanted.
He thrust a single finger deep and high inside me, and I gasped.
“Fuck, you’re wet.”
I might have grunted. His thumb found my clit and he started slow circles even as his finger continued to pump, and his head dipped again to bite my shoulder. And lower until his teeth worried my tight nipple.
Standing in the middle of the room, the afternoon sunlight blazing in, I was naked and helpless before him. His very own sexual sacrifice, while he remained dressed and in control.
“This isn’t fair,” I whined. “You’re in charge of everything.”
He lifted his head but didn’t remove his finger. In fact, he looked down at his hand, watched as he thrust it inside me. Saw how slick it was each time he pulled back. Then he released me and swallowed.
“What do you want to be in charge of?” he asked me.
I had no freaking clue. I just didn’t want him to think I was still a virgin he had to walk through the act. I wanted to be a seductress. I wanted to make him beg a little.
“You always said I wanted you on your knees in front of me so you could worship me….”
He smiled devilishly. “Oh. So you’re ready for that now.” He dropped to his knees and his face was ridiculously close to my pussy.
“I’ve been doing a lot of reading,” I told him. “Apparently it’s supposed to be really incredible and I should own my body and not be ashamed of it.”
He chuckled. “Leave it to you to read up on the justifications for cunnilingus. Plant your ass on the couch behind you, Ash, and I’m going to plant my face in your pussy. Then you can tell me what you think about oral.”
I did and he did. Throwing my legs on either side of his head so that my knees bent over his wide shoulders and I was totally exposed to him. The first time I felt his tongue between my pussy lips I retreated, but then he grabbed my ass and held me in place so I couldn’t move.
“Holy shit,” I muttered. It was like nothing I could have prepared myself for. Slick and wet added to my own slick and wet. Added to how nimble and alive his tongue was. First, he danced it around my clit, then thrust it inside me like a cock. He was everywhere at once and it was completely overwhelming. Finally, he was sucking on my clit even as he pressed two fingers inside me. Then he did something with his one finger, tapped some place deep inside me and I unraveled. My hips started bucking and my body jerking, as the climax crashed over me.
Eventually my thighs fell to the side of his body. I was as open to anyone as I’d ever been in my life.
“Good?” he asked smugly.
“No. It sucked. Didn’t like it all,” I lied.
“Then why do I have your nail impressions imbedded in my skull?”
“Don’t know,” I muttered just letting myself feel how replete I was. All those days of agony in the hospital, fixed by Marc’s magical tongue.
“Hmm. Well, I’ll have to do better next time. Now, do you want to fuck, or do you want to try to learn how to suck dick?”
“Yes, please.”
He laughed again. Then held out a hand so he could propel me off the couch. I was naked and wrapped all around him. “You’ve had a rough few weeks, so I’m going to take it easy on you and fuck you nice and slow. I’ll do all the work and all you have to do is come again.”
“Do you have condoms?” I asked.
He walked over to his duffel bag and pulled out a box with a fairly high count. He looked at it. Then at me. “We have the week until your father comes.”
I nearly fainted from the expectation of pleasure. Marc was going to fuck me for days this time. Not just hours. I sprinted towards the bedroom and he followed with the box in his hand.
Laying myself out on top of the bed, I waited until he was looking at me to spread my legs and cup my breast with one hand.
“Tease your nipple,” he told me, even as he shucked his shirt. Then his jeans. His cock sprang free and I reached for it, but he stepped back. Instead he ripped open a condom he’d pulled from the box and sheathed himself. “I need to fuck you first. Then we can play. I’m too wound up after tasting you. If you touch me, I’ll blow.”
Nodding, I watched him climb on the bed. Watched as he pushed my thighs even further apart, almost to the point of pain. Then he grabbed one of the many pillows behind me and thrust it under my ass, lifting me for him just a little.
He took hold of himself and brought his dick to my entrance, and, slowly, maybe even more slowly than he had the first time, he pressed himself deep inside me. It still stung. I was still tight, but now I knew what came next. He rolled his hips and I grunted. He pulled himself out and pushed himself back in and I adjusted around him with a soft sigh. He leaned down to kiss me, and I sucked his tongue into my mouth, and, for a while, it was just that. Slow thrusts, tongues touching, lips kissing.
It was perfect. Until it wasn’t. Until I needed more. Until I was grabbing his ass and lifting my hips, demanding he give it to me.
I made a noise which he took to mean yes. Because then he gave it to me. Harder and rougher and faster. My head thrashed on the pillows because I couldn’t take it. He was too consuming. Too overwhelming. Every part of my being was focused between my legs, and what it felt like for him to keep ramming his big, hard dick inside me.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he said in time with his thrusts. “You’re so fucking tight, so fucking hot. So fucking mine. Come, come.”
I screamed and felt my body explode around him. Felt my pussy clamp down hard on him so he was grunting, too. These sounds were so indelicate. So animalistic I didn’t think I would ever make them, but I did, without shame.
He pulled away then, and slid the condom off with one stroke. Then he was between my legs, working his cock hard with his hand. His eyes were closed, his neck was corded with bulging muscles, then I felt the splash of his cum on my stomach. On my tits. Stream after stream until he was spent.
Only then did he look at what he’d done. I started to move my hand as I felt a drip about to roll off my nipple, but he stopped my hand, pinning both of them to the bed.
“No, I need to see you like this. I need to memorize this. You look fucking glorious with my cum on you.”
I stretched my back and let him look at his leisure. I didn’t mind being marked by him and he knew it. Eventually he rolled off the bed. Then together we took a shower so he could clean me off.
After a ten-hour drive for him, an impossibly long week and recovery for me, we fell into bed wrapped in each other’s arms, and slept.
Amelia Island
The next day
“Okay, I just want to clear up a few things,” Ash said.
“Here we go,” I muttered.
We were walking along the beach barefoot. I was in jeans, as was Ash, along with a light sweater. The temperature was in the low seventies with a mild sun—the perfect day for a stroll.
I’d made love to her when we woke up, then she’d made us eggs and bacon. It had been easy and normal, and, for a time, we could put the specter of her father at bay.
“I understand that I have to try and swallow it into my throat, but that can’t be anatomically possible.”
In addition to cunnilingus, she’d been studying up on how to give blow jobs.
“Will you stop talking about it? You’re going to get me horny.”
“That’s sort of the point, isn’t it? Still, I want to get this right.”
“There is no right or wrong. You do what you want, and I tell you what feels good. The rest is bullshit. You’re not a freaking porn star.”
“I’ve been practicing with cucumbers…you know, t
he breathing through my nose thing.”
I closed my eyes and groaned, trying not to imagine her sucking on a cucumber in order to practice for me.
“You shouldn’t have been practicing anything. As far as you were concerned, there was only ever going to be that one night between us.”
“How do you know I wasn’t practicing for the next guy?”
I stopped, and because we were holding hands—we were freaking hold hands—she stopped, too. I glared at her, and she huffed.
“You seriously can’t be jealous of some unknown next guy.”
In fact, I could.
“It’s an all-female finishing school. All we talked about, all the time, was sex. Actually, you come out pretty impressively.”
I raised my eyebrows. “How so?”
“Because everyone knew you gave me an orgasm during my first time. Apparently that doesn’t happen a lot. In fact, the majority of the girls said they faked it most of the time just to get it over with. How crazy is that?”
“You ever fake it with me…” I threatened.
“What? You’ll spank me? Ooh, I’m so not scared.”
She tugged on my hand and we started walking again.
“This is nice,” she said.
“This is weird,” I corrected her. But I didn’t let go of her hand.
“I know. You’re being so nice to me. Do you want to say something awful just to keep things a little more normal?”
No, I didn’t. It felt like this week was going to be a pause out of real time. When we weren’t who we’d always been, or even who we were going to be in the future. A vacation from ourselves. So I wasn’t going to try to put Ash in any place other than on my hard dick.
“I didn’t come down here for this, Ash. I wanted to make sure you were okay. Healthy. Safe. I wanted to tell you it was okay to come home.”
She nudged my shoulder. “You bought the condoms,” she reminded me.
I had. A precaution? A sense of inevitability? Did I really think I was going to see her and not have her? Maybe I’d deluded myself, but I had to be transparent with her about what this meant.
“This is a week, Ash. A few days out of our regular lives. After it’s over, I go back to school, you go back home, and we move on. Separately.”
“No,” she said, pulling her hand away and moving to stand in front of me. Her wispy, blond hair blew around her face, and I was struck by how beautiful she was. Pale skin that was nearly translucent. I thought the sun would be good for her. Would give her more substance.
I’d once told her I’d fucked hotter girls than her, and I had. But there was no one in my life who was more ethereally beautiful than Ash.
Now, her eyes were sparkling with anger.
“I gave you a pass after you took my virginity. We weren’t in a relationship then, and I’m not going to ask if there was anybody else for you while I was in Switzerland.”
I had no intention of telling her there had been no one. That the thought hadn’t even occurred to me. It was easy to blame on my insane schedule; the reality was no one had held my attention in that way.
“But we’ve started something now. Yes, we’ll need to hide it from my father, but we can do that. You said I was yours. In bed, that’s what you said. You’re mine, too, and I won’t have it any other way.”
I tried to look aggravated with her, even as I shoved my hands into my pockets so I wouldn’t reach for her. “So what? I’m supposed to call you my secret girlfriend? That sounds ludicrous.”
“Sorry, but that’s what I am. Or you can’t have my pussy anymore.”
Her arms were crossed over her chest. Her level of outrage was fucking adorable. “You think I couldn’t seduce you into giving up more of your pussy?”
She shook her head. “Nope. I’m your secret girlfriend. You’re my secret boyfriend. Or nothing.”
I must have signaled my intent, because before I could make my move she started running. Her lungs were still recovering, so I didn’t let her run for long before I swept her off her feet and landed her gently on her back on the sandy beach.
She was breathing easy, even though she was panting. “You’ll give it up to me whenever I crook my finger,” I told her confidently.
She shook her head. “Nope, only to my secret boyfriend.”
“I’ll prove you wrong right here on this beach.” The hotel wasn’t empty in December, but it wasn’t crowded, either. We had the beach mostly to ourselves. I kissed her, and waited for her to soften. Because that’s how it felt with her. Like I touched her, and her body melted into mine.
I broke away and lifted her to her feet. Then I picked her up and dropped her on my shoulder.
“I need privacy for this next part,” I said, shifting her weight comfortably so that I could smack her ass a few times.
“That’s for running away,” I said. Then I smacked her again. “And that’s for telling me I can’t have your pussy.”
“I didn’t say that. I said you can only have my pussy.”
“Yeah, well, let me check it out again and then we’ll see.”
I was looking down into her eyes, taking her body hard, even as her legs gripped my waist like a vice. I forced myself to hold back my own orgasm because I didn’t want it to end. I never wanted it to end with her. She was panting beneath me, her tits bouncing on her chest. I started to snap my hips even harder, so they bounced more.
“Only my pussy,” she whispered. I wasn’t even sure if she knew she’d said it. “Only me. Only us.”
“Only you,” I grunted. Because why would I ever want anything more than perfection? I felt her reach for it, felt her squeeze her body around me, which triggered her orgasm, and I felt her tight pussy grip and hold me until I nearly whimpered it felt so good.
Then I lost myself inside her, seeking my own oblivion, and finding it.
The next morning
I woke to the smell of coffee. I reached for my phone on the table next to the bed to check the time. It was after nine in the morning. I fell back on a crush of pillows and groaned. I was exhausted and tired, but, at the same time, I felt so fucking good.
I’d had sex with different girls, women. Once or twice. Maybe saw them for a week or two.
But I’d never done anything like this. Where it was just us. Fucking all day long. All night long. Like we didn’t need food or oxygen, but just to be connected to each other. She had to be sore. I knew she had to be, but I hadn’t been able to stop, and she must not have hurt enough to tell me no.
I sat up in bed, naked. There had been no need for T-shirts or shorts, or even the pajama pants I’d packed. Ash apparently had no hang ups about her body, probably from all those years of wearing skimpy bikinis around me. She was completely free in her nudity. A virgin until eighteen, and now she could walk around the hotel suite without a stitch of clothing to get us two glasses of water.
I fucking loved it. Hopping out of bed, I took a piss, brushed my teeth, then pulled on a pair of jeans. I apparently wasn’t as blasé about my nudity, or I needed the barrier of my jeans to remind me Ash wasn’t a fucking machine.
Literally a fucking machine.
The coffee lured me out of the bedroom and into the living area. There was a kitchenette area and Ash was standing there, wearing my shirt from yesterday, sipping from a mug she’d poured for herself.
I came up behind her, my arms on either side of her body, trapping her against the counter, then bent down to kiss her neck.
“You okay?” I asked her. “It’s not too much for you, is it? The sex.”
“Better than okay,” she sighed, and tilted her head to give me more access. “And it will never be too much.”
I backed off a little and lifted the shirt just to see if she was wearing panties. She wasn’t. Her perky little ass was right there on display. I stared down at it and remembered spanking her on the
beach, and, even though I would have thought it was impossible, I started to get hard again.
“What are you doing?” she asked, although there was a smile in her tone.
“I’m staring at your ass remembering how nice it looks all pinked up.”
“I still can’t believe you’re apparently into that.”
Neither could I. “Never considered it before. But with you it just comes so naturally. Like your ass was made for me to smack it.”
I reached out to stroke a finger over her soft, pliant skin. I could see some faint smudges of bruises where I’d squeezed her too hard.
“Speaking of your ass…” I left it hanging there, not knowing how she’d feel about that. Wondering how far I could take her sexually, when she was still so new to it.
“What about it?”
“Can I have it?” Because I wanted all her virginity. Her pussy, her mouth, her ass. All of it was mine to claim.
She turned around to face me. “You’re talking about anal sex. Hmm. I’m not sure about that. I’ll need to read up on it first.”
That made me laugh. “Okay, you go ahead and study up.”
She bit her bottom lip and it made me want to kiss her. “Have you ever done it?”
I shook my head.
“But you want to?”
“With you. Yes. I want it all with you.”
That made her smile.
“I thought we could go to the pool today,” she offered. “It’s heated, and next to it is a huge Jacuzzi.”
“That’s a good idea. Something to relax our muscles.”
I got a mug from one of the shelves and poured myself a cup of coffee, even as I topped off hers. I pulled the milk out from the mini fridge and added a splash to hers and a little to mine.