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A Night Rose for the Duke: A Clean & Sweet Regency Historical Romance

Page 21

by Fanny Finch

  “Ah. Do not be so quick to conclude, my lady. Shall we have another hand dealt? I am afraid I may not appear so noble to you after I have won back my fortune and even more.”

  She heard the challenge in his voice, and it thrilled her. In truth, they were not placing huge wagers on their games - all the excitement came from winning. That was fine by her.

  She dropped the pouch on the table and added one more from her reticule. “I declare my interest!”

  “Are you certain, my lady?”

  “Absolutely. Do not go easy on me, Peter.”

  He chuckled again, and another game began.

  Three more rounds were played after that. And at the end of the five rounds, she came out on top, winning three.

  Peter accepted defeat in good will and, as she bade him farewell that evening, it was with laughter and warm smiles.

  When all of her visitors had left, she retired to her chamber, with thoughts of her new friend on her mind.

  It had been a while since their first meeting at the ball, and they had grown quite close. Peter was a good man, through and through.

  Not only was he handsome and charming, he was also bright and gracious. That night at the ball, she had enjoyed his company a great deal, and it had been enlightening, hearing his tales of adventure.

  He was no noble, he was a gentry and a lowly one at that. He had told her the truth of his humble background, had told her he controlled no great wealth, but he was an honest, hardworking man, who lived well within his means.

  That had been more than enough for Eleanor. He had shared stories of his sojourns to her, as he often travelled to other countries, to trade.

  He told her stories of the sea, and of the world out there. How different it was from all they had in England.

  Benjamin had been quite the traveler, and he had been happy to engage her with such tales. She had loved listening to him, every time.

  She had always loved the sea and had fancied seeing the whole world out there, but Benjamin had agreed that it would be best they had all of their children first, before they begun to sail the seas together.

  That time had never come. Having someone who shared as much love for the sea and the world at large once again, was welcomed by her.

  She knew that Peter Manson was after something - most likely marriage. She was not willing to give him this, but until he asked, she would keep him around and enjoy his friendship.

  However, if she was mistaken and he never asked to marry her, she would be glad all the same to keep having him as a friend. It was what she had decided.

  Her brother scarcely approved of him. He claimed that Peter was nothing but a fortune hunter. In other circumstances, she would pay heed to Edwin’s reservations, but Peter raised no alarms where she was concerned.

  Beyond that, having him around helped numb the pain that had come with Charles’ thoughtless dismissal of her.

  She remembered that night, a hundred times daily. Till this moment, she commended herself for not shedding a tear.

  Oh, she had wanted to. It had taken great pains to keep the tears in, but she had succeeded in holding them at bay. She still had not spoken a word of it to her brother or Frances. She was not ready to speak of it yet.

  The man she loved, had discarded her over a flimsy excuse. Once more, she had been hurt by love. She was simply unlucky, and she was done with the feeling. Having someone like Peter around, who stirred nothing in her, was a great feeling.

  Friendship with him was easy and his presence distracted her from Charles. For now, it was enough and she would hold on to it. There was only a month left until the season ended.

  She would hold on until she did not have to see him anymore.



  No rest for the wicked. Sarah Wimbledon, accepted this with all of her heart. It was why her nights had grown restless and her days, dreary.

  She did not know peace. She had been unable to know peace since she saw Eleanor with that man called Charles.

  Oh, she had gotten a delusion of peace when she had noticed the bad feelings between the duke and the silly girl. However, that had not lasted long.

  Charles was gone, indeed. However, he had simply been replaced with several more men.

  Eleanor. The timid girl who had been unable to look life in the face, now did with her shoulders held high. She walked proudly, with her confidence restored.

  It was as though the child had finally come to learn of the strength she held within.

  Now, she nursed no fear, she wielded that strength easily, freely. It was an obvious change, one that many others had seen in addition to Sarah.

  Eleanor lit up every room she walked into.

  She was a paragon of beauty and now held many enamored. The men flocked to her side and the women were torn between admiration and jealousy.

  Sarah had been happy when her romance with Charles had ended without her having to lift a finger. It had been so fortunate that Peter stepped in to fill the void.

  With the attention Eleanor had been giving to Peter, Sarah had been so certain that all would go well. That Peter only had to propose at the end of the season, and Eleanor would be hopeless to refuse.

  The plan was simple: Peter would woo her, marry her, get all her fortune and put her away when he tired of her, on grounds of infidelity. Once again, Eleanor would be lonely and penniless, and Sarah would have the last laugh.

  Oh, but now, Peter had too much competition and his victory was not so certain anymore.

  What would happen if Eleanor chose to go for another man? One of the nobles who were now declaring interest in her?

  And the duke? She knew the man still loved her. Peter was making him green with envy. As a woman of the world, she was aware of what envy could drive a man to do. He may decide to go back to Eleanor, try to win her for himself.

  And the silly child, Sarah knew the silly child was in love with the duke still. The lingering, aching glances… They were all the telltale signs Sarah needed. Sad. Such a sad thing.

  She could feel it in her bones, her plans falling apart before they got the chance to hatch. And this was why, this was why she had run to Peter in panic.

  He was a bright mind, a really bright mind, and he had assured her that he would take care of the matter.

  Now, she stood, pacing in her drawing room as she awaited his arrival.

  “My lady, Peter Manson here to see you.”

  A sigh of relief left her lungs. “Do not tarry, Mr. George. Let him in, quickly.”

  Still, Mr. George tarried.

  “What is the matter? He is no guest here, you know this. I have asked you to let him in. Do so, now.”

  She was in no mood to be annoyed by the insufferable butler.

  “He has a friend with him, my lady. A woman. She does not look… English.”

  A woman? Why has Peter brought a woman to me? And what does Mr. George mean by she does not look English?

  “Do not make me seem rude to my guests, Mr. George. Usher them in at this moment, you mustn’t keep them waiting any longer.”

  Resigning, the butler bowed. “As you wish, my lady.” With those words, he turned to leave the room.

  Peter and the woman entered a while later. As they did, Sarah understood what Mr. George had meant by she did not look English.

  She was dressed in an attire that was too revealing to be considered proper. She had used too many cosmetics, and her wild red hair flowed untamed.

  She seemed like a woman of the streets. Sarah wondered what Peter had brought this woman there for.

  She also hoped that she was not a woman of the street. She thought Peter wiser than that - sensible enough to not insult her household and her husband by bringing in a wayward woman to such a respectful place.

  Keeping her patience, she greeted them as warmly as she could, and offered them seats. As they all sat, she asked in a light manner:

  “You said your friend’s name is Alexandra Beckett?” she ga
ve a forced chuckle. “My butler had said she did not look English. Yet, the name sounds very English to me.”

  They both smiled in return. Peter answered, as her words had been directed at him.

  “Alexandra is an old friend of mine. We go a long way back. She has also just returned from Italy. She has been there for the past six years.

  “You do know that their ways differ from ours. I am afraid my friend has grown quite accustomed to the way they do things there.”

  Sarah was yet to see why he had brought her and how she was profitable to their cause, but she gave a warm smile anyway and welcomed her properly.

  “You are welcome back to England. Is this just a visit, or are you back for good?”

  The lady, who was the perfect picture of a seductress, dazzled her with a smile.

  “It all depends, my lady. It all depends on how England treats me. You have got a lovely home.”

  “Thank you. My mother-in-law had a great eye for home decorations.”

  She turned to look at Peter. “I suppose I am missing a linking piece here?”

  “I was waiting for you to ask, my lady. You see, I had just gone to receive Alexandra from the port when I arrived home to your letter. As I read, I told her all about it.

  “We happened to be in luck. I had forgotten, but Alexandra easily reminded me that she once had an affair with the duke. In the days of their youth. It was like a whirlwind and she began to nurse affections for him.

  “But he wouldn’t return these affections, much less make her his wife. News of his marriage had reached her, somehow, in Italy. And she had been scorned, as she should be. Alas, she has only just learned of his wife’s demise upon her return.”

  Sarah stared at Peter, waiting for him to hit the nail on the head. She still failed to see how an old flame of Charles’ would help them.

  And the woman, good Lord. Sarah had known she was not a respectable woman in any way. Sarah had no doubt that she had gone to Italy, as a man’s… escort. And that was putting it mildly.

  Peter continued. “You are worried about Charles. I present to you someone who would take him off our hands. He is widowed and lonely. He found Alexandra attractive once before, I know he would not be able to resist her a second time. And you know what they say about old flames.”

  Oh, she saw it now. Her frown melted away, and a bright smile took its place. “Oh Peter, you are a genius!”

  Chapter 28

  On this day, Charles was a happy man.

  They had just concluded the Larson’s case, and Larson had been convicted for his crimes. Charles had been lucky enough to learn of his treachery before investing any of his money into Larson’s. Unfortunately, not so many had been.

  Larson had several victims as he had managed to deceive a number of unsuspecting business men before he had come to Charles.

  Luckily for them, Charles had realized the foul play quickly enough, to have him put in custody until the investigations were over.

  Finally, Larson had plead guilty and had been sentenced by the judge. He also had a number of debts to pay. Debts that Charles was certain his descendants would have to pay on his behalf.

  “Winston?” He called out to his young scholar as they exited the court house.

  “Yes, Your Grace?”

  “It feels good to do good business, doesn’t it?”

  “Of course, Your Grace. As always. The men whom you had given justice would be forever grateful to you. But for your quick thinking and action, many more would have lost their fortune.”

  “Ah, they owe me no gratitude, Winston. I was simply doing that which I considered right. I am surprised he was able to deceive so many people for so long. How did they not realize?”

  “He covered his tracks well, and he drew a proposal plan stating that returns would come after eight months. That was sufficient time for him to swindle more money and prepare for his escape.”

  “I imagine he must rue the day he came to me.”

  “The wise men say, every day might be for the thief, but one day, the owner’s time shall come.”

  “Wise men indeed. Only I cannot help but feel saddened despite this victory.”

  “Why, Your Grace?”

  “It is no secret that the men whom Larson has deceived will never be able to get their money back. At least, not the full worth of it.

  “What fortune of his they managed to recover would barely be enough to settle two of his gambling debts. And as for the firm, even if they sold it, its value would not cover the debt owed Henshaw, let alone, others.”

  “Hmm, Your Grace, you are right to worry. Nevertheless, we both know that as huge as these losses are, these men can live without that money. They will recover soon enough through pme investment or the other.

  “I am certain that they have learned a lesson from this one, so now, they shall keep their eyes and ears open before jumping on another. I reckon, Your Grace, the knowledge that Larson is paying for his offences is enough consolation for them.”

  Charles released a sigh. “Yes. You have a point.”

  Those men had come to him with gratitude in the court house as soon as the judgement had been pronounced. He supposed knowing that Larson remained remanded, would be sufficient consolation for the men.

  They finally reached his carriage and as they prepared to climb on, Charles heard someone call out.

  “Your Grace?”

  It was a woman’s voice, one that struck him as familiar. His head turned sharply in the direction it had come from.

  He saw her easily, and he recognized her just as easily. She had her signature on, as always. Wild flames, tumbling behind her, untamed. She had grown older in features, more mature, defined.

  Yet, the years had not taken from her beauty. Instead, they had added to it.

  He waited for the fire that often filled him with her nearness to awaken, but nothing came. Just a feeling of nostalgia, and an onslaught of quite vivid memories.

  “Alexandra,” he said softly. She had already covered the distance that separated them, and her crystal-clear eyes twinkled as brightly as the stars. Those eyes had once held him enchanted, bidden to her wills.

  How he had managed to break free, he wondered until this moment. He supposed he could owe it to his father’s death. It had ushered him to his new responsibilities.

  Alexandra had not fit into his plans at the time. He had been sorry to let her go, but he had done so for the greater good.

  Last he had heard of her, she was overseas. He supposed she must have just returned. And just in time to still wreak havoc before the season reached its end.

  She threw her head back in laughter. “So it is you! I knew my eyes were not deceiving me. I would know this body and face anywhere. Even though it has been six years.

  “My goodness. Charles Duncan. Duke of Finchester. It is good to see you, Your Grace.”

  “And it is good to see you too, Alexandra. I see the years have been good to you. The overseas must agree with you.”

  “Oh, they did. Alas, one must not stay far away from home for too long lest they start to lose a part of their true identity. It is why I have returned.

  “I miss the air, the rain, the buildings, the culture. I wish I could say I miss the people, but I had stopped telling falsehoods a long time ago. Although, there are exceptions. I did miss some people. A handful of them, no more.”

  The way she narrowed her eyes at him, told him that he wa,s perhaps, one of the people she missed.

  Alexandra had always been trouble. It would do him good to run now.

  “It was nice running into you, Alexandra. Have you been around for long?”

  “Four days, or five… maybe six…” she chuckled again, and shrugged. “It is hard to keep count when you have nothing to do. I have just been enjoying settling into life here.”

  He nodded. “Are you here on a visit or for good?”

  “Everyone asks that question. Why? Well, I shall tell you what I have been telling them
: it depends. It depends on how England treats me.

  “I must admit, I have grown quite the fondness for Italy. You see, Your Grace, life there is so much easier, with plenty of freedom.”

  “I can imagine.”

  “Can you, Your Grace? Have you ever been there?”

  He shook his head. “I am afraid not. I have not passed the shores of Ireland. I find that the sea is not for me.”


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