Until Ellory: Happily Ever Alpha World

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Until Ellory: Happily Ever Alpha World Page 3

by Elle Jefferson

  “Who’s your lawyer?”

  “I can’t afford one. Between the renovations, health care, and everything, I have nothing left.” Ellory swiped at a tear before letting her head flop from her hand back to the table. She rolled it back and forth, “I have nothing.”

  “I have a little saving I could put towards a lawyer,” Jackie said.

  “Yeah and I still have money left over from college. It’s yours.”

  Ellory was overwhelmed. She would never take their money. If this lawsuit happened, they would need every dollar until they found new jobs. “I appreciate it. But I could never ask that of either of you. No need for you both to sink with me.”

  “But this place is ours too. It can’t close not until we’re old and moldy. Shit people haven’t even tried my blueberry cupcakes yet.”

  “And they never will.” Ellory put her head in her hands. “I’m sorry I let you guys down.”

  Malcolm grabbed her hand giving it a squeeze. “We’re here to fight with you.”

  Ellory turned her head to look at Malcolm tears blurring her vision, “The day you walked in here for a job was the luckiest day of my life.”

  Malcolm kissed her hand. “We’ll get through this, together.”

  Jackie took Ellory’s other hand, “Yeah in this together.”

  For them, she wouldn’t go down without one hell of a fight. Ellory turned her head to look at Jackie. “You guys are the best. But even the best might not be enough. I still have no idea where to find a lawyer.”

  Jackie’s eyes went wide before she shot up from her chair and hurried back into the office. She was back in seconds. “Maybe we already have our answer.” She handed Ellory a business card. The card read:

  Marla Lebowitz

  And included a phone number.

  “She did say if you ever find yourself in trouble to call her. So call her.”

  “Don’t even know what kind of lawyer she is.”

  “But lawyers know lawyers right? And she had a good vibe,” Malcolm said.

  “All right I’ll call her, but don’t get excited yet.”

  Ellory took the first chair in the waiting room after giving her name at the receptionist desk. She crossed and recrossed her legs. Cleaned the lenses on her glasses. Flipped the lip of her manila envelope up and down. She checked her watch; 3:45. She played with the strap of her purse.

  She stared around the waiting room. The massive waiting room. There were couches, chairs, a wall of windows, and since the firm was on the top floor of the building—that was filled with offices of lawyers who worked for this firm—it had a great view of the city. Ellory flipped Marla’s card over in her hand. Marla’s name appeared in the firm. Lebowitz, Dewitt & Graham. Marla was the Lebowitz. Ellory took a deep breath. By the looks of this building, she couldn’t afford Marla’s prices, but she was confident that Marla had to be one of the best. How else do you manage to have a five-story law firm? Hopefully, the woman would show her mercy and maybe put her in touch with a lawyer that she might not have to sell her house, her kidney and her leg to afford.

  At the edge of her dress was a loose string. Great, her dress was falling apart as well as her life. She thought about grabbing and pulling but thought better of it. No need to watch her dress unravel along with her life. She tamped down the emotions ready to spill out. When she looked up, she locked eyes with Noah. Her unicorn. Her heart stuttered at the sight of him. He was wearing dark blue slacks, pale blue checkered shirt and a red tie. And he had his sleeves rolled up to his elbow. Ellory shuttered. It was kryptonite for her.

  He was walking and talking with another man. As he passed, Noah looked up. They locked eyes. It was as if time froze for a moment. Her chest fluttered when he smiled. He had a beautiful smile. It lit up his whole face. For one glorious second Ellory’s thoughts silenced. All that filled her mind was Noah and his brilliant smile. She smiled throwing in a little wave. He responded with a wink. She flushed. His smile grew.

  “Ms. Jones?” The woman at the reception desk was calling her name.

  “That’s me.”

  “Mrs. Lebowitz is ready for you.”

  Ellory stood up.

  “Down the hall last door at the end.”

  “Thank you.” Ellory looked back to the hall, but Noah was gone. With a deep breath, she headed to Marla’s office. She knocked on the double door and heard a “Come in.”

  She pushed in one of the double oak doors. Marla’s’ office was massive with a gorgeous view of downtown. Marla smiled as Ellory approached, “Didn’t expect to see you so soon.”

  Ellory stopped at her desk. “I’m sorry to bother you, but I wasn’t sure who else to call.”

  Marla motioned to the chair, “Well, I’m glad you called, please have a seat. So what brings you here?”

  “I don’t even know if you can help me, but yesterday a deputy delivered this to my house.” She handed the manila envelope over to Marla. She looked through the papers. “The cafe is being sued.”

  “For quite a hefty sum it looks like.” Marla continued to look through the paperwork shaking her head, even laughing at a few parts. It gave Ellory hope. Maybe she had no reason for being scared. Maybe it was unfounded. “This is absolutely ridiculous.”

  “So I don’t need to worry?”

  “Unfortunately, just because I think it’s frivolous doesn’t mean it’s without merit. I wish the law were as simple as unmasking stupidity. I’d win all my cases then. But alas it isn’t.”

  “Can you recommend a lawyer to me? Preferably one who operates on a payment plan?”

  “Have you contacted your insurance company?”


  “That’s step number one. Depending on how your insurance is set up they might cover the cost of a lawyer. So before you start worrying about costs and payment plans let’s get in touch with them.”

  “What’s the name of your insurance?”

  “Rutherford Rock insurance.”

  Marla put down the paper and looked at Ellory. “The thing that’s concerning me is that she is also suing you personally.”


  Marla flipped the papers towards her, “Right here she’s seeking five-hundred thousand in damages from one Ellory Jones.”

  Ellory almost fell out of her chair as she leaned forward. “What does that mean?”

  “It means if this Cynthia wins, she could take all your personal assets as well as your business. Everything you have could literally be hers.”

  Ellory’s heart stopped. “What?”

  “The good news is you have me.”

  “I do?”

  “Yes. Even if your insurance doesn’t cover me, your coffee certainly will. This woman won’t take down my favorite place. Do you know how many coffee shops I went through before finding yours? To many. I won’t find another.” his

  Another day and Ellory would be flattered and blushing, but today she was focused on a singular task. Winning. “But my house? My car?”

  “Don’t go there yet. First, we call your insurance.”

  “So you’re going to represent me?”

  “Absolutely. But I won’t lie to you we have our work cut out for us. I’m going to do what I can to see if I can stop this before it becomes something, but you need to be prepared. She’s coming after you too. There are steps we can legally take to lower your assets and what she can take from you.”

  “How would I do that?”

  “Do you have someone you trust implicitly?”

  “My sister. My best friend.”

  “Good, we might need them.”

  Ellory stepped into the first available stall in the women’s restroom and sat down. She rubbed her forehead and stared at the floor. She might lose everything if she lost. The thought knotted up her stomach and made tears stream down her face. She took off her glasses to wipe her eyes. She wanted to stay positive as Marla had told her to be, but it was hard. The idea of losing her business was frightening enough but her house?
That was a different kind of sadness. There was no stopping the tears fell and fell, and she let them.

  Once her tears dried up, she cleaned herself up and left the bathroom. As she walked out of the bathroom, she ran into a wall. A human wall. “Sorry,” she mumbled looking up into those blue eyes that made her feel weird.

  “Hey, Ellory.”

  Noah wasn’t who she wanted to see at the moment. She was a wreck. A crying, mascara running, wreck. “Hey.”

  “Everything okay?”

  “It was nice seeing you, but I have to go.”

  She started to walk away, but he grabbed her arm halting her. “Care to get a drink with me?”

  “Right now?”

  He looked at his watch. “Yeah it’s five o’clock, and I don’t know about you, but after the day I had I could use a drink.”

  She wanted to say no. She should say no and yet …

  “Please?” The word was deep, low making her stomach flip-flop. Then he licked his lips. “I could really use the company,” he added.

  “Yeah. That sounds good.”


  They ended up at a local brewery around the corner from the law firm. Ellory sat at a table out on the patio while Noah went up to the bar to get them each a drink. He returned carrying two pints. He put one down in front of her before taking the seat across from her, “It’s the house IPA and one of my favorites.”

  “Thank you.” Ellory took a sip. It was bitter with an overwhelming taste of metal. It was gross, but she wanted to be polite. “Yum,” she said putting it down.

  “You don’t like it.”

  “It’s delicious.”

  Noah shook his head. “You’re a terrible liar.”

  “I’m not lying.” She took a long drink for good measure unable to control her face from pinching up.

  Noah laughed. Ellory relished in the sound of it. “I just figured you’d like it since it’s infused with coffee.”

  “I hate coffee.”

  Ellory was used to the looks that followed whenever she made that statement. “I know. I know. Then why do I own a coffee shop? I prefer tea but how many successful tea shops do you know of?”

  “So a coffee shop owner who hates coffee but has one of the most successful shops in town, how did you manage that?”

  “I don’t know that we’re the most successful.”

  “Ellory’s Corner Cafe has won the Best of for five years running,” Noah leaned in, “what’s your secret?”

  Ellory blushed. “I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.”

  “You use soylent green don’t you?”

  Her face scrunched up, “I don’t even know what that is.”

  Noah put his hands in the air and with a deep voice said, “Soylent green is people,” before biting his hand dramatically.

  Ellory laughed. “I still have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Charlton Heston? Leigh Young?”

  “You mean the guy from the NRA?”

  Noah dropped his head against the back of the seat sighing dramatically. “I can’t believe you don’t know Charlton Heston. Soylent Green is like the worst movie ever which makes it comedy gold in a very sick and twisted kind of way.”

  “I’ll take your word on that.”

  “Stay away from me you damn dirty ape.”

  That Ellory recognized and started laughing.

  “That’s what I was hoping for. A smile. You have quite a beautiful smile.”

  She blushed. “Thank you. You’re pretty hot too.” Her eyes went wide as she slapped a hand over his mouth.

  He blushed. She could look at him forever. He took a drink of his beer. “If you don’t mind me asking, what brought you to my neck of the woods today?” Ellory fidgeted with the napkin beneath her glass. Like that everything she was trying to forget crashed down on her. Noah put his drink down, “Sorry, I understand if you’d rather not talk about it. I just … you don’t have to say anything. I didn’t mean to make it weird.”

  “It’s not that, it’s just … I’m being sued along with the Cafe.”

  “Wow. That sucks.”

  “Understatement of the year.”

  “Well, if it’s any consolation Marla is the best of the best.”

  Ellory could feel tears coming she had to leave. She did not want to burst into tears in front of Noah. Not now. Probably not ever. “I hate to drink and run, but I have to get going. Early day tomorrow.”

  “Can I walk you out?”

  “It’s been a long day and—”

  “Please?” His smile was shy, adorable and made Ellory think about other things besides losing everything.

  “Sure.” Once again her mind and her mouth were not on the same page.

  They walked around the block back to the law firm. Her Toyota FJ Cruiser was parked in the street. “This is me,” she said. She unlocked the driver door. Noah followed. “Thanks for the drink.”

  “Marla really is the best. If anyone can win, it’s her.”

  “I hope so. Good night.”

  “Good night.” He waved before heading towards a parking garage on the other side of the street.

  The sun was out. Birds were chirping, and flowers were starting to bud. Everything considered it was a beautiful day. Yesterday was awful, but it ended on a lovely note.

  Ellory hummed as she wiped down tables. Once she was done she tap-danced her way behind the counter. She sighed with a smile as she rinsed out her rag then hung it over the edge of the sink.

  Ellory moved from the sink to the prep station continuing her humming all the way into her office. The sounds of sawing and buzzing sobered her for a minute. If the lawsuit happened everything she was building would die along with her livelihood. She flopped down into her desk chair. Just like that her good mood was quashed. What would she do if this Cynthia won her case? She knew after talking to Marla that her insurance would cover the 2.5 million but what about the second suit that was personal. That was against her. That suit wasn’t covered by her insurance. The lawsuit against her was for five-hundred-thousand.

  Ellory bit her lip and leaned back in her chair. She shot a text to Ila.

  Ellory: Could you come over tonight need to talk?

  Ila: Everything okay?

  That was a loaded question. One Ellory couldn’t answer at the moment. She chewed her lip thinking before responding.

  Ellory: Want to talk about skydiving.

  Ila: Are you going to do it?

  Ellory: Maybe with a little more convincing

  Ila: I’ll be there

  Ellory put her phone down and stared up at the ceiling. Though Ellory knew she could trust her sister with what Marla had suggested she do with her assets. Chloe had enough on her plate without Ellory adding her food as well. Besides she didn’t want to freak her family out unnecessarily. There was a knock at the door.

  “Give me a minute,” Ellory shouted.

  The door flew open, and Jackie and Malcolm burst in getting stuck in the doorway when they both tried to enter at the same time. Ellory shook her head as they eventually worked their way in. Malcolm sat on the edge of her desk while Jackie took the corner chair. Jackie rolled over to Ellory. “We’re in a lull, and you’ve been quiet all day. So what happened yesterday?”

  “How did the meeting with the lawyer go?” Malcolm asked. “Do I have to find a new job?”

  “Not yet,” Ellory said with a sigh, “but it might be something to keep in the back of your mind.”

  Jackie leaned forward elbows on knees, “Is it that bad?”

  Ellory shrugged, “If this woman gets what she wants? Yeah.”

  “That sucks.” Jackie slapped her thighs sitting up straighter, “But we can’t give up before the fight has even started.”

  “You’re right. I’m just scared.”

  Malcolm kicked her chair, “We all are, but we can’t let fear dictate shit; otherwise we’ve already lost.”

  “That’s pretty deep and shit,”
Ellory said.

  “Yeah, I was watching Romeo and Juliet last night that’s some deep shit.”

  Ellory and Jackie both laughed. He shrugged his shoulder as if to say ‘what.’

  Jackie cleared her throat. “On another note, what’s up with you?”

  “Didn’t we just dissect that?”

  “Earlier you were humming and dancing. I didn’t think that was typical behavior for someone in your shoes. I mean unless she’s mental or on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Are you about to breakdown? Do we need 911 on standby?”

  “You guys are ridiculous I’m just—”

  The bell on the counter rang saving her from this conversation. “We have customers.”

  Jackie stood up, “This isn’t over.” She walked out of the office. Coming back a second later, “It’s for you.”

  “What’s for me?” Ellory asked.

  “Get out there and find out.”

  Noah was standing at the counter in a pale green dress shirt, black tie, and black pants. Her heart jumped into her throat when she saw him. She took a deep breath. “How can I help you?” She asked him.

  “I was hoping we could talk … in private.” He looked over her shoulder, and so did she. Jackie and Malcolm were standing in the doorway watching they both looked away trying to act casual. She shook her head. “Sure follow me,” Ellory said stepping out from behind the counter. “So what’s up? Did Marla send you?” she asked once they were on the other side of the coffee shop.

  “Are you free this Saturday?”

  “I uh—”

  “You have a boyfriend, don’t you. I should have figured. A woman as beautiful as you probably has more than one.”

  “No. It’s not that I don’t have a boyfriend.”

  “That’s a relief.”

  “Also I’m free.”

  He pulled a card from inside his pants pocket. “This is my cell text me your address, and I’ll pick you up at two on Saturday.”



  They stood staring at each other then Noah stepped closer leaving only a breath of space between them.


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