Until Ellory: Happily Ever Alpha World

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Until Ellory: Happily Ever Alpha World Page 4

by Elle Jefferson

  “So Saturday,” Noah said.

  “Definitely Saturday.”

  “I’ll see you then. Have a good day.”


  He rushed out the door. Jackie and Malcolm rushed over to her. “What was that?”

  Ellory laughed despite herself. “Noah asked me out.”

  “Hold the fuck on,” Jackie screamed, “You mean he-he-he—”

  “Asked me out for Saturday.”

  Malcolm’s mouth fell open. Jackie said, “Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Oh my god.”

  “Tell us everything,” Malcolm said leaning against the high top that ran along the length of the window, resting his chin on a fist, “What did he say? How did he say it?”

  “And don’t leave out a thing,” Jackie added.

  With that Ellory spilled everything from the wink as she sat in the waiting room, to the drink. Malcolm and Jackie sat quietly gobbling up every detail of her story. Ellory’s mood shifted making a bit of the weight she was feeling lift. Malcolm clapped his hands and whistled. He asked, “What’s better the fantasy of him or the real thing? Inquiring minds want to know.”

  “The real is definitely better.”

  Jackie sighed, “So romantic.”

  “Hello,” a voice hollered from the entrance. “Asher said you guys were here.”

  Ellory turned to find November standing a foot away. “Hey what’s up?”

  November dangled a ring of keys, “ I was told to give these to you. You’ll notice a new set of keys on this ring they go to the new locks on the bakery doors.”

  Once again Ellory felt the knot in her stomach return. This might all be for nothing if this Cynthia woman has her way. November seemed to notice the shift in Ellory’s demeanor.

  “I thought you’d be way more excited.” November rested a hand on her hip.

  Malcolm burst out, “The cafe is being sued, and it means we could go bankrupt and have to shut our doors.”


  Ellory explained the gist of the lawsuit without going into much detail. No need to burden a pregnant woman with her woes.

  “My favorite coffee house cannot close that’s unacceptable.”

  “Sadly, it’s a possibility,” Ellory said.

  November stared at her a moment as if chewing over her words when she said, “I think I can help.”

  “If you have ideas I’m open to them.”

  November dropped the keys on the table. “I’ll keep you posted,” she said before doing her cute little pregnant waddle outside.

  “Do you think I’ll look that adorable yet scary when I’m pregnant?” Jackie asked.

  “I picture scarier less cute,” Malcolm said.


  Ellory laughed. She had no idea what November thought she could do, but she was open to any and all help. She could only hope Ila would be as open.

  By the time Saturday came around Ellory was wound tighter than a ball of string. She’d gone shopping Friday after deciding everything in her wardrobe sucked. She stared at the outfit. Chloe helped her pick out. She scoured the stores for something sexy but casual. She had on a black slip dress with a denim jacket and black wedge sandals. She worried her outfit was more dull than sexy. Her hair was up in a messy bun of ringlets exposing her neck. She’d read somewhere that necks drove men crazy.

  She turned and posed. She swatted at the air laughing. She waved. She blew a kiss. She chewed the inside of her cheek. There was only one person she trusted who had an eye for fashion. Only one person who would give it to her straight. She snapped a picture of herself and sent it to Malcolm with a ?.

  Malcolm: Damn girl if he’s not all over you, then please send him to me because he’s obviously gay and I’m okay with sloppy seconds.

  She laughed.

  Ellory: Thanks

  Malcolm: Don’t worry you got this

  Ellory: It’s been a while since I’ve been on a date

  Malcolm: Listen dinosaur it hasn’t changed much.

  Malcolm: When was the last time you had a date?

  Malcolm: High school?

  Malcolm: Dawn of time?

  Ellory: What about you? Meaningless hookups don’t count

  Malcolm: Good thing we aren’t talking about me, dinosaur

  Malcolm: Also where are the glasses? Haven’t you heard of the naughty librarian?

  Ellory tucked her glasses into her purse. Just in case. She took a deep breath. She could do this. As she was doing more poses in the mirror, her phone started buzzing. She looked at the screen to see Noah waiting at her front door ringing the bell. The day after her dominoes party with Chloe and Ila her stepfather and brother-in-law showed up to install the system while she was at work. She hated to admit it, but Ila was right. She loved it. Especially, now as she watched Noah comb a hand through his hair and bounce back and forth on his feet. He was wearing a short sleeve plaid button down and jeans. She pressed the talk button. “I’ll be right there.” He put his face down looking at the doorbell, getting close to the camera. “Okay.”

  When she opened the door, she was greeted with a cocky grin. “Hey,” he said.

  “Hey,” she said feeling butterflies fluttering around her stomach. “What are we doing today?”

  “Spending a day in the park.” Noah held out his arm, “Are you ready?”

  “Let’s do it.”

  When they arrived at the park, it was packed with people. They wandered around until they found a spot to lay out a blanket. Yes, Noah had packed a picnic. They were having a picnic for their first date. Somewhere Ellory was sure she heard wedding bells, but she pushed those thoughts aside. “What food did you bring us?” she asked.

  “Sandwiches, salad, and pickles?”

  “Are you asking me or telling me?”

  “I’m telling you but asking if you like that?”

  “Depends what kind of pickles? I mean this could make or break my opinion of you.”

  “Well,” Noah started as he opened the basket and started pulling out the food, “there’s only one kind of pickle worth eating, and that’s dill.”

  Ellory smiled. “Sweet pickles were created by Satan. I’m positive.”

  Noah smiled too. “If I want sweet I’ll grab some fruit.”


  Ellory watched the people around them. Several were doing the same thing as them. Noah placed a plate in front of her with a grilled cheese panini on it. “What would you like to drink? We have water or water.”

  Ellory rubbed her chin, “Decisions, decisions. I think I’ll go with water.”

  He pulled out a bottle and handed it to her, “Good choice.”

  She looked over the bottle, “A 2019 vintage quite a good year.”

  They both laughed. Conversation flowed easily between them. They talked about everything from where they were born to how many siblings they had. She felt comfortable with Noah. As if they’d known each other forever. A trumpet sounded.

  She swallowed the bite of sandwich in her mouth. “What’s going on?”

  “The play is about to begin.”

  “Oh my gosh is this Shakespeare in the park?” Noah nodded. “I’ve always wanted to catch one of these but stuff gets in the way, and I tend to forget.”

  “A first for both of us then.”

  She held up her bottle of water, “To firsts,” she said.

  Noah tapped his bottle against hers, “That hopefully lead to seconds.” He winked.

  Ellory felt that wink all the way down to her toes. “Seconds huh?”

  “Sh the shows starting,” Noah said moving around the blanket, so they were side by side. His shoulder rested against hers as some people in costumes moved out onto a concrete slab near the center of the park about five hundred feet from their blanket. The play was Romeo and Juliet. One of Ellory’s favorites. While the play was going a man walked by their blanket kicking Ellory’s foot causing her to knock over her drink. She winced. The guy snarled, “Watch where you’re going,
bitch,” he muttered the last part under his breath. Instantly, Noah was on his feet. “Excuse me, apologize to the lady.”

  “It’s not a big deal,” Ellory said dabbing at the water with her napkin.

  Noah looked at her fire in his eyes, before looking back at the guy, “Apologize.”

  The other guy said, “Listen to your lady. No big deal.”

  “So you knocked into her, spilled her drink, and you don’t think you should apologize?”

  The guy took a step towards Noah. Things were tense, and Ellory was scared a fight would ensue. Though Noah was a big guy, the other guy was taller, bulkier. Everything moved in slow motion the guy hauled back to hit Noah, who ducked then turned and in a blink Noah had the other guy’s arm pinned behind his back. Noah said, “How would you feel if someone treated your mother the way you just treated my woman sitting here minding her own business? Now apologize.”

  “I’m sorry,” the guy said.

  Noah let him go. “I hope you never treat another person so rudely.”

  The guy huffed, apologizing again before heading over to a group of people on the other side of the concrete stage.

  “That was unnecessary,” Ellory said still a bit shaky but totally turned on.

  Noah sat back down on the blanket beside her. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to act like that. I just can’t stand people who lack any manners. Everyone is always acting like they’re the only ones who matter. Drives me nuts.”

  “Where did you learn moves like that?”

  “I teach a self-defense class once a month.”

  “No one’s ever stood up for me like that.” She couldn’t help how dreamy her voice sounded.

  “I shouldn’t’ have done that.”

  “Would it be wrong if I told you I’m glad you did?” He smiled. She licked her lips. “What if we got out of here?”

  “Where would you like to go?”

  “How far is your place?”

  Noah barely had the door open before Ellory’s hands were all over him. Seeing him handle that man after he accosted her had set a fire inside her. Unleashing something primal within her. Her hands tangled in his hair as she kissed him. He pressed her up against the door, grinding his hips against her as his mouth devoured hers. She wrapped her legs around his waist as his hands gripped her ass, squeezing. He stepped back a few steps, and they fell over the arm of the couch Noah underneath her. She straddled him shucking off her jacket before her lips crashed down on his once again. Her hands wandered along the expanse of his chest unbuttoning his shirt as she explored. Noah pulled away, “I think this needs to move somewhere more comfortable.” In the next second Ellory was lifted off the couch.

  He carried her down a hall as she rained kisses along his neck, the side of his face, along with his shoulder. When they reached the bedroom, he let Ellory go. She slid down his body landing on her feet in front of him. For a moment they stood there staring at each other. What was happening between them felt bigger than sex to Ellory. Yet, that’s all this was. Sex.

  With slow fingers, she slipped the straps of her dress down her shoulders. She shimmied the dress over her hips where it pooled at her feet. She was in only her lace bra and panties. Her cheeks heated as Noah slowly perused her from head to toe. She bit her lip in an attempt to keep from squirming.

  Noah unbuttoned the last two buttons on his shirt then pulled it off and tossed it on the floor. He toed off his shoes before undoing his pants and sliding them down. Ellory sighed. He was standing there in black boxer briefs. The patch of hair on his chest ran the length of his torso disappearing into the band of his briefs. They locked eyes again.

  “You drive me crazy,” he said. His voice was gravelly, turning her on.

  Kisses rained down along her neck, her shoulders, her back. His hands splayed across her front pulling her to him. She could feel his erection growing harder making her wetter.

  Her skin heated beneath his gaze. “See something you like?”

  His voice was hoarse when he said, “Yes. Very much.”

  As they fell back onto the bed, they removed the last strips of clothing between them. He trailed kisses along her thigh while his hand took her other leg and wrapped it around his waist. His tongue trailed down the inside of her thigh and then …

  “Oh god!” One hand fisted the blankets while her other fisted his hair.

  His mouth continued its assault, her back arched off the bed, her breathing grew ragged. Every part of her body was humming. Every inch of her was ready to explode.

  Before she could gather her thoughts, his kisses moved towards her stomach.

  In seconds they were drawn back together a tangle of limbs. Noah grabbed the condom while Ellory slipped it on then Noah flipped her onto her back beneath him.

  He kissed her taking his time with his mouth before moving down her neck, dragging his tongue along her collar. She ran her hands along his back. She was a giant ball of nerves by the time his mouth claimed her left nipple. When he finally pushed inside her, she moaned arching her back off the bed. He moved inside her alternating between fast and slow gyrations. She could feel it building. He seemed to sense it. His hand went between them to play with her clit as his mouth claimed her. It was the spark that lit the match and sent her screaming over the edge.

  Ellory opened her eyes. Last night was amazing. She couldn’t help but smile thinking about all the naughty things Noah did to her. She rolled over wanting to return the favor when she saw the bed was empty. No sign of him in the bathroom. She yawned and stretched. An aroma of bacon filled the air. She climbed out of bed to go in search of the enticing smell. At the foot of the bed, a black t-shirt was laid out. She slipped it on then followed her nose.

  Noah was in the kitchen his back to her as he cooked bacon on the stove top. “Have a seat,” he said never turning around. A plate and silverware were set up at the kitchen island. She took a barstool and watched the show. Noah was in navy blue boxer briefs and a pale blue t-shirt. He was rocking the bed head. Was there anything sexier than watching a man cooking? As Ellory watched him move about shaking pans and scrambling eggs, she was confident there wasn’t.

  “There’s orange and apple juice in the fridge.”

  She slid off the stool moving to the fridge. “What would you like?”


  “Good choice.” She poured them each a glass then carried them back to the bar “What’s on the menu?” she asked.

  “Scrambled eggs, bacon and sourdough toast.”

  “Sounds amazing. I worked up quite the appetite.”

  He placed a plate of eggs in front of her before taking the seat beside her. “I was hoping if you weren’t busy today that you might be interested in spending the day with me?”

  She smiled inwardly. “I’ll have to check my schedule.” She looked over the palm of her hand, “It looks like I’m free.”

  He took her hand and gave it a kiss. “Then it’s decided you’re mine.”

  Ellory’s stomach did a flip at the words you’re mine. As Ellory was digging into a delicious breakfast, her phone started ringing. The notes of Don’t Stop Believing filled the air. “I can call them back tomorrow.”

  Then her phone started ringing again. And again. And again.

  “Maybe you should take that,” Noah said.

  “Maybe.” She popped another bite of eggs in her mouth before going in search of her phone. She found it on the floor by the front door. Memories of Noah pressing her up against that door flooded her thoughts making her forget about her ringing phone. She looked up and saw Noah watching her a smile on his face. “Are you going to get that?” he asked.

  Right. Her phone. It was Jackie calling, and she’d called four times. She probably was calling to find out how the date went. “Hey,” she answered, “look I can’t talk I’m—”

  “November is here at the cafe, and she says you need to get your butt down here ASAP.”

  “I’m kind of busy.”

about the lawsuit, she says she has something.”

  “All right I’ll be right there.”

  She hung up the phone and rushed back into the kitchen, “I’m afraid I’ll have to get a rain check on today.”

  “Everything okay?”

  “It might be. I don’t know. They need me at the cafe.”

  “Let me just get dressed and I’ll take you there.”

  When they pulled up to the cafe, Ellory was nervous. She took a deep breath before opening the front door. The cafe was typically closed on Sundays; that way everyone could have one weekend day off. Recently, Malcolm had started opening for what he called ‘Happy Morning.’ From eight to ten their drinks were buy one get one free. At first, Ellory didn’t think it would work. That they would lose money, but she was wrong. For those two hours, the cafe was packed. Ellory figured once the bakery was done, they could start selling some breakfast pastries during that Happy Morning time.

  However, right now the cafe was empty. Noah held the door for her after she unlocked it. He always held the door. He was indeed a gentleman, and she loved being treated like a lady. Inside the cafe, Malcolm was back behind the counter mixing up drinks. November, Asher, Jackie and a big guy who was also covered in tattoos were seated around a table at the back of the cafe by the register.

  November got up from her chair and did what Ellory imagined was a pregnant version of running towards her. She put her arm around Ellory’s shoulder her smile practically lighting up the room. “I have such good news,” November said, “come on.”

  As Ellory approached the table the guy with the tattoos looked up. To say he was intimidating was an understatement.

  “This is my brother-in-law, Nico,” November said, “and he thinks he found something that might help you with your case.”

  “Babe, sit down remember the doctor said to take it easy,” Asher said.

  November waved off Asher’s concern, but he stood up and pushed a chair towards her, “Sit,” he said sounding stern. November gave him a look. He added, “Please.”

  “Fine.” She took a seat, and he sat down beside her.


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