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Callibet: Book 2 of The Bet Series

Page 14

by Sienna Grant

I stopped fiddling around, sat beside her, and laced my arm around her shoulders, pulling her into my side. “Of course I have.” I dropped my gaze to the bed for a second when I realised this might have all been a little premature. “After what he did to you, if you don’t want me to be in here at night, then I can go in the other room. I don’t mind. It’s your choice.”

  Her soft but unsure gaze met mine. “Chris, I want you with me. You make me feel safe.” Her throat worked as she stared at me. “You were the only thing that kept me going.”

  Leaning forward, I captured her lips and kissed her tenderly. I needed my lips on hers. “Well, why don’t you get yourself changed and into bed, and I’ll get you a drink and order us something to eat.” I stood up and stood over her, stroked her hair, then leaned down, placing my lips on the top of her head. “Let me know if you need some help.”

  After she gave me a nod to let me know she’d heard me, I left the room and left the door open just a little bit in case she shouted for me while I was in the kitchen.

  I ordered us some Chinese, made her a coffee, and took it through to her, rapping on the door gently. She was just pulling back the duvet as I entered. I placed her cup down and she got into bed.

  I went round the other side and sat on top of the covers, my back against the headboard before holding my arm out for her. She soon hitched her way over and snuggled up to me, winding her arm around middle, and I turned on the TV.

  I drifted off and woke up beside Chris. He was sweet, attentive, and kind, but over the next few weeks, I constantly woke up in pain, needing to take some pain relief more often than not. I didn’t deal with things. I showered because Chris was there, and we watched Lucifer together when he got home from work. I t was at the end of the second week when I got up, staring down ay my stomach in the mirror before glancing back at Chris in bed that the grief hit me like a tidal wave, tugging me under until I sank to the floor and broke apart.

  I didn’t even realise he’d woken until warm arms wrapped around me, holding me as my body was wracked with sobs and my tears over the loss of our future spilled over.

  He held me, rocking me gently back and forth as my sobs subsided and turned into hiccups, but it was when he kissed my neck with wet cheeks that I knew it was hurting him too.

  Would it be kinder if I just ended things? Probably.

  Was I going to? No. I couldn’t face the darkness ahead without Chris.

  “Calliebear, I’m sorry. I’m sorry that he got you and that he took something so precious from you.” His words were soft, and his arms tightened around me as he continued to speak in a quiet voice. “You know what I’m not sorry about?” I shook my head when he paused, wondering where he was going with this. “I’m not sorry about loving you. I’m not sorry about wanting a future with you, even if the future is vastly different to what I imagined. I want you. Not some hypothetical kids, and if kids are that important to our future, then we can figure them out when we’re ready. Right now, I’m just going to be happy that I get to have you in my arms, safe and whole with our future ahead of us.”

  I started to shake my head when he lifted me up and placed me gently on the bed. The movement made me wince, and I bit my lip, trying to stop the pained gasp escaping, but he didn’t miss my expression.

  “Stay here. I’ll get your pain relief and we can talk more when I get back.”

  I moved slowly up the bed until my back hit the headboard, glancing at my phone as I did and saw it was a little after ten p.m. My eyes closed tightly as another sharp pain hit me in the gut and I sat fighting to ignore it.

  My body tensed as a memory of that room surfaced, and I opened my eyes, staring around the darkened bedroom as I waited for Chris to come back. My heart was thundering in my chest, and I couldn’t stop my hands shaking as I tried to block out the assaults that were playing out in my mind's eye.

  When I heard Chris approaching, I stared wide-eyed at him as he came over and placed the medications onto my palm. Two painkillers and an anti- inflammatory. I quickly took the pills, ignoring the tiny voice in my head that told me not to.

  It was the same voice that was telling me I wasn’t enough for him anymore, and that he deserved someone whole and healthy who could give him a family.

  Chris climbed back into bed and wrapped me in his arms, holding my trembling body to his and pressing his lips to my forehead.

  “Hey, it’s okay. You’re okay. I’m here and you’re safe.”

  I let him hold me as I sat there, wishing I could talk to him, but I didn’t know what to say, so I let him drift off to sleep. I sat staring at him, wanting so badly to be the Callie who’d met him all those years ago.

  The night we met was ingrained on my memory, and as I stared at him, I wished we hadn’t lost the time. I wished I’d been stronger and stopped pushing away everyone that cared about me, and I wished he’d fought more for me, for us.

  My mobile rang on the bedside table, cutting off my memories, and my hand shook as I leaned over to answer it.


  Logically, I knew it couldn’t be Finley, but my heart still thundered as I answered in remembered fear.

  “Hey, Callie. It’s Serena.”

  Fuck. My boss. I didn’t know if Chris would have even told her what was happening.

  “I was just wondering what’s going on with you. I’ve not been able to get a hold of you since you took those two weeks off, and I’m not sure if you even still want a job here or not. I just wanted to check in since you haven’t called us about what happened.”

  My mouth was dry as I considered my answer.

  “I… uh… yeah… I still…”

  “Look, I’m gonna be straight with you. As an assistant manager, I expected better from you. Wyatt did too. He’s not too happy about you taking off over New Year when you know how busy we are.”

  “Yeah, I get that, but there...” I sucked in a breath and then continued speaking. “There was some stuff going on.”

  “We saw on Facebook and on the news. We know you got kidnapped. The cops came in to talk to all of us, but I wasn’t sure if you’d still want to work here or not. Just let us know. Wyatt’s worried about how long you’ll be off and stuff.”

  “Yeah… it… I’m…”

  My stammering words woke Chris, and he swiped the phone from my hand, sitting up. “Hey, who’s this?” I could hear Serena speaking, but I couldn’t make out her words when Chris spoke again. “Look, Callie’s been through hell. She’s going to be off for at least another few weeks, but she’ll be handing in a sick note…

  “Well, that’s too bad. I’m sure the press would love…”

  Her squeaks got higher in pitch and frequency, and he winced as he sat up a little, letting the covers slide down his ripped torso. My eyes wandered down to his V, but my desire deflated like a burst balloon when I even considered going there.

  “Ah, is he? Why don’t you put him on the line?”

  The next second, Chris’s face changed, and he sat up straighter, letting the covers pool at his waist. The fingers of his free hand rubbed his tired eyes, and he sighed as he waited for something.

  “Wyatt, hey. It’s Chris Farmer, Callie’s… yeah.” He paused for a moment and turned to face me with a small nod at me as he spoke. “She’s here beside me. She’s not fit for work. Yeah, Lou’s doing okay. Have you spoken with her? Callie’s… she’s okay. She was a bit roughed up, but we got there in time.”

  His eyes met mine, and I saw the pain flash there for a second before he smiled and reached over, sliding his fingers through mine.

  “Yeah, she’s gonna be off for a while. He did some internal damage and she needed emergency surgery, but she’s healing.” His hand lifted mine and he placed a soft kiss to the back of my hand as he spoke. “Yeah, I’ll pass her the phone now.”

  He handed me my phone and I stared at him like he’d grown two heads. Wyatt was a businessman with bars and restaurants up and down the country, and he was fucking gorgeou
s. I may have had fantasies about him a time or two when he was in town, and one time, we almost kissed on a staff night out.

  “Hey, how you doing, Callie?”

  Wyatt’s soft voice interrupted my musings, and I shifted closer to Chris, waiting on him to wrap his arm around me and give me the safety of his embrace.

  “I’m okay, thanks. I’m getting better.”

  “Okay, that’s good. I just want you to know, you’ll always have a place here if you want it. I trust you, and I know you’re a good worker.”

  “Thanks, Wyatt. I appreciate it.”

  My throat clogged with tears because I loved my job. It was fun, easy, and enjoyable, although it did have its challenges. It wasn’t what I dreamed of doing or what I’d come to London to achieve. I was an actress and a singer, and I’d wanted to be on the West End stage, but I lost my confidence after college when I was cast in a truly awful play with a producer who constantly screamed at us and told us we were worthless. After that, I’d lost my passion and fell into a job in Sixties.

  “You come back when you’re better and don’t rush.”

  He ended the call, and I turned to face Chris, who was snoring softly beside me. My pain relief was kicking in, but there was a sick feeling in my gut that had nothing to do with my pain meds and everything to do with my career. I couldn’t go on working in a bar and living in a flat I could barely afford. It was time to either face up to my past and push on to achieving my dreams or give up more of myself.

  Chris sighed, and I turned to face him, thinking I needed to talk to him before I made any decisions, but first, I wanted to speak to Beth. I shifted out of bed and went to the bathroom, pulling on sweats and a loose t-shirt before shoving my feet into my Ugg’s.

  I pulled up Uber and booked a taxi, heading downstairs to wait since I wasn’t too sore or uncomfortable. Part of me thought maybe I should send Chris a text, but I decided against it because he’d want to come with me, and I needed to talk to Beth about everything without him there.

  The cab arrived a few minutes later, and I slowly got inside, sinking back into the seat and listening to the driver’s music in the cab. Luckily for me, he didn’t want to talk, and when I arrived at Beth’s, I saw it was a little after ten thirty. I hoped she was up. Walking up the stairs had me doubled over in pain and panic, but I made it to her door, turning my mobile off as I knocked.

  When Charlie opened the door, his eyes widened comically before he stepped aside and let me into the living room of their flat.

  “Hey, Cals. What’s going on? Where’s Chris?”

  Beth’s eyes widened dramatically, and she shared a glance with Charlie.

  “He’s at his place. I needed to talk to you, both of you, I guess, and I wanted to do it alone.”

  “Sure, babe. Is everything okay?”

  From the sympathetic look in her eyes, I knew she was aware of everything that had happened to me, but I didn’t want to talk about that. I wasn’t sure if I ever would want to talk about it, but if I did, it’d be Beth I spoke to.

  “Yeah, I just need some advice.”

  Charlie slumped down on the sofa and my eyes darted between them as Beth sat down and curled into his side. Her hand fluttered over her stomach, and I stared at her, seeing her face flame, which told me everything I needed to know. I closed my eyes at the sadness that washed over me. She was pregnant and she wasn’t going to tell me. It hurt more than it should have, but I was more hurt that she wasn’t saying anything than about it.

  “What’s going on, Cals? Why do you wanna talk to us without Chris? Is he upset about…”

  Her voice broke off, and I opened my eyes, staring between them and wondering if I made a mistake. Maybe I shouldn’t have come here. Maybe this wasn’t who I was supposed to talk to about this, but I didn’t feel like I had a choice.

  “No. He’s fine about the fact I’m infertile.”

  My harsh words caused Beth to gasp and Charlie to wince, but my eyes stung, and my throat burned as I tried to get my next words out.

  Charlie pushed up from the sofa and stood, sitting beside me, wrapping his arms around me.

  “We’re so sorry about what happened to you. You didn’t deserve that…”

  Beth watched silently and then burst out with her news. “I’m pregnant. Cals, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t going to tell you, but…” Her eyes filled with tears and I felt my heart break a little for them. They had such good news to share but hadn’t felt like sharing it with me.

  “I’m happy for you guys. Congratulations.”

  Beth started to cry, and I wished I’d never come over. Was this what my life was going to be? My friends crying over my pain, and not wanting to share the good things with me?

  “Cals, I love you. We both do, but I didn’t know how to tell you. I found out after our honeymoon, but we weren’t sure about what we were going to do until all this happened to you and we realised life’s too short.”

  “It is,” I muttered, and Charlie turned to me, staring at me.

  “What is it that you wanted to talk to us about? It can’t have been that, so what’s up, Cals?”

  I tried to smile at him, loving him for breaking up the tension, and he winked at me.

  “I wanna pursue my acting and music career again, and I was wondering what you guys think of it. I’m going to start acting classes and going to auditions, but I’ll need your help if you’re up for it.”

  “Babe, of course we’re up for it,” Beth said as Charlie stared at her for a moment before he turned to me.

  “Cals, I’ll help in any way I can. You’re my friend and you’re so fucking talented. I’ll put you in touch with Mark again and see if he can hook you up with some gigs.”

  Beth came over and they both wrapped me in a hug so tight that I could barely breathe.

  “Thanks, guys. I knew I could count on you, but uh… Charlie… hold off on that call for a bit. I need to dust off my dancing shoes and my acting boots before I start anything up.”

  Charlie gave me a small nod and stood up.

  “You should make a YouTube channel. I can help you set it up. Do you still write songs?”

  I laughed at Beth’s enthusiasm, but I was touched by their support. I loved these guys, and I knew I’d found my people when I became friends with them.

  “Yeah, I still write…”

  Beth’s loud squeal interrupted me saying that it’d been a while, and Charlie’s widening smile told me they were happy for me, but was I going to be happy?

  “Callie,” Charlie asked when Beth left to go to the bathroom. “Do you think you’ll be able to cope with the public? It’s hard being a commodity for them. Everyone thinks they own a piece of you and has an opinion about your life and your choices.”

  I smiled softly and turned to face him. “Yeah, I think I can deal with it. I mean…” My eyes scanned him, and I grimaced at him before continuing. “You cope okay, and, well…”

  “Ha, are you saying I’m a nightmare or something.”

  We both cracked up before he said the one thing that brought me back to Earth with a bump.

  “And Chris? What does he think about this? Is he ready to hang up his case notes and be your bitch or is he still going to be a cop? Have you talked to him about this yet?”

  I shook my head and Beth came back in, smiling and singing to herself. She flopped down on the sofa and stared between Charlie and me while I sat lost in thought.

  Would Chris support this change for me? Only time would tell, and I knew I couldn’t make changes for him or anyone else. This path, this choice was for me. I’d lost enough. It was time to stand up and fight back, and damn it, that was what I was going to do.

  I rolled over into what I thought would be Callie, but I found her spot empty. Maybe she’d gone to the toilet. I rolled on to my back and waited for a little while, but when she didn’t come back after ten minutes, I dragged myself from the bed and went looking.

  “Callie? Where are you, babe?”

  I went into the kitchen first, because I knew as much as she loved having me waiting on her hand and foot, she wanted to be up and about.

  It had been a couple of weeks since her op, and the doctors had told her at her check-up last week she could start moving around as long as she didn’t overdo it. In fact, the more movement she had, the quicker she would heal. That was like a red rag to a bull. As soon as she could, she was out of bed and shuffling around.

  Seeing her out of bed before me wasn’t a new thing. She only slept when she had painkillers. Other than that, the nightmares of her ordeal kept her awake. She thought I didn’t know. She seemed to think I didn’t hear her crying out in her sleep or calling for me when she was sweating with fear. Most of the time, I felt fucking helpless; the best I could do was wrap her in my arms and quietly soothe her until her cries subsided and she fell back to sleep.

  When she wasn’t in the kitchen, I went into the lounge—again, nothing. Next stop was the bathroom. I knocked lightly and softly called her name, but nothing came back. With my hand on the doorknob, I turned it and slowly cracked the door open and peered through the gap. Empty.

  Where the fuck is she?

  My stomach dropped and my heart sank when I tried to think about where she could have gone. She was on the phone to her bitch of a boss when I woke up, and I fell asleep when she was talking to that fucking Wyatt. I was coming up empty as to why she wouldn’t be here.

  I made my way back to the bedroom and swiped my phone from the bedside table, pulling up my messages.

  Callie. Where are you? I woke up and you weren’t here. I’m getting a little worried.

  I pressed send and waited for an answer, but when one didn’t come through after ten minutes, I started to panic.

  I clicked on her number, but it went straight to voicemail. I rubbed my forehead as I tried to come up with a reason why she wasn't there. She wouldn’t have gone back to hers because there were too many ghosts lurking. The only other place… bingo. It was as if a lightbulb had lit up in my head and I knew where she’d gone to.


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