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The Crow Brothers: JET - TULSA - RIVERS - RIDGE

Page 109

by Scott, S. L.

  “I’m not even twenty-five.” I’m set all the way down, my feet flat on the ground.

  “Don’t remind me.”

  “Don’t worry, old man. I’ll take care of you when you’re gray.”

  “That’s a Beatles song, right?”

  Lifting my shoulders, I drop them and shake my head. “I have no idea.” I turn to look at Alfie. “You still here, kid?”

  “I was told to learn about the birds and bees.”

  “What?” Ridge asks, moving around me. “Alfie, we’ll be up in a minute to help out.”

  “Okay, but since you kissed her, when do her eggs hatch?”

  I hide my mouth behind my hand, mumbling under my breath, “Oh my God. I can’t talk about my eggs with him.”

  “I’m not sure I want you to talk about your eggs with me either,” Dave jokes. “Hit the road, Alf.”

  “Fine,” he says mopey, going upstairs. “Is Meadow moving in with you because I liked when you stayed here with us? There’s another room where Meadow can live.” His eyes move to mine. “It’s next to my room. We can play pranks on Uncle Ridge.”

  “You’re trouble,” he says to Alfie.

  Looking at Dave, I smile. “I guess we should pause this until later.”

  “That’s probably best. Do you want to stay for dinner?”

  “Would you hate it if we did?”

  He pushes some of my hair away from my cheek. “No. I think it’s good that you want to be here, but we’re leaving before dessert.”

  “Are you insane? Dessert is the best part of the meal.”

  “No, you are.” He takes my hand and says, “Let’s go set the table.”

  Dave seems to know where everything is, so we set the table on the patio. When we finish, Hannah comes into the kitchen to check on the food, but when she sees the table, she says, “You didn’t have to do that. That’s Alfie’s job.”

  My glare hits that sneaky kid square in the face. I point, struggling to keep a straight face. “You tricked me.”

  “You still owe me a dollar for swearing.”

  Pointing at the table, I say, “I’m calling it even.”

  He knows when he’s lost. “That’s fair.”

  Tulsa and Rivers come up from the studio and straight to me. Tulsa says, “Lookin’ good, Meadow.”

  “Not too shabs yourself, Tulsa Crow.”

  Rivers says, “You realize you’re practically brother and sister, right?”

  “We can tease each other.” Giggling, I add, “Anyway, we’re both in relationships.”

  I swear on Dita Von Teese, the room goes silent. Even the oven timer stops beeping. With Rivers and Tulsa smirking out the side of their mouths, I turn to find the only eyes that will give me comfort. When I land on Dave’s warm hazels, he doesn’t say anything. Just gives me that smirk that makes the girls go wild when he’s on stage. My bad, bad boy. I’m starting to regret that decision to stay when he makes it so tempting to take him up on the offer to have me for dessert. But this is who we are too. We are both part of a bigger family, so as much as I want time with him, I like being here with him. Seeing him relaxed and part of the same family.

  Alfie breaks the silence. “What’s going on? Why are we staring at Meadow?”

  Hannah quickly guides him by the shoulders away, whispering, “I could really use a taste tester, buddy.”

  Jet doesn’t bother whispering. “Hawaii kind of sealed the deal. We’ve had to listen to Ridge moan about not seeing you since.”

  Wrapping his arm around my shoulders, Tulsa turns me toward the patio. “You could’ve done worse, I guess.” He laughs. “How can I help, Hannah?”

  As everyone busies themselves to get dinner ready, I stand there still looking at Ridge. He’s slow to join me, taking his sweet time to look me over as he comes to my side and kisses my cheek.

  Rivers passes by with a large pot of pinto beans as he heads for the outside table. “Wish I was staying. I’m starving, and dinner smells awesome.”

  Hannah trails behind him with tortillas. “You should have that pretty wife of yours join us. I’ve made too much.”

  Jet adds, “Too much for an army, much less just us.”

  “I never know with you guys,” Hannah replies just before the door closes.

  Rivers replies, “Newlyweds and I’ve been gone more than a week. She’d kill me if I didn’t come home.” Turning to me, his eyes move from Ridge to me. “Where are you staying?”

  With a bottle of wine and several glasses in hand, Ridge goes outside. When I don’t answer right away, Rivers says, “You’re always welcome to stay at our house. You have the room and the whole upstairs.”

  I reach over and hug him because I haven’t since I arrived, and though he’s my sister’s husband, he’s always been a part of my family too. “Thank you.”

  His embrace comes with a pat on the back. “Just give us a heads-up if you’re coming over. You know Stella will want to fix the room up for you.”

  “I’m going to stay with Ridge, but let Stella know I’ll call her tomorrow.”

  “Okay. It’s good to see you. Stella’s missed you too, so make sure she sees you at least once this weekend.”

  “I’ll try, but no promises.” He starts laughing. So I add, “Quick trip.”

  He heads for the door when Ridge returns. “Have a good one.”

  Ridge takes my hand, and asks, “What did you choose to do?”

  Wrapping my arms around his neck, I kiss him. “You.”



  “The last time we were in this 4Runner, we were on the road trip,” I say, the tips of my fingers tapping against the leather seat. Dinner was good, the company fun, but I’ve been looking forward to us leaving all night.

  Ridge has been driving Rivers’s old SUV when he’s in town, so being back here reminds me of so many memories. Reaching over, he runs his hand along the top of my leg. I like his hands on me. “I need to tell you something, Meadow.” He pulls into a hotel driveway and puts the SUV in park.

  “What is it?”

  My door is opened by a valet guy at the same time as his. He’s greeted, “Welcome back, Mr. Fellowes.”

  My head whips left. “Mr. Fellowes?”

  I’ve never seen Dave look embarrassed . . . until now. He whispers, “About that. I can explain. Just go with it for now.”

  He gets out of the car and heads to retrieve my suitcase. “Hi,” I say to the valet holding my door open for me. “Thanks.”

  Taking my hand, the doors slide open, and we walk into the stark white lobby of the modern hotel. “Welcome back, Mr. Fellowes,” he’s greeted by the desk clerk. “Will you be staying with us for the night?”

  For only my ears to hear, Dave says, “I’ll be right back.”

  “Oh no, I’m not missing this show, Mr. Fellowes.”

  He huffs and walks to the desk with me right there by his side amused by the use of my name. The desk clerk makes small chitchat with him, but to me, I’ve gotten about ten once-overs since I walked in the joint. “Field Fellowes. Here we go. Your regular suite is available and ready, so we’ll be able to get you right in.”

  Intense is an understatement. If Dave doesn’t blink soon, I think he’ll burn a hole through the clerk’s silk pocket square. Nice try at pretending it’s not weird at all that he’s using my name or some variation of it. He’ll only be able to avoid the subject for so long, and he knows his time is running out.

  As soon as he’s handed the key, we head to the elevators. “Field Fellowes?” I really struggle to keep from laughing, a giggle busting out. “That’s your alias?”

  He doesn’t seem to enjoy the topic as much as I do. Dave’s expression flickers between busted and embarrassed. “Can we talk about this upstairs?”

  “Sure, but just so you know, I’m going to laugh the whole way up.” We step inside the elevator, and the doors close. “And if you get to be Field Fellowes, I want to be called Cliff Carson.” I bust out laughing. I
knew I couldn’t resist.

  “Hardy, har, har. Yeah. Yeah. Real funny.” Keeping his eyes forward, he meets my gaze in the reflection of the silver doors. “Laugh it up, Carson, because once we’re inside, you’re going down, and by down, I mean wet and ready.”

  “Sooo dirty. You must’ve really missed me or my body.” The doors open, and I walk off first, ready for this wetness he speaks so confidently about. Looking back over my shoulder, I wink. “C’mon, Fellowes. Don’t keep me waiting.”

  His eyes are intense, directed at me. “Waiting?” My ass is slapped when he passes me. “Begging is more like it.”

  Quick-stepping behind him, I laugh again. “Begging? I don’t think so.”

  “I know so. I’m going to have you wet and begging before midnight.”

  “Wanna bet?” I finally catch up with him and then jump in his path. I’ve thrown the baited hook in front of him. Now I wait for him to bite.

  With the suitcase pulled next to him, his stance is relaxed but strong and comfortable in his own skin. His gaze dips to my feet and slowly glides back up, making sure I feel the heat of intensity with every inch he covers. Damn, he’s hot. “What’s the wager?”

  He loves a challenge. What he doesn’t realize is I do too. But I don’t want to play games when it comes to him. My feelings are too strong to restrain for much longer. “My heart. Winner takes all.”

  His expression softens, and he presses his hand to my cheek. I tilt into it. “I wagered mine a long time ago, sweetheart.”

  “What happened to it?”

  “I’ll let you know.” Pivoting, he pulls the keycard from his pocket and waves it in front of the lock. The door opens, and he says, “Home sweet home.”

  There’s music playing when we walk in, and the blinds open automatically, revealing the view of the pool ten stories down and the Hollywood sign in the distance. Though the hotel is on a busy street, we’re located on a quiet side. It’s fancier than any apartment I’ve ever seen, but it’s a hotel room. Home sweet home. “Incredible.”

  He drops his keys and wallet on the coffee table as though he’s home. “I’m glad you like it.” When he returns from putting my suitcase in the bedroom, he says, “The fridge is over there if you need anything, and the basket on top has some snacks.”

  “Thanks.” Standing in front of what feels like all of LA, I stare into the inky night and watch the twinkling lights of the city.

  His presence is felt before the heat of his body behind me. My hair is swept to the side, and he kisses my neck so lightly I’m not sure he did until he does it again with more pressure. This time, he wants me to know he’s been there. That’s going to leave a mark. I don’t mind and will cherish the souvenir once I’m back in Austin.

  I angle my head toward my shoulder as his breath warms my cheek. “You’re here. You came for me.”

  “I did. Instead of telling you how much I missed you, I want to show you.”

  He takes hold of my hips and turns me around while his arms move to encircle my middle. “How do you plan to do that, sunshine?”

  “By not getting out of that bed in the other room until it’s time to leave for the airport.” I wrap my arms around his neck. “What are your plans for the next two days?”

  “You. Twenty-four seven.”

  I’m nodding before he even finishes. “Didn’t you say something about wet and begging?”

  A smirk that makes me want to drop my pants right here appears. “I did.”

  “Then what are we waiting for?”

  Though his hands stay firmly wrapped around me, he cringes. “I wanted to say sorry about stealing the name. I’m kind of partial to it, though.”

  “It or me?”

  “You.” My back is pressed to the expansive wall of glass, and my ass grabbed. “Have you ever had sex against a window where it feels like the whole world can watch as you fall apart?”

  My belly clenches as warmth spreads between my legs. “No.” I try to ignore how breathy I sound and focus on how good his hands feel on my backside.

  I’m slowly turned back around, and he says, “Lights out.” The room goes dark from his voice command, and the two of us are facing the world and all the little lights outside. “Stand right here, okay?”

  I bite my lower lip, but I don’t move as his fingers undo the top of my jeans, and he pulls them down. I step out of my flats and then out of my jeans. He remains kneeling behind me. I close my eyes as my body comes alive for him.

  The backs of my knees are kissed.

  My thighs.

  The underside of my ass and a little bite that makes me laugh. Wherever his hot hands touch, his lips follow shortly after until he’s standing again and lifting my shirt over my head.

  I watch him in the reflection of the window where there’s just enough light to see his eyes drinking me in. Reaching behind me, I hold him by the back of the neck while he kisses mine. His gaze slides up and meets mine again as his hands unhook my bra. “Do you trust me, Meadow Soleil?”

  I do. “I trust you.” My instincts read him like an open book, so I do trust this man. It’s only a second before I’m spun back around. “You’re mine. Only mine. I don’t want to share you with the world outside.”

  Leading me into the bedroom, he strips for me. It’s quick, and there’s no great flair to it. Just a man being masculine and sexy by the way he tugs his shirt off by grabbing it over his shoulders to stepping out of his jeans as if the denim still wants to cling to his muscles to wearing those half briefs, half boxer shorts in all black that highlights the bad side of this bad boy. Jesus, he’s fit.

  He comes to me without a word exchanged, takes down my thong, and tossing it on his jeans. “Saving those for later.”

  “You’re stealing my panties, so I can only assume you’re going to have your dastardly way with me next?”

  “Don’t talk. Don’t think.” His fingers slip between my legs, and my head falls forward on his shoulder. “Just feel. Just enjoy.”

  Dropping to his knees in front of me, he begins to eat his prey. It’s an aphrodisiac to watch him devour me as if I’m the most delectable thing he’s ever tasted.

  My body has missed the possessive touch of his hands, the determined tongue that strokes me into submission, and the way he makes my body sing just for him. The blissful torture is fast because it feels too good to last. But before I fall apart in his hands, I’m moved to the bed, and he’s thrusting inside me, reaching his own peak, so we fall together into the beautiful abyss.

  * * *

  “Field Fellowes, huh?” I ask just after three thirty. We seem to have our best conversations in the wee hours of the morning or at least some of our most memorable.

  I don’t know what woke me up, or him, but here we are lying in the dark in front of the massive living room window of this big rock star-size suite. All the couch cushions are beneath us and the blankets make a nice pallet on top.

  The best part is lying here with Dave and having the whole world at our feet. “You were on my mind, and I was put on the spot. I needed a name in a hurry, and Meadow was all that came to mind. I opted for the male counterpart.”

  “I’d like to be mad at you, but it’s creative, and you’re pretty damn cute, so I’ll let the single white female aspect go and focus on the flattery.”

  Slipping his arm under my neck, he wraps it around my shoulders and rolls me his way. I find his physical strength so damn sexy. Not that I’m heavy, but I have been eating like a queen since arriving, the remains of another meal on a cart by the door.

  I rub my hand over my stomach, well aware of the food baby I’m modeling but too stuffed to care. His hand finds mine, and he brings it to his mouth, kissing each of my knuckles. “I wish you could stay.”

  “I do too.” Allowing myself to dream of a life with him, I say, “We could stay in bed all day, and you could play music for me at night. We’d order food in and never have to leave each other again.”

  The back of his hand gra
zes over my cheek until a finger finds my lip and runs the length once and then back. I don’t know why my breath deepens and my heart races, or why my lips part and my chest aches. I just know that when I look at him, I feel funny inside. Words that have never been said in a certain context start gathering on the tip of my tongue ready to topple out.

  I’m careful, though, so careful and not sure how to proceed. Closing my mouth, I swallow the words, letting them find their way back where they belong.

  His eyes close, and his breath comes in a puff of relief, making me see that I made the right decision.

  “They knew you at the front desk, recognized you, not as Ridge from The Crow Brothers, but as Mr. Fellowes who has a regular suite here. Is this your bachelor pad, where you used to bring the ladies you didn’t want to bring around our friends?”

  Rolling his head to the side, that roguish grin is in full effect. Damn him. I wiggle my thighs together like a damn cricket and attempt to look away, but my willpower has gone kaput under his sexy gaze. “I never had ladies I brought anywhere. I have you, the only woman who makes me feel I have enough even when you’re not here.”

  “You don’t have to lie to me. I won’t run for the airport or freak out. You can tell me the truth.”

  “I just did. Don’t let your imagination run to places that aren’t real.”

  Not sure if he can see, but he’s made me happy. Once again, I’m reminded of his drunken promise. I’m going to make you the happiest woman in the universe. “You win, Dave.”

  “It was easy. All I had to do was get you wet.”

  He’s shown me how much he cares for me. Many times over. But my emotions are muddled again, conflicted between this heaven and my other responsibilities. Trying to save this feeling to carry with me always, I snuggle against him and close my eyes, hoping everything is always this good. But even I know that would be a lie. Just like families, there are no perfect love stories.

  I have to tell him. “I got a job offer.”

  His hold on me tightens. “It’s only November.”

  “Yeah. It came as a surprise to me too, but they want an answer soon.”


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