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Neutral Grounds

Page 6

by Jiffy Kate

  Damn, that was a great weekend.

  However, just like everything else in life, it had to end.

  I know that sounds morbid, but it is what it is. We had fun and then it was time to go back to the real world. But, to not have that kind of time restraint with CeCe—an entire year with her, rather than just a weekend…the possibilities are endless.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Fancy Pants.” Jules greets me in his usual style and I can’t help but laugh. He’s not wrong, my pants are fucking fancy, but I have a feeling he’d call me that even if I were wearing jeans. “Maverick is in the office. He said to send you right in.” Jules motions to the room just behind him, reminding me of how Vanna White spins those letters on Wheel of Fortune.

  “Thanks, Jules.” I give him a nod of my head and step to the office door, knocking as I open it.

  “Hey, man, come on in. Have a seat.” Maverick gets up from the desk and greets me with a one-armed hug before guiding me to the sofa that’s lined up with another large bookshelf.

  They really love their books here.

  “Want anything to drink?” he asks.

  “No, thanks. I just had a coffee at CeCe’s place.”

  Maverick pauses the sip of water he was about to take and eyes me hard. “Her apartment?”

  Rolling my eyes, I clarify. “Neutral Grounds.”

  “Oh, right.” His body relaxes and I almost feel guilty knowing he’s just going to tense right up again when I tell him my plan.

  “So, what’s up? Have you thought about your grandfather’s will?” Thank you, Maverick, for never being one to beat around the bush.

  “I have and that’s what I want to talk to you about.”

  “You know anything I can do to help, I will.” Maverick’s sincerity and always being willing to step in and lend a helping hand is one of the things I admire most about my best friend. Too bad he’s about to lose his shit and regret his words.

  “I know and I appreciate that, but before I tell you my plan, I need you to promise to listen first, react second. Can you do that?”

  He slumps back in his seat. “Aww, fuck, man. What did you do?”

  “Nothing… yet. It’s what I’m going to do that you’ll hate, but just hear me out, okay?”

  His expression tells me he’ll listen but he’s already bracing himself for whatever I’m about to say.

  “Keep an open mind,” I warn.

  “Okay, fine. Lay it on me.”

  “I’m going to marry CeCe.” I allow my statement to fill the room and I’m a bit surprised I don’t waiver in my delivery. My confidence in what we’re planning is strong.

  “Yeah, right,” Mav guffaws, rolling his eyes. “Very funny. Now, tell me what you’re really up to, man. I should’ve known you’d try to pull that shit over on me…Carys said CeCe had a lot to drink last night…”

  He drifts off as his expression goes slack in realization.

  “That’s the real plan,” I reiterate. “CeCe and I are going to be married and soon.”

  “Do we know another CeCe? Because there’s no fucking way CeCe Calhoun—a sober CeCe Calhoun—agreed to marry you. Not in this lifetime, anyway.”

  “It was her idea.”

  Technically, if we’re taking her drunk proposal off the table, it was my idea, but I know Maverick isn’t going to be keen on this plan of mine, so I’m willing to stretch the truth a little. Whatever closes the deal.

  “She was joking! And drunk! You can’t hold her to something like that.”

  “I’m not holding her to anything. So stop acting like she’s some innocent victim who can’t take care of herself.” Whoa. Did I just come to her defense? Where did that come from? Sighing, I continue, trying to be as calm and collected as possible. “We just talked. We’re meeting up sometime tomorrow to hash out the details, but it’s as good as done.”

  That’s probably a little more confidence than I should possess at this point. She said she’d consider it. But I’m nothing if not confident, even when I shouldn’t be.

  “No.” He stands up and starts pacing. “No fucking way. There’s no way I’ll allow this. Are you both stupid? What are you thinking exactly, because this makes no sense?”

  I ignore his question regarding our intelligence for the time being. “It makes perfect sense, so sit down and let me explain. You promised you’d keep an open mind.”

  He mumbles something under his breath as he falls back into his chair, pinning me with that fucking Kensington glare. If I really wanted to piss him off, I’d tell him he looks like his father, but I don’t have a death wish. So, I rationally explain the situation.

  “First and foremost, CeCe and I are both business people and that’s why this arrangement works so well. We’ll get married and stay that way for a year. I’ll receive my inheritance and I’ll give her a small portion of it. Then, we’ll be free to divorce and go our separate ways. Amicably. We’ll both be able to use the money to improve our businesses or however the hell we want. It’s as simple as that.”

  “Simple? You think marriage is simple?”

  His humorless laugh makes my hackles raise.

  “It is when love’s not involved,” I seethe, pissed that he can’t just see things my way and fucking be in agreement with this. “There are no feelings between CeCe and I, which ensures this remains a business transaction.”

  “I see,” he says after a few long seconds. “What about sex?”

  His question catches me off guard. We’ve been best friends for years and have often participated in normal locker room-type banter regarding girls we’ve not been serious about but I’ve never mentioned my weekend with CeCe to him.

  “Sex is good.”

  He’s not amused. “Will you be having sex with her?”

  “That’s between me and my future wife, isn’t it?” I goad him. “Come on, Mav. What do you want me to say? That I won’t be sleeping with her or that I will? Which option would make you happy?”

  “That you won’t be sleeping with her and that this marriage idea is a joke you’re not really planning on seeing through!” Shit, his jaw is twitching. He’s really pissed.

  “Why are you so against this?”

  He gives me an exasperated look. “Because it’s fucking ridiculous! CeCe is my friend. She’s best friends with the love of my life. And you’re my best friend, and even though you think marriage is just another business transaction, I think deep down you have a real heart in there, somewhere. Playing this game with her will only end badly. How do you not see that?”

  “It’s a year, for fuck’s sake, and it’s just a piece of paper I have to have to get the money left to me—a means to an end. Besides, I’m not CeCe’s favorite person, so it’s not like we’ll be spending a lot of time together. We just have to convince my parents this is real and then go on with our lives. Trust me, Mav, the only way this can end badly is if feelings were involved, but they’re not.”

  He doesn’t look convinced but I think he realizes his complaints aren’t changing my mind. After a few more seconds of seething and glaring, he breaks the silence. “If you hurt her in any way, I’ll kick your ass.”

  “Duly noted.”

  “And then I’ll let Carys kick your ass.”

  Okay, that scares me, I can’t lie.

  We both sit in silence, letting the dust from our disagreement settle, neither one of us knowing what to say next.

  The thing is, I need Maverick on board with this. I need his support, even if he doesn’t agree or understand. I don’t have anyone else in my life rooting for me, which is why some of the decisions I make seem so fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants. I go with my gut because it’s all I have.

  “Look, I know this situation isn’t ideal for either CeCe or myself, but it’s the best option I have. The only one I have. I can’t marry someone my parents want me to and you know that. Wouldn’t you rather I, at least, marry someone I know rather than taking an ad out in the local paper or doing one of those stupid dating shows
on TV?” I wait for a second, not expecting a response but hoping for a change in demeanor, when I don’t get one, I continue. “I promise, CeCe is on board with this and I’ll do everything in my power to make sure she comes out ahead when this is all said and done. She still has plenty of time to marry for love.”

  “What about you? Don’t you want to fall in love at some point?”

  I don’t even need a second to think of my answer to that. “That’s never been in the cards for me. I’ve never wanted it and don’t feel like I’d be missing out if I didn’t get it. My heart of stone will survive, I promise.” I smile at him, encouraging him to see things my way.

  “I’m looking out for both of you, I hope you understand that. You and CeCe are probably more alike than you think but I’ve seen how charming you can be. Don’t yank her chain or play with her emotions. Promise me, you’ll be up front and honest with her the whole time.”

  “I will, I promise. We know what’s at stake and what the reward will be. Our eyes are on the prize.” I give him my most charming smile, knowing he hates it.

  Maverick lets out a reluctant sigh. “Fine. You have my blessing but don’t forget my warning. I care for you both and don’t want this to blow up in your face.”

  “Thanks, Mav. I really appreciate it. Besides, if I fuck this up, you and Carys will have to wait to kick my ass once CeCe is done with it.”

  “We’ll wait in line, don’t worry.”

  We stand and hug before I take my leave but before I open the door, I turn and ask. “You’ll be my best man, right?”

  “You really are a charming son of a bitch, aren’t you?” He laughs while shaking his head. “Yeah, I’ll be your best man. Don’t make me regret it.”

  “Oh, and you’ll get Carys on board with this, right?”

  He wads up a piece of paper and throws it at my head. Ducking, I hurry out, closing the door behind me and on Maverick’s response.

  “You’re seriously fucking pushing your luck today!”

  Chapter 8


  Me: meet at Lagniappe @ 7?

  I already asked Paige to stay late and fill in for me tonight and I have a feeling Shep will be compliant with my request. He seemed anxious to get this show on the road.

  Shit show.

  Huffing a laugh to myself, I glance down at my phone when it vibrates with a reply.

  Shep: I’ll be there.

  I start to tell him Jules will be joining us but decide that’s not necessary. The way I look at it, the ball is in my court. Shep needs me more than I need him right now and that power feels good. So, I’ll keep my element of surprise to myself. Besides, it’s not like Shep and Jules aren’t already acquaintances. If Jules had his way about it, they’d be more than that.

  And that thought makes me laugh again.

  I need all the good humor I can get right now. It’s the only thing keeping my nerves at bay.

  What the hell am I doing?

  It’s the resounding question that’s played over and over in my head for the past forty-eight hours.


  “Deep in thought, boss?” Paige asks as she walks past me with a tray of clean mugs. After almost five years of basically running this place by myself, never having a break, except when I was sleeping, it’s nice having her around. I thought it’d be weird, relinquishing some of my duties, but it’s been…nice.

  “No,” I lie. “Just trying to remember everything we need for the order I’m putting in.” Pocketing my phone, I pick the order form back up and walk down the hallway to the stockroom. It’s pretty well supplied. I like to keep it that way, just in case we were to have an off week. I’m always thinking worst-case scenario. Call it my upbringing and the fact that we never knew what the next day or week or month would hold. Or maybe it’s the fact that I inherited this place from my uncle who lived through the Great Depression? Regardless, I never take my momentary success for granted, always preparing for disaster, which is one of the things that make my decision to go through with marrying Shep a no-brainer.

  And the fact the said uncle I inherited Neutral Grounds from just so happens to have a long-lost son who wants to take it from me.

  Jotting down the few things we need, buffering our supply of cups and lids, because those don’t ever expire, I turn back around and make my way out to the main part of the store. After logging in the order online, I shut my computer down and untie my apron.

  “If you don’t need me, I’m going to head upstairs and shower away the day before I head out.”

  Paige waggles her eyebrows, reading more into this than she should. She reminds me of my little sister in so many ways. I’m sure not all twenty-year-olds are hopeless romantics. I know I wasn’t when I was their age, but it seems to be a common theme. They’re so whimsical and carefree. I wish I could have a little dose of that, but life has put a damper on my romantic side. It just doesn’t go along with my need to safeguard myself…and my family and my business.

  “Have fun,” she sing-songs. “And don’t worry, I’ll lock everything down tight and leave the cash register print out and deposit in the safe.”

  She knows the drill.

  “Oh, and I’ll go ahead and break down the espresso machine and stock the shelves.”

  I pause at the door that leads to the stairs to my apartment. “Are you trying to get a raise?”

  “No,” she replies, rolling her eyes. “I’m just letting you know you can trust me…and you should take off more often…have some fun.”

  Now, it’s my turn to roll my eyes. “Don’t push it, kid.”

  “You’re like what, five years older than me?” she asks with a laugh. “Act like it, CeCe. Live a little!”

  Shaking my head, I smile. “Have you been hanging out with Carys?”

  “Not too much,” she says with a smile of her own.

  She sounds like every other person in my life, so the culprit could be anyone—Carys, Avery, my sister, Rory…my mother—they’re all the same. They think I work too hard and too much and take life too seriously, but they don’t know what it feels like to be me. Well, Carys does, but she’s inherently more carefree than I am. She loves the Blue Bayou, but the wherewithal to run it didn’t come easy to her. She had to work at it and figure out a balance in her life to make it happen. Thanks to Maverick, she now has a vision for the hotel her family left her.

  But for me, this business is my life. Sure, my family is important to me, but without this place, I wouldn’t be able to support them. I was the breadwinner long before I was old enough. The need to take care of my mom and sister is my leading force, and this place gives me the ability to do that.

  At least Shep understands that part of me. This fake marriage with him is probably the only one I’ll ever be successful at. Anything more real and I’d fail miserably. There’s just not time for two loves, something would have to give and I have a feeling it wouldn’t be this place.

  “Thanks again, Paige,” I say before walking through the door. “And no ragers while I’m gone.”

  That gets me a good laugh.

  See, I’m fun.

  Half an hour later, I’m showered and dressed, staring at myself in the mirror. Is this the right outfit to wear to meet with Shep and announce I want to be his wife?

  Who am I kidding?

  How will I ever be able to pull this off?

  No one will take me seriously. There’s no way his family will believe he chose me over all his options back in Dallas.

  Ripping the slip dress over my head, I toss it in the corner and then jump when someone knocks on my door. “Who is it?” My voice is high-pitched as I dig through my drawer and pull out a pair of my favorite jeans.

  “It’s Jules, honey. Did you forget we have a hot date?”

  I smile, shaking my head as I reach for my favorite blue shirt and pull it over my head on my way to the door.

  “Don’t dress up on my account,” Jules d

  Blowing hair out of my face, I groan. “Stop. I’ve already changed three times and I decided that if Shep wants to marry me, he needs to know this is as good as it gets.” Bending down, I grab my trusty sandals out of the bottom of my closet.

  “Oh, it’s good alright,” he muses.

  His comment makes me whip my head around so fast I almost hurt myself. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Well, you’ve got the goods. You might not display them the way they should be displayed, but it’s all there…and all in the right spots.”

  Pausing with one shoe on and the other dangling in my hand, I quirk my head. “Are you trying to tell me that if you were straight, you’d do me?”

  “Oh, honey…I’d do you seven ways to Sunday.”



  As I slip the other shoe on and grab my bag by the door, I lean over and plant a big wet kiss on his cheek. “Thanks, I needed that little boost of confidence.”

  When Jules and I walk into Lagniappe, we’re greeted by Micah, the restaurant owner, who must’ve already seated Shep, because he acts like he’s expecting us.

  “Your table is in the back,” he says, leaning over for a hug from me and an air kiss from Jules. If Shep is Jules’ number one and Mav, his number two, Micah is a close third…or maybe he’d prefer him in the middle of Shep and Maverick.

  Okay, that’s not what I want to be imagining for the rest of the night.

  “How’s Dani?” I ask, trying to clear my head of the ménage à trois vision I have playing in high def.

  He hesitates for a minute and I want to ask, but then he recovers with a smile. “Great…she’s great. I’ll tell her you asked about her. She’s supposed to be in town quite a bit in the next few weeks, leading up to Cami’s new studio opening up. They have photoshoots and things lined up.”

  Excitement fills my chest. “I can’t tell you how happy I am that Camille Benoit-Landry will once again be a permanent fixture in the Quarter. Is she planning on being at the studio on the daily?”


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