Love Undetectable, 317
marriage of, 257–59, 302
meditation practice of, 399, 400, 403–5, 408–9, 413–14
mother of, 408, 517–19
testosterone supplemented by, 145–47, 152, 155, 161, 205
Virtually Normal, 221
Sunday Times (London), xviii “Gay Cowboys Embraced by Redneck Country,” 241–43
“Islamo-Bullies Get a Free Ride from the West,” 237–39
“Mad, Maddening America, the Wisest of All,” 301–3
“My America,” 97–99
“Obama’s Race Dream Is Swiftly Shackled,” 305–7
“Republican Taliban Declare Jihad on Obama,” 297–300
“Superstar,” 185–87
Supreme Court, 41–42, 115, 118, 119, 121, 201, 382, 383, 389, 394, 418, 419, 427 Brown v. Board of Education, 171, 173
Bush v. Gore, 336
Citizens United, 336
Obamacare and, 335
Roe v. Wade, 114, 262
“Surprised by Grief,” 343–45
Survivor, 214
Sweeney, Tim, 24
Syria, 423
Taboo (Entine), 157
“Taken Unseriously,” 31–33
Taliban, 266, 298
Talking Points Memo, 291
talk radio, 202, 292, 384, 427
taxes, 196, 198, 199, 268, 432, 433
Taylor, Charles, 409
Tea Party, 389
technology, 401, 406, 464, 507
television, 401
Tempting of America, The (Bork), 121
TERFs (trans-exclusionary radical feminists), 479, 480
terrorism, domestic, 424
terrorism, Islamist, 198, 229, 232–34, 247, 254, 265, 266, 270, 428, 442 Al Qaeda, 227, 233, 234, 247, 265, 267
9/11 attacks, xvii, 193, 229, 238, 254, 263–65, 277, 315, 427, 436
Trump and, 391–92
terrorism, war on, 119, 230, 233, 235, 266 torture in, see torture
testosterone, 145–61, 167, 317 author’s use of, 145–47, 152, 155, 161, 205
in black men, 156–58
crime and, 152–54
depression and, 146, 150, 160
women and, 145, 148–52, 154–56, 159, 160
Texas church shooting, 140
Thanksgiving, 98, 99
“Thatcher, Liberator,” 339–42
Thatcher, Margaret, xvi, 198, 199, 275, 339–42, 359
Thomas, Clarence, 139, 263, 272
Thomas Aquinas, 67–68, 288, 348, 376
Thomism, 42, 44, 63, 72, 368
Thompson, Augustine, 330
Thoreau, Henry David, 412
Thurmond, Strom, 164
Tibet, 322
time, 405
Time, xviii, 292 “The Invisible Man,” 163–64
“When Not Seeing Is Believing,” 245–51
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 217, 387, 466, 478
tolerance, 143, 144
toleration, 143 religious, 250, 478
Tolpuddle Martyrs, xv
Tolstoy, Leo, 29
Tomasky, Michael, 485
Torah, 246
Torch Song Trilogy, 214
torture, xvii, 225–35, 277, 336, 394 Bush and, xviii, 225, 229, 231, 234, 277, 336, 433
Christians and, 329
“enhanced interrogation techniques,” xviii, 317
freedom and, 226, 228, 229, 234, 277
religious faith abuse and, 234
for “slow-fuse” detainees, 232
spread of, 231–32
“ticking bomb” scenario and, 229–32
Trump and, 391–92, 394, 417
waterboarding, 227
Toryism, 125, 309, 340, 341
totalitarianism, 227, 228, 233, 235, 269, 277, 332, 447
Toynbee, Polly, 339, 341
toys, 157, 158
Toys “R” Us, 157
Traister, Rebecca, 485
transgender individuals, 148, 149, 393, 479–83, 515–16
Travolta, John, 101, 102
Treatment Action Group (TAG), 77
Tree of Life, The, 414
tribalism, xvii, 423–40, 465, 472
Tribe (Junger), 425–26
trimmer, 314 Obama as, 313–15
Tripp, C. A., 175–76, 178
True Believer, The (Hoffer), 387–90
Truman, Harry, 119
Trump, Donald, xvii, xviii, 380–81, 383–84, 386–97, 415–21, 424, 430, 431, 433, 434, 436–38, 442, 446, 462, 476–78, 479, 487 The Apprentice, 387
Biden and, 485–89
Christians and, 477–78
Clinton and, 393, 396, 417–19, 421, 436, 437
COVID-19 and, 502, 508
Democratic leadership and, 437–38
as fascist, 390–92, 396, 415–17, 420
immigration and, 389, 390, 392, 393, 420, 437
Islamist terrorism and, 391–92
Muslims and, 389, 390
opioid crisis and, 462–63
Putin and, 393, 417, 420
Republican Party and, 390–91, 394, 396–97, 415, 417–20, 437
sexual assault history of, 431
torture and, 391–92, 394, 417
Trump, Ivana, 386–87
truth, 449, 473, 476
Turkle, Sherry, 405, 407, 413
Tutsis, 133, 134
“Two Faces of Bensonhurst, The,” 7–14
“Two Sexes. Infinite Genders,” 515–19
Tylenol, 464
Tyson, Mike, 105
Udry, J. Richard, 151
Ukraine, 434
“Unbearable Whiteness of the Classics, The,” 509–14
United Nations (UN), 115, 245, 280
United States, see America
universities, 428, 431 campus culture, 445–49
“Unsung Heroine,” 105–7
urban-rural divide, 428
Utley, T. E., xv–xvi
Vallely, Paul, 363, 368
Variety, 242
Vatican, 63, 211, 269, 359 Second Vatican Council, 186, 358–60
Vico, Giambattista, 32
Vietnam Memorial, 35
Vietnam veterans, 458, 461
Vietnam War, 16, 85–86, 262–65, 267, 268, 275, 452
Village Voice, 149
Virtually Normal (Sullivan), 221
Voltaire, 410
Vox, 472, 476
Wainwright, Rufus, 214
Wallace, George, 390
Wall Street Journal, 120, 157
Walzer, Michael, 223, 231
Washington, D.C., 301–2
Washington, George, 228, 500
Washington Blade, 218–19
Washington Monthly, 339
Washington Post, 104, 139, 241, 417, 442 “Phobia at the Gates,” 279–81
Washington’s Crossing (Fischer), 228
Waters, John, 210
Waugh, Evelyn, xv
“We All Live on Campus Now,” 445–49
Weber, Max, 102
Weekly Dish, The, xvi, xviii “The Unbearable Whiteness of the Classics,” 509–14
Weekly Standard, 111–15, 117, 119, 178, 200, 225
Weigel, George, 118
Weinstein, Michael, 205
welfare, xvii, 92, 119, 120, 124, 125, 192, 199, 376, 458
whataboutism, 431
“What Is the Meaning of Pope Francis?,” 353–78
“What’s So Bad About Hate?,” 127–44
“When Not Seeing Is Believing,” 245–51
“When Plagues End: Notes on the Twilight of an Epidemic,” 75–95, 317
White, Walter, 131
whiteness, 428, 438, 510, 513
white supremacy, 127, 420, 426, 435, 436, 445–47, 449, 510–11, 514
white working class, 388–89, 420, 486–87
Whitman, Christie Todd, 202
Whitman, Walt, 243
Whitman-Walker Clinic, 217
“Why Continue to Build the Settlements?,” 321–26
“Why I Blog
,” 283–95
“Why Joe Biden Might Be the Best Bet to Beat Trump,” 485–89
Wilberforce, William, 455
Will & Grace, 214
Willkie, Wendell, 382–83
Williams, Armstrong, 202
Williams, Michelle, 242
Wilson, Pete, 427
Wilson, Woodrow, 502
Winchell, Barry, 136
Winfrey, Oprah, 306
Wingfield, John, 155
Wockner, Rex, 169
wokeness, 449, 477, 487, 488
Wolf, Naomi, 182
Wolfson, Evan, 259
women, 246 abortion and, see abortion
feminism and, see feminism
in military, 156, 158, 159, 199
in politics, 159
rape and other sexual assaults against, 128, 141, 182–83, 447
sexism and, see sexism
sexual harassment and, 447–48
testosterone and, 145, 148–52, 154–56, 159, 160
transgender ideology and, 479–83
women, differences between men and, 145–46, 157–58, 480, 487 crime and, 153–54, 156
work and, 156, 158–60
Women’s Liberation Front, 479
Woods, Tiger, 273
Woodstock ’99, 128
Wordsworth, William, 471
working class, 388–89, 420, 464, 486–87
workmanship, 406
World Church of the Creator, 132
World Pornography Conference, 112
World War I, 92, 426–27, 502
World War II, 92, 233, 426–27
Wright, Bob, 473
Yiannopoulos, Milo, 432
yoga, 330, 413
Yong, Ed, 449
Yorio, Orlando, 364
Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth, 134–35
Zionism, 321–26
Zwickler, Phil, 17
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Copyright © 2021 by Andrew Sullivan
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