National Survey of Family Growth, 215
Native Americans, 425–26, 456, 492–93, 496–97, 499
NATO, 416, 417
“Nature of Sex, The,” 479–83
Nazi Germany, 41, 52, 134, 233 Jewish Holocaust, 81, 82, 92, 133, 136, 141, 497
Netanyahu, Benjamin “Bibi,” 322–25
Netanyahu, Ben-Zion, 323–25
Netherlands, 429
Neuhaus, Richard John, 117–19, 122
New Deal, 192
New Left, 112, 119, 122, 175, 212
New Republic, xvii, xviii, 90, 225, 257, 285, 286, 318 “The Abolition of Torture,” 225–35
“Alone Again, Naturally,” 59–73
“Crisis of Faith,” 189–204
“The End of Gay Culture,” 209–23
“Gay Life, Gay Death: The Siege of a Subculture,” 15–30
“Here Comes the Groom,” 1–5
“Life Lesson,” 181–83
“The Politics of Homosexuality,” 39–58
“The Princess Bride,” 101–4
“Quilt,” 35–37
“Superstar,” 185–87
“Taken Unseriously,” 31–33
“The Two Faces of Bensonhurst,” 7–14
Newsweek, xviii, 292 “Christianity in Crisis,” 327–34
New York, 194 “America and the Abyss,” 415–21
“America’s New Religions,” 473–78
“America Wasn’t Built for Humans,” 423–40
“Democracies End When They Are Too Democratic,” 379–97
“I Used to Be a Human Being,” 399–414
“Just Say Yes to Drugs,” 469–72
“Kaepernick’s Message Is Getting Lost—Along with the Facts on Race and Police Violence,” 441–44
“The Nature of Sex,” 479–83
“A Plague Is an Apocalypse. But It Can Bring a New World.,” 491–507
“The Poison We Pick,” 451–67
“We All Live on Campus Now,” 445–49
“Why Joe Biden Might Be the Best Bet to Beat Trump,” 485–89
New York, xviii
New York, N.Y., 143 Bensonhurst, 7–14
Harlem, 20, 128, 131
New Yorker, 242
New York Press, 238
New York Times, xviii, 1, 121, 128, 176, 205, 287, 329, 414, 448, 510–12 “Going Down Screaming,” 109–26
“The He Hormone,” 145–61, 317
“Integration Day,” 171–73
“Unsung Heroine,” 105–7
“What’s So Bad About Hate?,” 127–44
“When Plagues End: Notes on the Twilight of an Epidemic,” 75–95, 317
Nexis, 128
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 44
Nightline, 85
9/11 terrorist attacks, xvii, 193, 229, 238, 254, 263–65, 277, 315, 427, 436
Nixon, Richard, 190, 264, 265, 419, 427
Nobel Peace Prize, 423
No Child Left Behind Act, 193
Northern Ireland, 423, 429
Novak, Michael, 118
Nunn, Sam, 40, 49
Oakeshott, Michael, xvii, 31–33, 196, 313–15, 370, 410
Obama, Barack, xvi–xviii, 253–55, 280, 303, 309, 315, 383–86, 389, 393, 394, 415, 418, 433, 434, 436–38, 445, 487, 489 The Audacity of Hope, 269
Biden and, 486
Christian faith of, 270–71, 328, 434
Dreams from My Father, 269, 273
Iraq War and, 266–67, 275–76
Israel and, 322
moderation of, 315, 386
race and, 272, 273, 306, 307
Republican Party and, 297–300
speeches of, 267, 270–72
stimulus package and, 297–99
as trimmer, 313–15
“Obama, Trimmer,” 313–15
Obamacare (Affordable Care Act), 328, 335, 432–33, 438
“Obama’s Race Dream Is Swiftly Shackled,” 305–7
O’Brien, Conan, 407
O’Donnell, Rosie, 214
Office of National Drug Control Policy, 462–63
Olbermann, Keith, 262
On Human Conduct (Oakeshott), 31–32
opioids, 451–67, 472, 477
opium, 451, 453–57, 460
Opium (Booth), 455
Opus Dei, 183, 186, 359
O’Reilly, Bill, 241, 242, 262
Orwell, George, xvii, 228, 433–34, 449
Out, 168, 432
Outweek, 27
oxycodone (OxyContin), 455, 457–59
oxytocin, 453, 464, 465
Padilla Peralta, Dan-el, 511–13
Paglia, Camille, 167
Pakistan, 265–68
Pale Horse, Pale Rider (Porter), 502
Pale Rider (Spinney), 502
Palestinians, 134, 321–26
Palin, Sarah, xviii, 301, 318–19, 347, 350, 351, 386–87
Pandemic 1918 (Arnold), 501
pandemics, see plagues
Parker, Kathleen, 309
Pascal, Blaise, 288
Pataki, George, 202
patriarchy, 447
Paul, Saint, 66
Paul VI, Pope, 329, 359
Pelosi, Nancy, 437
Pensées (Pascal), 288
People, 102, 103
Perot, Ross, 383
Pershing, John J., 391
Persian Gulf War, xvii, 277
Peter, Saint, 369
“Phobia at the Gates,” 279–81
Pinker, Steven, 474
Piss Christ (Serrano), 238
Plague, The (La Peste) (Camus), 36, 86
“Plague Is an Apocalypse. But It Can Bring A New World, A,” 491–507
plagues, 491–507 Black Death, 497–99, 502
bubonic, 498, 505
Christianity and, 496, 498
COVID-19, 491, 493, 502, 503, 505–7
1918 flu, 500–503
smallpox, 491–93, 396, 499–500
Plagues and Peoples (McNeill), 496–97
Plato, 288, 379–82, 392, 411, 509
“Poison We Pick, The,” 451–67
polarization, in politics and society, 262–65, 274, 424, 446, 462
Police-Public Contact Survey, 443
police violence, 441–44, 504
polio, 498
political correctness, 388, 487
Politico, 488
politics, 159, 328, 426–27, 476 cults in, 476–78
of faith, 314
gerrymandering and, 427
of homosexuality, see homosexuality, politics of
illiberal, 476
organizing in, 385
polarization in, 262–65, 274, 424, 446
race and, 427, 428
religion and, 250, 332, 428
of skepticism, 314
tribal identity and, 427, 428, 430
women in, 159
zero-sum, 336, 430
see also Democratic Party, Democrats; Republican Party, Republicans
“Politics of Homosexuality, The,” 39–58
Pollan, Michael, 469–72
Pope Francis (Vallely), 363, 368
poppies, 451–56
Porter, Katherine Anne, 502–3
postmodernism, 431
Potter, Kimberly, 129
poverty, 388 Christianity and, 375–77
Powell, Colin, 272, 277
power, two types of, 102
Pox Americana (Fenn), 499–500
prejudice hate and, 129, 143
ignorance and, 134
social purpose in, 143
see also anti-Semitism; hate; homophobia; racism; sexism
President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, 280
press gay, 218–19
Islamists and, 237–39
see also journalism
Prince, 462
“Princess Bride, The,” 101–4
prisoners, 120, 444 testosterone levels of, 152, 153
privacy, 447
procreation, 42, 49, 57, 63–64, 66, 70, 258
progesterone, 149
progress, 474, 477
Prohibition, 192, 460
Protestants, 64, 110, 185, 186, 199, 217, 246, 269, 328, 329, 361, 410, 429 Episcopalian, 248
evangelical, 110, 114, 185, 201, 211, 216, 263–64, 271, 328, 329, 353, 434–35, 477
in Northern Ireland, 429
Reformation, 410, 498
Proulx, Annie, 242
Provincetown, Mass., 165, 166, 169, 209–12, 220
psychedelics, 469–72, 475 LSD, 452, 453, 469, 471
psilocybin mushrooms, 469–71
psychopaths, 132
Puller, Lewis, 85
Puritans, 428
Putin, Vladimir, 390, 393, 417, 420, 434
Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, 167, 168, 214
queer identity, 45–48
Queer Nation, 19, 45, 47
“Quilt,” 35–37
Quinones, Sam, 457–59
Rabin, Yitzhak, 439
race, 424, 449 critical race theory, xviii, 448, 511–14
IQ research and, 317
politics and, 427, 428
racism, 50–52, 54, 133, 135–37, 139, 140, 144, 254, 303, 435–36, 439–40, 447, 512 apartheid, 52, 133
in Bensonhurst, 8–14
Gates incident and, 305–7
and hatred within minorities, 139
and Labor Day parade in Broad Channel, 130–31
lynching, 127, 131, 436, 449
Mencken and, 131, 143
miscegenation, 136, 303
Obama and, 272, 273, 306, 307
police violence and, 441–44, 504
segregation, 134, 163, 164, 171, 173, 192, 197, 303, 332, 444, 449
slavery, 52, 98, 141, 197, 227, 303, 332, 426, 428, 435, 444, 449, 500
white supremacy, 127, 420, 426, 435, 436, 445–47, 449, 510–11, 514
Rand, Ayn, 196, 349, 376
Randolph, A. Philip, 163
rape, sexual assault, 128, 141, 182–83, 447
Rather, Dan, 287
Rationalism in Politics (Oakeshott), 32
Ratzinger, Joseph Cardinal (Pope Benedict XVI), 64–67, 194, 211, 246, 269, 354–56, 359–63, 367–69, 375
Raytheon, 215
Reagan, Ronald, xvi, 37, 98, 101, 102, 110, 116–17, 124, 189, 190, 192, 193, 198, 253, 254, 263, 266, 268, 275, 309, 359, 427, 434, 463, 502
“Reagan of the Left?, The,” 253–55
Real World, The, 214
Red Queen, The (Ridley), 152
Reformation, 410, 498
Reid, Eric, 414, 442, 444
Reid, Harry, 183
religion, 247, 269, 303, 425, 465–67, 472, 473–78, 504 atheism, 196, 197, 301, 329, 330, 473
certainty in, 203, 246, 247, 249, 250, 271, 315
doubt in, 61, 248, 249, 271
freedom of, 234–35
fundamentalist, see religious fundamentalism
in gay life, 217
God, 33, 245–51, 303, 330, 332, 333, 360–63, 367–70, 372, 373, 376, 377, 411, 473, 476, 477
Oakeshott on, 370
politics and, 250, 332, 428
spirituality, 330
toleration and, 250, 478
see also Catholic Church, Catholics; Christianity, Christians; Islam
Religious Freedom Restoration Act, 481
religious fundamentalism, 211, 247–48, 269, 303, 334, 388, 474 Catholic, 199, 211, 246, 250, 361–62
Christian, 199–200, 239, 247, 249, 269, 361, 369
Islamic, 195, 211, 237–39, 245, 269
Repubblica, 358
Republic (Plato), 379–81, 509
Republican Party, Republicans, xvii, 42, 110–11, 117, 126, 215, 265, 269, 335, 376, 418, 428, 430, 433, 434, 437, 438, 488 abortion and, 183
black voters and, 427
blogs and, 292
Christian, 428
foreign policy and, 115
gay vote and, 243
health care and, 432–33
Lincoln’s sexuality and, 178–79
Obama and, 297–300
professors, 431
religious right, xvii, 98, 113, 125, 139, 189–204, 263–64
Trump and, 390–91, 394, 396–97, 415, 417–20, 437
see also conservatism, conservatives
“Republican Taliban Declare Jihad on Obama,” 297–300
responsibility, 91, 120, 172
Revolutionary War, 228, 455, 499–500
Reynolds, Glenn, 293
Ridley, Matt, 152, 158, 160
right Toryism, 125, 309, 340, 341
see also conservatism, conservatives; Republican Party, Republicans
right to die, 191, 194, 199–201, 246
Riverside Church, 21
Roberts, John, 335–37
Robertson, Pat, 48, 138
Rockefeller, Nelson, 190
Rodman, Dennis, 125
Roemer, Tim, 183
Roe v. Wade, 114, 262
Roiphe, Katie, 106, 446, 447
Roman Catholic Church, see Catholic Church, Catholics
Romans, 493–96, 498, 499, 502, 505, 507, 511, 512
Romney, Mitt, 253, 336, 383, 432–34
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 192, 233, 303, 383, 427
Rove, Karl, 193–94, 203, 263–64, 269, 394
Rumsfeld, Donald, 227, 276–78
“Rush Limbaugh Knows Nothing about Christianity,” 347–51
Russell, Bertrand, 474–75
Russia, 390, 434
Rustin, Bayard, 163–64
Rwanda, 133, 423
Ryan, Paul, 349, 391, 437
Sabbath, 411, 413
Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 63
Saddam Hussein, 233, 238, 266, 276
Saint (club), 20
St. Patrick’s Cathedral, 28, 138
Salem United Methodist Church, 20–21, 25
Salon, xviii, 132, 291 “I Am Bear; Hear Me Roar,” 165–70
Sanders, Bernie, 383, 384, 396, 487
Santorum, Rick, 183, 215
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 132
Saturday Night Live, 447
Scalfari, Eugenio, 358, 373
Schiavo, Terri, 194, 200–202
Schlafly, Phyllis, 215
Schlichter, Kurt, 435
Schumer, Chuck, 437
Schuyler, George S., 131
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 202
science, 473, 507, 511
Scissor Sisters, 214
Scoop (Waugh), xv
Scots, 423
Scott, Greg, 89–91
Scott, Walter, 453
“secular,” meaning of, 328–29
Secular Age, A (Taylor), 409
secularism, 410
segregation, 134, 163, 164, 171, 173, 192, 197, 303, 332, 444, 449 apartheid, 52, 133
Seidman, Susan/Drew, 149
Selleck, Tom, 102
Senate, U.S., 382, 394, 419, 430
September 11 terrorist attacks, xvii, 193, 229, 238, 254, 263–65, 277, 315, 427, 436
Serbs, 133–34
Serrano, Andres, 238
Sessions, Jeff, 463
Sessions, Pete, 298
Seven Types of Atheism (Gray), 473–76
sex, 479–83, 516
sexism, 133–37, 143, 144, 317, 433, 439–40 workplace inequality and, 159–60
Sex on the Brain (Blum), 148
sexual assault, rape, 128, 141, 182–83, 447
sexual harassment, 447–48
Shakespeare, William, 226
Shamir, Yitzhak, 134
Sharpton, Al, 8–14, 272
Shaw, George Bernard, 230
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 453
Shepard, Matthew, 127–28, 136, 138, 140
Showgirls, 220
Signorile, Michelangelo, 205
silence, 403–4, 409–14
Silicon Valley, 402
Silver, Nate, 486
Singer, Bennett, 164
el-Sisi, Abdel Fattah, 390
Sisters of Perpetual I
ndulgence, 138
Skorka, Abraham, 362
Slack, 448–49
Slate, 285, 291 “How Did I Get Iraq Wrong?,” 275–78
slavery, 52, 98, 141, 197, 227, 303, 332, 426, 428, 435, 444, 449, 500
Slouching towards Gomorrah (Bork), 121
smallpox, 491–93, 396, 499–500
smartphones, 399, 400, 402–4, 407–8, 410, 412, 413, 465
Smith, Adam, 348
Smith, Ben (journalist), 485
Smith, Benjamin (shooter), 128, 132
Smith, Gordon, 280
Snapchat, 403
social imaginary, 409
social justice movement, 445, 449, 476–78
Social Security, 192, 268
Society of Saint Pius X, 359
Socrates, 379, 381
sodomy laws, 41–42, 48–49, 113
Soldier of the Great War, A (Helprin), 85–86
Sosa, Sammy, 125
South Africa, 133
Southern Voice, 218
South Park, 214
Soviet Union, 110, 116, 277, 341, 349, 434 Cold War, 233, 275, 431
Sowell, Thomas, 139
Spain, 423
Spectator, 98
Speed, Joshua, 177, 178
Spin, 22
Spinney, Laura, 502
spirituality, 330
sports, 146, 156–57, 159
Stanford University, 148
Starr, Kenneth, xviii, 106, 109–12, 118
State, 272
states’ rights, 190, 192
Steele, Shelby, 273
Stein, Gertrude, 138
stem-cell research, 196, 199, 203
Sterling, Alton, 441, 444
steroids, 146
“Still Here, So Sorry,” 205–7
stimulus bill, 297–99
Stone, Roger, 391
Studio 54, 20
Sullivan, Andrew blogging of, xviii, 283–95, 384, 405, 432; see also Dish, The
Catholic faith of, xvii, 59–62, 67, 71–73, 187, 247, 318, 439
conservative movement left by, 309–11
The Conservative Soul, 310
dog of, xviii, 343–45
father of, 517–19
grandmother of, 250, 332, 409, 517
HIV diagnosis and treatment of, 78, 92–95, 146, 205–7, 258, 279–80, 344, 400
homosexuality of, xvii, 39, 59–62, 67, 71–73, 93–94, 172, 187, 216, 515, 517, 518
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