Empty Bottles Full of Stories

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Empty Bottles Full of Stories Page 6

by r. h. Sin

  i see it every day

  people running in circles

  like a vinyl playing

  my favorite song

  43 degrees.

  i may not know you

  but i know your pain

  i know that feeling that lives

  beneath your bones

  i know the madness that lives

  within your brain

  consuming your mind

  like a virus craving chaos

  and destruction

  holding the ability to take away

  your power to cultivate your own joy

  peace no longer lives with you

  or sits beside you

  there is a type of emptiness

  that dwells in the pit of your stomach

  it makes you sick

  it forces you to feel weak

  you lose sleep because of this

  you’ve lost yourself because of this

  i may not know you by name

  but i know exactly how you feel

  i am familiar with the aches and the cracks

  that remain on display

  on the surface of your heart

  i know the hell of searching for angels

  where only devils dwell

  i know exactly how it feels to seek warmth

  during a cold, dark, emotional winter

  i know enough about pain to know

  that things get better

  or maybe they actually don’t

  maybe, just maybe you get stronger

  you’ll get stronger

  ludicrum 1.

  if he’s no good for you

  then choosing to live a life

  by his side

  will mean choosing

  to live in an endless version of hell

  ludicrum 2.

  you were never meant

  to be someone’s secret

  you were always meant

  to be loved out loud

  ludicrum 3.

  you only mattered when i cared

  but i learned to stop giving life

  to relationships that deserved to die

  and i decided to stop giving life to you

  ludicrum 4.

  you were just an example

  of everything

  i learned to avoid

  ludicrum 5.

  i’m not searching for a love

  that makes me blind

  i want a love

  that helps me see

  i want a love

  that opens me up

  to everything i’ve always

  wished for

  ludicrum 6.

  aren’t you tired of always being the one

  they cheat with

  aren’t you tired of being on the side

  of the person who only sees you

  as someone to just keep on the side

  aren’t you tired

  of being the one

  they call when they’re done

  fucking somebody else

  ludicrum 7.

  my father was the first man

  to betray me

  he was also the first person

  to break my spirit

  took time.

  I believe I wanted more of everything that you were incapable of giving me. I thought I lost you, but today I realize that I only gained the chance to be truly happy after you left. I found the type of peace that had always escaped me in our relationship, and now that we are over, I am sober enough to walk this straight line of living a life that no longer includes you.

  ludicrum 8.

  i used to live for us

  and now you’re dead to me

  ludicrum 9.

  we’re not sleeping just to rest

  we’re closing our eyes

  just to escape the things

  that haunt us while we’re awake

  ludicrum 10.

  how she fought through the fire

  was all that mattered

  watching a woman survive

  is something you never forget

  like you, this moment.

  There will be nights where you’ll struggle to sleep, you’ll reach for your phone, and your pain will bring you here, to this moment, these words. There will be nights where your soul will long for more and your mind will crave a peace that feels like freedom. There will be nights where you’ll grow weary of being kept awake by the thought of someone who no longer deserves to be on your mind, and in this moment, as you read these words, I hope you find the strength to remove yourself from a relationship with someone who doesn’t deserve to be the reason you can’t sleep, and I hope you realize that you are not alone because there are so many souls reading this while struggling to find rest.

  Just like you . . .

  ludicrum 11.

  there are moments

  where she feels as if

  she’s falling apart

  she is unraveling

  and yet she is still strong

  she is still powerful

  a silent awakening.

  there’s a type of freedom

  that lives in a space of solitude

  the mind is free to roam

  without seeking permission

  and in that moment

  you find yourself more available

  and readily able to choose yourself

  without feeling guilty or selfish

  where there is solitude

  there is a deeper understanding

  and appreciation for peace and joy

  sometimes you have to be alone

  in order to discover what truly matters

  ludicrum 12.

  you’ll be fine

  you’ll make it

  not because of a man

  or a relationship

  you’ll get through this

  because you have yourself

  and right now

  you are everything you need

  and you have always been enough

  this, still vivid.

  i remember you

  or maybe i’ve been recalling

  the person i thought you were

  your beautiful lie

  the empty compliments

  my willingness to believe

  in something or someone

  who was pretending to feel

  the same way as i did

  the pain is still vivid

  i bury the anguish with a smile

  i drown out the sound of crying

  with music that reminds me of you

  i remember the way it felt

  my heart beginning to swell

  my soul near drowning

  my mind inching further into madness

  that part is still vivid

  that part of me that ended

  in a dark, empty room

  under a midnight moon

  breaking into a million pieces

  over a person who was never

  what they promised to be

  ludicrum 13.

  It won’t be easy, it’ll be difficult, but this will be the year she finds herself. This will be the year she discovers the power and magic living beneath her bones. This will be the year where she begins to walk away from anything that no longer deserves her presence.

  rare, not many.

  Women like you are hard to come by. Women like you are gems, rare diamonds hidden on the top of the highest mountains. There’s only a few of you in existence; there’s not many of you left. You have a fire in your soul that will never be put out and a he
art consumed with a power strong enough to calm hurricanes. You deserve so much more than the mediocre bullshit that you’ve decided to settle for. You’re always providing, trying, and fighting. It’s time for someone to fight for you.

  sinking ships.

  i think the silence replaced our screams

  we sat there preserving our energy

  for other things, maybe even other people

  we stopped touching each other

  eye contact was obsolete

  as we continued to drift apart

  like a ship leaving the shore

  i wanted more

  and you deserved something different

  our friends tried to warn us

  but we never listened

  i think it went too far this time

  no more screaming

  no more yelling

  i think the silence replaced everything

  we knew before

  we were no longer willing

  to fight for each other

  lack of lessons.

  who taught you to settle

  for a love that wasn’t love

  who failed you

  which parent failed you

  who in your family

  decided to betray you

  by failing to teach you

  about the troubles in this world

  and the evil in men

  now here you are

  an adult struggling

  to find yourself

  lost beneath the crumbling foundation

  that should have been made stronger

  by the people who raised you

  they failed you . . .

  ludicrum 14.

  she, a flower

  blooming under

  her own light

  and even when alone

  she had everything

  she needed

  ludicrum 15.

  the roses make death

  look beautiful

  the way they die

  with grace

  gone by daylight.

  like the stars embedded

  into the night sky

  she belonged to the moon

  and she was never yours

  to keep

  ludicrum 16.

  kind, dead eyes

  pale, dry lips

  forcing themselves

  to smile

  tired but wide awake

  broken yet strong

  struggling to find peace

  in a moment of emotional chaos

  ludicrum 17.

  the screams are usually silent

  hidden behind closed doors

  heavily guarded

  for fear of being judged

  all those dreadful emotions

  kept secret on pages of journals

  afraid to speak about it

  so you write it down

  and this is how poetry is born

  too early, the heartache.

  What do you say to a girl who becomes familiar with heartache before she’s legal enough to drink? What are words to a girl who is used to getting hurt by everyone claiming to care? All these young souls drowning in sadness before knowing how to swim. Trying to navigate this rugged terrain called life. Sadly, heartbreak arrives earlier than it should, but if there’s anything that I know for sure it is that the heartache transforms the broken girl into a powerful woman. I just wish the pain didn’t start so young. I just wish you had more time to comprehend what it means to be happy and maybe one day you will.

  ludicrum 18.

  let yourself move on

  to a better chapter

  it’s time to turn the page

  to a story worth reading

  the painful pursuit.

  Chasing love, I’m tired. Wired and awake, restless and weary. My heart can’t take another tumble to the floor. My mind still aches from all this overthinking. It’s overwhelming the way this pursuit of everything I deserve only brings me more of what I don’t want. I’ve been chasing you, and I’m tired.

  one day too late.

  Did you not see the way she looked into your eyes, as if your pupils held the answers to all of her questions? Did you not feel the way she held your hand tight, as if she was holding a bag filled with every promise ever made?

  This love was rare, heartfelt, and true. She was ready and willing to lay down her life for you, but it’s too bad you couldn’t see it. Blinded by flashes of attention by everyone who wasn’t her. You’ll understand when it’s too late. You’ll understand when you go searching for her replacement and you find out that she was the only one of her kind.

  oh well.

  You hate me for being able to articulate something that you struggle to find the words for. You are angry with me for having the ability to express the truths that others keep hidden with a smile. This is not your story, you don’t own the copyright to the pain I speak of, the heartache is universal, and I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but you’re not the only one hurting. Maybe you’re mad at me, or maybe you’re mad at the women who choose to read my words instead of yours.

  needed me.

  i needed truth

  i needed substance

  i needed passion

  i needed love

  i thought i needed you

  but turns out

  i only needed me

  because i was everything

  you couldn’t appreciate

  i was everything

  you didn’t deserve

  and i’ll be everything

  for myself

  ludicrum 19.

  i saw the moon during the day

  and it reminded me

  that nothing is impossible

  because sometimes

  nothing can stop the moon

  from witnessing the sun

  effort meant nothing.

  i was always hurting myself

  to make sure you were good

  compromising my peace

  just to entertain the chaos

  of loving you

  my heart bound

  by a one-sided love

  unsure of what to do

  paralyzed by lies

  struggling to move

  lies told to my reflection.

  you tell yourself enough lies

  and you’ll stay a bit longer

  pretending to be happy

  smiling on cue, posing for photos

  wearing joy like a mask

  while struggling to find peace

  you put on your best face today

  and even though it’s getting worse

  you’ll say “i’m fine” if anyone asks

  you tell yourself enough lies

  and you’ll hold on a bit longer

  your hands begin to cramp

  and hope becomes your worst enemy

  as your grip becomes tighter

  and it’s clear that you don’t love yourself

  because loving someone who can’t love you

  is simply a harsh reminder

  but you’ve told yourself enough lies

  to keep you in a relationship

  with someone who will never

  be honest with you

  the sad sister.

  Your sick, sad sister slithers like snakes, saying sorry without meaning it. Filled with envy, she’s painted the color green. Pretending to love you the way a sister should but becoming overwhelmed with rage when you’re doing good. She wants to control you, but she can’t. She wants to be you, but she can’t. I think she swells up with hatred because she can’t fathom a world where
you become more than she is, and yet she has to live in a world where you are greater than she expected you to be.

  forever never comes.

  i’ve been standing here

  waiting for more

  of what you refuse to give

  more of what you promised

  more of what you’ve continued

  to deny me

  i’ve been standing here

  waiting for the arrival

  of the person i thought you were

  i’ve been standing here

  in the cold

  waiting for you to warm me up

  emotionally starving myself

  with this impossible hope

  that you’ll eventually change

  i’ve rearranged my entire life for you

  for nothing it seems

  my dreams are no longer dreams

  the thought of you

  has become a dreadful nightmare

  as i stand here, staring into the abyss

  awaiting something that’ll never happen

  i stand here alone and empty

  waiting to be filled

  by someone who has proven

  to be full of shit

  and though i should quit

  i’ve chosen not to walk away

  failing to realize

  that not giving up on you

  means giving up on myself

  i stand here waiting

  afraid, fearful of the unknown

  scared to move

  because what if you show up

  and what if you arrive

  as everything i wanted you to be

  it’s been days, now weeks, now years

  and i’m still standing, i’m still here


  Life evolves a bit faster when you’ve surrounded yourself with high-frequency people, individuals who push you to do more than you knew you were capable of. People who have chosen to do more, to be more and so they encourage those around them to do the same. Understanding this, I’ve chosen to remove the people from my life who have done nothing but fill me up with doubt, people who have knocked me down for wanting more than I was accustomed to having. I learned to keep my dreams out of the hands of those who preferred me living in a nightmare. I decided to walk away from everyone who appeared to be threatened by my smile. You are capable of changing your own life, but first you have to let go of the people who’d rather see you down than up.


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