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The Resolute Prince

Page 13

by Nana Prah

  “Yes, you’re so buff, you’d dominate in the Mr Universe competition.”

  Crossing her arms over her flattened chest, she couldn’t wait to remove the binding when she got home. She’d never again take for granted a regular bra. “I’m wiry.”

  “Yes, you are. It helps with your speed, but you could still do with more muscle.”

  If she were a man, he’d be right. But as a woman, she was as buff as she was going to get without weight training every minute of the day or taking steroids. Time to change the subject to see if she could embarrass him a little.

  “Malika texted that she hung out with you yesterday.” She glared at him in what she hoped was a threatening manner. “What are your intentions towards my sister?”

  Zareb removed his gaze from the road and put her in his sights. “Excuse me?”

  “Man to man. What do you have planned? I won’t have you using her.”

  It was good to be a reckless teenager. The repercussion that would come when she exposed herself lay too far away to be considered now.

  “That’s none of your business.”

  “She’s my sister. I have to watch out for her.”

  Another hearty chuckle.

  This time, she became annoyed. “What’s so funny?”

  “You’ve met your sister?” He didn’t let her answer. “Is she the sort of woman who needs protecting? In my estimation, she can defend herself and everyone in her vicinity. She’s tough.”

  Malika sat up straight. He’d said it as if he respected the quality. And her.

  “Yeah, she is,” she agreed with a shocked murmur. “What do you have planned for her?”

  “Nothing but good things, Sule. She’s an incredible woman who deserves the best.”

  She hid the irrepressible grin behind her hand as she gave a curt nod.

  “Cool. It’s been a while since she’s had someone in her life. She seems happier these days.”

  “How long has it been?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. We don’t get into it like that. And it would be better if you found out from her.”

  He pulled up to the palace and put the car in park. She stripped off her seatbelt.

  “Hey, Sule.”

  Before she could pull on the door handle, he touched her arm. A familiar tinge of current sprang into her.

  Zareb pulled his hand away and clenched his fist. The light from the palace grounds revealed his sharp features inches away. Dark eyes focused on her as he spoke.

  “As long as you concentrate at the tournament, I have a feeling that you’ll be a contender for the quarter-finals, maybe higher.”

  He didn’t need to reassure her, yet he had. The fact that he’d never shown this side of himself to Sule before made the moment special. A gush of emotion seized her as she realized that she loved him.

  On instinct, she leaned forward and kissed his lips. Time froze for a fraction of a second before she found herself shoved away from that colossal mistake.

  Zareb swiped a hand across his mouth. If they were outside, she wouldn’t doubt that he’d spit.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  The bass of his booming voice released the paralysis she’d been stuck in.

  In that singular moment, she’d lost her mind. “I’m sorry.”

  She tumbled out of the open door with the bag she’d held on her lap during the ride. Keeping her head bowed, she turned and ran. Too bad it couldn’t be towards the past to redo what had happened.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The tyres grated against the asphalt as Zareb sped away from the front of the palace and skid around the corner to the parking area in the back. He screeched to a stop in the first space he found and gripped the steering wheel.

  The deep breaths he dragged in didn’t calm his jangled nerves.

  Sule had kissed him, and he couldn’t say that he hadn’t liked it. That had been the most alarming aspect. The familiarity of those lips had held him still for a second too long.

  Heart racing to the point of him feeling lightheaded, he risked getting out and to his feet. The cool night air helped, but there was only one thing he needed.

  Running to the door, he flashed his badge at the security scanner and tore through the halls the same way he and his siblings used to run from each other while playing tag on the rainy days of his youth. He held up a hand of reassurance to the guard making his rounds.

  Reaching his destination, he smacked the door so hard that it rattled. Past experience had taught him that using his key to enter his brother’s suite tended to make him a witness to things he should never see, so he held back.

  Shuffling his feet, this time, the base of his fist hit the solid wood.

  When the barrier swung open, he passed by his older brother. Whipping around, he announced, “I need to talk to you.”

  Zik rushed up to him, concern etched into his pinched features.

  “What’s wrong? Is everyone all right?” He placed a hand over his chest. “Did Baba have another heart attack?”

  A clear sense of perspective returned as he realized that things could be worse. A lot worse.

  “Everyone is fine,” he said in a calmer voice. “I have a personal issue.”

  Zik glanced over his right then left shoulder to find the room empty. “Zed isn’t here.”

  “I came to talk to you.”


  Any other time, he would’ve been amused by his brother’s reaction. To be fair, he rarely took his problems to anyone, not even his twin. His way was to come up with the solution on his own since he knew himself best.

  Zik headed to his minibar. “Want a drink?”

  “Scotch. Straight.”

  His brother dropped the glass he’d been holding. Luckily, it hit the counter of the bar and didn’t shatter. Zik raced over to him.

  “Zareb, are you dying? Do you need my blood? One of my kidneys? A lung? We’re the same blood type, so whatever will help you to live, bro, it’s yours.”

  “Thanks, but I’m not sick or dying. I figured since you’re an expert in sexual matters, that I’d come to you.”

  The scrunched brows and downcast mouth relaxed before Zik returned to the bar to make their drinks.

  The second Zik handed over the liquor, Zareb downed it in one gulp. The burn of the amber fluid left his voice hoarse.


  “No, thank you. I don’t need you passing out here. Everyone would be after me if they found out. Tell me what’s going on.”

  He set the glass on the table. “A young man kissed me. For that millisecond that I let it happen, I could’ve sworn it was Malika. I know it sounds ridiculous and impossible, but that’s what it felt like.”

  Reality had hit that he was betraying Malika. With not only a guy, but her little brother. What kind of mess was he embroiled in? Guilt and confusion had driven him to shove Sule away.

  To his credit, Zik’s expression remained neutral. Not a common occurrence.

  Zareb spent the next few minutes explaining about Sule and how he’d been reacting to the young man. The mention of the kiss this evening after having made love to Malika released the hinge in Zik’s jaw.

  “I see. Would you like another drink?”


  Whatever had constricted his ribcage as soon as he’d realized what he’d done with Sule loosened. It felt good to talk. Or maybe it was the liquor.

  “How do you feel about Malika?”

  Not what he’d expected, but a fair question. “I really like her.”

  Once again, Zik’s mouth dropped open.

  “What? I’m capable of emotions.”

  “I know. It’s the admission of it that’s got me stunned. Can you go a little deeper? You’ve known her for what? Three weeks as an adult? What makes you think you like her rather than merely being attracted to her?”

  “I can’t explain how. I just know that I do.”

  “Not good enough, Reb.” />
  He rubbed damp palms against his thighs.

  “She slips into my thoughts when I least expect it, and I allow her to linger, wondering what she’s doing and how she is. I ache to be with her. And when we’re together, I’m calm and happy. A sense of rightness drapes over me like a blanket while in bed during the cooler months of the year.”

  He looked at his older brother who wasn’t snickering at the outpouring of the sentiments. “The first time I saw her, I was overwhelmed with familiarity.”

  “You mentioned that you played with her siblings as children. Could she have been in your subconscious?”

  “No.” He rubbed the centre of his chest. “It’s more. I swear, Zik, when we were introduced at the party, I got the sense that my soul danced. It was the most elation I’ve ever felt. As if everything was right with the world at that moment. Nothing else mattered except for being with her.” He sighed. “She’s an amazing woman who doesn’t back down from me and speaks her intelligent mind. Several hours on the phone chatting, and I don’t get bored.”

  “That’s not the Zareb I know. You’ll shut down a conversation by walking away within seconds. No excuses given.”

  “I don’t want to do that with Malika. I like hearing what she has to say and sharing with her. She possesses a grit that I appreciate. It fuels me. Once I started getting to know her, I feel as if every decision I’ve ever made led to meeting her.”

  “That’s deep.” Zik wiggled his brows. “Let’s talk about the sex with Malika. Details are welcome.”

  His playboy brother was always sharing about his conquests. Zareb had never seen it as fair to the women he’d slept with.

  “Let’s leave it at incredible.”

  He hardened thinking about how perfectly they’d fit together. The movement of her riding him before she’d climaxed, making him come so hard that he’d blacked out.

  “What about Sule? What do you feel about him?”

  “Stressed,” he answered honestly. “He sets me on edge.”

  Zik snorted. “It’s a quality of all teenagers.”

  “There’s something about him that seems off. I can’t pinpoint it.”

  “Do you think about him the same way you do Malika?”

  He considered the question. “Unless I’m with him, or planning his workout, I don’t think about him at all. And even when we’re together, he reminds me so much of Malika that occasionally, I get the warped sense that it’s her, especially when he smiles.”

  “Do you get turned on at the thought of having sex with him?”

  Zareb shifted in his seat, uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation. But he wouldn’t run.

  “I’ve been thinking about it a lot, even when I really didn’t want to. I’m attracted to him.” The world didn’t implode with his admission. “But I’ve never wanted to have sex with him. With Malika, it was all I wanted to do. Still is. Being kissed by Sule somehow seemed … familiar.”

  “Have you ever had a relationship with a man?”


  Cool and clinical Zik maintained eye contact. “Have you ever wanted to?”

  Zareb took a minute to contemplate it. Funny how he was becoming more relaxed about the topic. Other than Sule, he’d never been attracted to another male. If Sule were older, and not Malika’s brother, would he want to be with him?


  Zik nodded. “People can be attracted to you when you don’t feel the same way about them. And vice versa. That’s okay. It’s just life screwing with you. I should know. I’ve been on both ends of that awkward coin.”

  Zik laughed while Zareb looked at his brother with amazement. There was so much he didn’t know about him. He’d make the time to get to know him better. For now, he had a problem to solve. “Back to me, Zik.”

  “Let’s say I have friends who identify as bisexual—”

  “Do you think I’m bisexual?”

  Zik raised a brow. “Do you?”

  His instincts told him no, but then, what was going on with Sule? “I don’t know anymore.”

  “I’m glad to see that you’re willing to discuss this with an open mind. Here’s the thing though, bisexuality means men and women will appeal to you equally. It all comes down to the individual that you’re attracted to, not their gender. Does that make sense?”

  The response brought on further confusion. “Kind of. What’s going on with Sule, then?”

  “I’m not sure. All I can advise is that you be open. Your greatest skill is listening to your gut. If something is off about the boy, then you’ll discover it. I’ve met him, and he seems like a good kid. A bit effeminate, quiet and reserved, but respectful.”

  The young man could be a mumbling smart ass on occasion.

  “Try not to do the Zareb thing by being hard on yourself.”

  He released a low chuckle. “Unlikely, but I’ll try.”


  “Thanks, Zik.”

  His sibling got to his feet. “What’s a big brother for?”

  “To use my place as a brothel when it suits him.”

  Zik let out a robust laugh. “That, too.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The light breakfast of tea and buttered toast might be coming up at any moment. No matter how hard she tried, Malika had difficulty keeping her nerves from attempting to tangle themselves. Zareb had organized an intense tournament. Competitors from Africa and Europe had arrived to participate.

  Her gaze roamed the crowded gym and found him talking to a group of officials. The sexy man had paired a tailored kiss-his-perfect-body midnight blue suit and white shirt with a red paisley tie. She quelled the urge to grab and drag him into an empty room. Those kinds of thoughts would only lead to another debacle of humiliation.

  The conversation he’d had with Sule the morning after the impromptu kiss had sent a chill of dread crawling over her scalp as if she had lice. The workout that day had been a nightmare, but she didn’t break, grateful that he hadn’t decided to throw her out of his gym.

  As if he’d used exhausting her as a truth serum, he’d spoken in the most frightening tone she’d ever heard. “What the hell possessed you to kiss me yesterday?”

  Too fatigued and mortified to raise her eyes to meet his, she’d shrugged.


  She’d jumped to her feet as the roar of her name echoed through the gym, drawing the attention of the early users.

  “Do. Not. Play. With. Me.” Each word had been severely enunciated.

  “I don’t know.” Her voice had shaken. Only the truth would do at this point. “I like guys.”

  Her brother wouldn’t appreciate this one bit.

  “What does that have to do with me?”

  “Um … Well. You’re the most attractive man I’ve ever been around. I made a mistake.”

  Arms crossed and stance wide, he’d bent at the hips until he was right in her face. “At the cost of hurting your sister? Not wise.”

  She’d stumbled backwards with her shock. The queen had been right. He really cared about her.

  Recovering, she’d frowned. “I realize that, and I’m sorry.”

  “Are you going to tell your sister, or will I?”

  The blinking had become rapid-fire as she’d attempted to figure out what kind of man she’d fallen in love with. Righteous. Disciplined. Sexy. The adjectives had flooded her. The one that had banged around the hardest was magnificent. She’d found a wonderful man to give her heart to.

  If only forgiving were amongst that list.

  “Well, young man?”

  “I’ll tell her.”


  She’d lowered her gaze to the gym floor.

  His heavy hand on his shoulder had stunned her into looking up at him.

  “I’m flattered, but I’m into women. Someday, you’ll find someone who returns your affections.”

  “Yes, Your Highness.”

  It had fascinated her to discover that he had a broad
er thinking mind than she’d given him credit for. Although, what had she expected? That he’d beat Sule to a bloody pulp? It wasn’t his way. Yet, Zareb being tolerant of any sexuality other than hetero impressed her considering the narrow-mindedness of their culture on the topic. Completely frustrating.

  Malika snatched herself from the memory of the conversation and fought not to stare at a corporate-looking Zareb.

  Focus. You’re here to rule this competition, not appreciate gorgeousness at its best.

  She returned her attention to the competitors who were warming up like she should be doing.

  The competition included a female category that she hadn’t expected. The women would fight each other instead of having mixed matches.

  Malika would contest in the male category. And win.


  Every muscle in Zareb’s body flexed with the competitive hunger to join the tournament. The clanging of metal and buzzing of the machines indicating a scored point thrilled him.

  It always had, and he missed it. He’d made his choice to protect the royal family, and he’d stand by it.

  He picked up Sule’s épée. The sword was light. Even lighter than it should have been for someone his size.

  The young man held out his hand, awaiting his sword, and Zareb gave it over. Sule had made it to the quarter-final round with his impressive skill and speed. No matter how far he proceeded in the competition, Zareb would continue training him. How could he not? He was an exceptional athlete and would get better under his guidance.

  The frank talk he’d had with him had been productive. Sule’s crush would fade.

  Yet, he still questioned his own reaction to him. After talking with Zik, he’d decided that it wasn’t necessary to understand. A few things in life could remain a mystery while others, he’d hunt down the answers to until a full discovery was revealed.

  He provided Sule one last piece of coaching advice. “You must infight.”

  Nothing new, but it was imperative that he understand.

  The boy’s features tightened. With determination or annoyance, Zareb couldn’t decipher.

  “I’ve been watching him,” he continued. “He’s good. Only because he’s aggressive, not because he uses the best form or techniques. You have both.”


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